
Did anyone ever think that instead of creating an apology thread, that maybe they should treat the boards like they do everyday conversation at their local bar or wherever they congregate, and keep their bigotry and hate to themselves?

But.....................of course they don't........................message boards are anonymous, and that is why people think they can get away with being hateful (at least, until their conscience catches up with them).
I wasn't bigoted or full of hate, ABS. I was pissed off and cussed with words I don't normally use here. And I never though I could "get away with it".
I didn't get much sleep last night so....I'm off to bed.

Night folks.
I wasn't bigoted or full of hate, ABS. I was pissed off and cussed with words I don't normally use here. And I never though I could "get away with it".

Never said that you specifically were bigoted or full of hate.

However...................I do sense a bit of anger there, and if you're smart, you know where anger comes from.

Anger is a secondary emotion, which means that something had to happen beforehand to make you angry enough to use it on someone else.

If I get angry, it means that you did one of two things to me, meaning that you either (a) scared me (which means that I have to get angry enough to scare you back so that you quit scaring me) or (b) it means that you've hurt me (which means that I have to get angry enough to hurt you so that you quit hurting me).

Hate is just anger or fear that is on steroids, meaning that you've let it get such a control over you that you lash out for no reason. Anger is the same, just a level less.

But..................obviously, if you used cuss words and lashed out, it was probably because you were scared of what you would lose, or angry because of what was taken from you.

Me? I try to think of why I get angry, and all of the time it comes back to you either scared me about what I thought you would take, or were hurt because of what you did.

I rarely get angry. And even if I do, I process it through those 2 channels and it goes away.

The reason my neg reps are so nasty, is because you gave me a negative reply, and I want to make sure you don't do it again, because you made me feel hurt or put fear into my life.

And..................for the record........................there are only a couple of things that could put fear into my life. Messing with my security or those I love does a good job on both, and here on a message board, neither can occur without my consent.
I was not very nice today. I insulted this board and some of it's members by having a hissy fit. I apologize to usmb, and those I took my frustration out on.

That is all. Except that I feel bad. Y'all have been kind to me. I was not very kind today.:(
Gracie, you just need a big hug. We all do that one time or another.

That's what this whole board is about... blowing off steam... no need to apologize for it.

And don't worry about being bad. If you step over the line, I'm sure someone will report you and you'll get a ban. If you haven't been banned, then whatever you did wasn't all that bad.

The answer is sex.

I don't know why, but it always makes Me feel better.

I was not very nice today. I insulted this board and some of it's members by having a hissy fit. I apologize to usmb, and those I took my frustration out on.

That is all. Except that I feel bad. Y'all have been kind to me. I was not very kind today.:(

It sounds like SOMEONE has been bad, alright!

When were you last spanked?

Oh, about 55 years ago?:eusa_whistle:

I cussed. I got angry. Well, I was already semi angry, not feeling well, bad night with a health issue, adding a bitter sister wanting a fight....and stupid me coming here and taking it out on folks and this board. So yeah..I was bad. I am bad. But then I feel bad for being bad and jumping on people who didn't deserve my lashing out.
Oh, I have plenty of excuses, but it doesn't make me NOT feel bad go away. So that is why I wanted to apologize publicly because I was mean, publicly.

that just sounds like 99% of the posts on here......hope you feel better......and remember is never having to say your sorry........
I don't know what happened Gracie but the fact that you came here and expressed remorse shows your character which is strong.

And so what. A lot of people blow off steam here. If things are going bad in your life and you need to vent, do it with us.

I don't know what happened Gracie but the fact that you came here and expressed remorse shows your character which is strong.

And so what. A lot of people blow off steam here. If things are going bad in your life and you need to vent, do it with us.


Thank goodness that I'm always reasonable...:lmao:
I don't know what happened Gracie but the fact that you came here and expressed remorse shows your character which is strong.

And so what. A lot of people blow off steam here. If things are going bad in your life and you need to vent, do it with us.


You're right................better to vent here on USMB than to spend your time ventilating a whole bunch of people with a semi automatic gun and a whole lot of ammo.
I don't know what happened Gracie but the fact that you came here and expressed remorse shows your character which is strong.

And so what. A lot of people blow off steam here. If things are going bad in your life and you need to vent, do it with us.


You're right................better to vent here on USMB than to spend your time ventilating a whole bunch of people with a semi automatic gun and a whole lot of ammo.

Well, you can't argue with that...:scared1:

/standing in the corner

Okay, I'm sorry. Just because I warned you I was in a foul mood doesn't excuse me from acting on it. I really should have gone and read a book.

And I am truly sorry.


/standing in the corner

Okay, I'm sorry. Just because I warned you I was in a foul mood doesn't excuse me from acting on it. I really should have gone and read a book.

And I am truly sorry.

No worries! I'm just thankful that I have friends like you who can be honest and straightforward with me! That's one thing I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving! This board does become addicting, overly so at times. And frankly, I should have been in bed hours ago myself. Need to be up later this morning to help make the meal.

As they say in New York



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