USMB Coffee Shop IV

I wore contacts from 1978 to last year. Decided to give my eyes a rest, but I can see a much wider range with contacts than glasses. I will update my prescription for contacts and wear them during the day and glasses in the evening. New contacts are harder to put in than slightly older ones. I use lots of saline solution which is actually cooling to the eye when you put them in. Once you have used them for a while, it is very easy to put them in or take them out and your eyes adjust to the right amount of tears to keep the eye wet.
Yup, I have contacts too. I don't wear them all that much anymore, but when I do I enjoy them, because as you said, I can see better with them than with my glasses. I have "bifocal" contacts. Multifocus is what I think they call them. I can see things near and far with them. Like driving, a glance at the dash is crystal clear, sharp, as is looking up at things in the distance. They really are amazing, if you can get used to them. I especially like wearing them while driving too, because then I can wear my shades.
Good morning. Reporting in after the GIGANTIC blizzard! I made it through, being the hearty New Englander. :) Never lost power thankfully, but did lose cable for almost a day and a half!!!

In some places, snow drifts are at least 6 feet high! We really got dumped upon here in Massachusetts with this storm!

Pictures!!! :D




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Afternoon all! I've had an eventful few days - had an interview yesterday, for a Post Office job, think it went well, lets hope I get it. If I do, I am on trainee wages for a short period, then three months probation. So there is a lot to learn and they could dismiss me if they don't like me, which is fair enough. If I get it, though, I will have two part time jobs.

I also got my new glasses back. They arrived sooner than expected, black frames, just like I wanted, and I also have sunglasses as well, which are great. Got to try out contacts, too, I have a free trial, so went in yesterday to be shown how to use them. They are so difficult, I found. Hard to get it, but even harder to get them out. My eyes were so red and irritated I think I prefer my glasses. Its good to have an alternative, though, and I will keep trying to get used to them, but I don't think they are for me, to be honest.

I think I would probably stick with glasses too. I can't stand anything touching my eyeballs.
Ha-ha! I just checked my mail, and I got another copy of the census because apparently there was an error made on the last one I filled out. They have my birth date as July 4, 1776. :razz: Oh my, I look FANTASTIC for my age!

Don't they take a census in the first year of a new decade? It is 2015. Why are we having a census?

I have no idea what is going on. I don't really remember filling it out or when I filled it out. All I know is I got this form in the mail yesterday. (I didn't check my mail until today though, so I didn't see it until today). :dunno: Oh well, it's not that big of a deal, I just have to make a correction and send it back. I just thought it was funny that they had by date of birth as 1776. Yikes!
Maybe you should check your mail more often?

It was only one day. :D
I have a coworker with July 4th as her birthday.

That's NOT my birthday though! Not even close. My birthday is August 17, 1978.

Someone younger than me! I'm not the CS baby. :lol:

I think Noomi and TK are probably the youngest, and then we had the highschooler who was posting here for awhile, but I can't recall his name right off the top of my head.

I knew Noomi was young, I have no idea why that didn't occur to me at the time. TK doesn't post in here as often, so I feel better not realizing his age. :lol:

There are a lot of posters here that are younger than me too. One of my best friends here, Sgt_Gath, is only 26 years old. I have a few others on my friends' list: Darlene 21 years old, Drang (something or other -can't remember), 19 years old, and I have another on my list who is 19 - can't remember his name offhand. And there are a LOT in their 20s who are members here. :D
Another thing about this storm, it was not a nice calm snow fall. It was wind driven whipping snow, the kind that burns your eyes and your face and takes your breath right out of your lungs because it was SO cold and windy. Go outside to try and shovel, come in and look like you've been crying for a few hours and blind. :lol:
Hey guys. what's new? I guess I should probably change my avatar. lol
Holy shit... Spoonbro... what the heck is up brother?
not much man, just bracing for this 2' of snow we're supposed to get starting tomorrow. how are things with you?

I saw that southeast New York up through New England were under a nor'easter blizzard warning--something like 2000 flights cancelled today and then again tomorrow? So hope you and Chris are stocked up on plenty of hot chocolate and no-cook munchies in case you lose power. Maybe New Jersey will be south of all that?

I didn't lose power here, but did lose cable. That's alright though. I was very thankful to have kept electricity. Without electricity, no heat, and I would have had to either go to a relative's or friend's house or go to a shelter. Needless to say, I really didn't want to any of those things, so although it was boring with no television and no internet, I still had my music, my lights, my heat, my hot water. :)

Thanks for your concern Foxy! You are a sweetie! :smiliehug:
How come no one uses a snow storm to pull out the refrigerator and clean behind there or hunt down cobwebs?
Hey guys. what's new? I guess I should probably change my avatar. lol
Holy shit... Spoonbro... what the heck is up brother?
not much man, just bracing for this 2' of snow we're supposed to get starting tomorrow. how are things with you?

I saw that southeast New York up through New England were under a nor'easter blizzard warning--something like 2000 flights cancelled today and then again tomorrow? So hope you and Chris are stocked up on plenty of hot chocolate and no-cook munchies in case you lose power. Maybe New Jersey will be south of all that?

I didn't lose power here, but did lose cable. That's alright though. I was very thankful to have kept electricity. Without electricity, no heat, and I would have had to either go to a relative's or friend's house or go to a shelter. Needless to say, I really didn't want to any of those things, so although it was boring with no television and no internet, I still had my music, my lights, my heat, my hot water. :)

Thanks for your concern Foxy! You are a sweetie! :smiliehug:
Last summer I bought a big 9000KW generator. I'm planning on having my electrician buddy install what he calls a "transfer switch" on the pole where my service comes in, so that in the event I lose my power, I can pull the generator out by the pole, plug into the transfer switch, start the generator, throw the switch, and I'm back in power, for everything.

Used to make ones like that from scratch, but not for the last seven years.

I still make homemade pizza from scratch. I found a super easy pizza crust recipe and we buy the pepperoni already sliced and the mozzarella already grated. If I'm in a hurry I'll use bottled pizza sauce but usually make my own homemade too.
Good morning. Reporting in after the GIGANTIC blizzard! I made it through, being the hearty New Englander. :) Never lost power thankfully, but did lose cable for almost a day and a half!!!

In some places, snow drifts are at least 6 feet high! We really got dumped upon here in Massachusetts with this storm!

Pictures!!! :D

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Oh wow, how neat Chris. May not be all that neat for you guys, but I used to LOVE snows like that when we lived on the mountain -- it was really pleasant getting snowed in for a day or two and that's all we were really ever confined. But at your latitude and altitude it might slow you down longer? So glad you didn't lose power but when we didn't hear from you during the blizzard, I did worry about you, especially when some reports here seemed to suggest Massachusetts was catching the brunt of it. With the terrible winds they were reporting, I'm surprised it piled up on the outdoor furniture and stuff like that.
Hey guys. what's new? I guess I should probably change my avatar. lol
Holy shit... Spoonbro... what the heck is up brother?
not much man, just bracing for this 2' of snow we're supposed to get starting tomorrow. how are things with you?

I saw that southeast New York up through New England were under a nor'easter blizzard warning--something like 2000 flights cancelled today and then again tomorrow? So hope you and Chris are stocked up on plenty of hot chocolate and no-cook munchies in case you lose power. Maybe New Jersey will be south of all that?

I didn't lose power here, but did lose cable. That's alright though. I was very thankful to have kept electricity. Without electricity, no heat, and I would have had to either go to a relative's or friend's house or go to a shelter. Needless to say, I really didn't want to any of those things, so although it was boring with no television and no internet, I still had my music, my lights, my heat, my hot water. :)

Thanks for your concern Foxy! You are a sweetie! :smiliehug:
Last summer I bought a big 9000KW generator. I'm planning on having my electrician buddy install what he calls a "transfer switch" on the pole where my service comes in, so that in the event I lose my power, I can pull the generator out by the pole, plug into the transfer switch, start the generator, throw the switch, and I'm back in power, for everything.

I don't have any place for anything like that, as I'm a renter and I rent a pretty small townhouse with not much room anywhere to store such a thing. Not only would my neighbors hate me because I was the only one with electricity, I think they would probably not appreciate the noise either. :biggrin: My place is just not set up for something like that unfortunately.

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