Vaccines are safe

And you alone personally know what the long-term side effects will be ? That would be a neat trick.
There will never be a completely risk free answer to anything in life.
The odds are hugely in favour of being vaccinated.
And not just for the personal gain but also for the need to stop the virus from spreading with new mutations.

NO, I don't know the long term effects of being vaccinated, but science is telling us their predictions of the long term effects of not being vaccinated.
Will the new strains of Covid become so life threatening so that laws will be passed that mandates being vaccinated?

That's when the liberty and freedom of some individuals will have to be traded off for the sake of the people as a whole.

It wouldn't be the first time in history that's happened but it could be the most threatening instance for humanity.
There will never be a completely risk free answer to anything in life.
The odds are hugely in favour of being vaccinated.
And not just for the personal gain but also for the need to stop the virus from spreading with new mutations.

NO, I don't know the long term effects of being vaccinated, but science is telling us their predictions of the long term effects of not being vaccinated.
Trusting incomplete science is about as fool-proof as placing a bet on a football dribbling contest.
There will never be a completely risk free answer to anything in life.
The odds are hugely in favour of being vaccinated.
And not just for the personal gain but also for the need to stop the virus from spreading with new mutations.

NO, I don't know the long term effects of being vaccinated, but science is telling us their predictions of the long term effects of not being vaccinated.

The long term effects of being vaccinated with these junk vaccines is extremely risky.
I went with the vaccine, but they do not contain actual virus, so could easily prompt deadly autoimmune responses.
Will the new strains of Covid become so life threatening so that laws will be passed that mandates being vaccinated?

That's when the liberty and freedom of some individuals will have to be traded off for the sake of the people as a whole.

It wouldn't be the first time in history that's happened but it could be the most threatening instance for humanity.

Evolution selects for viruses always becoming less lethal, never more.
Covid is not very threatening.
The death toll is not even 0.2% of the population, and that is after maximizing it by "flattening the curve" for over a year and a half.
Evolution selects for viruses always becoming less lethal, never more.
Covid is not very threatening.
The death toll is not even 0.2% of the population, and that is after maximizing it by "flattening the curve" for over a year and a half.
And we probably would have almost reached herd immunity without a vaccine by now.
There will never be a completely risk free answer to anything in life.
The odds are hugely in favour of being vaccinated.
And not just for the personal gain but also for the need to stop the virus from spreading with new mutations.

NO, I don't know the long term effects of being vaccinated, but science is telling us their predictions of the long term effects of not being vaccinated.
Pure supposition and conjecture on your part.

Fear dictates your support of an experimental gene therapy and it's long term effects.

Fear dictates your trust in a "covid test" that is NOT designed to do so and is wrought with false positive and negative results.

Fear keeps you from employing critical thinking and proper, all inclusive research skills to evaluate the authenticity of the "party line" parroting on TV, radio, newspapers and magazines via Big pharma and it's cohorts in the FDA.

And fear will keep you from admitting that there is sufficient evidence against this revisionist approach to defining "vaccines".
Pure supposition and conjecture on your part.

Fear dictates your support of an experimental gene therapy and it's long term effects.

Fear dictates your trust in a "covid test" that is NOT designed to do so and is wrought with false positive and negative results.

Fear keeps you from employing critical thinking and proper, all inclusive research skills to evaluate the authenticity of the "party line" parroting on TV, radio, newspapers and magazines via Big pharma and it's cohorts in the FDA.

And fear will keep you from admitting that there is sufficient evidence against this revisionist approach to defining "vaccines".
Fear of Covid should be driving everybody to be vaccinated. And for the children of the anti-vaxxers like you, it should be forced on them to save their lives. Refusing the vaccine is as irrational as the JW's refusing some medical attention for their children. It's infanticide.
Evolution selects for viruses always becoming less lethal, never more.

Covid is not very threatening.

The death toll is not even 0.2% of the population, and that is after maximizing it by "flattening the curve" for over a year and a half.

IC facilities are full and overflowing in Alabama, Florida, and Texas. People with other medical problems are being turned away.
If we had deliberately infected volunteers under 40, we could have ended it last March, with fewer than 50,000 deaths.
Reminds of a solution the Nazis would have advocated.

No, infecting 50,000 people would definitely not have ended it.
Fear of Covid should be driving everybody to be vaccinated. And for the children of the anti-vaxxers like you, it should be forced on them to save their lives. Refusing the vaccine is as irrational as the JW's refusing some medical attention for their children. It's infanticide.

That is just ignorant.
The risk of covid death right now is 0.02%.
We do not know what the risks of these fake synthetic vaccines are because no one has ever tried a synthetic vaccine before.
But since covid itself never killed anyone, and it is only the autoimmune response from out own hyped up immune system that is killing anyone, then it obviously is very risky to hype up our immune system even more with an experimental synthetic vaccine.


IC facilities are full and overflowing in Alabama, Florida, and Texas. People with other medical problems are being turned away.

Not a single medical facility has ever over flowed in the US because then they would call for emergency facilities from FEMA, and it has never yet once happened.

People with other medical problems, who do not require intubation in the ICU, have never been turned away.
They are staying away from hospitals on their own because they don't want to get infected, and hospital are hot zones of infection.
Reminds of a solution the Nazis would have advocated.

No, infecting 50,000 people would definitely not have ended it.

You seem to have trouble reading.
I said you have to deliberately infect about 60 million people in order to achieve herd immunity and end it.
But as long as you only use volunteer under 40, then the death rate is 400 times lower than the over all death rate average that is based mostly on deaths over 70.
So the number of people who would die from deliberate variolation is 50,000, not the number you have to deliberately infect.

You seem to be equating infection with death, when in reality fewer than 1% of those infected die, and if you only look at the death rate of those under 40, it is only ,0025%.

Again, if we had done variolation last March, we could have ended it in less than a month and saved 550,000 lives.
TheDefiantOne said:
Pure supposition and conjecture on your part.

Fear dictates your support of an experimental gene therapy and it's long term effects.

Fear dictates your trust in a "covid test" that is NOT designed to do so and is wrought with false positive and negative results.

Fear keeps you from employing critical thinking and proper, all inclusive research skills to evaluate the authenticity of the "party line" parroting on TV, radio, newspapers and magazines via Big pharma and it's cohorts in the FDA.

And fear will keep you from admitting that there is sufficient evidence against this revisionist approach to defining "vaccines".

Fear of Covid should be driving everybody to be vaccinated. And for the children of the anti-vaxxers like you, it should be forced on them to save their lives. Refusing the vaccine is as irrational as the JW's refusing some medical attention for their children. It's infanticide.
Your first sentence proves my're not thinking rationally. Instead, you rely on misleading talking points and moronic "solutions" and comparisons. I only hope this ignorant rebuttal of yours is either a troll response or stubbornness and not true congenital ignorance.
Your first sentence proves my're not thinking rationally. Instead, you rely on misleading talking points and moronic "solutions" and comparisons. I only hope this ignorant rebuttal of yours is either a troll response or stubbornness and not true congenital ignorance.
I'm afraid you will have to consider me congenitally ignorant. Along with the large majority who accept modern science.
I'm afraid you will have to consider me congenitally ignorant. Along with the large majority who accept modern science.

Modern science does not at all support these fake vaccines.
First of all, we should not have "flattened the curve" waiting for the vaccine, when recovery immunity of those not vulnerable could have ended it over a year and a half ago, saving over half a million lives.
Second is that these mRNA fake vaccines only contain a single type of spike protein, so run the risks ranging from rapidly being worthless, to creating all sorts of new deadly autoimmune responses.
Modern science does not at all support these fake vaccines.
First of all, we should not have "flattened the curve" waiting for the vaccine, when recovery immunity of those not vulnerable could have ended it over a year and a half ago, saving over half a million lives.
Second is that these mRNA fake vaccines only contain a single type of spike protein, so run the risks ranging from rapidly being worthless, to creating all sorts of new deadly autoimmune responses.
If no people were vaccinated America could have saved over a half a million a year and a half ago??


Yes, the Covid virus is a fake too and was gone in two weeks just like Trump said it would!

We should talk about this again some time when your brain isn't so full.
If no people were vaccinated America could have saved over a half a million a year and a half ago??


Yes, the Covid virus is a fake too and was gone in two weeks just like Trump said it would!

We should talk about this again some time when your brain isn't so full.
Covid is no more infectious or lethal than most seasonal flu.
Why did covid stick around for 1.5 years?
Because we would not let it spike and end, from burn out of potential hosts.
We conserved hosts by "flattening the curve" to ensure it never ran out.
Covid is no more infectious or lethal than most seasonal flu.
Why did covid stick around for 1.5 years?
Because we would not let it spike and end, from burn out of potential hosts.
We conserved hosts by "flattening the curve" to ensure it never ran out.
Conserved hosts?
That's not deserving of anybody attention. Really sick man.

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