USMB Coffee Shop IV


Not me. We have a decorative terry cloth container tube thing in the kitchen where we stuff all the plastic bags--it dispenses them out the bottom as we need them. It replaced the plastic bag that held all the other plastic bags.
I have one of those too...... It's full....... and I haven't pulled any bags out of it in months....... :lol:
Mine eventually exploded and I had to excavate hundreds of those plastic bags out from under my sink. Now they're stashed in other plastic bags in the garage.

Not me. We have a decorative terry cloth container tube thing in the kitchen where we stuff all the plastic bags--it dispenses them out the bottom as we need them. It replaced the plastic bag that held all the other plastic bags.
I have one of those too...... It's full....... and I haven't pulled any bags out of it in months....... :lol:

We use them mostly to wrap meat scraps and other potentially smelly stuff for disposal in the trash. Once in a blue moon we need one for something else but it is rare. We don't accumulate them much anymore though since we went to the permanent bags that we take to the store when we grocery shop.

I take sturdy cloth bags with floppy handles (that drive me crazy,) to the store and put them into my cart. I have about 4 or 5 folded and stuffed within one. After checking out at the cashier stand, I walk my cart out into the huge entrance, slide over to the side and start putting all the filled plastic bags into the sturdy cloth ones. This way, I am not bending over in the rain while I perform this sometimes, lengthy task,( because of those floppy but useful handles ). I just go to the car, open the back door, and put in the filled bags. I don't like when it gets wet inside the car and this method prevents that for the most part. Sometimes here, in a NORMAL weather season, the rains can blow sideways as often as pouring down.

I've wondered how those cloth grocery bags seen on TV, with fold down tops, work. I hate to try anything with an 800 number. WAIT...before you order, we'll double your order for just pay shipping and handling. :lmao: What a rip!
The one store I shop at gives you a five-cent rebate for each cloth bag you use. Like Ringel, though, I always forget mine. That, or they're performing other containment services. The commissary still offers a choice of paper or plastic and I always prefer paper. I have loads more use for those. At the very least, I can use them to help start fires.
Temps dropped enough overnight to give us a frosting and freeze up some patches, but we're back above freezing this afternoon. Most roads are now dry and safe, tons of gravel everywhere. I had to laugh when my daughter complained that the 1/2" to 1" of snow they got in NC closed schools, the base, and most other public facilities. Alas, in NC, that's enough snow to paralyze all but the most essential services.
Hey Ringel, thanks for that Macpup recommendation! After hours of frustrating almost-working with the external, pulling a few things off but never staying connected long enough to get everything, I decided to try Macpup. I actually had a problem burning it to disk (I don't know if there's a problem with my dvd drive or if I happened to get 3 bunk blank dvd's in a row) so I ended up putting it on a flash drive. I plugged both a new hd and the external to the pc, booted with the usb, and lo! I was able to see the external and transfer files. Other than a couple of files with errors that weren't too important, I got everything. :D

It was slightly disconcerting navigating through the OS since I'm so used to Windows, but that was only minor annoyance. I am thinking about keeping Macpup on the flash drive in case I ever need to use it again. ;)
It has snowed here in northwestern Illinois all night long but thankfully there is only about 3 or 4 inches of new snow. It is still snowing now but not heavily. Sure will be glad when the weather turns to spring. I couldn't sleep last night so I've been up since 0330 this morning. I see some naps in the recliner coming on later today. Taco will be pleased. Mrs. BBD will most likely go over to the neighbor lady's house and quilt all day with her. When I woke up and came into my computer room I found a dead mouse on the floor!!! One of the indoor cats, either Scuttlebutt or "Mouse" killed the mouse. Don't know which one was the hero. It's the first mouse I have ever seen in our house. Hopefully, the last. One of our cats is a "hero". I will give them both a treat so whoever the real hero is will be rewarded and the other will ride on the hero's coat tails.
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Hey Ringel, thanks for that Macpup recommendation! After hours of frustrating almost-working with the external, pulling a few things off but never staying connected long enough to get everything, I decided to try Macpup. I actually had a problem burning it to disk (I don't know if there's a problem with my dvd drive or if I happened to get 3 bunk blank dvd's in a row) so I ended up putting it on a flash drive. I plugged both a new hd and the external to the pc, booted with the usb, and lo! I was able to see the external and transfer files. Other than a couple of files with errors that weren't too important, I got everything. :D

It was slightly disconcerting navigating through the OS since I'm so used to Windows, but that was only minor annoyance. I am thinking about keeping Macpup on the flash drive in case I ever need to use it again. ;)
Glad it worked for you and yeah, I should have warned you that Linux distros would look "alien" to a Windows user with a slight learning curve, well moderate learning curve with MacPup.
As with the burning issue, don't know but they may have configured it to be burned to a thumb drive, depends on which mirror you clicked on so don't blame the discs or drive just yet. :lol:
If you have a slightly older (spare) computer and a little time you can do what I've done in the past, try out different Linux distributions like OpenSUSE, Fedora, Mint and Ubuntu (I've tried a lot more but those are the big four). One I have on an old P4 machine is Bodhi Linux, very lightweight and uses what's called the "Enlightenment" interface, it's designed to work on everything from a tablet up to a big multi-core system.
It's kinda fun to play around with these and I have one I keep for specific uses, (Mint - the one I like the best).
Went to bed at 9 last night, woke up around 3:30 this morning....... The cats all thought is was breakfast time and bugged me until I fed them at 6am, still a little early. We currently have about 6 inches of snow on the ground and it's still snowing but lightly right now. Giz spent all afternoon and evening sleeping on the bed, probably didn't feel well as he's still recovering from his surgery. Was worried that he might be developing an infection but he seems perfectly fine now running all over the place and trying to play with Jasper.
Matter of fact when I fed them last night not a single one of them got up to eat, they stayed in their respective comfy spots and barely woke up enough to see that the food had been placed out for them....... :dunno:
Oh and not long ago she got a call from the Reno, NV job, the one we thought was a bust. Phone interview tomorrow and if that works out they'll fly her out to Reno for a face to face....... When it rains it pours.......
I enjoyed my time in Reno. It's a fun town, and then there's Virginia City and Lake Tahoe real near, but watch out for the earth quakes. They say Reno is due for a "big one" every 25 years. It's right on a major fault line. That's more of the reason I moved away from there than any.
Temps dropped enough overnight to give us a frosting and freeze up some patches, but we're back above freezing this afternoon. Most roads are now dry and safe, tons of gravel everywhere. I had to laugh when my daughter complained that the 1/2" to 1" of snow they got in NC closed schools, the base, and most other public facilities. Alas, in NC, that's enough snow to paralyze all but the most essential services.
Well we have seen ONE DAY above freezing since the winter weather set in, when averages for this time of year for here are supposed to be around 33.

I had -18 yesterday morning on the thermometer, and -6 today. I'm sick of this deep freeze cold winter crap here in Wisconsin. I think I'm going to move to a warmer climate... like ALASKA.

Wiscaaaansin just appears to be the new GROUND ZERO for these continued POLAR VORTEXES.
I did--at least the most local number available to us. Extremely frustrating experience. They wouldn't budge that we owed part of a past bill but did give us HBO free for three months in the event that their representative had misrepresented the circumstances to us. (He did. We don't owe the money, but will probably have to pay it to keep our credit rating secure.)
I never call, I go to the local office in person with my contract, cancelled check(s), etc, whatever I need for the problem to be rectified. I've never had a problem doing that way.
My last experience was trying to get a new high definition receiver to work, made three trips to the office, went through two receivers and tones of time on the phone trying to get it activated, never could get it to work. They gave me all the movie channels for 3 months free for my trouble. A month later I was being billed for the HD, took the bill to the office and bingo, no more problems, billing was fixed.

What local office? You mean the one thirty miles away?
I did--at least the most local number available to us. Extremely frustrating experience. They wouldn't budge that we owed part of a past bill but did give us HBO free for three months in the event that their representative had misrepresented the circumstances to us. (He did. We don't owe the money, but will probably have to pay it to keep our credit rating secure.)
I never call, I go to the local office in person with my contract, cancelled check(s), etc, whatever I need for the problem to be rectified. I've never had a problem doing that way.
My last experience was trying to get a new high definition receiver to work, made three trips to the office, went through two receivers and tones of time on the phone trying to get it activated, never could get it to work. They gave me all the movie channels for 3 months free for my trouble. A month later I was being billed for the HD, took the bill to the office and bingo, no more problems, billing was fixed.

What local office? You mean the one thirty miles away?
If that's the closest one and it's the one that services your area........ yes.
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Temps dropped enough overnight to give us a frosting and freeze up some patches, but we're back above freezing this afternoon. Most roads are now dry and safe, tons of gravel everywhere. I had to laugh when my daughter complained that the 1/2" to 1" of snow they got in NC closed schools, the base, and most other public facilities. Alas, in NC, that's enough snow to paralyze all but the most essential services.
Well we have seen ONE DAY above freezing since the winter weather set in, when averages for this time of year for here are supposed to be around 33.

I had -18 yesterday morning on the thermometer, and -6 today. I'm sick of this deep freeze cold winter crap here in Wisconsin. I think I'm going to move to a warmer climate... like ALASKA.

Wiscaaaansin just appears to be the new GROUND ZERO for these continued POLAR VORTEXES.
Sending a cheerful bwahahahaha from Alaska!
Yeah, the next front has moved in here, started snowing heavy about a half hour ago after we had sunny skies and temps in the upper 40s all day....... Supposed to get 10 inches by Friday.
The (hopefully) good news is El Paso called today, basically she has the job but they want to do the background and reference checks first. We should have the final word next week (I think it's more a formality as I think they already planned to hire her in the first place). The benefits are great but they're not offering as much as she was hoping for but it's still not bad at over 58K a year with a top salary cap of 88K a year, now all we need is for my disability to come through.
So basically it'll be HOT during the summer, cool during the winter with the occasional "cold" night, heck we might even get to the point where we consider 60 degrees cold......... :eusa_whistle:

I missed this yesterday. . . .so way to go. So what do you do if your Reno interview is after you accept the El Paso position? Take the risk? Or just get ready to move?
Temps dropped enough overnight to give us a frosting and freeze up some patches, but we're back above freezing this afternoon. Most roads are now dry and safe, tons of gravel everywhere. I had to laugh when my daughter complained that the 1/2" to 1" of snow they got in NC closed schools, the base, and most other public facilities. Alas, in NC, that's enough snow to paralyze all but the most essential services.
Well we have seen ONE DAY above freezing since the winter weather set in, when averages for this time of year for here are supposed to be around 33.

I had -18 yesterday morning on the thermometer, and -6 today. I'm sick of this deep freeze cold winter crap here in Wisconsin. I think I'm going to move to a warmer climate... like ALASKA.

Wiscaaaansin just appears to be the new GROUND ZERO for these continued POLAR VORTEXES.

:lol: "Like Alaska"
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Good morning everybody. We have mixed sun and clouds at the moment and in the mid 30's--sort of Alaska weather without the precip--but we're under a winter storm watch for tonight. Prediction is for heavy snow for our area, but also for 30-40 mph wind which usually means a snow hole over Albuquerque and little if any snow. We'll see how it goes. The weatherman has sucked at hitting forecasts for us this winter.
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Temps dropped enough overnight to give us a frosting and freeze up some patches, but we're back above freezing this afternoon. Most roads are now dry and safe, tons of gravel everywhere. I had to laugh when my daughter complained that the 1/2" to 1" of snow they got in NC closed schools, the base, and most other public facilities. Alas, in NC, that's enough snow to paralyze all but the most essential services.
Well we have seen ONE DAY above freezing since the winter weather set in, when averages for this time of year for here are supposed to be around 33.

I had -18 yesterday morning on the thermometer, and -6 today. I'm sick of this deep freeze cold winter crap here in Wisconsin. I think I'm going to move to a warmer climate... like ALASKA.

Wiscaaaansin just appears to be the new GROUND ZERO for these continued POLAR VORTEXES.

:lol: "Like Alaska"

But that's the thing. Alaska has been a banana belt the last two winters compared to the north and east.
Temps dropped enough overnight to give us a frosting and freeze up some patches, but we're back above freezing this afternoon. Most roads are now dry and safe, tons of gravel everywhere. I had to laugh when my daughter complained that the 1/2" to 1" of snow they got in NC closed schools, the base, and most other public facilities. Alas, in NC, that's enough snow to paralyze all but the most essential services.
Well we have seen ONE DAY above freezing since the winter weather set in, when averages for this time of year for here are supposed to be around 33.

I had -18 yesterday morning on the thermometer, and -6 today. I'm sick of this deep freeze cold winter crap here in Wisconsin. I think I'm going to move to a warmer climate... like ALASKA.

Wiscaaaansin just appears to be the new GROUND ZERO for these continued POLAR VORTEXES.
Sending a cheerful bwahahahaha from Alaska!

:rofl: Yeah....that one got me, too. I posted it but don't see it. :dunno:
Oh and not long ago she got a call from the Reno, NV job, the one we thought was a bust. Phone interview tomorrow and if that works out they'll fly her out to Reno for a face to face....... When it rains it pours.......
I enjoyed my time in Reno. It's a fun town, and then there's Virginia City and Lake Tahoe real near, but watch out for the earth quakes. They say Reno is due for a "big one" every 25 years. It's right on a major fault line. That's more of the reason I moved away from there than any.

Baby, when in I lived in the Sierra Nevada area, I went to Lake Tahoe often. I swam those frigid waters, too. :lol: But then, I am a fish...well, more appropriately, mermaid. :D What a beautiful lake AND setting. I can't even think of a comparable....
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Good morning folks! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day thus far. I got my run in this morning and even after my shower I still can't manage to shake the chill. Brrr!
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Yeah, the next front has moved in here, started snowing heavy about a half hour ago after we had sunny skies and temps in the upper 40s all day....... Supposed to get 10 inches by Friday.
The (hopefully) good news is El Paso called today, basically she has the job but they want to do the background and reference checks first. We should have the final word next week (I think it's more a formality as I think they already planned to hire her in the first place). The benefits are great but they're not offering as much as she was hoping for but it's still not bad at over 58K a year with a top salary cap of 88K a year, now all we need is for my disability to come through.
So basically it'll be HOT during the summer, cool during the winter with the occasional "cold" night, heck we might even get to the point where we consider 60 degrees cold......... :eusa_whistle:

I missed this yesterday. . . .so way to go. So what do you do if your Reno interview is after you accept the El Paso position? Take the risk? Or just get ready to move?
Good question.......... More than likely she'll tell Reno she already has an offer on the table to put a burr under their butt. The Reno job is paying more, a lot more if it's the same job she applied for before plus she also got a call from someone in Raleigh Durham for the same thing. Basically she's done Meaningful Use One and everyone is looking to implement Meaningful Use Two, some are still working towards MU1 (all part of the beloved ACA........ :eusa_whistle: ), since she has the experience........ Basically she coordinates implementation and training and with her long history of working government contracts she knows what the government expects, how to decipher the requirements and translate them into common English........ :lol:

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