USPS Postmaster General Louis DeJoy gave bonuses to former employees who donated to GOP candidates

Over the past 4 years I've learned to speak fake news bullshit.

What this is saying is he gave bonuses to everybody...that includes people who donated to GOP candidates.

It also shows that DeJoy hired employees who donated republican by a ratio of 100:1

That's shows deliberate acts.
I agree ..we must only allow voting in person
Thanks! I wholeheartedly agree that everyone who can should vote in person. That way Trump & his mob can't claim foul & chant bullshit about mail in ballots.

Beating Trump at his own game will cause much joy.
Over the past 4 years I've learned to speak fake news bullshit.

What this is saying is he gave bonuses to everybody...that includes people who donated to GOP candidates.

It also shows that DeJoy hired employees who donated republican by a ratio of 100:1

That's shows deliberate acts.
I agree ..we must only allow voting in person
Thanks! I wholeheartedly agree that everyone who can should vote in person. That way Trump & his mob can't claim foul & chant bullshit about mail in ballots.

Beating Trump at his own game will cause much joy.
You will have few joy ( if you win ) and one day you will wake up and go outside and “ realize that you’re a stranger in your own land”
Not to mention every city will be under Antifa and BLM domination and then the suburbs

This entire administration has been awash in corruption since the first day. Trump is clearly the most corrupt President of the previous 44 who have held the office. I'm hoping this costs this weasel his job. I fully expect him to be subpoenaed by Congress.
Mueller proved you an idiot on this one.

It is illegal. A clear campaign finance violation and a felony. I swear, everyone who makes the mistake of coming anywhere close to Donald Trump ends up in jail. DeMisery will be no exception and it couldn't have happened to a nicer corrupt sycophant.

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U.S. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy allegedly ascended to the heights of federal government employment by way of what is known as a straw donor scheme. Legal experts say the alleged facts are evidence of a crime that should be easy to prosecute.

The allegations are tidily summed up in the headline of a Sunday afternoon story by the Washington Post: “Louis DeJoy’s rise as GOP fundraiser was powered by contributions from coworkers who were later reimbursed, former employees say.”

Pressed to account for the behavior at issue, a close parsing of DeJoy’s response through a spokeswoman shows he didn’t exactly deny the story:

The statement did say, however, that DeJoy “sought and received” legal advice to make sure he had “complied with any and all laws.”

Under federal law, having someone else make a campaign finance contribution on your behalf is expressly illegal.

Per a Federal Election Commission (FEC) explainer:

Contributions in the Name of Another are Strictly Prohibited
Reimbursing someone for a contribution or otherwise contributing in the name of another person can result in substantial civil penalties and jail time. The FEC and the Department of Justice have prosecuted several such cases over the last few years. These violations sometimes occur when an individual who has already contributed up to the limit to a campaign gives money to another person to make a contribution to the same candidate.
DeJoy, a resident of North Carolina, caught the attention of the Tarheel State’s attorney general over the weekend.

“It is against the law to directly or indirectly reimburse someone for a political contribution,” North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein (D) tweeted. State law also prohibits the practice and there is no statute of limitations for violations of the state statute–which are felonies.

Stein declined to comment further aside from saying that the “appropriate” authorities should investigate the claims.

And while any such potential investigation is unlikely to be timely viz. the upcoming general election, several legal experts believe that DeJoy could be in legal jeopardy—or, rather, that he should be.

“Using straw donors is a crime because it allows fundraisers to cheat campaign contribution limits,” said University of Michigan Law Professor Barbara McQuade. “If report is true that DeJoy committed this conduct in 2016, then the heat is on. Five-year statute of limitations won’t run until 2021.”

“Not to mention layup of a wire fraud case,” added California-based law professor and legal columnist Harry Litman, referencing the pliable federal statute that allows prosecutors to bring charges for almost any sort of fraud imaginable.

Attorney George Conway, fresh off of a self-imposed temporary Twitter exile, chimed in with a much further afield suggestion:

But, to others, such rapid analyses leave several questions open:

Former DOJ attorney and administrative law expert Sasha Samberg-Champion suggested that it isn’t just the “brazenness” of DeJoy’s “illegal conduct” that’s “stunning”:

The Democratic attack on the U.S. Post Office was inevitable since the Democrats plan to use the mails to commit massive voter fraud this November. I would believe none of their conspiracy theories.
U.S. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy allegedly ascended to the heights of federal government employment by way of what is known as a straw donor scheme. Legal experts say the alleged facts are evidence of a crime that should be easy to prosecute.

I'll wait for the tape.

Dan Abrams & Colin Kalmbacher both have a history of left bias.

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