USMB Military & Vets is Bergdhal a deserter

Do you think that Bergdhal is a deserter and traitor

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Every vet that I know in RL says this guy is a traitor. Every vet I've watched on TV or read about says he's a traitor or deserter. The only vets I've Seen that don't have a negative opinion about the guy are USMB liberal vets.
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IMO nothing can come out that will excuse him of walking away from his post. He wasn't kidnapped.
There are facts available right now that say yes. He sent all his valuables home 2 months into a 12 month deployment. Would he have sent all his electronics and other personal items home if he planned on returning? I think not.
We will wait for the investigation before we decide.

Those 8 who say 'yes' are why we have laws to mitigate opinion.
IMO nothing can come out that will excuse him of walking away from his post. He wasn't kidnapped.

Yes- Abandoning his post is disturbing.

The 5th general order of a Sentry

5. To quit my post only when properly relieved.

The guy has a schizo look about him, if he has mental illness then he should not have been there in the first place.
Those who served with him say yes - that is good enough for me. The USA hating progressives will no doubt exalt him to hero status like that little faggot fuck Manning. You have already seen it from the Obama administration - anything anti American is right up his alley :evil:
IMO nothing can come out that will excuse him of walking away from his post. He wasn't kidnapped.

Exactly, he left on his own. That is desertion, pure and simple. Whether he actually joined the enemy or not is still up for debate, but where exactly did he think he'd end up after leaving his post? Not like he could go home. And he has made many anti-American sentiments. He was allowed to have a gun while being "held" and that alone is telling. It meant they trusted him.

Obama's excuse for releasing terrorists was that he had to get Bergdhal medical help because he was in dire need. Doctors reported that he was fine physically after examining him after his release. So, what was so urgent that required immediate attention?

It seems like Obama just wanted to give the Taliban a hand. Did Bergdhal want to be released? He didn't even want to see his family. This is one weird guy and what Obama did is even more strange, well, for an American anyway.
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We will wait for the investigation before we decide.

Those 8 who say 'yes' are why we have laws to mitigate opinion.

You got a mouse in your pocket there fakey, who is this "we" you are speaking for? You were asked for a personal opinion, not for group think or talking points.

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