Vaccine passport to be implanted?

Interesting. I wonder how that works when you have to get a booster shot every six months for the rest of your life. Do they keep on implanting another chip every time you get boosted, or can they re-program the chip you already have inside you?
Probably just remotely updating it is all.
What control would they have?

The government would have no more control of a chip than they already do of a credit card.
If the chip had a tracking device, and if it were used for all financial transactions, and if it were used for all medical information

1. No more filling taxes. That alone would be trillions of dollars added to the economy

2. No more cheating on taxes as every transaction is instantly recorded and could instantly redistribute the money the way the government wants.

3. No more missing persons with the GPS device and no more running from the police

4. No more having to give a health history, especially if you are unable to give one and found unable to give one.

5. No more keeping your vaccination passport which will soon be needed to do anything in society.

And the list goes on. So the question is not IF this will happen, but when it will happen.

And the Bible predicted this thousands of years ago..

Hell, the technology and is existing right in front of your face and you can't even see it now

I missed the part about microchips in the Book of Revelation, but okay......
The mark of the beast goes in your right hand or forehead. So when they start mandating it, don't take it.

You heard it hear first

Now it is your choice.

And sure, it will all be a coincidence when this happens and I'm a religious loon that should be ignored.

Blah, blah, blah.
The conspiracy theory is that people would be FORCED to have a chip implanted.

It's a conspiracy theory at the moment, but how far fetched is it really? You've already got vaccine passports in places all over the world, which people predicted would happen. You've already got forced vaccination all over the world, which people predicted would happen. Fauci just said yesterday that he thinks mask requirements on flights should be permanent. How far off is a mandated microchip to prove your health? It doesn't necessarily have to be here in the United States. Our Constitution would hold that bay for at least some time, but it can be another nation that sets the precedent.
First of all read this great book

Than think about why satanic scum politicians, presstitutes & 'experts' impose you the mark of the beast

All conspiracy theories became the truth now, satanists want not only kill our bodies but also lead our souls to Hell

I am old enough to remember when the fire and brimstone preachers said that your SSN was the mark of the beast.
It's a conspiracy theory at the moment, but how far fetched is it really? You've already got vaccine passports in places all over the world, which people predicted would happen. You've already got forced vaccination all over the world, which people predicted would happen. Fauci just said yesterday that he thinks mask requirements on flights should be permanent. How far off is a mandated microchip to prove your health? It doesn't necessarily have to be here in the United States. Our Constitution would hold that bay for at least some time, but it can be another nation that sets the precedent.
The Constitution gets raped every day by both parties.

Who the hell cares if the do it just one more time?
I missed the part about microchips in the Book of Revelation, but okay......
Exactly how would they accomplish in the future forcing a "Mark" on everyone that you could use to buy and sell, and participate in an economy? And if you did not have such a "Mark" you could not buy or sell anything, and not only would you starve, you would be killed if found without it. The word Mark used in that passage refers to a tattoo, or emblem, or similar to an engraving.

Knowing the current state of technology, and that chips are already being used this way common sense tells you that "The Mark of The Beast (666) will be not just a visible identifiable mark, but will be technological in nature.

Revelation 13

16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.
The mark of the beast goes in your right hand or forehead. So when they start mandating it, don't take it.

You heard it hear first

Now it is your choice.

And sure, it will all be a coincidence when this happens and I'm a religious loon that should be ignored.

Blah, blah, blah.

If you want to believe the superstitious babblings of people 2,000 years ago, be my guest. Microchips were never predicted in the Book of Revelation, particularly since they didn't exist and nobody would have known what the fuck they are. It's you paranoid religious zealots who have interpreted it that way and your interpretation is no more valid than anyone else's. I remember people clamoring for years that we'd all have a bar code stamped on us. Did you change your minds?
I am old enough to remember when the fire and brimstone preachers said that your SSN was the mark of the beast.
Again, I don't know either but when they start mandating something put on your right hand or forehead, I'm out.

Fair enough?
If the chip had a tracking device, and if it were used for all financial transactions, and if it were used for all medical information

1. No more filling taxes. That alone would be trillions of dollars added to the economy
There are already several countries where they don't file their taxes. They are done automatically by the government.
If you want to believe the superstitious babblings of people 2,000 years ago, be my guest. Microchips were never predicted in the Book of Revelation, particularly since they didn't exist and nobody would have known what the fuck they are. It's you paranoid religious zealots who have interpreted it that way and your interpretation is no more valid than anyone else's. I remember people clamoring for years that we'd all have a bar code stamped on us. Did you change your minds?
If people listened to the babblings of the Bible written thousands of years ago, the world would be a lot better place idiot.

But by all means, take the damn thing in your right hand or forehead for all I care and be a stooge for the state that can track you and control you as they see fit.

That will be the bonus along with eternal damnation.

And no, not saying you will even see it in your life time.
Again, I don't know either but when they start mandating something put on your right hand or forehead, I'm out.

Fair enough?
A microchip in the forehead would hurt like a mother! I am with you on no to that!
If you want to believe the superstitious babblings of people 2,000 years ago, be my guest. Microchips were never predicted in the Book of Revelation, particularly since they didn't exist and nobody would have known what the fuck they are. It's you paranoid religious zealots who have interpreted it that way and your interpretation is no more valid than anyone else's. I remember people clamoring for years that we'd all have a bar code stamped on us. Did you change your minds?

I also remember when we were told barcodes on packages was from the devil himself.
If the chip had a tracking device, and if it were used for all financial transactions, and if it were used for all medical information

1. No more filling taxes. That alone would be trillions of dollars added to the economy

2. No more cheating on taxes as every transaction is instantly recorded and could instantly redistribute the money the way the government wants.

3. No more missing persons with the GPS device and no more running from the police

4. No more having to give a health history, especially if you are unable to give one and found unable to give one.

5. No more keeping your vaccination passport which will soon be needed to do anything in society.

And the list goes on. So the question is not IF this will happen, but when it will happen.

And the Bible predicted this thousands of years ago..

Hell, the technology and is existing right in front of your face and you can't even see it now

"One chip to rule them all, one chip to find them, One chip to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them!"
If people listened to the babblings of the Bible written thousands of years ago, the world would be a lot better place idiot.
I agree.

Thou shalt not commit adultery.

Thou shalt not bear false witness.

Thou shalt not steal.

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods.


Fuck that shit! Worship ME instead!

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