USMB Owners..hello?

App? I need an app? Is my avatar animated to you?

There's extensions that will allow animations in the avatars for this version.

You need to have the PHP extention ImageMagick installed on your server and have it selected as the Default Image Processor in the ACP -> Options -> Attatchments page.

Then when you upload your gif it converts it to every avatar size so it will remain animated all over the site. I just spent the evening trying to get it work on my site, looks good.

It took this fellow an evening of work and this site has just been transitioned. I'm not saying that they're gonna do this, but many of the things that are wanted may well be implemented given time.

There's a win-win here unless you're looking for a win-lose. Imo, there's one of those too.
Me clazy about cholizo.
Hey where you get those smilies.
STOP! You're making me laugh excessively! Guess that's actually good so....

The smilies I got were complicated don't remember where now but Gracie has just posted some good ones. I believe they're on page 3 here but guess you found them already. C_K will be getting some new ones soon.
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Not for me! Its elbows and assholes smooth as a babys butt.
How exactly? It worked just fine, and I didn't get BS about "bugs" for the simplest fix I wanted to make. I hate the appearance. The smilies are pathetic. I hate it!
Agreed. I cant stand the new look at all though some of the new posting tools in the 'quick reply' are better. The absolute worst is just as welfare said:
Is there anyway to get rid of the 30% of the screen that is taken up with ads and general crap? Anybody?
Unacceptable really.


The site has moved on and is not going to go back. I have never seen a decision like this go backwards on any site weather message board or not and this happens to be a closer standard of outlay than the old board - that was one of the reasons that I have continued to come back here for so damn many years. The look and feel of the site was always a thousand times better than any other board I have ever been to. Now, it is just another in a sea of crappy interfaces. I would have liked that we kept our unique feel but alas - all things (even good ones) must come to an end. At least the community will keep me here even when the interface chases me away.

All in all, complaining about the new interface is counter productive, no matter how you feel about it and not really going to help the webmasters in any real sense. Good suggestions on how to improve the new site would be a much better rout to go. Take the worst thing you can think of and make a suggestion on how to make it better (without resorting to MAKE IT LIKE IT WAS) which will be ignored - I can pretty much assure you.

With that though - anything on welfare's question? I really would like to use my ENTIRE screen rather than only half.
It has basically changed from being a political message board to a hard sell, constantly rotating, advertising platform. That is what it is now.

I certainly do not begrudge the owners making money....but when you dilute the product to this extent simply to sell ad space it becomes counter productive.
Site seems to run slow for me too. Most likely the ads. I hesitate to block them as I want the site to have revenue. I agree we need to lose the large empty space to the right.

It is a struggle right now, but I'll keep posting until we get back to speed. Remember happy faces, even if they look like this. > :)
Is there anyway to get rid of the 30% of the screen that is taken up with ads and general crap? Anybody?

I don't have any ads but then, I never have.

I have adblock instead.

Its a mess without ads - can't imagine how it looks with ads.
Site seems to run slow for me too. Most likely the ads. I hesitate to block them as I want the site to have revenue. I agree we need to lose the large empty space to the right.

It is a struggle right now, but I'll keep posting until we get back to speed. Remember happy faces, even if they look like this. > :)
We'll get to formatting the empty space soon. If your experiencing some slow downs we're in the process of fixing all the YouTube videos in the music threads. This takes some time and uses a lot of resources. We can't run the fix on all of them at once, we have to do it in chunks so bear with us. There are thousands upon thousands of them ;)

End of day we should have all of them converted/fixed

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