USMB Coffee Shop IV


Not me. We have a decorative terry cloth container tube thing in the kitchen where we stuff all the plastic bags--it dispenses them out the bottom as we need them. It replaced the plastic bag that held all the other plastic bags.
I have one of those too...... It's full....... and I haven't pulled any bags out of it in months....... :lol:

We use them mostly to wrap meat scraps and other potentially smelly stuff for disposal in the trash. Once in a blue moon we need one for something else but it is rare. We don't accumulate them much anymore though since we went to the permanent bags that we take to the store when we grocery shop.

I take sturdy cloth bags with floppy handles (that drive me crazy,) to the store and put them into my cart. I have about 4 or 5 folded and stuffed within one. After checking out at the cashier stand, I walk my cart out into the huge entrance, slide over to the side and start putting all the filled plastic bags into the sturdy cloth ones. This way, I am not bending over in the rain while I perform this sometimes, lengthy task,( because of those floppy but useful handles ). I just go to the car, open the back door, and put in the filled bags. I don't like when it gets wet inside the car and this method prevents that for the most part. Sometimes here, in a NORMAL weather season, the rains can blow sideways as often as pouring down.

I've wondered how those cloth grocery bags seen on TV, with fold down tops, work. I hate to try anything with an 800 number. WAIT...before you order, we'll double your order for just pay shipping and handling. :lmao: What a rip!
A bright beautiful sunny day here before, as Ringel said, the new storm arrives for the weekend. If we get any precip it is more likely to be in the form of rain though and I'm not holding my breath for that to happen. Much more likely just some clouds and wind.

Don't forget that Survivor and Amazing Race both premiere tonight--new threads for both have been started in the TV Forum. I love both.

Do I want breakfast? Still trying to decide.

I'm not into those programs but am SOOO happy The Voice has started it's new season. :thup: Also, The Americans. :thup:
OK seriously behind here. I was up about 7 yesterday morning and headed in to work just passed noon. It was a normal Monday. That means in addition to opening up, I had to set up for poker. Poker started at 6 and it was over at midnight.
At 2 AM we all then went to work. Doc's is closed today. It's a day of major cleaning and maintenance... stuff we can't do with customers in the bar. Max and I sanded and prepped the bar for adding numerous coats of polyurethane and the first coat was on at 4:45. The second was done about 7 AM. I was just about dead with this cold and all so the wife and I came home to get some shut eye. I'm about to get dressed to head back for more.
OK. I'm officially wiped out. 29 of the last 36 hours have been spent at Doc's with less than 5 hours of sleep.
The bar is all shiny and well protected with another 10 coats of polyurethane. The front of the bar has been repainted, bathrooms freshened up wood work all wiped down with Murphy's. Some overgrown landscaping removed and beds prepped for new plantings. Major inventories taken. Bills paid and copius amounts of Cuban coffee (and some Elijah Craig) consumed.
People did wander in from time to time but sales were under $100, mostly because we handed customers sand paper and paint brushes.
I go to bed. G'night!
Never let it be said that you don't work for your money... :beer:
It's Wednesday morning and I WANT A PEPSI. I gave up drinking pop for Lent. So, I guess I shall have another cup of coffee and be thankful that I haven't given in and had myself a Pepsi. I should have given up drinking water instead of Pepsi. You live and you learn...
Have a Coke.

Not me. We have a decorative terry cloth container tube thing in the kitchen where we stuff all the plastic bags--it dispenses them out the bottom as we need them. It replaced the plastic bag that held all the other plastic bags.
We have one of those.

Max update:
The bone biopsy results are not good. They've identified the bacteria and tried the next 4 stronger antibiotics on the cultures without effect.
There's one more possible antibiotic and hyperbaric chamber treatments, but we're talking another 3-4 months of daily 2 or 3 hours a day treatments.
Max has about resigned himself to losing the 5th toe and metatarsal back to the instep.

Not me. We have a decorative terry cloth container tube thing in the kitchen where we stuff all the plastic bags--it dispenses them out the bottom as we need them. It replaced the plastic bag that held all the other plastic bags.
We have one of those.

Max update:
The bone biopsy results are not good. They've identified the bacteria and tried the next 4 stronger antibiotics on the cultures without effect.
There's one more possible antibiotic and hyperbaric chamber treatments, but we're talking another 3-4 months of daily 2 or 3 hours a day treatments.
Max has about resigned himself to losing the 5th toe and metatarsal back to the instep.

But maybe not. When we started this the prognosis was that he would likely lose his leg. Losing part of a foot is a huge improvement over that and we can hope that too can be resolved. He stays on the list.
A bright beautiful sunny day here before, as Ringel said, the new storm arrives for the weekend. If we get any precip it is more likely to be in the form of rain though and I'm not holding my breath for that to happen. Much more likely just some clouds and wind.

Don't forget that Survivor and Amazing Race both premiere tonight--new threads for both have been started in the TV Forum. I love both.

Do I want breakfast? Still trying to decide.

I'm not into those programs but am SOOO happy The Voice has started it's new season. :thup: Also, The Americans. :thup:

We like The Voice too. The talent so far has been amazing.

Not me. We have a decorative terry cloth container tube thing in the kitchen where we stuff all the plastic bags--it dispenses them out the bottom as we need them. It replaced the plastic bag that held all the other plastic bags.
I have one of those too...... It's full....... and I haven't pulled any bags out of it in months....... :lol:

We use them mostly to wrap meat scraps and other potentially smelly stuff for disposal in the trash. Once in a blue moon we need one for something else but it is rare. We don't accumulate them much anymore though since we went to the permanent bags that we take to the store when we grocery shop.

I take sturdy cloth bags with floppy handles (that drive me crazy,) to the store and put them into my cart. I have about 4 or 5 folded and stuffed within one. After checking out at the cashier stand, I walk my cart out into the huge entrance, slide over to the side and start putting all the filled plastic bags into the sturdy cloth ones. This way, I am not bending over in the rain while I perform this sometimes, lengthy task,( because of those floppy but useful handles ). I just go to the car, open the back door, and put in the filled bags. I don't like when it gets wet inside the car and this method prevents that for the most part. Sometimes here, in a NORMAL weather season, the rains can blow sideways as often as pouring down.

I've wondered how those cloth grocery bags seen on TV, with fold down tops, work. I hate to try anything with an 800 number. WAIT...before you order, we'll double your order for just pay shipping and handling. :lmao: What a rip!

The cloth bags Albertsons sells here - $1/apiece - are very sturdy, last forever, and don't include any advertising unless it's a generic green thing kind of message. I wish we had the problem of getting dry groceries to the car in the rain here, but that is an issue so seldom we don't really need to plan how to handle it. :)
Just got off the phone with Comcast trying to resolve a billing dispute. Wanna know how it went?

Never, never, never deal with the "800" number customer service when dealing with Comcast billing problems. Always go to the local Comcast office when dealing with billing issues, they are interested in keeping your business.
I did--at least the most local number available to us. Extremely frustrating experience. They wouldn't budge that we owed part of a past bill but did give us HBO free for three months in the event that their representative had misrepresented the circumstances to us. (He did. We don't owe the money, but will probably have to pay it to keep our credit rating secure.)
I did--at least the most local number available to us. Extremely frustrating experience. They wouldn't budge that we owed part of a past bill but did give us HBO free for three months in the event that their representative had misrepresented the circumstances to us. (He did. We don't owe the money, but will probably have to pay it to keep our credit rating secure.)
I never call, I go to the local office in person with my contract, cancelled check(s), etc, whatever I need for the problem to be rectified. I've never had a problem doing that way.
My last experience was trying to get a new high definition receiver to work, made three trips to the office, went through two receivers and tones of time on the phone trying to get it activated, never could get it to work. They gave me all the movie channels for 3 months free for my trouble. A month later I was being billed for the HD, took the bill to the office and bingo, no more problems, billing was fixed.

It's been snowing again here in northwestern Illinois all afternoon. Only have about an inch of new snow but IMO that is more than enough. The weatherman says we will most likely get about another two inches before it stops. I believe it's time for the TV station to get a new weatherman - One that will only speak of warm weather and blue skies. I also want the name of the guy who controls Robins. I'm ready to see them because that means it's spring. I always consider it to be spring when I see Robins. Bring on the Robins.
Yeah, the next front has moved in here, started snowing heavy about a half hour ago after we had sunny skies and temps in the upper 40s all day....... Supposed to get 10 inches by Friday.
The (hopefully) good news is El Paso called today, basically she has the job but they want to do the background and reference checks first. We should have the final word next week (I think it's more a formality as I think they already planned to hire her in the first place). The benefits are great but they're not offering as much as she was hoping for but it's still not bad at over 58K a year with a top salary cap of 88K a year, now all we need is for my disability to come through.
So basically it'll be HOT during the summer, cool during the winter with the occasional "cold" night, heck we might even get to the point where we consider 60 degrees cold......... :eusa_whistle:

It's been snowing again here in northwestern Illinois all afternoon. Only have about an inch of new snow but IMO that is more than enough. The weatherman says we will most likely get about another two inches before it stops. I believe it's time for the TV station to get a new weatherman - One that will only speak of warm weather and blue skies. I also want the name of the guy who controls Robins. I'm ready to see them because that means it's spring. I always consider it to be spring when I see Robins. Bring on the Robins.

Let's trade weathermen. Yours seems to be able to accurately predict snow while ours makes only empty suggestions about it. Sounds like you could use the empty suggestions and we need the snow.
Oh and not long ago she got a call from the Reno, NV job, the one we thought was a bust. Phone interview tomorrow and if that works out they'll fly her out to Reno for a face to face....... When it rains it pours.......
Good morning, no news yet on the job in El Paso and the wife is stressed over it so I took her up to the Springs yesterday for some thrift store retail therapy not to mention going to Wally-World for some items we have a hard time finding down here in Podunk.
Yes Sherry, we have plastic bags full of plastic bags because we have 7 reusable bags I almost always forget to take to the store or in the store (when I've put them in the vehicle........) and forget to take the bag of bags to the store for recycling. :lol:
Today's supposed to be nice and warm, lower 40s but tonight the new front moves in and is expected to drop 3 to 6 inches of new snow on us.
Here are a few suggestions for your plastic bag accumulation. I guy I worked with actually made shopping bags out of those cursed plastic bags.
Still crossing my hooks that the job in El Paso comes through for your wife. It sounds like a pretty good deal, really.

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