Valerie Jarrett, the CEO of Obama Inc.


28 Mar 2014


The Obama administration thinks Hollywood can do much more to promote its signature health care reform.

Stars from Lady Gaga to Scandal's Kerry Washington have been promoting ObamaCare via social media. The humor site Funny or Die has produced a series of videos shilling for the reform, including one featuring President Barack Obama himself.

That's simply not enough, says Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett. Now, she wants Hollywood screenwriters to start dropping ObamaCare references into their scripts--assuming said shout outs will be positive, of course. Is there any doubt some scribes will gleefully abide by her wishes?

Jarrett told the hosts of that she is currently in L.A. to instruct screenwriters they, too, must do their part to promote ObamaCare.

That's part of why I'm in L.A. I'm meeting with writers of various TV shows and movies to try to get it into the scripts." When Jarrett says "it into the scripts," she's referring to getting references to Obamacare, the president's signature legislation, into the scripts of TV shows and movies.


Valerie Jarrett to Hollywood: Shill for ObamaCare in Your Scripts
The eyes tell a dark story:


Resentment! Hatred! Intense hatred! Revenge!!!!! Perhaps I'm wrong but everyone in this photo is oozing negative energy.

The seating arrangement is the real story. Look at where Jarrett is seated. At the First Lady's right side. That is the seat of power. When you are inside a meeting and you see the person seated to the right of the most powerful person in the room? They are sitting in the power seat.

Jarrett is bad news.
Quite so. 'How to get ahead in the corporate world 101'. First page, first sentence.
"The real power player is always sitting on the right hand side of whoever others in the room think is in charge.'
See what happens if you try to sit in that spot if you aren't ready for all comers. The knives come out and you'd better be watching your back.
Valerie Jarrett: Trump's Win a "Punch in the Stomach"
December 8, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


It's always hard when you think that you own the country... and then the peasants grab their pitchforks and storm the palace... and then you're stuck having to figure out your next vacation on your own.

Poor Valerie Jarrett. It's fun being the power behind the throne and getting Iran its nukes. But no amount of Iranian nukes could stop the local revolution.

Senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett said Wednesday that President-elect Donald Trump’s surprise victory on Election Day was “like a punch to the stomach” and “soul-crushing,” but that the mood inside the White House has improved since then.


Don't you need to have a soul for it to be crushed?

Valerie Jarrett: Trump's Win a "Punch in the Stomach"
March 29, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

The glorious purge begins. They thought they had a front row seat for the new boss. Instead they're finding themselves under the bus.


The Clintons layered the DNC and a whole lot of organizations with their people. Now Obama has taken over the DNC. And Clintonites are being handed a mass purge. One mob is out. The new mob is in. All that means is that any plans for Chelsea Clinton have a new barrier. Aside from her own general unfitness.

The DNC isn't being cleaned up. Instead we will likely find that it will be even more closely integrated with Obama's OFA and that it will financially benefit Obama Inc. the way that the DNC benefited Hillary Inc. And all this will further clear the Clintons out of politics.

Obama Inc. Cleaning Clinton Loyalists Out of the DNC
Obama's Top Adviser Valerie Jarrett: Her Dad, Maternal Grandpa, and Father-in-Law Were 'Hardcore Communists'

By Michael W. Chapman | March 7, 2017

FBI files obtained by the government watchdog group Judicial Watch reveal that the father, maternal grandfather, and father-in-law of President Barack Obama's closest adviser, Valerie Jarrett, "were hardcore Communists under investigation by the U.S. government."

Valerie Jarrett, who served as President Obama's senior adviser and as director of the Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs at the White House (2009-2017), reportedly recently moved in to the Obama home in Northwest D.C. Jarrett was divorced in 1988 and has not remarried.


As the New York Times reported, Alfred Stern and his wife, Martha Dodd Stern, "were indicted in absentia on espionage charges on Sept. 9, 1957.The indictment charged them with conspiring to act as Soviet agents, receiving American military, commercial and industrial information and transmitting it to the Soviet Union. The indictment charged that they used their house in Ridgefield, Conn., for meetings with Soviet agents."

Dr. James Bowman "was also a member of a Communist-sympathizing group called the Association of Internes and Medical Students," reported Judicial Watch. "After his discharge from the Army Medical Corps in 1955, Bowman moved to Iran to work." Valerie Jarret was born in Iran on Nov. 14, 1956.


Obama's Top Adviser Valerie Jarrett: Her Dad, Maternal Grandpa, and Father-in-Law Were 'Hardcore Communists'

Can you feel the love:

Russia Communist all...
Notice how the left keeps their mouth's closed...

They do that when there aren't talking points available for them to parrot. Just like when it comes to other infamous leftist sociopaths like stalin, mao, pol pot, et al. They cannot defend them, or deny they share the same philosophies. They've even lost the false narrative that hitler was some sort of Tea Party Libertarian who hated Jews, especially now that they have embraced the cult of islime and work to undermine the Jewish State. They're desperately clinging to the idea, but because history and facts are so much easier to obtain thanks to the internet it is much harder for them to pretend otherwise. They try of course, because they're still programmed with the outdated and completely debunked storyline.


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