Utah looking to repeal 17th amendment


The States are comprised of We the People

Senators are elected by a direct vote instead of back room deals

I am sorry but for 125 years we did it like the Founding Fathers designed it to be.

Then it was changed and now we are not the United States of America anymore. We are nothing more than a big bloated corrupt out of control debt ridden oppressive welfare state shithole.

The 17th was not the only reason we became a shithole but it was one of the major contributing factors.
We have been directly electing Senators for 100 years

I don't think you can sell the American people that you don't trust their vote
And the American people certainly don’t trust conservatives.

You mean regressive sodomite enabling Americans don't trust conservatives, tell us again how many State houses and legislators are controlled by republicans.

For now. Nothing is static for long, especially in politics. Many of these Republican controlled states are running themselves into the ground because Republican voodoo economics do not work. But every dog has his day.


The fact is you and others on the right can’t be trusted; you’re devoid of credibility.

The propensity of most on the right to lie, the right’s blind partisanism that places party before country, and the conservative agenda hostile to the rights of gay Americans, women, Muslim Americans, and those transgender result in Americans simply not being able to believe conservatives.

I am not a Republican so your hatefest is lost on me if that was you intent. I have no membership to any political party because they are all just about the same in their support for big government.

The Liberal agenda has destroyed this country on several different levels. Everything from fiscal irresponsible to destroying the very fabric of family and individual responsibility and that is despicable.

Speaking of hostility the Left in this country hates the Bill of Rights, religion, responsibility and equality under the law just to name a few of their problems. The Left are greedy envious assholes who supports the concept of using the government to steal money from others and that is despicable.

However, as far as the 17th goes the Founding Fathers established this country as a collection of states and the the 17th destroyed that concept. The idea of a union of states was replaced by an out of control debt ridden oppressive fiscally irresponsible filthy ass welfare state Federal government and that is also despicable.
It's the difference between direct democracy and being a republic.
And We the People, basically said, that the Founders got this portion of it wrong.

You and Two Thumbs are peas in a pod, one on the left and one on the right.

You only hear what you want to hear.
Such as Utah is the most corrupt state in the union. As I recall was your opening diatribe on this thread.
If Utah is so horrible, so dishonest, so lacking in decorum, why do you do so much of your business there? Why did you do to school there?
Why don't you tell us your real name so I can alert my fellow Utahns how you feel about our great state

The States are comprised of We the People

Senators are elected by a direct vote instead of back room deals

I am sorry but for 125 years we did it like the Founding Fathers designed it to be.

Then it was changed and now we are not the United States of America anymore. We are nothing more than a big bloated corrupt out of control debt ridden oppressive welfare state shithole.

The 17th was not the only reason we became a shithole but it was one of the major contributing factors.
We have been directly electing Senators for 100 years

I don't think you can sell the American people that you don't trust their vote
And the American people certainly don’t trust conservatives.

You mean regressive sodomite enabling Americans don't trust conservatives, tell us again how many State houses and legislators are controlled by republicans.

For now. Nothing is static for long, especially in politics. Many of these Republican controlled states are running themselves into the ground because Republican voodoo economics do not work. But every dog has his day.
The thread topic is Utah. Is Utah running itself into the ground?

For now. Nothing is static for long, especially in politics. Many of these Republican controlled states are running themselves into the ground because Republican voodoo economics do not work. But every dog has his day.

...and Democrat controlled inner city ghetto America is doing so damn well, right?

How is that crime rate going in Chicago and how much debt does the City of Los Angeles have for starters? How about Baltimore? Remeber the incompentcy of the Black Democrat Mayor of Baltimore? If it wasn't for the affluence of the suburbs around the big city shitholes they would all be Detroits.
The Utah Senate Asks Congress to Repeal the 17th Amendment

“The framers of the Constitution created the United States Senate to protect the rights of individual states and safeguard minority opinion in a system of government designed to give greater power to the national government. They modeled the Senate on governors’ councils of the colonial era and on the state senates that had evolved since independence. The framers intended the Senate to be an independent body of responsible citizens who would share power with the president and the House of Representatives. James Madison, paraphrasing Edmund Randolph, explained in his notes that the Senate’s role was “first to protect the people against their rulers [and] secondly to protect the people against the transient impressions into which they themselves might be led.”

The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislatures.

When vacancies happen in the representation of any State in the Senate, the executive authority of such State shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies: Provided, That the legislature of any State may empower the executive thereof to make temporary appointments until the people fill the vacancies by election as the legislature may direct.

This amendment shall not be so construed as to affect the election or term of any Senator chosen before it becomes valid as part of the Constitution.[1]

17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Direct Election of U.S. Senators. Americans did not directly vote for senators for the first 125 years of the Federal Government. The Constitution, as it was adopted in 1788, stated that senators would be elected by state legislatures.

I can understand why they would want that, but the idea that it would end corruption is silly, you're just spreading it around.

The reason, in my opinion, has nothing to do with corruption. The reason is to give power back to the states by allowing them representation in the congress. Corruption was one of the arguments made to pass this horrible amendment in the first place.
You’re entitled to your opinion, however wrong.

The ‘reason’ is to give republicans unbreakable control of the Senate – as well as Congress, given the gerrymandering of House districts.

The Amendment is not ‘horrible’ since it’s preventing that from happening.
Of course the dems/libs never do anything to make themselves more powerful would they.

The States are comprised of We the People

Senators are elected by a direct vote instead of back room deals

I am sorry but for 125 years we did it like the Founding Fathers designed it to be.

Then it was changed and now we are not the United States of America anymore. We are nothing more than a big bloated corrupt out of control debt ridden oppressive welfare state shithole.

The 17th was not the only reason we became a shithole but it was one of the major contributing factors.
We have been directly electing Senators for 100 years

I don't think you can sell the American people that you don't trust their vote
And the American people certainly don’t trust conservatives.

You mean regressive sodomite enabling Americans don't trust conservatives, tell us again how many State houses and legislators are controlled by republicans.

For now. Nothing is static for long, especially in politics. Many of these Republican controlled states are running themselves into the ground because Republican voodoo economics do not work. But every dog has his day.

It's working very well in my State. Zero State income tax, reasonable sales and property taxes and since the State is funded by sales taxes, I can even write them off on my fed return.
It's the difference between direct democracy and being a republic.
And We the People, basically said, that the Founders got this portion of it wrong.

You and Two Thumbs are peas in a pod, one on the left and one on the right.

You only hear what you want to hear.

That States ratified it, they can abolish it if they chose. Too often children think they know better than the adults, then they grow up.
The people own the states. The people tell the States what to do. Quit talking like John C. Calhoun.

It's working very well in my State. Zero State income tax, reasonable sales and property taxes and since the State is funded by sales taxes, I can even write them off on my fed return.

God bless Texas.

Florida is like that also and we are doing pretty good. A Republican governor and a Republican legislature. Great gun laws. Low taxes. No income tax and low property and sales taxes. Thank goodness the filthy ass Democrats aren't running the state.

Only idiots like these Moon Bats that post on here like to live in a high tax state. Can you imagine being that stupid?
It's the difference between direct democracy and being a republic.
And We the People, basically said, that the Founders got this portion of it wrong.

You and Two Thumbs are peas in a pod, one on the left and one on the right.

You only hear what you want to hear.

That States ratified it, they can abolish it if they chose. Too often children think they know better than the adults, then they grow up.
The people own the states. The people tell the States what to do. Quit talking like John C. Calhoun.

Yep, but only the State legislatures vote on ratification of an amendment.
It's the difference between direct democracy and being a republic.
And We the People, basically said, that the Founders got this portion of it wrong.

You and Two Thumbs are peas in a pod, one on the left and one on the right.

You only hear what you want to hear.
Such as Utah is the most corrupt state in the union. As I recall was your opening diatribe on this thread.
If Utah is so horrible, so dishonest, so lacking in decorum, why do you do so much of your business there? Why did you do to school there?
Why don't you tell us your real name so I can alert my fellow Utahns how you feel about our great state

His real name is Vladimir Lenin, jr,, aka, Comrade Starkiev. Type slowly , he still learning how to speak English.

It's the difference between direct democracy and being a republic.
And We the People, basically said, that the Founders got this portion of it wrong.

You and Two Thumbs are peas in a pod, one on the left and one on the right.

You only hear what you want to hear.

That States ratified it, they can abolish it if they chose. Too often children think they know better than the adults, then they grow up.
The people own the states. The people tell the States what to do. Quit talking like John C. Calhoun.

Yep, but only the State legislatures vote on ratification of an amendment.
Who are elected by We the People.
It's the difference between direct democracy and being a republic.
And We the People, basically said, that the Founders got this portion of it wrong.

You and Two Thumbs are peas in a pod, one on the left and one on the right.

You only hear what you want to hear.

That States ratified it, they can abolish it if they chose. Too often children think they know better than the adults, then they grow up.
The people own the states. The people tell the States what to do. Quit talking like John C. Calhoun.

Yep, but only the State legislatures vote on ratification of an amendment.
Who are elected by We the People.

Yep, and that wouldn't change if the 17th were repealed, would it?
It's the difference between direct democracy and being a republic.
And We the People, basically said, that the Founders got this portion of it wrong.

You and Two Thumbs are peas in a pod, one on the left and one on the right.

You only hear what you want to hear.
Such as Utah is the most corrupt state in the union. As I recall was your opening diatribe on this thread.
If Utah is so horrible, so dishonest, so lacking in decorum, why do you do so much of your business there? Why did you do to school there?
Why don't you tell us your real name so I can alert my fellow Utahns how you feel about our great state
His real name is Vladimir Lenin, jr,, aka, Comrade Starkiev. Type slowly , he still learning how to speak English..
I love Utah and its people, and I detest the GOP-hold on the legislature, particularly the caucus system. How nice that 78% of Utahns, just like me, approve of the newly enacted primary system. Remember how our party leaders tried to break their word after they said they would abide by the new law, and the judge told them that in no uncertain terms if they did not follow it, there would be no GOP candidates in 2016 on the state ballots? Utah is not perfect only because of our corrupt legislature.
And We the People, basically said, that the Founders got this portion of it wrong.

You and Two Thumbs are peas in a pod, one on the left and one on the right.

You only hear what you want to hear.

That States ratified it, they can abolish it if they chose. Too often children think they know better than the adults, then they grow up.
The people own the states. The people tell the States what to do. Quit talking like John C. Calhoun.

Yep, but only the State legislatures vote on ratification of an amendment.
Who are elected by We the People.

Yep, and that wouldn't change if the 17th were repealed, would it?
Don't worry your pretty little head about it, because it won't happen. Only death and taxes and Contumacious always being wrong are more sure than that.
That States ratified it, they can abolish it if they chose. Too often children think they know better than the adults, then they grow up.
The people own the states. The people tell the States what to do. Quit talking like John C. Calhoun.

Yep, but only the State legislatures vote on ratification of an amendment.
Who are elected by We the People.

Yep, and that wouldn't change if the 17th were repealed, would it?
Don't worry your pretty little head about it, because it won't happen. Only death and taxes and Contumacious always being wrong are more sure than that.

What ever.
It's the difference between direct democracy and being a republic.
And We the People, basically said, that the Founders got this portion of it wrong.

You and Two Thumbs are peas in a pod, one on the left and one on the right.

You only hear what you want to hear.
Such as Utah is the most corrupt state in the union. As I recall was your opening diatribe on this thread.
If Utah is so horrible, so dishonest, so lacking in decorum, why do you do so much of your business there? Why did you do to school there?
Why don't you tell us your real name so I can alert my fellow Utahns how you feel about our great state
His real name is Vladimir Lenin, jr,, aka, Comrade Starkiev. Type slowly , he still learning how to speak English..
I love Utah and its people, and I detest the GOP-hold on the legislature, particularly the caucus system. How nice that 78% of Utahns, just like me, approve of the newly enacted primary system. Remember how our party leaders tried to break their word after they said they would abide by the new law, and the judge told them that in no uncertain terms if they did not follow it, there would be no GOP candidates in 2016 on the state ballots? Utah is not perfect only because of our corrupt legislature.

You are not from Utah, you are from the People's Republic of Taxachussets.

But if you are from Utah then we may bump to each other because we frequent Bear Lake State Park.
It's the difference between direct democracy and being a republic.
And We the People, basically said, that the Founders got this portion of it wrong.

You and Two Thumbs are peas in a pod, one on the left and one on the right.

You only hear what you want to hear.
Such as Utah is the most corrupt state in the union. As I recall was your opening diatribe on this thread.
If Utah is so horrible, so dishonest, so lacking in decorum, why do you do so much of your business there? Why did you do to school there?
Why don't you tell us your real name so I can alert my fellow Utahns how you feel about our great state
His real name is Vladimir Lenin, jr,, aka, Comrade Starkiev. Type slowly , he still learning how to speak English..
I love Utah and its people, and I detest the GOP-hold on the legislature, particularly the caucus system. How nice that 78% of Utahns, just like me, approve of the newly enacted primary system. Remember how our party leaders tried to break their word after they said they would abide by the new law, and the judge told them that in no uncertain terms if they did not follow it, there would be no GOP candidates in 2016 on the state ballots? Utah is not perfect only because of our corrupt legislature.

You are not from Utah, you are from the People's Republic of Taxachussets.

But if you are from Utah then we may bump to each other because we frequent Bear Lake State Park.
My SIL got us into one of those huge homes on the east shore down toward the Northend for a weekend get together last winter.
I think the home was owned by some doctor out of Twin Falls.
Can we just stop the charade about repealing the 17th amendment because of States rights or the wishes of the founding fathers?

Republicans control the majority of the State Legislatures. Repealing the 17th would ensure they have a majority of the Senate regardless of the will of the people in that state

Just another ploy for Republicans to rule from a minority
If they control most of the SL then they are not the minority.

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