USMB Coffee Shop IV


Good Morning, Coffee Shop IVers and a good start into your week!

Today's celeb no. 1 slurping down coffee:


Yepp, that's Marilyn Monroe. What a babe. I think I posted one other pic of her, in January or February. It was time for an update. :D
And BTW, [MENTION=45739]Jughead[/MENTION], I was just gonna write to you that I fixed a "königliches Frühstück" (a breakfast fit for a King!) this morning, with a 3-egg italian omelet, pancakes w/ real canadian maple syrup, and a big, fat, steak!!
And BTW, [MENTION=45739]Jughead[/MENTION], I was just gonna write to you that I fixed a "königliches Frühstück" (a breakfast fit for a King!) this morning, with a 3-egg italian omelet, pancakes w/ real canadian maple syrup, and a big, fat, steak!!
Mercy! That is one way to start your Monday on the right foot. All I had was 2 scrambled eggs, ham, some toast, and 2 cups of espresso.

You might have something there...having a breakfast fit for a king on Monday, will surely rid anyone of the Monday morning blues...:D
Howdy, everybody!
Taking a few minutes to catch up, and then back to work. I just sent the girls out with my wild crafting kit and some books about plants and flowers. They are to collect samples, identify them, bag them, label them, then bring them home for further discussion/study. They armored themselves in bug dope and are off to explore the woods. When they return, we will verify their identifications and then hit the medicinal/edible plant books to talk about what uses each plant might have.
Daughter's been cleaning up lots of debris and uncovered a huge carpenter ant nest under the house while removing all the scrap lumber my partner "stored" under there. We dug up a bit and I'll be spreading diatomaceous earth around the pilings to discourage further ant-incursions. Otherwise, we are getting handle on the mess here. My daughter asked me whether "The Hills Have Eyes" or we had a chainsaw murderer on premises. I assume she was making references to some creepy movies.
Well, back to work. Visit more later. I hope everyone else is getting as much accomplished as we are here.

:lol: Did you have fun with that? Or are you the protective, honest type?

I confess, I haven't seen either movie so I was at a loss. Right now, there are stacks of lumber and all manner of other construction materials. Those are mine for our current project. But my partner is a hoarder who cannot part with the smallest snippet of wood or shred of old, used insulation. Despite my most adamant prohibition that no junk cars find their way onto the property, there seems to be an old S10 here (with trees growing through it!). I broached the subject of having it removed and my pard went ballistic. That's his "parts car" for the other S10 junker he has sitting at his place in town.

If the S10 is a "Parts car" then advertise it as such in the local paper free to whomever tows it away and send your partner a copy of the ad. :D
And BTW, [MENTION=45739]Jughead[/MENTION], I was just gonna write to you that I fixed a "königliches Frühstück" (a breakfast fit for a King!) this morning, with a 3-egg italian omelet, pancakes w/ real canadian maple syrup, and a big, fat, steak!!
Mercy! That is one way to start your Monday on the right foot. All I had was 2 scrambled eggs, ham, some toast, and 2 cups of espresso.

You might have something there...having a breakfast fit for a king on Monday, will surely rid anyone of the Monday morning blues...:D

"Mann soll wie ein König frühstücken, dafür aber wie ein armer Mann zu Abend essen"

"One should eat breakfast like a king, but eat dinner like a poor man"

Weather update: here close to Cologne, it started as the hottest morning of 2014. We had temps above 30 (celcius) already at 8 am. There was not a cloud in the sky. But more humid than I can ever remember.

12 minutes ago, exactly 12 minutes ago, clouds began to appear. Watching from my bureau window, I can literally see dark clouds growing by the second.

4 minutes ago, I started to hear thunderclaps in the distance.

And now, right now, the first drops of rain against the window-pane.

In 12, now 13 minutes from blue skies to stormy nights....

really, really halloween-like spooky.
Weather update: here close to Cologne, it started as the hottest morning of 2014. We had temps above 30 (celcius) already at 8 am. There was not a cloud in the sky. But more humid than I can ever remember.

12 minutes ago, exactly 12 minutes ago, clouds began to appear. Watching from my bureau window, I can literally see dark clouds growing by the second.

4 minutes ago, I started to hear thunderclaps in the distance.

And now, right now, the first drops of rain against the window-pane.

In 12, now 13 minutes from blue skies to stormy nights....

really, really halloween-like spooky.

It has been raining heavily here on and off this morning. At least we had really nice weather for the weekend.
Weather update: here close to Cologne, it started as the hottest morning of 2014. We had temps above 30 (celcius) already at 8 am. There was not a cloud in the sky. But more humid than I can ever remember.

12 minutes ago, exactly 12 minutes ago, clouds began to appear. Watching from my bureau window, I can literally see dark clouds growing by the second.

4 minutes ago, I started to hear thunderclaps in the distance.

And now, right now, the first drops of rain against the window-pane.

In 12, now 13 minutes from blue skies to stormy nights....

really, really halloween-like spooky.

It has been raining heavily here on and off this morning. At least we had really nice weather for the weekend.

And the rain has now turned into hail. Big hailstones. BOOM.

Good Morning, Coffee Shop IVers and a good start into your week!

Today's celeb no. 1 slurping down coffee:


Yepp, that's Marilyn Monroe. What a babe. I think I posted one other pic of her, in January or February. It was time for an update. :D
The simple white shirt and the pick up truck suggests that she might have been on the set of her last film The Misfits, which was also Clark Gable's last film.

Saturday was Chamber of Commerce weather. Sunny, warm and pleasant. Yesterday it began raining around 10:00 am and finished up around 7:00 pm. Today is cool and clear. I took advantage of Saturday and got the new flower bed in including the wee pepper plants. They are so tiny, but if they were growing in the wild, as it were, they would be on their own anyway. Plus, I was tired of seeing them on the window sill instead of outside. Daisy the Mutt stayed at Mom's Saturday night. I stopped and trimmed Mom's hedges Saturday and Daisy volunteered to keep Mom company.

I have plans to visit Brooklyn over the July Fourth weekend. The fireworks are more spectacular here in Pittsburgh than they are in NYC. But I'll forego them this year because the pizza is more spectacular in NYC and I need a little Gotham every now and then to clear my mind.
I'm off to Great Lakes to pick up some prescription refills and to do a little shopping in the Navy Exchange. Think I might buy Mrs. BBD one of those Apple iPads. I know I'll end up buying lunch... Mrs. BBD and I have this 50-50 thing. I buy the lunch and she eats it. Been that way for years.
Weather update: here close to Cologne, it started as the hottest morning of 2014. We had temps above 30 (celcius) already at 8 am. There was not a cloud in the sky. But more humid than I can ever remember.

12 minutes ago, exactly 12 minutes ago, clouds began to appear. Watching from my bureau window, I can literally see dark clouds growing by the second.

4 minutes ago, I started to hear thunderclaps in the distance.

And now, right now, the first drops of rain against the window-pane.

In 12, now 13 minutes from blue skies to stormy nights....

really, really halloween-like spooky.

It has been raining heavily here on and off this morning. At least we had really nice weather for the weekend.

Rain is good....:) We had a shower yesterday, looks like we might get some more today. I'm keeping my fingers crossed....we need so much rain...
The storm came, it hailed like crazy, the storm left. Now it's blue skies all over again. And hot.


Was it big hail? We got some hail not too long ago but the pellets were so little you could hardly tell it was hailing. I could tell cause the sound in the Sunroon (glass roof) was different, but I couldn't see it. Finally, I spotted a small didn't last that long.

It's really cloudy today, so the chance is good, for rain.

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