USMB Coffee Shop IV

Anyways, I'm glad to be back online. Missed all you guys! :smiliehug:
Glad you're back.
Got reports from 2 of the 3. Youngest boy hasn't been home for 3 days. He is essentially stuck at the firehouse. He lives in Hamden at the top of a mountain and has 5 miles of nasty hills to drive to get home when his shift ends and relief arrives.
His dog is in good hands. The ex is staying at the house, but she can't leave because trying to gt down those 5 miles of nasty hills right now would be insane.
Daughter has 2 feet of snow in her 100 yard long drive way and is out of brownies. She's sad but will walk the 250 yards to the store if she runs low on coffee.
Jessie works from home most days so she can wait for Josh and Greg to get there so the 3 can do the drive. She lives in town and can get by a few days without the car.
Anyways, I'm glad to be back online. Missed all you guys! :smiliehug:
Glad you're back.
Got reports from 2 of the 3. Youngest boy hasn't been home for 3 days. He is essentially stuck at the firehouse. He lives in Hamden at the top of a mountain and has 5 miles of nasty hills to drive to get home when his shift ends and relief arrives.
His dog is in good hands. The ex is staying at the house, but she can't leave because trying to gt down those 5 miles of nasty hills right now would be insane.
Daughter has 2 feet of snow in her 100 yard long drive way and is out of brownies. She's sad but will walk the 250 yards to the store if she runs low on coffee.
Jessie works from home most days so she can wait for Josh and Greg to get there so the 3 can do the drive. She lives in town and can get by a few days without the car.

Yeah, same with me. I live close to enough to stores where I can bundle up and just walk if need be. I pretty much got everything I needed the day before the storm though, so the only thing I REALLY missed was my Dunkin Donuts coffee! :( All of the Dunkin Donuts around here were closed, which is very unusual. Normally, they stay open to serve the cops and the plow guys.

Glad to hear your family is safe and sound too. :)
Hey guys. what's new? I guess I should probably change my avatar. lol
Holy shit... Spoonbro... what the heck is up brother?
not much man, just bracing for this 2' of snow we're supposed to get starting tomorrow. how are things with you?

I saw that southeast New York up through New England were under a nor'easter blizzard warning--something like 2000 flights cancelled today and then again tomorrow? So hope you and Chris are stocked up on plenty of hot chocolate and no-cook munchies in case you lose power. Maybe New Jersey will be south of all that?

I didn't lose power here, but did lose cable. That's alright though. I was very thankful to have kept electricity. Without electricity, no heat, and I would have had to either go to a relative's or friend's house or go to a shelter. Needless to say, I really didn't want to any of those things, so although it was boring with no television and no internet, I still had my music, my lights, my heat, my hot water. :)

Thanks for your concern Foxy! You are a sweetie! :smiliehug:
Last summer I bought a big 9000KW generator. I'm planning on having my electrician buddy install what he calls a "transfer switch" on the pole where my service comes in, so that in the event I lose my power, I can pull the generator out by the pole, plug into the transfer switch, start the generator, throw the switch, and I'm back in power, for everything.
Have you priced transfer switches? Been thinking myself My 7,500 watt generator would handle most everything here but the AC and oven.
We've had a really mild winter so far up here in Wisconsin. We had a month of some pretty cold weather but that's about it. There's only a dusting of snow outside right now, and I have 32 degrees on my thermometer. Course I better watch what I say or next thing ya know we'll get lambasted. I'm ready if we do.
Holy shit... Spoonbro... what the heck is up brother?
not much man, just bracing for this 2' of snow we're supposed to get starting tomorrow. how are things with you?

I saw that southeast New York up through New England were under a nor'easter blizzard warning--something like 2000 flights cancelled today and then again tomorrow? So hope you and Chris are stocked up on plenty of hot chocolate and no-cook munchies in case you lose power. Maybe New Jersey will be south of all that?

I didn't lose power here, but did lose cable. That's alright though. I was very thankful to have kept electricity. Without electricity, no heat, and I would have had to either go to a relative's or friend's house or go to a shelter. Needless to say, I really didn't want to any of those things, so although it was boring with no television and no internet, I still had my music, my lights, my heat, my hot water. :)

Thanks for your concern Foxy! You are a sweetie! :smiliehug:
Last summer I bought a big 9000KW generator. I'm planning on having my electrician buddy install what he calls a "transfer switch" on the pole where my service comes in, so that in the event I lose my power, I can pull the generator out by the pole, plug into the transfer switch, start the generator, throw the switch, and I'm back in power, for everything.
Have you priced transfer switches? Been thinking myself My 7,500 watt generator would handle most everything here but the AC and oven.
I asked my buddy one time and if my memory serves me, I think he told something like a couple hundred bucks.
Good afternoon folks, I hope everyone is having a great Wednesday thus far. I am sitting down and enjoying a nice cup of tea before I try and finish my tasks for the day. I've been a busy-bee around here so I've earned a relaxing break with a cup of Constant Comment.
not much man, just bracing for this 2' of snow we're supposed to get starting tomorrow. how are things with you?

I saw that southeast New York up through New England were under a nor'easter blizzard warning--something like 2000 flights cancelled today and then again tomorrow? So hope you and Chris are stocked up on plenty of hot chocolate and no-cook munchies in case you lose power. Maybe New Jersey will be south of all that?

I didn't lose power here, but did lose cable. That's alright though. I was very thankful to have kept electricity. Without electricity, no heat, and I would have had to either go to a relative's or friend's house or go to a shelter. Needless to say, I really didn't want to any of those things, so although it was boring with no television and no internet, I still had my music, my lights, my heat, my hot water. :)

Thanks for your concern Foxy! You are a sweetie! :smiliehug:
Last summer I bought a big 9000KW generator. I'm planning on having my electrician buddy install what he calls a "transfer switch" on the pole where my service comes in, so that in the event I lose my power, I can pull the generator out by the pole, plug into the transfer switch, start the generator, throw the switch, and I'm back in power, for everything.
Have you priced transfer switches? Been thinking myself My 7,500 watt generator would handle most everything here but the AC and oven.
I asked my buddy one time and if my memory serves me, I think he told something like a couple hundred bucks.
Not horrible. That would beat finding all the extension cords in the dark.
not much man, just bracing for this 2' of snow we're supposed to get starting tomorrow. how are things with you?

I saw that southeast New York up through New England were under a nor'easter blizzard warning--something like 2000 flights cancelled today and then again tomorrow? So hope you and Chris are stocked up on plenty of hot chocolate and no-cook munchies in case you lose power. Maybe New Jersey will be south of all that?

I didn't lose power here, but did lose cable. That's alright though. I was very thankful to have kept electricity. Without electricity, no heat, and I would have had to either go to a relative's or friend's house or go to a shelter. Needless to say, I really didn't want to any of those things, so although it was boring with no television and no internet, I still had my music, my lights, my heat, my hot water. :)

Thanks for your concern Foxy! You are a sweetie! :smiliehug:
Last summer I bought a big 9000KW generator. I'm planning on having my electrician buddy install what he calls a "transfer switch" on the pole where my service comes in, so that in the event I lose my power, I can pull the generator out by the pole, plug into the transfer switch, start the generator, throw the switch, and I'm back in power, for everything.
Have you priced transfer switches? Been thinking myself My 7,500 watt generator would handle most everything here but the AC and oven.
I asked my buddy one time and if my memory serves me, I think he told something like a couple hundred bucks.
Here's one for a hundred...|1&facetInfo=
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I saw that southeast New York up through New England were under a nor'easter blizzard warning--something like 2000 flights cancelled today and then again tomorrow? So hope you and Chris are stocked up on plenty of hot chocolate and no-cook munchies in case you lose power. Maybe New Jersey will be south of all that?

I didn't lose power here, but did lose cable. That's alright though. I was very thankful to have kept electricity. Without electricity, no heat, and I would have had to either go to a relative's or friend's house or go to a shelter. Needless to say, I really didn't want to any of those things, so although it was boring with no television and no internet, I still had my music, my lights, my heat, my hot water. :)

Thanks for your concern Foxy! You are a sweetie! :smiliehug:
Last summer I bought a big 9000KW generator. I'm planning on having my electrician buddy install what he calls a "transfer switch" on the pole where my service comes in, so that in the event I lose my power, I can pull the generator out by the pole, plug into the transfer switch, start the generator, throw the switch, and I'm back in power, for everything.
Have you priced transfer switches? Been thinking myself My 7,500 watt generator would handle most everything here but the AC and oven.
I asked my buddy one time and if my memory serves me, I think he told something like a couple hundred bucks.
Not horrible. That would beat finding all the extension cords in the dark.
Agree. Just one heavy gauge cable to plug in and light it up.
I have a coworker with July 4th as her birthday.

That's NOT my birthday though! Not even close. My birthday is August 17, 1978.

Someone younger than me! I'm not the CS baby. :lol:

I think Noomi and TK are probably the youngest, and then we had the highschooler who was posting here for awhile, but I can't recall his name right off the top of my head.

I knew Noomi was young, I have no idea why that didn't occur to me at the time. TK doesn't post in here as often, so I feel better not realizing his age. :lol:

There are a lot of posters here that are younger than me too. One of my best friends here, Sgt_Gath, is only 26 years old. I have a few others on my friends' list: Darlene 21 years old, Drang (something or other -can't remember), 19 years old, and I have another on my list who is 19 - can't remember his name offhand. And there are a LOT in their 20s who are members here. :D

There are plenty of young posters on USMB, but most of the Coffee Shop regulars have been older than I am through the years. I spent a lot of years being the youngest of my group of RL friends, so maybe it's just something I expect. :lol:
I saw that southeast New York up through New England were under a nor'easter blizzard warning--something like 2000 flights cancelled today and then again tomorrow? So hope you and Chris are stocked up on plenty of hot chocolate and no-cook munchies in case you lose power. Maybe New Jersey will be south of all that?

I didn't lose power here, but did lose cable. That's alright though. I was very thankful to have kept electricity. Without electricity, no heat, and I would have had to either go to a relative's or friend's house or go to a shelter. Needless to say, I really didn't want to any of those things, so although it was boring with no television and no internet, I still had my music, my lights, my heat, my hot water. :)

Thanks for your concern Foxy! You are a sweetie! :smiliehug:
Last summer I bought a big 9000KW generator. I'm planning on having my electrician buddy install what he calls a "transfer switch" on the pole where my service comes in, so that in the event I lose my power, I can pull the generator out by the pole, plug into the transfer switch, start the generator, throw the switch, and I'm back in power, for everything.
Have you priced transfer switches? Been thinking myself My 7,500 watt generator would handle most everything here but the AC and oven.
I asked my buddy one time and if my memory serves me, I think he told something like a couple hundred bucks.
Here's one for a hundred...|1&pl=1&currentURL=?Ns=p_product_qty_sales_dollar|1&facetInfo=
That's not bad, but I think I'd stick with a Square D. My electrician buddy can get one from his supplier and get a deal on one though. He'd give it to me for cost.
Good afternoon folks, I hope everyone is having a great Wednesday thus far. I am sitting down and enjoying a nice cup of tea before I try and finish my tasks for the day. I've been a busy-bee around here so I've earned a relaxing break with a cup of Constant Comment.

I LOVE Constant Comment :) For an every day inexpensive flavored tea, it is hard to beat.
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Good afternoon folks, I hope everyone is having a great Wednesday thus far. I am sitting down and enjoying a nice cup of tea before I try and finish my tasks for the day. I've been a busy-bee around here so I've earned a relaxing break with a cup of Constant Comment.

I LOVE Constant Comment :) For an every day inexpensive flavored tea, it is hard to beat.

No doubt. They had a rather nice sell on tea at my local grocer and I snapped up 10 boxes. My tea box is filled to the brim so I had to put the extra in the pantry and it looks rather silly. What can I do? It was on sale and drink several cups of tea a day. lol
I think I my have some Darjeeling here in a little bit. Yummers!
Good afternoon folks, I hope everyone is having a great Wednesday thus far. I am sitting down and enjoying a nice cup of tea before I try and finish my tasks for the day. I've been a busy-bee around here so I've earned a relaxing break with a cup of Constant Comment.

I LOVE Constant Comment :) For an every day inexpensive flavored tea, it is hard to beat.

I drink a LOT of tea, but I don't worry too much about what kind it is. Whatever cheap is generally all I look for. I did recently get some Celestial Seasons Madagascar Vanilla Red, though. It's pretty tasty, but surprisingly, the little one likes it more than I do. ;)
Good afternoon folks, I hope everyone is having a great Wednesday thus far. I am sitting down and enjoying a nice cup of tea before I try and finish my tasks for the day. I've been a busy-bee around here so I've earned a relaxing break with a cup of Constant Comment.

I LOVE Constant Comment :) For an every day inexpensive flavored tea, it is hard to beat.

I drink a LOT of tea, but I don't worry too much about what kind it is. Whatever cheap is generally all I look for. I did recently get some Celestial Seasons Madagascar Vanilla Red, though. It's pretty tasty, but surprisingly, the little one likes it more than I do. ;)

I like just plain tea normally. I also really LOVE Chinese tea though. I put TONS of sugar in it. :D I've tried putting honey in as a substitute for sugar, but it's just not sugary enough for me. Tea with peanut butter toast. I like that for comfort food when I don't feel well.
Good afternoon folks, I hope everyone is having a great Wednesday thus far. I am sitting down and enjoying a nice cup of tea before I try and finish my tasks for the day. I've been a busy-bee around here so I've earned a relaxing break with a cup of Constant Comment.

I LOVE Constant Comment :) For an every day inexpensive flavored tea, it is hard to beat.

I drink a LOT of tea, but I don't worry too much about what kind it is. Whatever cheap is generally all I look for. I did recently get some Celestial Seasons Madagascar Vanilla Red, though. It's pretty tasty, but surprisingly, the little one likes it more than I do. ;)

I like just plain tea normally. I also really LOVE Chinese tea though. I put TONS of sugar in it. :D I've tried putting honey in as a substitute for sugar, but it's just not sugary enough for me. Tea with peanut butter toast. I like that for comfort food when I don't feel well.

Tea and blueberries is my usual go to for breakfast but I love peanut butter toast on a morning I want something heartier.
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Good afternoon folks, I hope everyone is having a great Wednesday thus far. I am sitting down and enjoying a nice cup of tea before I try and finish my tasks for the day. I've been a busy-bee around here so I've earned a relaxing break with a cup of Constant Comment.

I LOVE Constant Comment :) For an every day inexpensive flavored tea, it is hard to beat.

I drink a LOT of tea, but I don't worry too much about what kind it is. Whatever cheap is generally all I look for. I did recently get some Celestial Seasons Madagascar Vanilla Red, though. It's pretty tasty, but surprisingly, the little one likes it more than I do. ;)

I like just plain tea normally. I also really LOVE Chinese tea though. I put TONS of sugar in it. :D I've tried putting honey in as a substitute for sugar, but it's just not sugary enough for me. Tea with peanut butter toast. I like that for comfort food when I don't feel well.

Tea and blueberries is my usual go to for breakfast but I love peavy butter toast on a morning I want something heartier.

We also try to have fresh fruit on hand. But I think my favorite winter breakfast is a hot cereal--oatmeal, malt-o-meal, etc.--with a side of fresh fruit or a smoothie and maybe a piece of hot cheese toast.
Good afternoon folks, I hope everyone is having a great Wednesday thus far. I am sitting down and enjoying a nice cup of tea before I try and finish my tasks for the day. I've been a busy-bee around here so I've earned a relaxing break with a cup of Constant Comment.

I LOVE Constant Comment :) For an every day inexpensive flavored tea, it is hard to beat.

I drink a LOT of tea, but I don't worry too much about what kind it is. Whatever cheap is generally all I look for. I did recently get some Celestial Seasons Madagascar Vanilla Red, though. It's pretty tasty, but surprisingly, the little one likes it more than I do. ;)

I like just plain tea normally. I also really LOVE Chinese tea though. I put TONS of sugar in it. :D I've tried putting honey in as a substitute for sugar, but it's just not sugary enough for me. Tea with peanut butter toast. I like that for comfort food when I don't feel well.

Tea and blueberries is my usual go to for breakfast but I love peavy butter toast on a morning I want something heartier.

We also try to have fresh fruit on hand. But I think my favorite winter breakfast is a hot cereal--oatmeal, malt-o-meal, etc.--with a side of fresh fruit or a smoothie and maybe a piece of hot cheese toast.

Same here. I always try keep fresh fruit in the house but I almost only eat it with breakfast. If we are talking favorite winter breakfast...mine would have to be chicken fried chicken swimming white pepper gravy. Rib-sticky breakfast! It is a meal I rarely eat because I always try to be mindful of fat content and calories. I can't run as often outside in the winter so I need to be extra vigilant.
Good afternoon folks, I hope everyone is having a great Wednesday thus far. I am sitting down and enjoying a nice cup of tea before I try and finish my tasks for the day. I've been a busy-bee around here so I've earned a relaxing break with a cup of Constant Comment.

I LOVE Constant Comment :) For an every day inexpensive flavored tea, it is hard to beat.

I drink a LOT of tea, but I don't worry too much about what kind it is. Whatever cheap is generally all I look for. I did recently get some Celestial Seasons Madagascar Vanilla Red, though. It's pretty tasty, but surprisingly, the little one likes it more than I do. ;)

I like just plain tea normally. I also really LOVE Chinese tea though. I put TONS of sugar in it. :D I've tried putting honey in as a substitute for sugar, but it's just not sugary enough for me. Tea with peanut butter toast. I like that for comfort food when I don't feel well.

Tea and blueberries is my usual go to for breakfast but I love peavy butter toast on a morning I want something heartier.

We also try to have fresh fruit on hand. But I think my favorite winter breakfast is a hot cereal--oatmeal, malt-o-meal, etc.--with a side of fresh fruit or a smoothie and maybe a piece of hot cheese toast.

French toast is another of my favorites. Let's not forget about good old bacon, eggs, toast and homefries either though. :D
My favorite breakfast, no matter the season, is cereal and milk. Anything else is a poor substitute. :p

I'm actually unhappy right now that we are out of cereal and milk, I haven't had my normal bowl for breakfast in 2 days and it makes me grumpy. :lol:

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