USMB Coffee Shop IV

Nope...not if he is going to let him go outside...he would not be able to defend himself and that would be very bad. I don't like to de-claw them even if they are just have to teach them where they can claw and where they can't.

Absolutely agree. Don't ever declaw a cat. You can teach them not to tear up your upholstery, curtains, and rugs.

Okay, yeah, you should never declaw a cat and no, you can't teach them to do or not do anything they want to do. :D

This Kaffeekanne looks like a teapot, too, but it's for coffee!

This Kaffeekanne looks like a teapot, too, but it's for coffee!



I have two Kaffeekanne in my Küche (Kitchen), and people would think they are for tea. But they are not, they are for coffee. :D

But if perchance a tea drinking picture sneaks in, does anyone here think that the world is going to end??

I am thinking we are still going to live tomorrow over this!!

Raspberry and Apricot!? Oy, ya killin' me...

Me loves Hamantaschen, but yo, it's not Purim, guys!!!


Well, no it isn't but sheesh. Surely there's nothing in the code or whatever that says you can't enjoy Hamantaschen at other times too? Or is it like Easter hot cross buns that just don't seem right at any other time?


Yes, this is a hot-cross-buns moment. Kinda.

Haman was, for lack of a better word, the Hitler of his time. Usually I don't go Godwin, but here it is indeed appropriate.

At Purim, we celebrate escaping his plans for our genocide and his downfall by the very weapon he planned to use on us (hanging in the gallows) - and for the triangular shaped sweets called "Hamantaschen", there are a number of possible reasons, ranging from the kind of hat he supposedly wore, to Esther's strength and the three great forefathers of Judisam (Avraham, Yitzak, Yaakov). In Hebrew, Hamantaschen are called "Osne Haman" (the ears of Haman). Though they are delicious, most Jews really do wait until Purim to go crazy with them :D

But for me, it's no big deal. The ( :eusa_shhh: ) was meant in jest.

So, :eusa_shhh:

Nope...not if he is going to let him go outside...he would not be able to defend himself and that would be very bad. I don't like to de-claw them even if they are just have to teach them where they can claw and where they can't.

Absolutely agree. Don't ever declaw a cat. You can teach them not to tear up your upholstery, curtains, and rugs.

Okay, yeah, you should never declaw a cat and no, you can't teach them to do or not do anything they want to do. :D

I have always been able to teach my cats not to claw the furniture, curtains or rugs. Getting them a good scratching post they like and encouraging them to use it helps a lot in training them not to tear up the furnishings.
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Well, [MENTION=45739]Jughead[/MENTION] , it's just about time for an early supper, so I'm making some fine Spaghetti Bolognese with homemade sauce, and a nice green salad with a vinegar dressing. And a nice Montepulciano (1998) to go with it. And for dessert? A dear friend of mine is bringing her homemade Tiramisu. Oh, did I forget to mention that a dinner date is coming over??

Of course, that Tiramisu needs some good Espresso, and then a Grappa, and then....

Ahh, food, glorious food!!!

(Are the wimmenz now hungry??)

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Well, [MENTION=45739]Jughead[/MENTION] , it's just about time for an early supper, so I'm making some fine Spaghetti Bolognese with homemade sauce, and a nice green salad with a vinegar dressing. And a nice Montepulciano (1998) to go with it. And for dessert? A dear friend of mine is bringing her homemade Tiramisu. Oh, did I forget to mention that a dinner date is coming over??

Of course, that Tiramisu needs some good Espresso, and then a Grappa, and then....

Ahh, food, glorious food!!!

(Are the wimmenz now hungry??)

Sounds like a great meal, Stat. Healthy meal also. I'm on the verge of finishing lunch, burger, fry, and soda which pales in comparison to your extravagant dinner...:(

Actually, come to think of it, if I had an extravagant meal like yours for lunch, I likely wouldn't get any work done all afternoon. I'm just wondering if anyone would

Also wondering if I planned the same dinner as you did what Mrs Jughead's reaction would be? That would include the dinner date friend coming over with her
I have a dear friend, who is Jewish, who lives in NYC. He has never been to New Mexico since he was in elementary school, and he is absolutely convinced that we cannot have really good bagels in New Mexico. Despite the fact that we have known each other since childhood, with the typical New York snobbism about such things, he is certain I could not possibly know what I'm talking about. :)

Oh, I am sure that Bagels in New Mexico are totally delish. Would 7:30 do???


Absolutely. Would you believe some of the best bagels in the world are made and sold by Dunkin' donuts? Also Costco has its own brand of bagels that are absolutely excellent. I know that probably offends the cultural sensibilities of a lot of us, but I am quite a connoisseur and have to admit they won out in a blind taste test.

There is one of these "The Great American Bagel Bakery" on the ground floor of my building. I'm not a connoisseur, but they seem pretty good to me. I don't usually buy the sandwiches, but I will buy a variety of six for a special price, and then use them with toppings of my own design.
Good morning everybody. Glad to see everybody seems to be having a good day. Envying those of you getting rain--it continues dry as a bone here though the next counties to our east had tornado and severe thunderstorm warnings less than 48 hours ago, and our West Texas friends and relatives are reporting daily rains of a half inch to an inch and more--it is lush and green there just four hours east of us. The one rain we did get this spring came with hail--pea size or a little larger--not big enough to do any damage to anything but young, tender plants.

I'm nursing a bruised or torn rib. Because of all the stuff lining our walls in the garage, Hombre and I park our cars fairly close to each other meaning we have the bare minimum of room to get in and out of the doors. And as I was twisting and wriggling to get into the front seat of his, yesterday, to drive my big sis back home, I felt that rib go. Now mega painful, but no biggie. This too shall pass.

You know you're getting old when you injure yourself getting into the car. :(

Hombre is off to pick Aunt Betty up at the body shop. She had forgotten that the rear hatch door on her big bad Lexus was up a few days ago and backed it into the garage damaging the door beyond repair. So it will be replaced today. And meanwhile he will be reassembling their rear security light for them meaning he will be about 6 feet up on a ladder. I am not happy about that. But it's that or Uncle Ed goes up the ladder. We do NOT want that.

I was just thinking. Uncle Ed has advanced stage glaucoma and can no longer pass an eye test for a driver's license, plus he has extreme COPD and is on constant oxygen and in the last couple of years survived a heart attack. Aunt Betty, four months younger than him (they are 88), has a Pacemaker, is susceptible to TIA's, and is being treated for macular degeneration that has also affected her eyesight, but she has been able to barely squeak by on the eye test for a driver's license. But they are happy that they can still drive!!! I just hope their guardian angels stay alert.

Okay....more coffee here. . . (We keep our beans or ground coffee in a large ceramic owl--probably intended to be a cookie jar--that sits beside the coffee pot.)
Oh, I am sure that Bagels in New Mexico are totally delish. Would 7:30 do???


Absolutely. Would you believe some of the best bagels in the world are made and sold by Dunkin' donuts? Also Costco has its own brand of bagels that are absolutely excellent. I know that probably offends the cultural sensibilities of a lot of us, but I am quite a connoisseur and have to admit they won out in a blind taste test.

There is one of these "The Great American Bagel Bakery" on the ground floor of my building. I'm not a connoisseur, but they seem pretty good to me. I don't usually buy the sandwiches, but I will buy a variety of six for a special price, and then use them with toppings of my own design.
Maybe it's the salt air, maybe it's a better recipe, maybe it's the therapeutic good that a bagel provides in a stressful atmosphere, but the New York bagel is a superior bagel. I've eaten them in all the east coast cities except Washington, D.C. I've eaten them throughout the Midwest. I've even noshed on a bagel or two in central Europe. Nowhere but in Brooklyn or Manhattan can anyone find the absolute best bagels.

I'm not tipping my hat to Gotham so far as every food is concerned. Our heroes blow away those found on the gritty streets of New York and our cheesecake rivals any found east of the Hudson. But bagels, pizza and the hash browns served at NYC diners are the best this planet has to offer.

Knishes are an acquired taste and because I'm not able to eat the cheese in them makes me skeptical about how good they really are. Nathan's hot dogs are good, but not $3.50 a piece good, plus I can buy them in the grocery store. Egg creams have their charms, but how can you screw up seltzer, chocolate syrup and milk?
taken with my cellphone. i heard a noise behind me, turned around and this guy was heading back into the woods.


:lol: Oh good grief ... Did you ever watch the Sopranos? He had a bear that visited his house every so often. He lived in NJ. One show ended with him sitting in the backyard all night with a rifle across his chest, smoking a big ole cigar.

I hate guns but I sure loved that show, I think it was all because of Tony.
I hope everyone has a great week, particularly 007.

I'll continue to miss him. I loved his energy here, and his sweet heart.

I agree, and this is the charm of the coffee shop -- from what I see on the political boards he and I might have had a very different experience, but here it's all about respect for the person and common interests and I don't think we ever had so much as an awkward moment. We shared a common interest in radios among other things. And the winter weight management -- I wonder how he's doing.

I hope he's having fun with his venture and will stop back in to say hello.
Me loves Hamantaschen, but yo, it's not Purim, guys!!!


Well, no it isn't but sheesh. Surely there's nothing in the code or whatever that says you can't enjoy Hamantaschen at other times too? Or is it like Easter hot cross buns that just don't seem right at any other time?


Yes, this is a hot-cross-buns moment. Kinda.

Haman was, for lack of a better word, the Hitler of his time. Usually I don't go Godwin, but here it is indeed appropriate.

At Purim, we celebrate escaping his plans for our genocide and his downfall by the very weapon he planned to use on us (hanging in the gallows) - and for the triangular shaped sweets called "Hamantaschen", there are a number of possible reasons, ranging from the kind of hat he supposedly wore, to Esther's strength and the three great forefathers of Judisam (Avraham, Yitzak, Yaakov). In Hebrew, Hamantaschen are called "Osne Haman" (the ears of Haman). Though they are delicious, most Jews really do wait until Purim to go crazy with them :D

But for me, it's no big deal. The ( :eusa_shhh: ) was meant in jest.

So, :eusa_shhh:


If you want a treat to be associated with a particular time of year, you shouldn't make them so damn good :tongue:

That's what Nosmo left out about Manhattan -- you can get hamantaschen every day.

If I wasn't sworn off of wheat I'd be running after that Costco package by now...

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