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Another thing - voting for all defensive teams is done by the coaches, so there goes you're theory.

Yea, nobody in the league office would fix the results or otherwise offer incentives to get the results they want. Grow up dude. Power brokering is a way of life.

And that's not a conspiracy theory?


If you wanna be a mindless minstrel who calls out conspiracy theory as a means of discrediting then I can't stop you. I'm a business major and more importantly a life experienced person who understands that businesses looks at the bottom line.

Let me ask you:

Do the coaches ballots get released? No. There's a reason for that.
If you went back and analyzed the numbers would you find countless players with better defensive numbers than Kobe? Yes
If you reviewed the tapes would you see Kobe constantly dogging it on defense? Yes. I grew up in the LA market. I've watched plenty of games to know.
Would you see many other players having a much greater defensive impact on games? Absolutely.

Sadly, the league didn't even make Kobe hit superficial statistical standards and that only encouraged him to dog it more. But I can't blame them. It was good enough for the average idiot fan like yourself who is willing to come back now and pretend that he was great.

It's funny that you believe in a world where people's moral compasses are so wonderfully calibrated and everything is oh so wonderfully fair. I'd much rather believe in so-called conspiracy theories than be in a perpetual state of ignorance. But hey, if your bliss gets you through life, well then you're not unusual.
Ray Allen going to the Heat was bad news not just for Boston but for the league, they are practically indestructible right now. Ray Allen scored 16 points in the 4th quarter alone last night, 4 three pointers. He is basically an all star playing off the bench. Boston is playing them today, I would like to see the Celtics end the win streak but I doubt it will happen especially with Kevin Garnett hurt. Miami is making this look too easy.
Hey TGG, any highlights of Bird playing 84 feet of defense?

[ame=]Kobe Bryant Plays Full-Court Defense on Lebron James for the Steal! - YouTube[/ame]
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At this stage Kobe is not an elite defender. He used to be though.

Kobe was a pretty good defender but I don't know about elite, elite to me would be like Gary Payton in his prime who won Defensive Player of the year back in 96.

Whose been a better defender at shooting guard than Kobe the last 10 years?

Wow. You have not been paying much attention at all if you're asking this. Kobe has always been a mediocre defender at best. Even earlier in the year, when the Lakers were constantly losing, his defender was burning him on constant back door plays and the announcers kept calling him out. And in turn he was calling out Howard. He was used to Shaq and Gasol/Bynum picking up his slack. The last 30 games or so is the first time, I've ever seen Kobe play well on the defensive end even. He realized he couldn't dog it any more.

Kobe should have been called for a foul at half court; at least once, possibly twice. He jumped all the way over this back and reached down. They teach you not to do that on day 1 of basketball b/c it's a foul every time.

I've never said that Kobe can't play decent defense at times. But I'm not going to pretend that he keeps the motor going for the entire game; because he doesn't and he never has. Kobe only plays help defense even if he thinks its going to get him a steal or block. He doesn't exert energy for the sake of solid team defense though.
A very partial list of guards/wings who are (often way) better defenders than Kobe during the last ten years.

Jason Kidd
Avery Bradley
Tony Allen
Bruce Bowen
Stephen Jackson
Chris Paul
Manu Ginobili
Rajon Rondo
Andrei Kirilenko
Josh Smith
Ron Artest
Doug Christie
Shane Battier
Kirk Hinrich
Paul George
Russell Westbrook
Rudy Gay
Monta Ellis
Mike Conley
Ronnie Brewer
Dwyane Wade
Tevor Ariza
Andre Iguodala
Baron Davis
Shawn Marion
Stephen Jackson
Gerald Wallace
Larry Hughes
John Stockton

Saying Kobe is a great defender is like calling Paul Pierce or Tracy McGrady great defenders. There's just no truth to it. He plays defense like Carmelo Anthony with the exception of a handful of plays during a game.

Oh and back to my so-called conspiracy theory:

Paul Pierce - 1.4 stls, 0.6 blks - 0 All Defensive team honors
Kobe Bryant - 1.5 stls, 0.5 blk - 11 All Defensive team honors (The 8 was first team)

Number of times Pierce has been top ten in steals - FIVE
Number of times Bryant has been top ten in steals - THREE

LMAO - Kobe doesn't even have to sniff the top ten in steals to get handed a first team defensive team honors. Like I said, they're marketing to idiots like yourself, so no need.
A very partial list of guards/wings who are (often way) better defenders than Kobe during the last ten years.

Jason Kidd
Avery Bradley
Tony Allen
Bruce Bowen
Stephen Jackson
Chris Paul
Manu Ginobili
Rajon Rondo
Andrei Kirilenko
Josh Smith
Ron Artest
Doug Christie
Shane Battier
Kirk Hinrich
Paul George
Russell Westbrook
Rudy Gay
Monta Ellis
Mike Conley
Ronnie Brewer
Dwyane Wade
Tevor Ariza
Andre Iguodala
Baron Davis
Shawn Marion
Stephen Jackson
Gerald Wallace
Larry Hughes
John Stockton

Saying Kobe is a great defender is like calling Paul Pierce or Tracy McGrady great defenders. There's just no truth to it. He plays defense like Carmelo Anthony with the exception of a handful of plays during a game.

Oh and back to my so-called conspiracy theory:

Paul Pierce - 1.4 stls, 0.6 blks - 0 All Defensive team honors
Kobe Bryant - 1.5 stls, 0.5 blk - 11 All Defensive team honors (The 8 was first team)

Number of times Pierce has been top ten in steals - FIVE
Number of times Bryant has been top ten in steals - THREE

LMAO - Kobe doesn't even have to sniff the top ten in steals to get handed a first team defensive team honors. Like I said, they're marketing to idiots like yourself, so no need.

Pierce can defend good at times but its definently not his fortay. Avery Bradley is becoming the best defender in the league.
A very partial list of guards/wings who are (often way) better defenders than Kobe during the last ten years.

Jason Kidd
Avery Bradley
Tony Allen
Bruce Bowen
Stephen Jackson
Chris Paul
Manu Ginobili
Rajon Rondo
Andrei Kirilenko
Josh Smith
Ron Artest
Doug Christie
Shane Battier
Kirk Hinrich
Paul George
Russell Westbrook
Rudy Gay
Monta Ellis
Mike Conley
Ronnie Brewer
Dwyane Wade
Tevor Ariza
Andre Iguodala
Baron Davis
Shawn Marion
Stephen Jackson
Gerald Wallace
Larry Hughes
John Stockton

Saying Kobe is a great defender is like calling Paul Pierce or Tracy McGrady great defenders. There's just no truth to it. He plays defense like Carmelo Anthony with the exception of a handful of plays during a game.

Oh and back to my so-called conspiracy theory:

Paul Pierce - 1.4 stls, 0.6 blks - 0 All Defensive team honors
Kobe Bryant - 1.5 stls, 0.5 blk - 11 All Defensive team honors (The 8 was first team)

Number of times Pierce has been top ten in steals - FIVE
Number of times Bryant has been top ten in steals - THREE

LMAO - Kobe doesn't even have to sniff the top ten in steals to get handed a first team defensive team honors. Like I said, they're marketing to idiots like yourself, so no need.

I would put Kobe ahead of most of the guys on that list, but let's ignore that. Not only do you think Kevin Love is a good defender, you think Monta Ellis and Barron Davis are too? LMAO And don't bring up your stupid steals stats. I keep telling you they mean jack shit. You're a causal fan that tries to profess himself as someone who really knows the game . I get it. :clap2:
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A very partial list of guards/wings who are (often way) better defenders than Kobe during the last ten years.

Jason Kidd
Avery Bradley
Tony Allen
Bruce Bowen
Stephen Jackson
Chris Paul
Manu Ginobili
Rajon Rondo
Andrei Kirilenko
Josh Smith
Ron Artest
Doug Christie
Shane Battier
Kirk Hinrich
Paul George
Russell Westbrook
Rudy Gay
Monta Ellis
Mike Conley
Ronnie Brewer
Dwyane Wade
Tevor Ariza
Andre Iguodala
Baron Davis
Shawn Marion
Stephen Jackson
Gerald Wallace
Larry Hughes
John Stockton

Saying Kobe is a great defender is like calling Paul Pierce or Tracy McGrady great defenders. There's just no truth to it. He plays defense like Carmelo Anthony with the exception of a handful of plays during a game.

Oh and back to my so-called conspiracy theory:

Paul Pierce - 1.4 stls, 0.6 blks - 0 All Defensive team honors
Kobe Bryant - 1.5 stls, 0.5 blk - 11 All Defensive team honors (The 8 was first team)

Number of times Pierce has been top ten in steals - FIVE
Number of times Bryant has been top ten in steals - THREE

LMAO - Kobe doesn't even have to sniff the top ten in steals to get handed a first team defensive team honors. Like I said, they're marketing to idiots like yourself, so no need.

I would put Kobe ahead of most of the guys on that list, but let's ignore that. Not only do you think Kevin Love is a good defender, you think Monta Ellis and Barron Davis are too? LMAO And don't bring up your stupid steals stats. I keep telling you they mean jack shit. You're a causal fan that tries to profess himself as someone who really knows the game . I get it. :clap2:

I just showed you that Pierce and Kobe have the same exact stats (except Pierce is actually a much better defensive rebounder) and one has 11 all-defensive teams and one has ZERO. I would skip that too if I were you and I didn't want to admit how horribly I had been deceived. I guess you want to keep Kobe's shaft down your throat for as long as possible. That's cool.

Monta Ellis could've been a stretch. I know that he can get a lot of rips in a way that Kobe never could. But I'll admit, I haven't thoroughly studied his game to say for sure.

Baron Davis has most certainly had a better defensive career than Kobe. He has had five seasons of 2 stls or more. Kobe has only one. The reason? He has quick hands and strong legs and he hustles. He doesn't take plays off like Kobe. You may be thinking of the LAC Baron Davis who had injuries catch-up to him and he had significant drops in production at both ends of the court.

Kevin Love is a good defender. He's 6'10 and he has pretty good lateral quickness for his size and he owns the boards more than any other player league. I'm sorry you can't come to grips with the painfully obvious. Perhaps you're too busy buying the urban myth that he's white and therefore doesn't have the hops and quickness to compete at a high level. K-Love led Team USA in defensive rebounds last Olympics too. I'd say he's good. I mean, it's not like I'm even calling him great. I'm just saying he's a solid defender.

That's pretty laughable btw, that you called me a casual fan. You can disagree with me all you want; but we all know that's a bold faced lie. I guess that's retaliation for exposing your naiveté in harsh terms.
I am absolutely disgusted from last night, I almost cussed out a friend of mine because he jumped on the Miami band wagon and was talking shit last night. I am taking a break from the NBA for a while this Heatlemania bullshit is going too far for my tastes.

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