USMB Coffee Shop IV

Getting older and having your body parts start wearing out sure does suck.

About six weeks ago I'm sitting at my computer on a Saturday morning enjoying my coffee and reading the news. Suddenly I cough and HOLYSONOFGUN, that hurt. I threw my back out. 600mg ibuprofen did almost nothing to ease the pain. Lower back was in constant pain, standing or walking further aggravated the pain in my back and walking in particular felt like somebody was ramming a red hod poker down the back of my left leg from the hip to the knee. I suffered through the weekend and visited my primary care physician first thing Monday morning. He prescribed flexeril (muscle relaxant), hydrocodone for pain and 600mg ibuprofen for anti-inflammatory. It got better fairly quickly and within 2 weeks and I stopped taking meds, having only used about half the flexeril and hydrocone.

About 3 weeks ago I started getting some intermittent pain in my left hip, mostly just when changing position from sitting to standing or from standing to sitting. Once vertical or seated there wasn't any pain. I self-medicated 600mg ibuprofen a day and that seemed to help. some days it was better, some days it was worse. Thanksgiving day I was pain free until about 9:00 that night. Friday, after work, the hip pain gradually returned and by 7:00 it was a constant dull ache but with sharp stabbing pain when going from sitting to standing. By 9:00, no position was comfortable, it wasn't unbearable though. That night, I barely slept as i could not get comfortable and the pain got worse and worse throughout the night. Saturday morning I attempted to get out bed at about 7:30 and every movement caused excruciating pain in my left hip. Also, I had some numbness on the skin of my upper left leg. I laid in bed for another hour. By 8:30 the call of nature forced me to attempt to get out of bed. The pain in my hip was unbearable and I was unable to put any weight on my left leg. I hobbled to the bathroom using my arms to support my weight by leaning on the dresser, clutching doorjambs and using doorknobs for support. I then struggled to my living room, the leftover hydrocodone was at my computer desk. Fortunately my house is fairly small and no stairs. On a scale of 1 - 10, the pain was a good solid 9. Dang it, I didn't have any liquid to swallow the pill with. It hurt so bad I didn't think there was anyway I could make it to the kitchen to get water. I swallowed the hydrocodone dry.

Even just sitting, the pain was intense. After about 30 minutes I took a flexeril. My plan was to knock back the pain and visit my doctor first thing Monday morning when the office opened. By 9:30 the pain had been reduced from a 9 to a 7.5. I didn't think there was any way I could suffer like this through the entire weekend. Since the doctors office is closed for the weekend, I decided to go to the hospital emergency room. This would be my first ever visit to an ER for treatment for myself. It took me a half an hour to get dressed. I could barely put any weight on my left leg, so walking consisted of 3 to 6 inch steps at a time and using whatever stable piece of furniture within grasp to lean on. It was 10:00 by the time I made it to my car. Fortunately, there was parking close to the ER entrance. I hobbled in using 3 to 6 inch steps. At the front door was a man appearing to be in his late 60's being removed from his car and put into a wheelchair, he looked bad. The lady at the front desk asked me what was wrong and I told her I was in extreme pain, but maybe they should work on the guy in the wheelchair first. I'm glad I did that. The quick analysis done on the other man indicated that he'd had a stroke, a real emergency unlike me, and they rushed him to examination.

Good fortune smiles upon me, the ER isn't busy and I'm in an exam room within 15 minutes, a doctor and nurse arrived in the room the same time I did. The nurse takes my vitals and the doctor asks me some questions to asses my condition. I feel a bit foolish being in an ER, it's not like I'm having a heart attack, stroke, bleeding profusely or an obvious broken bone or some other trauma. They tell me to disrobe and to put on a hospital gown, then leave so I can do that in private. Undressing takes me almost as long as it took me to get dressed, I'm barely finished and the doctor is back in the room. More questions from the doctor, and I make sure that I inform her that I had already taken some hydrocodone and flexeril or I wouldn't have been able to make it to the hospital under my own power. I tell it was left over drugs from a back injury 6 weeks ago. She performs her physical exam and is bothered by the numbness and horrible reflexes in my left leg. She doesn't think it is a hip problem. And off to x-rays I go.

The x-rays show my hip to fine. My lower back is another story. Significant degeneration of some of the disks in my lower back are obvious in the x-ray. Nerves in my spinal cord are being aggravated with the pain being manifested in my hip. She prescribes oxycodone (stronger than hydrocodone) for pain relief, a higher dosage of flexeril and prednisone (a steroid) to round out my drug cocktail. She can tell I can't walk worth a damn, so crutches are issued to me for mobility. A referral to an orthopedic is also given but according to my insurance, that really needs to come from my primary care physician. My primary care physician can just pass on her referral without examining me, so I will be visiting them come Monday morning.

By 4:00pm yesterday I'd become a lot more mobile, still not pain free, but a lot less pain. I got a good nights sleep. First thing this morning was a little rough, I had to wait for the medical cocktail to kick in before I could abandon the crutches long enough take a shower. Yesterday I was in such bad shape that I couldn't even make coffee before leaving the house. Probably the first time in over 25 years that I didn't have a morning cup of coffee. :(

But as always, there is good news. Many of you know that I collect fossils, skulls and tribal artifacts. On Friday I received the latest addition to my collection. An intersection of tribal artifact and skull. I acquired a Borneo Dayak tribe headhunted skull. Head hunted trophy skulls from the Dayak typically run $3-6k depending upon age, preservation and adornments. I paid less than half the lower figure for a Dayak trophy skull originally collected by an anthropologist doing field study of the Dayak's in the 60's. It was likely taken as a trophy during the early 1900's, possibly late 1800's.


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What a pretty day we're skies and 75. The perfect weather for getting the lanai hosed down. I am going to miss the great temps we're expecting this week...I'll be traveling to DC, and the weather forecast looks miserable. I hope you all are enjoying your Sunday.:)

Getting older and having your body parts start wearing out sure does suck.

About six weeks ago I'm sitting at my computer on a Saturday morning enjoying my coffee and reading the news. Suddenly I cough and HOLYSONOFGUN, that hurt. I threw my back out. 600mg ibuprofen did almost nothing to ease the pain. Lower back was in constant pain, standing or walking further aggravated the pain in my back and walking in particular felt like somebody was ramming a red hod poker down the back of my left leg from the hip to the knee. I suffered through the weekend and visited my primary care physician first thing Monday morning. He prescribed flexeril (muscle relaxant), hydrocodone for pain and 600mg ibuprofen for anti-inflammatory. It got better fairly quickly and within 2 weeks and I stopped taking meds, having only used about half the flexeril and hydrocone.

About 3 weeks ago I started getting some intermittent pain in my left hip, mostly just when changing position from sitting to standing or from standing to sitting. Once vertical or seated there wasn't any pain. I self-medicated 600mg ibuprofen a day and that seemed to help. some days it was better, some days it was worse. Thanksgiving day I was pain free until about 9:00 that night. Friday, after work, the hip pain gradually returned and by 7:00 it was a constant dull ache but with sharp stabbing pain when going from sitting to standing. By 9:00, no position was comfortable, it wasn't unbearable though. That night, I barely slept as i could not get comfortable and the pain got worse and worse throughout the night. Saturday morning I attempted to get out bed at about 7:30 and every movement caused excruciating pain in my left hip. Also, I had some numbness on the skin of my upper left leg. I laid in bed for another hour. By 8:30 the call of nature forced me to attempt to get out of bed. The pain in my hip was unbearable and I was unable to put any weight on my left leg. I hobbled to the bathroom using my arms to support my weight by leaning on the dresser, clutching doorjambs and using doorknobs for support. I then struggled to my living room, the leftover hydrocodone was at my computer desk. Fortunately my house is fairly small and no stairs. On a scale of 1 - 10, the pain was a good solid 9. Dang it, I didn't have any liquid to swallow the pill with. It hurt so bad I didn't think there was anyway I could make it to the kitchen to get water. I swallowed the hydrocodone dry.

Even just sitting, the pain was intense. After about 30 minutes I took a flexeril. My plan was to knock back the pain and visit my doctor first thing Monday morning when the office opened. By 9:30 the pain had been reduced from a 9 to a 7.5. I didn't think there was any way I could suffer like this through the entire weekend. Since the doctors office is closed for the weekend, I decided to go to the hospital emergency room. This would be my first ever visit to an ER for treatment for myself. It took me a half an hour to get dressed. I could barely put any weight on my left leg, so walking consisted of 3 to 6 inch steps at a time and using whatever stable piece of furniture within grasp to lean on. It was 10:00 by the time I made it to my car. Fortunately, there was parking close to the ER entrance. I hobbled in using 3 to 6 inch steps. At the front door was a man appearing to be in his late 60's being removed from his car and put into a wheelchair, he looked bad. The lady at the front desk asked me what was wrong and I told her I was in extreme pain, but maybe they should work on the guy in the wheelchair first. I'm glad I did that. The quick analysis done on the other man indicated that he'd had a stroke, a real emergency unlike me, and they rushed him to examination.

Good fortune smiles upon me, the ER isn't busy and I'm in an exam room within 15 minutes, a doctor and nurse arrived in the room the same time I did. The nurse takes my vitals and the doctor asks me some questions to asses my condition. I feel a bit foolish being in an ER, it's not like I'm having a heart attack, stroke, bleeding profusely or an obvious broken bone or some other trauma. They tell me to disrobe and to put on a hospital gown, then leave so I can do that in private. Undressing takes me almost as long as it took me to get dressed, I'm barely finished and the doctor is back in the room. More questions from the doctor, and I make sure that I inform her that I had already taken some hydrocodone and flexeril or I wouldn't have been able to make it to the hospital under my own power. I tell it was left over drugs from a back injury 6 weeks ago. She performs her physical exam and is bothered by the numbness and horrible reflexes in my left leg. She doesn't think it is a hip problem. And off to x-rays I go.

The x-rays show my hip to fine. My lower back is another story. Significant degeneration of some of the disks in my lower back are obvious in the x-ray. Nerves in my spinal cord are being aggravated with the pain being manifested in my hip. She prescribes oxycodone (stronger than hydrocodone) for pain relief, a higher dosage of flexeril and prednisone (a steroid) to round out my drug cocktail. She can tell I can't walk worth a damn, so crutches are issued to me for mobility. A referral to an orthopedic is also given but according to my insurance, that really needs to come from my primary care physician. My primary care physician can just pass on her referral without examining me, so I will be visiting them come Monday morning.

By 4:00pm yesterday I'd become a lot more mobile, still not pain free, but a lot less pain. I got a good nights sleep. First thing this morning was a little rough, I had to wait for the medical cocktail to kick in before I could abandon the crutches long enough take a shower. Yesterday I was in such bad shape that I couldn't even make coffee before leaving the house. Probably the first time in over 25 years that I didn't have a morning cup of coffee. :(

But as always, there is good news. Many of you know that I collect fossils, skulls and tribal artifacts. On Friday I received the latest addition to my collection. An intersection of tribal artifact and skull. I acquired a Borneo Dayak tribe headhunted skull. Head hunted trophy skulls from the Dayak typically run $3-6k depending upon age, preservation and adornments. I paid less than half the lower figure for a Dayak trophy skull originally collected by an anthropologist doing field study of the Dayak's in the 60's. It was likely taken as a trophy during the early 1900's, possibly late 1800's.
You're still in better shape than your friend :)
Getting older and having your body parts start wearing out sure does suck.

About six weeks ago I'm sitting at my computer on a Saturday morning enjoying my coffee and reading the news. Suddenly I cough and HOLYSONOFGUN, that hurt. I threw my back out. 600mg ibuprofen did almost nothing to ease the pain. Lower back was in constant pain, standing or walking further aggravated the pain in my back and walking in particular felt like somebody was ramming a red hod poker down the back of my left leg from the hip to the knee. I suffered through the weekend and visited my primary care physician first thing Monday morning. He prescribed flexeril (muscle relaxant), hydrocodone for pain and 600mg ibuprofen for anti-inflammatory. It got better fairly quickly and within 2 weeks and I stopped taking meds, having only used about half the flexeril and hydrocone.

About 3 weeks ago I started getting some intermittent pain in my left hip, mostly just when changing position from sitting to standing or from standing to sitting. Once vertical or seated there wasn't any pain. I self-medicated 600mg ibuprofen a day and that seemed to help. some days it was better, some days it was worse. Thanksgiving day I was pain free until about 9:00 that night. Friday, after work, the hip pain gradually returned and by 7:00 it was a constant dull ache but with sharp stabbing pain when going from sitting to standing. By 9:00, no position was comfortable, it wasn't unbearable though. That night, I barely slept as i could not get comfortable and the pain got worse and worse throughout the night. Saturday morning I attempted to get out bed at about 7:30 and every movement caused excruciating pain in my left hip. Also, I had some numbness on the skin of my upper left leg. I laid in bed for another hour. By 8:30 the call of nature forced me to attempt to get out of bed. The pain in my hip was unbearable and I was unable to put any weight on my left leg. I hobbled to the bathroom using my arms to support my weight by leaning on the dresser, clutching doorjambs and using doorknobs for support. I then struggled to my living room, the leftover hydrocodone was at my computer desk. Fortunately my house is fairly small and no stairs. On a scale of 1 - 10, the pain was a good solid 9. Dang it, I didn't have any liquid to swallow the pill with. It hurt so bad I didn't think there was anyway I could make it to the kitchen to get water. I swallowed the hydrocodone dry.

Even just sitting, the pain was intense. After about 30 minutes I took a flexeril. My plan was to knock back the pain and visit my doctor first thing Monday morning when the office opened. By 9:30 the pain had been reduced from a 9 to a 7.5. I didn't think there was any way I could suffer like this through the entire weekend. Since the doctors office is closed for the weekend, I decided to go to the hospital emergency room. This would be my first ever visit to an ER for treatment for myself. It took me a half an hour to get dressed. I could barely put any weight on my left leg, so walking consisted of 3 to 6 inch steps at a time and using whatever stable piece of furniture within grasp to lean on. It was 10:00 by the time I made it to my car. Fortunately, there was parking close to the ER entrance. I hobbled in using 3 to 6 inch steps. At the front door was a man appearing to be in his late 60's being removed from his car and put into a wheelchair, he looked bad. The lady at the front desk asked me what was wrong and I told her I was in extreme pain, but maybe they should work on the guy in the wheelchair first. I'm glad I did that. The quick analysis done on the other man indicated that he'd had a stroke, a real emergency unlike me, and they rushed him to examination.

Good fortune smiles upon me, the ER isn't busy and I'm in an exam room within 15 minutes, a doctor and nurse arrived in the room the same time I did. The nurse takes my vitals and the doctor asks me some questions to asses my condition. I feel a bit foolish being in an ER, it's not like I'm having a heart attack, stroke, bleeding profusely or an obvious broken bone or some other trauma. They tell me to disrobe and to put on a hospital gown, then leave so I can do that in private. Undressing takes me almost as long as it took me to get dressed, I'm barely finished and the doctor is back in the room. More questions from the doctor, and I make sure that I inform her that I had already taken some hydrocodone and flexeril or I wouldn't have been able to make it to the hospital under my own power. I tell it was left over drugs from a back injury 6 weeks ago. She performs her physical exam and is bothered by the numbness and horrible reflexes in my left leg. She doesn't think it is a hip problem. And off to x-rays I go.

The x-rays show my hip to fine. My lower back is another story. Significant degeneration of some of the disks in my lower back are obvious in the x-ray. Nerves in my spinal cord are being aggravated with the pain being manifested in my hip. She prescribes oxycodone (stronger than hydrocodone) for pain relief, a higher dosage of flexeril and prednisone (a steroid) to round out my drug cocktail. She can tell I can't walk worth a damn, so crutches are issued to me for mobility. A referral to an orthopedic is also given but according to my insurance, that really needs to come from my primary care physician. My primary care physician can just pass on her referral without examining me, so I will be visiting them come Monday morning.

By 4:00pm yesterday I'd become a lot more mobile, still not pain free, but a lot less pain. I got a good nights sleep. First thing this morning was a little rough, I had to wait for the medical cocktail to kick in before I could abandon the crutches long enough take a shower. Yesterday I was in such bad shape that I couldn't even make coffee before leaving the house. Probably the first time in over 25 years that I didn't have a morning cup of coffee. :(

But as always, there is good news. Many of you know that I collect fossils, skulls and tribal artifacts. On Friday I received the latest addition to my collection. An intersection of tribal artifact and skull. I acquired a Borneo Dayak tribe headhunted skull. Head hunted trophy skulls from the Dayak typically run $3-6k depending upon age, preservation and adornments. I paid less than half the lower figure for a Dayak trophy skull originally collected by an anthropologist doing field study of the Dayak's in the 60's. It was likely taken as a trophy during the early 1900's, possibly late 1800's.

Wow Alan, my heart really goes out to you...I hope the Orthopedist has some encouraging news. I'd offer a hug, but am afraid it would hurt too much.;)
What a pretty day we're skies and 75. The perfect weather for getting the lanai hosed down. I am going to miss the great temps we're expecting this week...I'll be traveling to DC, and the weather forecast looks miserable. I hope you all are enjoying your Sunday.:)


Well look at your trip to DC as a gentle reminder of how blessed you are to live where you do instead of there. :)
What a pretty day we're skies and 75. The perfect weather for getting the lanai hosed down. I am going to miss the great temps we're expecting this week...I'll be traveling to DC, and the weather forecast looks miserable. I hope you all are enjoying your Sunday.:)

Well look at your trip to DC as a gentle reminder of how blessed you are to live where you do instead of there. :)
And be careful Sherry, DC is the most dangerous place in the US. The 10 Most Dangerous States in America - Pg.10 - TheStreet
Seriously, if you were offered a seat on the maiden voyage on that private space flight, would you do it?
Damned straight!

I added a ROLL TIDE last night but must explain for those of you not familiar with real football.
Alabama is all about football. While there are some folk here that grew up in Mississippi who will root for Mississippi State or Ole Miss, a few from Louisiana who remain loyal to LSU and even some who favor the Florida Seminoles, Most everyone is either an Alabama or Auburn fan.
Last night was Iron Bowl; the yearly game between the two rivals. Alabama came in ranked #1 (as they should have been) and Auburn as #14.
Doc Holliday's was decorated in Crimson and white and orange and blue and by kick-off at 6:45 central, the bar was full of fans talking smack.
Alabama jumped out to an early lead despite blowing the opening kickoff. Auburn fumbled on their first play and 'Bama had 7 points a minute and a half later.
Bama built on their lead for a while until they seemed to take a vacation. Auburn was able to take a healthy lead that any real football fan knew wasn't going to last. It didn't.
The Tide rolled all over the War Beagles in the 4th quarter and hung on to win 55-44. Half the folks at Doc's were elated and half deflated, but everyone stood up for the National Anthem of the State of Alabama when it was done.

I prefer NFL. The best of the best. :D

Only because your state has crap college football teams :D

Yes, but we have the Patriots. :D



Only the BEST football team in the world! Okay, okay I'm a little biased. :lol:
Getting older and having your body parts start wearing out sure does suck.

About six weeks ago I'm sitting at my computer on a Saturday morning enjoying my coffee and reading the news. Suddenly I cough and HOLYSONOFGUN, that hurt. I threw my back out. 600mg ibuprofen did almost nothing to ease the pain. Lower back was in constant pain, standing or walking further aggravated the pain in my back and walking in particular felt like somebody was ramming a red hod poker down the back of my left leg from the hip to the knee. I suffered through the weekend and visited my primary care physician first thing Monday morning. He prescribed flexeril (muscle relaxant), hydrocodone for pain and 600mg ibuprofen for anti-inflammatory. It got better fairly quickly and within 2 weeks and I stopped taking meds, having only used about half the flexeril and hydrocone.

About 3 weeks ago I started getting some intermittent pain in my left hip, mostly just when changing position from sitting to standing or from standing to sitting. Once vertical or seated there wasn't any pain. I self-medicated 600mg ibuprofen a day and that seemed to help. some days it was better, some days it was worse. Thanksgiving day I was pain free until about 9:00 that night. Friday, after work, the hip pain gradually returned and by 7:00 it was a constant dull ache but with sharp stabbing pain when going from sitting to standing. By 9:00, no position was comfortable, it wasn't unbearable though. That night, I barely slept as i could not get comfortable and the pain got worse and worse throughout the night. Saturday morning I attempted to get out bed at about 7:30 and every movement caused excruciating pain in my left hip. Also, I had some numbness on the skin of my upper left leg. I laid in bed for another hour. By 8:30 the call of nature forced me to attempt to get out of bed. The pain in my hip was unbearable and I was unable to put any weight on my left leg. I hobbled to the bathroom using my arms to support my weight by leaning on the dresser, clutching doorjambs and using doorknobs for support. I then struggled to my living room, the leftover hydrocodone was at my computer desk. Fortunately my house is fairly small and no stairs. On a scale of 1 - 10, the pain was a good solid 9. Dang it, I didn't have any liquid to swallow the pill with. It hurt so bad I didn't think there was anyway I could make it to the kitchen to get water. I swallowed the hydrocodone dry.

Even just sitting, the pain was intense. After about 30 minutes I took a flexeril. My plan was to knock back the pain and visit my doctor first thing Monday morning when the office opened. By 9:30 the pain had been reduced from a 9 to a 7.5. I didn't think there was any way I could suffer like this through the entire weekend. Since the doctors office is closed for the weekend, I decided to go to the hospital emergency room. This would be my first ever visit to an ER for treatment for myself. It took me a half an hour to get dressed. I could barely put any weight on my left leg, so walking consisted of 3 to 6 inch steps at a time and using whatever stable piece of furniture within grasp to lean on. It was 10:00 by the time I made it to my car. Fortunately, there was parking close to the ER entrance. I hobbled in using 3 to 6 inch steps. At the front door was a man appearing to be in his late 60's being removed from his car and put into a wheelchair, he looked bad. The lady at the front desk asked me what was wrong and I told her I was in extreme pain, but maybe they should work on the guy in the wheelchair first. I'm glad I did that. The quick analysis done on the other man indicated that he'd had a stroke, a real emergency unlike me, and they rushed him to examination.

Good fortune smiles upon me, the ER isn't busy and I'm in an exam room within 15 minutes, a doctor and nurse arrived in the room the same time I did. The nurse takes my vitals and the doctor asks me some questions to asses my condition. I feel a bit foolish being in an ER, it's not like I'm having a heart attack, stroke, bleeding profusely or an obvious broken bone or some other trauma. They tell me to disrobe and to put on a hospital gown, then leave so I can do that in private. Undressing takes me almost as long as it took me to get dressed, I'm barely finished and the doctor is back in the room. More questions from the doctor, and I make sure that I inform her that I had already taken some hydrocodone and flexeril or I wouldn't have been able to make it to the hospital under my own power. I tell it was left over drugs from a back injury 6 weeks ago. She performs her physical exam and is bothered by the numbness and horrible reflexes in my left leg. She doesn't think it is a hip problem. And off to x-rays I go.

The x-rays show my hip to fine. My lower back is another story. Significant degeneration of some of the disks in my lower back are obvious in the x-ray. Nerves in my spinal cord are being aggravated with the pain being manifested in my hip. She prescribes oxycodone (stronger than hydrocodone) for pain relief, a higher dosage of flexeril and prednisone (a steroid) to round out my drug cocktail. She can tell I can't walk worth a damn, so crutches are issued to me for mobility. A referral to an orthopedic is also given but according to my insurance, that really needs to come from my primary care physician. My primary care physician can just pass on her referral without examining me, so I will be visiting them come Monday morning.

By 4:00pm yesterday I'd become a lot more mobile, still not pain free, but a lot less pain. I got a good nights sleep. First thing this morning was a little rough, I had to wait for the medical cocktail to kick in before I could abandon the crutches long enough take a shower. Yesterday I was in such bad shape that I couldn't even make coffee before leaving the house. Probably the first time in over 25 years that I didn't have a morning cup of coffee. :(

But as always, there is good news. Many of you know that I collect fossils, skulls and tribal artifacts. On Friday I received the latest addition to my collection. An intersection of tribal artifact and skull. I acquired a Borneo Dayak tribe headhunted skull. Head hunted trophy skulls from the Dayak typically run $3-6k depending upon age, preservation and adornments. I paid less than half the lower figure for a Dayak trophy skull originally collected by an anthropologist doing field study of the Dayak's in the 60's. It was likely taken as a trophy during the early 1900's, possibly late 1800's.

Oh my. That sounds terrible. So sorry to hear. :( Hope you feel better soon.
Oh my. That sounds terrible. So sorry to hear. :( Hope you feel better soon.
I do feel better, the drug cocktail is working its magic.
My preference is to be off the pharmaceuticals as soon as possible.

Yes, you should very careful with them and only take them strictly as advised by your physician because they can be very addicting. I've known people who have been injured (and typed about strangers too for my job) whose lives have been ruined by prescription drug addiction.
Oh my. That sounds terrible. So sorry to hear. :( Hope you feel better soon.
I do feel better, the drug cocktail is working its magic.
My preference is to be off the pharmaceuticals as soon as possible.

Yes, you should very careful with them and only take them strictly as advised by your physician because they can be very addicting. I've known people who have been injured (and typed about strangers too for my job) whose lives have been ruined by prescription drug addiction.
Abuse of prescription drugs can be every bit as harmful as abuse of illegal drugs. I have an addictive nature so I am acutely aware that I need to exercise caution.
I LOVE Look-out mobile security. I lost my phone today. I looked here at the house and all over the bar. I was figuring that someone picked it up last night.
I went to T-Mobile to see if they could track it and was told that it "could" be done but not till Monday. The guy asked if I had Lookout on the phone. I do. We punched in my email address and password and it told me that the phone was about 6 feet from the front of Doc's.

It was on my desk in the office, where I put it down when I picked up our coats and Mrs. Ernie's purse at closing time last night. The arrow was about 10 feet off. Pretty good, I'd say. Good enough that I may just upgrade to the paid version.
Seriously, if you were offered a seat on the maiden voyage on that private space flight, would you do it?
Damned straight!

I added a ROLL TIDE last night but must explain for those of you not familiar with real football.
Alabama is all about football. While there are some folk here that grew up in Mississippi who will root for Mississippi State or Ole Miss, a few from Louisiana who remain loyal to LSU and even some who favor the Florida Seminoles, Most everyone is either an Alabama or Auburn fan.
Last night was Iron Bowl; the yearly game between the two rivals. Alabama came in ranked #1 (as they should have been) and Auburn as #14.
Doc Holliday's was decorated in Crimson and white and orange and blue and by kick-off at 6:45 central, the bar was full of fans talking smack.
Alabama jumped out to an early lead despite blowing the opening kickoff. Auburn fumbled on their first play and 'Bama had 7 points a minute and a half later.
Bama built on their lead for a while until they seemed to take a vacation. Auburn was able to take a healthy lead that any real football fan knew wasn't going to last. It didn't.
The Tide rolled all over the War Beagles in the 4th quarter and hung on to win 55-44. Half the folks at Doc's were elated and half deflated, but everyone stood up for the National Anthem of the State of Alabama when it was done.

I prefer NFL. The best of the best. :D

Only because your state has crap college football teams :D

Yes, but we have the Patriots. :D

Like I said, "crap" The Dolphins beat them.
I was browsing the aisles at the dollar store, waiting on the Mrs. to finish shopping. Thirsty, but all they had were sugar-added juices and pop. Then I spotted a 20 oz bottle of 100%.... prune juice. I haven't had that in years and like I said, I was thirsty. Took a few swigs (reminds me of Dr. Pepper) then stuck it in the fridge to cool down. Ended up drinking most all of it today when my innards started percolating. You can figure the rest of the story LOL.

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