VA school board member asked to resign over racist FLOTUS emails

dosn't matter how often you explain this to rw idiots. Same as explaining the First Amendment to idiots like Stephanie. Explain it over and over and they still don't get it and never will.
its kinda like the 2nd Amendment to "idiots" like you and Lakota... Explain it over and over and they still don't get it and never will.....

I just remembered ... Are you the same little twerp who used to follow me around with lies about - I can't remember what your thing is.

Anyway, if not, I apologize. If you ARE that little twerp, have at it.


people your age do forget things.....did you already forget what you were whining about here?......
Wasn't it racist? I mean, just a little?

Dam what is it with Republicans and just calling a racist a fucking racist? It's like their krypotonite

Maybe it's the fact that the libs have thrown the term around so much it has pretty much lost all meaning.

If its lost all meaning then repubs wouldn't have a problem saying it. Stop blaming what other people did and when. You can type it right now and you wont. You wont because the gop (not all but a lot) have a need to ignore or even defend blatant racism.

In fact the word has a lot of meaning whenever a black conservative gets called a name. All of a sudden it means a LOT!! But only when its a black CONSERVATIVE. It's called indifference. Instead you mock those people who are victims of racism or that simply see it...they are your target too, oddly enough.

You ask for their vote while giving them the back of your hand. Then when they don't side with you the GOP chalks it up to people who use their right to vote didn't pick GOP therefore those people are stupid. More backhand...
The news sites are not going to show you the photos in the emails because there is nudity in them.

But if any of you really gave a shit about the truth, you would have googled "Michelle Obama's high school reunion" for yourselves by now and seen just how racist that shit is.

You are either extremely stupid, or just being obtuse, pretending you have no way of discerning the facts.

I just did, I had not seen them, yes they are messed up, I don't condone it, its shit...

now to the 'other' point I like to make in these situations, not you ( unless you belong in the group)......

Q- what lefty's here had the same objections regarding the condi caricatures?

or allen west with a gold tooth

or bidens or reids uber patronizing and insulting comments vis a vis obama? clean articulate negro etc. etc.

if you you raise your hand fine , if you didn't , well, you know? can pound sand.
Dam what is it with Republicans and just calling a racist a fucking racist? It's like their krypotonite

Maybe it's the fact that the libs have thrown the term around so much it has pretty much lost all meaning.

If its lost all meaning then repubs wouldn't have a problem saying it. Stop blaming what other people did and when. You can type it right now and you wont. You wont because the gop (not all but a lot) have a need to ignore or even defend blatant racism.

In fact the word has a lot of meaning whenever a black conservative gets called a name. All of a sudden it means a LOT!! But only when its a black CONSERVATIVE. It's called indifference. Instead you mock those people who are victims of racism or that simply see it...they are your target too, oddly enough.

You ask for their vote while giving them the back of your hand. Then when they don't side with you the GOP chalks it up to people who use their right to vote didn't pick GOP therefore those people are stupid. More backhand...

how about living up to your own double standards?
Dam what is it with Republicans and just calling a racist a fucking racist? It's like their krypotonite

Maybe it's the fact that the libs have thrown the term around so much it has pretty much lost all meaning.

If its lost all meaning then repubs wouldn't have a problem saying it. Stop blaming what other people did and when. You can type it right now and you wont. You wont because the gop (not all but a lot) have a need to ignore or even defend blatant racism.

In fact the word has a lot of meaning whenever a black conservative gets called a name. All of a sudden it means a LOT!! But only when its a black CONSERVATIVE. It's called indifference. Instead you mock those people who are victims of racism or that simply see it...they are your target too, oddly enough.

You ask for their vote while giving them the back of your hand. Then when they don't side with you the GOP chalks it up to people who use their right to vote didn't pick GOP therefore those people are stupid. More backhand...

It's funny how everyone who are calling these emails racist haven't posted even one to illustrate their point. Do you really expect people to take the word of a highly partisan site like Salon at face value? You are aware that satire can be in poor taste and not be racist, right? There have been many similar satirical emails about white women and even minorities that are just as bad as these are described to be and no one says a word. Seems just a tad hypocritical to me. I have absolutely no affection for the couple that currently occupy the white house, but because I make fun of them or disagree with most of what they stand for does not make me or anyone else racist.
Maybe it's the fact that the libs have thrown the term around so much it has pretty much lost all meaning.

If its lost all meaning then repubs wouldn't have a problem saying it. Stop blaming what other people did and when. You can type it right now and you wont. You wont because the gop (not all but a lot) have a need to ignore or even defend blatant racism.

In fact the word has a lot of meaning whenever a black conservative gets called a name. All of a sudden it means a LOT!! But only when its a black CONSERVATIVE. It's called indifference. Instead you mock those people who are victims of racism or that simply see it...they are your target too, oddly enough.

You ask for their vote while giving them the back of your hand. Then when they don't side with you the GOP chalks it up to people who use their right to vote didn't pick GOP therefore those people are stupid. More backhand...

It's funny how everyone who are calling these emails racist haven't posted even one to illustrate their point. Do you really expect people to take the word of a highly partisan site like Salon at face value? You are aware that satire can be in poor taste and not be racist, right? There have been many similar satirical emails about white women and even minorities that are just as bad as these are described to be and no one says a word. Seems just a tad hypocritical to me. I have absolutely no affection for the couple that currently occupy the white house, but because I make fun of them or disagree with most of what they stand for does not make me or anyone else racist.

IOW, you've made your decision even though you haven't seen and don't know what you're talking about.

Typical ignorant rw.
luddy the petty..with Salon pulling his strings..

but don't accuse Salon of spreading hate...that site should be shunned
Maybe it's the fact that the libs have thrown the term around so much it has pretty much lost all meaning.

If its lost all meaning then repubs wouldn't have a problem saying it. Stop blaming what other people did and when. You can type it right now and you wont. You wont because the gop (not all but a lot) have a need to ignore or even defend blatant racism.

In fact the word has a lot of meaning whenever a black conservative gets called a name. All of a sudden it means a LOT!! But only when its a black CONSERVATIVE. It's called indifference. Instead you mock those people who are victims of racism or that simply see it...they are your target too, oddly enough.

You ask for their vote while giving them the back of your hand. Then when they don't side with you the GOP chalks it up to people who use their right to vote didn't pick GOP therefore those people are stupid. More backhand...

It's funny how everyone who are calling these emails racist haven't posted even one to illustrate their point. Do you really expect people to take the word of a highly partisan site like Salon at face value? You are aware that satire can be in poor taste and not be racist, right? There have been many similar satirical emails about white women and even minorities that are just as bad as these are described to be and no one says a word. Seems just a tad hypocritical to me. I have absolutely no affection for the couple that currently occupy the white house, but because I make fun of them or disagree with most of what they stand for does not make me or anyone else racist.

Actually it's not funny. You can google it, you wont, why not? If you found it yourself you cant blame "partisan sites" or any other mumbo jumbo. Also if you googled it yourself you cant cry about what you see. I post it, you'll cry about cherry picking or something.
Va. school board member asked to resign over racist Michelle Obama emails -

... DeGroft says the emails were meant to be “political” and not racist, and thinks that forwarding offensive emails isn’t quite the same thing as originating an offensive email chain, apparently: “None of them I initiated, if you look at them. They were all initiated by somebody else,” he told the Daily Press. DeGroft sent the emails in question to Vice Chairman Byron Bailey, who went on to share them with other county staff...

What a lame and whiny excuse. Racist pigs like this have no place in our school systems. Let him be an ignorant racist in the unemployment line.
LMAO How on earth would he think anyone would buy the excuse that the emails were supposed to be political???
Actually we can't believe you are still ranting about a email sent by a employee of a state
If its lost all meaning then repubs wouldn't have a problem saying it. Stop blaming what other people did and when. You can type it right now and you wont. You wont because the gop (not all but a lot) have a need to ignore or even defend blatant racism.

In fact the word has a lot of meaning whenever a black conservative gets called a name. All of a sudden it means a LOT!! But only when its a black CONSERVATIVE. It's called indifference. Instead you mock those people who are victims of racism or that simply see it...they are your target too, oddly enough.

You ask for their vote while giving them the back of your hand. Then when they don't side with you the GOP chalks it up to people who use their right to vote didn't pick GOP therefore those people are stupid. More backhand...

It's funny how everyone who are calling these emails racist haven't posted even one to illustrate their point. Do you really expect people to take the word of a highly partisan site like Salon at face value? You are aware that satire can be in poor taste and not be racist, right? There have been many similar satirical emails about white women and even minorities that are just as bad as these are described to be and no one says a word. Seems just a tad hypocritical to me. I have absolutely no affection for the couple that currently occupy the white house, but because I make fun of them or disagree with most of what they stand for does not make me or anyone else racist.

IOW, you've made your decision even though you haven't seen and don't know what you're talking about.

Typical ignorant rw.

Skipped right over my question on the 1st Amendment didn't ya? Go away coward.
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If its lost all meaning then repubs wouldn't have a problem saying it. Stop blaming what other people did and when. You can type it right now and you wont. You wont because the gop (not all but a lot) have a need to ignore or even defend blatant racism.

In fact the word has a lot of meaning whenever a black conservative gets called a name. All of a sudden it means a LOT!! But only when its a black CONSERVATIVE. It's called indifference. Instead you mock those people who are victims of racism or that simply see it...they are your target too, oddly enough.

You ask for their vote while giving them the back of your hand. Then when they don't side with you the GOP chalks it up to people who use their right to vote didn't pick GOP therefore those people are stupid. More backhand...

It's funny how everyone who are calling these emails racist haven't posted even one to illustrate their point. Do you really expect people to take the word of a highly partisan site like Salon at face value? You are aware that satire can be in poor taste and not be racist, right? There have been many similar satirical emails about white women and even minorities that are just as bad as these are described to be and no one says a word. Seems just a tad hypocritical to me. I have absolutely no affection for the couple that currently occupy the white house, but because I make fun of them or disagree with most of what they stand for does not make me or anyone else racist.

Actually it's not funny. You can google it, you wont, why not? If you found it yourself you cant blame "partisan sites" or any other mumbo jumbo. Also if you googled it yourself you cant cry about what you see. I post it, you'll cry about cherry picking or something.

I guess you have no idea how debate works, it's up to you to provide evidence to support your point of view, not mine. Or just keep flapping your gums and I'll shoot you down with generic arguments.
I don't think you understand how educating yourself works. You're interested in the email (if you really are) you can google it. I'm talking about the racism attached to this email. You seem more interested in seeing the email because descriptions and quotes don't work for you. Its like asking to hear a story then bitching because you didn't see what the book looks like.

If you wont google it, then ok, blame yourself. And use those generic arguments with someone else. It's funny because you are defending the guy before even knowing what the emails are.

Its not like you're just defending someone for no reason....well, actually it is. Curious that you feel the need to defend something while refusing to read the story, find the emails, or even google it. See, you don't care about what the email looks like. You've already defended it while pretending you want a debate.
I don't think you understand how educating yourself works. You're interested in the email (if you really are) you can google it. I'm talking about the racism attached to this email. You seem more interested in seeing the email because descriptions and quotes don't work for you. Its like asking to hear a story then bitching because you didn't see what the book looks like.

If you wont google it, then ok, blame yourself. And use those generic arguments with someone else. It's funny because you are defending the guy before even knowing what the emails are.

Its not like you're just defending someone for no reason....well, actually it is. Curious that you feel the need to defend something while refusing to read the story, find the emails, or even google it. See, you don't care about what the email looks like. You've already defended it while pretending you want a debate.

Be advised once again: this is a guy who has claimed to not know who Lee Atwater was. His MO is to just deny any evidence put before him that his side's shit ever stinks.
I don't think you understand how educating yourself works. You're interested in the email (if you really are) you can google it. I'm talking about the racism attached to this email. You seem more interested in seeing the email because descriptions and quotes don't work for you. Its like asking to hear a story then bitching because you didn't see what the book looks like.

If you wont google it, then ok, blame yourself. And use those generic arguments with someone else. It's funny because you are defending the guy before even knowing what the emails are.

Its not like you're just defending someone for no reason....well, actually it is. Curious that you feel the need to defend something while refusing to read the story, find the emails, or even google it. See, you don't care about what the email looks like. You've already defended it while pretending you want a debate.

I read the story and I'm not defending what the guy sent, I am defending his right to send it. Just as I would for anyone else, if the person who received it didn't like it, there is a reply button and easy to tell the guy to stop. There is no need to threaten jobs and make a public spectical out of something like this. The only reason this has gotten the attention it has is because of the subject of the emails, not really their content. Tell me honestly, would you be putting all this time on this thread if the caption on the photo said Maxine Waters class reunion?
I don't think you understand how educating yourself works. You're interested in the email (if you really are) you can google it. I'm talking about the racism attached to this email. You seem more interested in seeing the email because descriptions and quotes don't work for you. Its like asking to hear a story then bitching because you didn't see what the book looks like.

If you wont google it, then ok, blame yourself. And use those generic arguments with someone else. It's funny because you are defending the guy before even knowing what the emails are.

Its not like you're just defending someone for no reason....well, actually it is. Curious that you feel the need to defend something while refusing to read the story, find the emails, or even google it. See, you don't care about what the email looks like. You've already defended it while pretending you want a debate.

I read the story and I'm not defending what the guy sent, I am defending his right to send it. Just as I would for anyone else, if the person who received it didn't like it, there is a reply button and easy to tell the guy to stop. There is no need to threaten jobs and make a public spectical out of something like this. The only reason this has gotten the attention it has is because of the subject of the emails, not really their content. Tell me honestly, would you be putting all this time on this thread if the caption on the photo said Maxine Waters class reunion?

Well great then. That's not what this is about and your deflection is noted.
I don't think you understand how educating yourself works. You're interested in the email (if you really are) you can google it. I'm talking about the racism attached to this email. You seem more interested in seeing the email because descriptions and quotes don't work for you. Its like asking to hear a story then bitching because you didn't see what the book looks like.

If you wont google it, then ok, blame yourself. And use those generic arguments with someone else. It's funny because you are defending the guy before even knowing what the emails are.

Its not like you're just defending someone for no reason....well, actually it is. Curious that you feel the need to defend something while refusing to read the story, find the emails, or even google it. See, you don't care about what the email looks like. You've already defended it while pretending you want a debate.

I read the story and I'm not defending what the guy sent, I am defending his right to send it. Just as I would for anyone else, if the person who received it didn't like it, there is a reply button and easy to tell the guy to stop. There is no need to threaten jobs and make a public spectical out of something like this. The only reason this has gotten the attention it has is because of the subject of the emails, not really their content. Tell me honestly, would you be putting all this time on this thread if the caption on the photo said Maxine Waters class reunion?

Well great then. That's not what this is about and your deflection is noted.

Why is it you libs just walk past direct questions? Are you afraid your faux rage will be exposed?
Because you and others have been trying to ignore the racism and instead make this about his right to say it. Guess what? No one disagrees with you. So is this a pat each other on the back board or somewhere we debate opposing ideas?

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