Vast swaths of America are shrinking - Almost all of them voted Trump

The latest data from the 2020 Census, which the government released on Thursday to kick off the congressional redistricting process, illustrate that fact in incredibly stark terms. It shows that the white population fell for the first time in history during the last decade, and that Americans continued to cluster in growing cities and suburbs, whether in Texas, Georgia, Virginia, or New York.
And this is why acts of domestic terrorism by the violent right will be an ongoing threat – motivated by the racism that is white grievance politics and replacement theory.

Frightened, hateful conservatives will not accept a nation becoming more diverse and inclusive.
And this is why acts of domestic terrorism by the violent right will be an ongoing threat – motivated by the racism that is white grievance politics and replacement theory.

Frightened, hateful conservatives will not accept a nation becoming more diverse and inclusive.
Do you have a list of all these domestic terrorist attacks?
I don't imagine it's any more fake than any others that were taken. What chuckles forgot to mention was that as a result of population shifts, red states picked up some House Representatives while the bluest lost them. Add to that the statehouses that Republicans won in 2020 and our friend Mr. Gerrymander should give us the House almost by default.

Speaking of which... there were lots of "oddities" about that election. One odd occurrence was the first-ever loss of the Oval Office by a candidate whose coattails created a down-ticket wave across the country. That's never happened in our history. Makes sense that a winning candidate would drag even marginal down-ticket candidates over the finish line but to have that occur while the top of the ticket gets decimated, has never happened. Funny, that. Yeah... there were lots of "oddities" like that.
That's not odd at all. Many voters remain brainwashed by decades of white-right propaganda from Limbaugh to Q, but many duped in that way to fear Democrats still could not stomach Trump, clearly a psychotic incompetent, but they'd still vote for white-right toadies for Congress or state offices.
False premise. Democrats do work. I'm a Democrat. I've worked all my life. The billionaires who dupe you into voting RepubliQan don't work... they just parasitize, and sabotage democracy and freedom. Google "Koch political influence".

Illegal immigration was happening anyway. Trump just kept them in piles on the Mexican side of the border. The USA created this mess in the first place. Learn a few facts before babbling white-right nonsense about immigration
And here I thought everyone was leaving the cities for Green Acres? :)

Ninety percent of counties that lost population in the last decade backed the ex-president.

Donald Trump and the Republican Party he shaped represent the fading face of the United States, winning over an older, more rural, and overwhelmingly caucasian bloc of voters that reflected the country’s past more than its more urban and diverse future.​
The latest data from the 2020 Census, which the government released on Thursday to kick off the congressional redistricting process, illustrate that fact in incredibly stark terms. It shows that the white population fell for the first time in history during the last decade, and that Americans continued to cluster in growing cities and suburbs, whether in Texas, Georgia, Virginia, or New York.​
Perhaps most strikingly, while metro areas grew, vast stretches of the country continued to bleed population. About 53 percent of all U.S. counties shrank between 2010 and 2020. You can see them in the sea of burnt orange on the graph below, rural regions and small towns that often have few residents to begin with. In total, they were home to about 50.5 million people in a nation of more than 331 million.​

And they know it too. That's why fucking with the census and voter restrictions are so important to them.
I don't imagine it's any more fake than any others that were taken. What chuckles forgot to mention was that as a result of population shifts, red states picked up some House Representatives while the bluest lost them. Add to that the statehouses that Republicans won in 2020 and our friend Mr. Gerrymander should give us the House almost by default.

Speaking of which... there were lots of "oddities" about that election. One odd occurrence was the first-ever loss of the Oval Office by a candidate whose coattails created a down-ticket wave across the country. That's never happened in our history. Makes sense that a winning candidate would drag even marginal down-ticket candidates over the finish line but to have that occur while the top of the ticket gets decimated, has never happened. Funny, that. Yeah... there were lots of "oddities" like that.
Mr. Gerrymander needs to be taken out back and shot. Indont care which side does it, it's always wrong.
Yup, farmers, ranchers, rural shop keepers, and people with barely a high school education voted for Trump.

And it shows on this forum.

Yes and my wife and I who are undoubtedly more formally educated and more successful than you and the rest of the porch sitters that voted for Biden. My neighbor is also a Dr. who is a big Trump guy as are the vast majority of our second and third homeowner neighbors at our lake house. On the flip side, head over to the other side of the tracks if you want to see a bunch of Biden yard signs. Yeah, you've got that Trump demographic nailed alright.

What shows on this forum is that supposedly educated Democrats are often more indoctrinated than educated.
Yes and my wife and I who are undoubtedly more formally educated and more successful than you and the rest of the porch sitters that voted for Biden. My neighbor is also a Dr. who is a big Trump guy as are the vast majority of our second and third homeowner neighbors at our lake house. On the flip side, head over to the other side of the tracks if you want to see a bunch of Biden yard signs. Yeah, you've got that Trump demographic nailed alright.

What shows on this forum is that supposedly educated Democrats are often more indoctrinated than educated.
So we shall now base our Big Lies on anecdotal evidence and yard signs? Kewell!
Pittsburgh Tree of Life Synagogue
Charleston SC black church
El Paso Walmart
Branch Davidians raping children and attacking federal agents in Waco
San Bernardino Planned Parenthood shooting
Tim McVeigh

A big duh to ya.
Nostril is not particularly bright ;)
So, are you saying that Republicans are moving to the cities, which will start turning purple instead of staying blue, while the rural areas remain red? That doesn't sound like good news to your side.
Your vote in the burbs is over Sorry :(
Over the last year, the exodus is back to rural areas. I live in the country and will not move into the third world dump city cesspools.
My stats prove you wrong Brownie.

Hey, I went fishin yesterday & got a sweet legal 12lb Silver (Coho) out of Depoe Bay.

Got 2 more natives that had to be released. No clipped adipose fin - no keep :(
And here I thought everyone was leaving the cities for Green Acres? :)

Ninety percent of counties that lost population in the last decade backed the ex-president.

Donald Trump and the Republican Party he shaped represent the fading face of the United States, winning over an older, more rural, and overwhelmingly caucasian bloc of voters that reflected the country’s past more than its more urban and diverse future.​
The latest data from the 2020 Census, which the government released on Thursday to kick off the congressional redistricting process, illustrate that fact in incredibly stark terms. It shows that the white population fell for the first time in history during the last decade, and that Americans continued to cluster in growing cities and suburbs, whether in Texas, Georgia, Virginia, or New York.​
Perhaps most strikingly, while metro areas grew, vast stretches of the country continued to bleed population. About 53 percent of all U.S. counties shrank between 2010 and 2020. You can see them in the sea of burnt orange on the graph below, rural regions and small towns that often have few residents to begin with. In total, they were home to about 50.5 million people in a nation of more than 331 million.​

Prepare yourself idiot.
You are going to LOSE the midterms. BIGLY lol
Yup, farmers, ranchers, rural shop keepers, and people with barely a high school education voted for Trump.

And it shows on this forum.
Yeah and all the fake intellectuals with social science degrees from lefty Universities voted for Biden because they are too stupid and brainwashed to know any better.

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