USMB Coffee Shop IV

Living alone with six cats, one who is aptly named for Gen. W.T. Sherman, I am relieved of decorating. If I did put up a tree, a couple of my cats would be doing their best Hobbes imitations, too. Personally, I don't find chasing tree ornaments all over the house all that much fun, either, although some of my furry, four-legged roommates think it's the best thing since sliced bread.
Weather's been cooler, hovering between 16 and low- to mid-20s. It even started snowing a teensy bit an hour ago. Just enough to hide the patchy ice on roads and parking lots, too!
School is over in two weeks. What ever will I do with my weekends? Never mind, I am so far behind with so many projects, I'm sure something will occur to me. I need to build my buddy's Christmas present. It's a large cribbage board complete with drawers and cup holders.
Hope everyone enjoys their day. Stay warm.

Oh, I used to love to play cribbage. How fun a really nice big cribbage board would be.
Um, upper 20's...I would die.:lol:

I live in NE, so temps that cold are not unusual. If you dress for it, you can feel fine. It's not really so much the cold that gets to me as it is the wind. The winds here in the winter are just frigid. Brrrrr!

It is popular to say that it gets hot and it gets cold here but it is okay because it is a 'dry heat' or a 'dry cold'. Well let me tell you, 105 degrees of 'dry heat' is HOT. And 20 degrees of 'dry cold' in a 30 mph wind is COLD.

I forget which comedian said it, but next time someone dismisses it as a dry heat, say, "Yeah? So's an oven!"

I hadn't thought about that but that's right. :)
By the way, if ya'll are still making out your Christmas lists, here's what I want for Christmas:


He's seven feet tall, fully functional, and is a real bargain at $49,999.95.

The top-of-the-line model should be able to vacuum wouldn't you think?
I'm just looking for a nice little spot in the Caribbean for a vacation getaway as a nice present if anyone feels generous.

This one aught to to do the trick and it's a real bargain at $18 Million.

By the way, if ya'll are still making out your Christmas lists, here's what I want for Christmas:


He's seven feet tall, fully functional, and is a real bargain at $49,999.95.

The top-of-the-line model should be able to vacuum wouldn't you think?

That is Robbie the robot, who featured in the film, the forbidden planet, and was also used in an episode of Columbo.
Last night I watched Errol Flynn in the Santa Fe Trail........ Haven't laughed that hard in quite a while........ Other than the characters portrayed, the military uniforms and to a small degree the events that took place, not one thing about the movie was historically authentic.
By the way, if ya'll are still making out your Christmas lists, here's what I want for Christmas:


He's seven feet tall, fully functional, and is a real bargain at $49,999.95.

The top-of-the-line model should be able to vacuum wouldn't you think?

That is Robbie the robot, who featured in the film, the forbidden planet, and was also used in an episode of Columbo.

Right. But they do have them for sale now at $50k a pop. :)
Last night I watched Errol Flynn in the Santa Fe Trail........ Haven't laughed that hard in quite a while........ Other than the characters portrayed, the military uniforms and to a small degree the events that took place, not one thing about the movie was historically authentic.

I love old movies for just that kind of hokeyness that makes them special.
Last night I watched Errol Flynn in the Santa Fe Trail........ Haven't laughed that hard in quite a while........ Other than the characters portrayed, the military uniforms and to a small degree the events that took place, not one thing about the movie was historically authentic.

I love old movies for just that kind of hokeyness that makes them special.
Used to be for me but as a historian with extensive knowledge of the time period I have a hard time with the complete hokeyness now unless the movie is supposed to be intentionally hokey.
I guess the biggest problem I have is most people actually believe the tripe Hollywood feeds them as completely authentic/accurate history.
How many people honestly think (due to Hollywood westerns) that the west was populated primarily by cowboys, blood thirsty gunslingers with a few scattered townsfolk and the lone old miner that drifted into town from time to time? Not only that they believe everyone carried Colt Peacemakers and Winchester rifles, wore modern jeans, fancy cowboy shirts, modern cowboy boots and hats. They think mountain men were all bearded individuals blazing trails through the mountains constantly fighting off hostile Indians, etc, etc.........
It's too bad because the reality is even more interesting and fascinating.
By the way, if ya'll are still making out your Christmas lists, here's what I want for Christmas:


He's seven feet tall, fully functional, and is a real bargain at $49,999.95.

The top-of-the-line model should be able to vacuum wouldn't you think?

That is Robbie the robot, who featured in the film, the forbidden planet, and was also used in an episode of Columbo.

And Lost In Space, for which they changed out his lower legs.

"Danger, Will Robinson!!"
Um, upper 20's...I would die.:lol:

I live in NE, so temps that cold are not unusual. If you dress for it, you can feel fine. It's not really so much the cold that gets to me as it is the wind. The winds here in the winter are just frigid. Brrrrr!

It is popular to say that it gets hot and it gets cold here but it is okay because it is a 'dry heat' or a 'dry cold'. Well let me tell you, 105 degrees of 'dry heat' is HOT. And 20 degrees of 'dry cold' in a 30 mph wind is COLD.

I forget which comedian said it, but next time someone dismisses it as a dry heat, say, "Yeah? So's an oven!"
I compared Albuquerque's "dry heat" to Thanksgiving. If you want to know what "dry heat" is, the next time you roast a turkey, stick your head in the oven for about 5 minutes.


Alabama wins the Iron bowl 55-44
By the way, if ya'll are still making out your Christmas lists, here's what I want for Christmas:


He's seven feet tall, fully functional, and is a real bargain at $49,999.95.

The top-of-the-line model should be able to vacuum wouldn't you think?

One would hope. I want one that cleans bathrooms too! :D
I want one that can tote 100 pounds of ice and 2 half kegs of beer.

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