UT professors vow to defy the law


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
Texas Professors Refuse To Comply With Campus Carry Law

Campus carry is the law of the land in Texas.

Students are allowed to carry handguns on college campuses – including the classroom.

But that doesn’t matter to some liberal professors who have vowed to defy the law and prohibit guns in their classrooms, CampusReform is reporting.

So let me get this straight moonbats, when it comes to queer marriage, obozocare or any beloved bed wetter policy we're told to accept it, it's the law of the land and we have to respect it.

However it it's a law that increases nocturnal urination you celebrate people who openly defy it, or people who refuse to enforce it even if their job is to do so.

I sincerely hope the state legislature and the UT governing board ensures that if any students rights are violated that these petulant bed wetters are fired or otherwise prosecuted. If these blithering idiots are so determined to live in a disarmed state they need to take their parasitic asses to commiefornia or Assachewsits. We don't need or want moonbats in Texas and we've done quite well without them.

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Is the OP already drunk? Or still drunk from last night?

Does he realize that his OP makes no sense? Pootin and safety in classrooms?

Why is it that so many RWs want kids shot in classrooms?

And, whats funny is that he's talking to the OP.


John Cleese is talking to low-info RWs just like the dummy OP.

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Putin vs. Obama Brilliantly Compared in 10 BRUTAL Pictures

Campus carry is the law of the land in Texas.

Students are allowed to carry handguns on college campuses – including the classroom.

But that doesn’t matter to some liberal professors who have vowed to defy the law and prohibit guns in their classrooms, CampusReform is reporting.

So let me get this straight moonbats, when it comes to queer marriage, obozocare or any beloved bed wetter policy we're told to accept it, it's the law of the land and we have to respect it.

However it it's a law that increases nocturnal urination you celebrate people who openly defy it, or people who refuse to enforce it even if their job is to do so.

I sincerely hope the state legislature and the UT governing board ensures that if any students rights are violated that these petulant bed wetters are fired or otherwise prosecuted. If these blithering idiots are so determined to live in a disarmed state they need to take their parasitic asses to commiefornia or Assachewsits. We don't need or want moonbats in Texas and we've done quite well without them.

View attachment 51171

If you could actually hear John Cleese talk, you probably wouldn't be so quick to post his picture. Most of his millions were earned making fun of people like you.
But that doesn’t matter to some liberal professors who have vowed to defy the law and prohibit guns in their classrooms

Only the property owner can do that.

Sure, but if no one steps in and enforces that, the prog turds can do whatever they want. Of course if these petulant childlike moonbats are forced to accept it, you know they will be out to fail the student who carries.

These are criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths we're talking about, not normal human beings with ethical standards.

So I read the bed wetter comments above after "show ignored content" I was not surprised that not a single moonbat has an answer for the question:

Why do conservatives have to accept and respect libtard laws, but libtards can ignore, challenge, defy and refuse to enforce laws they don't like?

They cheered when Kim Davis was thrown in prison for violating the law, and expressed delight when the moonbat messiah declared he would ignore immigration law.

You parasites just want everyone's cake and eat it all yourselves.

I knew I wasn't going to get a rational response anyway, because moonbats have no concept of what a rational response would be. Instead they regurgitate some stupid shit about CHL holders shooting other kids in their class even though that has NEVER HAPPENED in the 120 other colleges where CC is allowed and practiced.

Then they act like the gif I used is the important part of the OP. I have no problem using John Cleese's image because the message is what's important and the moonbats prove it is correctly directed at them.

So I read the bed wetter comments above after "show ignored content" I was not surprised that not a single moonbat has an answer for the question:

Why do conservatives have to accept and respect libtard laws, but libtards can ignore, challenge, defy and refuse to enforce laws they don't like?

They cheered when Kim Davis was thrown in prison for violating the law, and expressed delight when the moonbat messiah declared he would ignore immigration law.

You parasites just want everyone's cake and eat it all yourselves.

I knew I wasn't going to get a rational response anyway, because moonbats have no concept of what a rational response would be. Instead they regurgitate some stupid shit about CHL holders shooting other kids in their class even though that has NEVER HAPPENED in the 120 other colleges where CC is allowed and practiced.

Then they act like the gif I used is the important part of the OP. I have no problem using John Cleese's image because the message is what's important and the moonbats prove it is correctly directed at them.

The rational response is you are whining like a schoolgirl about nothing so, STFU already.
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the pampered, spoiled brat obama going up against a stern father figure.
Get out the popcorn. LOL
Putin vs. Obama Brilliantly Compared in 10 BRUTAL Pictures

Campus carry is the law of the land in Texas.

Students are allowed to carry handguns on college campuses – including the classroom.

But that doesn’t matter to some liberal professors who have vowed to defy the law and prohibit guns in their classrooms, CampusReform is reporting.

So let me get this straight moonbats, when it comes to queer marriage, obozocare or any beloved bed wetter policy we're told to accept it, it's the law of the land and we have to respect it.

However it it's a law that increases nocturnal urination you celebrate people who openly defy it, or people who refuse to enforce it even if their job is to do so.

I sincerely hope the state legislature and the UT governing board ensures that if any students rights are violated that these petulant bed wetters are fired or otherwise prosecuted. If these blithering idiots are so determined to live in a disarmed state they need to take their parasitic asses to commiefornia or Assachewsits. We don't need or want moonbats in Texas and we've done quite well without them.

View attachment 51171

Well, since he is violating the Civil Rights of his students he should be arrested…just like the clerk was…
The rational response is you are whining like a schoolgirl about nothing so, STFU already.

Thanks for once again proving me correct bed wetter. This is exactly the reason I keep most of you parasites on ignore and only occasionally read your drivel for ammunition to ridicule you with. You're clearly too stupid to argue with, and to intellectually and ethically bankrupt to even consider the fact that you tools of oppression support criminally insane sociopaths who write laws they don't live by, but force people too accept and defy laws enacted by people who oppose them. You are a lawless and Godless mob of miserable drones.

If it wasn't for mindless servile lemmings like you, there never would have been a despotic regime capable of killing millions of it's own people. I call you parasites weapons grade stupid and I mean it. You are dangerously stupid, and a threat to society.

How typical Pete...
No substantial counter argument to the question of why liberals are selective in enforcing laws. They are only hurling shit toward you indicating that they are wallowing in their own miserable piss soaked bed covered with shit.
How typical Pete...
No substantial counter argument to the question of why liberals are selective in enforcing laws. They are only hurling shit toward you indicating that they are wallowing in their own miserable piss soaked bed covered with shit.

It was predictable. That's why I don't waste much time talking to these parasites. They're to be ridiculed, marginalized and ultimately defeated.


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