USMB Coffee Shop IV

I am officially the most baffling thing in the family.
I was reading a book while I was waiting for some family members to show up for a get-together. My grandma walked in and saw me reading, so she asked what it was. I held it up and replied, "The US Army/ Marine Corps Counterinsurgency Field Manual." She asked what it was about, and I said how to deal with insurgency. Of course, no one understood that word. So I went back to my room, put it away, grabbed my Kindle, and went back out. I turned that on and started reading. My aunt and uncle walked over and asked what I was reading. I replied, "The Art of War by Sun Tzu." After that, my family said they didn't understand me at all.
Is reading those type of books really unusual?
Absolutely agree. Don't ever declaw a cat. You can teach them not to tear up your upholstery, curtains, and rugs.

Okay, yeah, you should never declaw a cat and no, you can't teach them to do or not do anything they want to do. :D


No worries, there's no way I would declaw a cat. I was referring to trimming them back so they're not so sharp, thinking it would deter him from playing the role of Tarzan. I just have trepidation about doing that because I've never done it before. I think I'd prefer some professional to show me the technique.
I am officially the most baffling thing in the family.
I was reading a book while I was waiting for some family members to show up for a get-together. My grandma walked in and saw me reading, so she asked what it was. I held it up and replied, "The US Army/ Marine Corps Counterinsurgency Field Manual." She asked what it was about, and I said how to deal with insurgency. Of course, no one understood that word. So I went back to my room, put it away, grabbed my Kindle, and went back out. I turned that on and started reading. My aunt and uncle walked over and asked what I was reading. I replied, "The Art of War by Sun Tzu." After that, my family said they didn't understand me at all.
Is reading those type of books really unusual?

Is this all you do is talk about yourself? :lol:

You don't sound like a 15 year old kid rather self absorbed.
Nope...not if he is going to let him go outside...he would not be able to defend himself and that would be very bad. I don't like to de-claw them even if they are just have to teach them where they can claw and where they can't.

Absolutely agree. Don't ever declaw a cat. You can teach them not to tear up your upholstery, curtains, and rugs.

Okay, yeah, you should never declaw a cat and no, you can't teach them to do or not do anything they want to do. :D

We've always de-clawed (front only) all of our cats. They're all indoors cats and have never suffered any side effects or psychological problems from the de-clawing. To each their own.
I am officially the most baffling thing in the family.
I was reading a book while I was waiting for some family members to show up for a get-together. My grandma walked in and saw me reading, so she asked what it was. I held it up and replied, "The US Army/ Marine Corps Counterinsurgency Field Manual." She asked what it was about, and I said how to deal with insurgency. Of course, no one understood that word. So I went back to my room, put it away, grabbed my Kindle, and went back out. I turned that on and started reading. My aunt and uncle walked over and asked what I was reading. I replied, "The Art of War by Sun Tzu." After that, my family said they didn't understand me at all.
Is reading those type of books really unusual?

You're 15? Put that shit down and get a life......
Well, no it isn't but sheesh. Surely there's nothing in the code or whatever that says you can't enjoy Hamantaschen at other times too? Or is it like Easter hot cross buns that just don't seem right at any other time?


Yes, this is a hot-cross-buns moment. Kinda.

Haman was, for lack of a better word, the Hitler of his time. Usually I don't go Godwin, but here it is indeed appropriate.

At Purim, we celebrate escaping his plans for our genocide and his downfall by the very weapon he planned to use on us (hanging in the gallows) - and for the triangular shaped sweets called "Hamantaschen", there are a number of possible reasons, ranging from the kind of hat he supposedly wore, to Esther's strength and the three great forefathers of Judisam (Avraham, Yitzak, Yaakov). In Hebrew, Hamantaschen are called "Osne Haman" (the ears of Haman). Though they are delicious, most Jews really do wait until Purim to go crazy with them :D

But for me, it's no big deal. The ( :eusa_shhh: ) was meant in jest.

So, :eusa_shhh:


If you want a treat to be associated with a particular time of year, you shouldn't make them so damn good :tongue:

That's what Nosmo left out about Manhattan -- you can get hamantaschen every day.

If I wasn't sworn off of wheat I'd be running after that Costco package by now...
Yeah, those sweet little triangles are not exclusive to Purim here in Pittsburgh either. But paczki, little Polish donuts pronounced 'punchkey' can't be had here until Lent. In spite of Pittsburgh's overwhelmingly large Polish population, they reserve those powdered sugar covered pastries for the Spring.
I am officially the most baffling thing in the family.
I was reading a book while I was waiting for some family members to show up for a get-together. My grandma walked in and saw me reading, so she asked what it was. I held it up and replied, "The US Army/ Marine Corps Counterinsurgency Field Manual." She asked what it was about, and I said how to deal with insurgency. Of course, no one understood that word. So I went back to my room, put it away, grabbed my Kindle, and went back out. I turned that on and started reading. My aunt and uncle walked over and asked what I was reading. I replied, "The Art of War by Sun Tzu." After that, my family said they didn't understand me at all.
Is reading those type of books really unusual?

Is this all you do is talk about yourself? :lol:

You don't sound like a 15 year old kid rather self absorbed.

I am rather narcissistic.:D
I am officially the most baffling thing in the family.
I was reading a book while I was waiting for some family members to show up for a get-together. My grandma walked in and saw me reading, so she asked what it was. I held it up and replied, "The US Army/ Marine Corps Counterinsurgency Field Manual." She asked what it was about, and I said how to deal with insurgency. Of course, no one understood that word. So I went back to my room, put it away, grabbed my Kindle, and went back out. I turned that on and started reading. My aunt and uncle walked over and asked what I was reading. I replied, "The Art of War by Sun Tzu." After that, my family said they didn't understand me at all.
Is reading those type of books really unusual?

You're 15? Put that shit down and get a life......

Life is overrated. :lol:

Seriously though, is it wrong to enjoy reading stuff like that?
I am officially the most baffling thing in the family.
I was reading a book while I was waiting for some family members to show up for a get-together. My grandma walked in and saw me reading, so she asked what it was. I held it up and replied, "The US Army/ Marine Corps Counterinsurgency Field Manual." She asked what it was about, and I said how to deal with insurgency. Of course, no one understood that word. So I went back to my room, put it away, grabbed my Kindle, and went back out. I turned that on and started reading. My aunt and uncle walked over and asked what I was reading. I replied, "The Art of War by Sun Tzu." After that, my family said they didn't understand me at all.
Is reading those type of books really unusual?

You're 15? Put that shit down and get a life......

Life is overrated. :lol:

Seriously though, is it wrong to enjoy reading stuff like that? My mom has already said that if I won't become a priest, she will pretty much force me into the military.
Breakfast is ready Everybody


Looks lovely, but who has time for a breakfast like this on Monday morning?

I would make time.......:D
Absolutely agree. Don't ever declaw a cat. You can teach them not to tear up your upholstery, curtains, and rugs.

Okay, yeah, you should never declaw a cat and no, you can't teach them to do or not do anything they want to do. :D

I have always been able to teach my cats not to claw the furniture, curtains or rugs. Getting them a good scratching post they like and encouraging them to use it helps a lot in training them not to tear up the furnishings.

Exactly. My cats have 3 of them, so they have no excuse whatsoever.
Well, [MENTION=45739]Jughead[/MENTION] , it's just about time for an early supper, so I'm making some fine Spaghetti Bolognese with homemade sauce, and a nice green salad with a vinegar dressing. And a nice Montepulciano (1998) to go with it. And for dessert? A dear friend of mine is bringing her homemade Tiramisu. Oh, did I forget to mention that a dinner date is coming over??

Of course, that Tiramisu needs some good Espresso, and then a Grappa, and then....

Ahh, food, glorious food!!!

(Are the wimmenz now hungry??)


Have don't need to explain, we get the picture.....:D
I am officially the most baffling thing in the family.
I was reading a book while I was waiting for some family members to show up for a get-together. My grandma walked in and saw me reading, so she asked what it was. I held it up and replied, "The US Army/ Marine Corps Counterinsurgency Field Manual." She asked what it was about, and I said how to deal with insurgency. Of course, no one understood that word. So I went back to my room, put it away, grabbed my Kindle, and went back out. I turned that on and started reading. My aunt and uncle walked over and asked what I was reading. I replied, "The Art of War by Sun Tzu." After that, my family said they didn't understand me at all.
Is reading those type of books really unusual?

You're 15? Put that shit down and get a life......

Life is overrated. :lol:

Seriously though, is it wrong to enjoy reading stuff like that?
Don't you have stuff to do and read for school?
Nobody understood my reading choices at your age either C.R. No, it isn't wrong to be reading that stuff, but do yourself a favor and read other stuff too. And as long as it isn't socially offensive, morally wrong, or fattening, trust yourself that there is probably a good career somewhere in what most interests you.
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I am officially the most baffling thing in the family.
I was reading a book while I was waiting for some family members to show up for a get-together. My grandma walked in and saw me reading, so she asked what it was. I held it up and replied, "The US Army/ Marine Corps Counterinsurgency Field Manual." She asked what it was about, and I said how to deal with insurgency. Of course, no one understood that word. So I went back to my room, put it away, grabbed my Kindle, and went back out. I turned that on and started reading. My aunt and uncle walked over and asked what I was reading. I replied, "The Art of War by Sun Tzu." After that, my family said they didn't understand me at all.
Is reading those type of books really unusual?

You're 15? Put that shit down and get a life......

Life is overrated. :lol:

Seriously though, is it wrong to enjoy reading stuff like that?
No, there's nothing at all wrong with reading for pleasure. The one indelible thing college taught me was where to find information. These were pre internet days. As with surfing the web, most of what I know comes from sorting through the flotsam and jetsam of facts and figures discovered during the search for the information I wanted in the first place.

Read on, Corvus! Enjoy the ride.
I am officially the most baffling thing in the family.
I was reading a book while I was waiting for some family members to show up for a get-together. My grandma walked in and saw me reading, so she asked what it was. I held it up and replied, "The US Army/ Marine Corps Counterinsurgency Field Manual." She asked what it was about, and I said how to deal with insurgency. Of course, no one understood that word. So I went back to my room, put it away, grabbed my Kindle, and went back out. I turned that on and started reading. My aunt and uncle walked over and asked what I was reading. I replied, "The Art of War by Sun Tzu." After that, my family said they didn't understand me at all.
Is reading those type of books really unusual?

You're 15? Put that shit down and get a life......

Life is overrated. :lol:

Seriously though, is it wrong to enjoy reading stuff like that? My mom has already said that if I won't become a priest, she will pretty much force me into the military.

Well that amply explains why you're reading about insurgency and the art of war. :thup:
taken with my cellphone. i heard a noise behind me, turned around and this guy was heading back into the woods.


Dang Spoonman, you're lucky that Bear got the urge to go pee, he might have come after you and made supper out of you.
Oh, I am sure that Bagels in New Mexico are totally delish. Would 7:30 do???


Absolutely. Would you believe some of the best bagels in the world are made and sold by Dunkin' donuts? Also Costco has its own brand of bagels that are absolutely excellent. I know that probably offends the cultural sensibilities of a lot of us, but I am quite a connoisseur and have to admit they won out in a blind taste test.

There is one of these "The Great American Bagel Bakery" on the ground floor of my building. I'm not a connoisseur, but they seem pretty good to me. I don't usually buy the sandwiches, but I will buy a variety of six for a special price, and then use them with toppings of my own design.

All this talk about bagels has made me hungry for them....with cream good!
I am officially the most baffling thing in the family.
I was reading a book while I was waiting for some family members to show up for a get-together. My grandma walked in and saw me reading, so she asked what it was. I held it up and replied, "The US Army/ Marine Corps Counterinsurgency Field Manual." She asked what it was about, and I said how to deal with insurgency. Of course, no one understood that word. So I went back to my room, put it away, grabbed my Kindle, and went back out. I turned that on and started reading. My aunt and uncle walked over and asked what I was reading. I replied, "The Art of War by Sun Tzu." After that, my family said they didn't understand me at all.
Is reading those type of books really unusual?

I don't think so. Most kids your age love those video games where all they do is kill each other. My son used to like them when he was your age, and he turned out just fine.

They (your family) may just want you to interact with them while they are visiting. I find it rather rude that most young people are so absorbed in their cell phones that they are missing real life for just reading about life from their friends who are also missing real life. I certainly can put my cell phone down for hours, when I've got company...don't miss it a bit.
Absolutely agree. Don't ever declaw a cat. You can teach them not to tear up your upholstery, curtains, and rugs.

Okay, yeah, you should never declaw a cat and no, you can't teach them to do or not do anything they want to do. :D

We've always de-clawed (front only) all of our cats. They're all indoors cats and have never suffered any side effects or psychological problems from the de-clawing. To each their own.

We had two of our cats de-clawed. They have since passed on. We didn't notice any side effects of psychological problems either, but just reading about the pain involved when the procedure is done is what keeps me from doing it again, not to mention if they ever snuck out, they would have no way to defend themselves.

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