Vast swaths of America are shrinking - Almost all of them voted Trump

Uh...yes they did.

Again, no they did not

Suburban voting patterns also made a difference in the Sun Belt, especially in large southern states where suburbanization has been rampant. The focus here is on two such states: Georgia, where Biden is ahead and a recount has been announced; and Texas, which Trump won, but where urban and suburban voting patterns closed the longtime Republican-Democratic gap.​

You really would have to scratch the surface to get to the truth on that.
Lies, media, and fake dossier's from your tribe has that affect on the low IQ minds from your tribe.
show me where I am incorrect

Compared to recent Presidents, Biden is polling quite well

Bush, Obama and Trump would have died for consistent numbers like Biden
No spin - Low vax rates among blacks is understandable (see Tuskegee)
Low vax rates among Trump supporters is a sign of stupidity.
And there are a butt-ton more Trump voters than there are blacks in this here country. ;)
From your APRIL 2021 article

Pretty old article, anything more relevant?
show me where I am incorrect

Compared to recent Presidents, Biden is polling quite well

Bush, Obama and Trump would have died for consistent numbers like Biden
I already showed you, you're on your own. You are also forgetting that as Biden's economy is starting to sputter so are his numbers.
You need to consider his debt, his inflation and his upcoming spending Bills. His chickens will be coming home to roost.
And here I thought everyone was leaving the cities for Green Acres? :)

Ninety percent of counties that lost population in the last decade backed the ex-president.

Donald Trump and the Republican Party he shaped represent the fading face of the United States, winning over an older, more rural, and overwhelmingly caucasian bloc of voters that reflected the country’s past more than its more urban and diverse future.​
The latest data from the 2020 Census, which the government released on Thursday to kick off the congressional redistricting process, illustrate that fact in incredibly stark terms. It shows that the white population fell for the first time in history during the last decade, and that Americans continued to cluster in growing cities and suburbs, whether in Texas, Georgia, Virginia, or New York.​
Perhaps most strikingly, while metro areas grew, vast stretches of the country continued to bleed population. About 53 percent of all U.S. counties shrank between 2010 and 2020. You can see them in the sea of burnt orange on the graph below, rural regions and small towns that often have few residents to begin with. In total, they were home to about 50.5 million people in a nation of more than 331 million.​

Do you switch political parties when you move? :cuckoo: :laugh2:
I already showed you, you're on your own. You are also forgetting that as Biden's economy is starting to sputter so are his numbers.
You need to consider his debt, his inflation and his upcoming spending Bills. His chickens will be coming home to roost.
Almost a million jobs added last month, record stock market and 6.5 GDP is no sputter
And here I thought everyone was leaving the cities for Green Acres? :)

Ninety percent of counties that lost population in the last decade backed the ex-president.

Donald Trump and the Republican Party he shaped represent the fading face of the United States, winning over an older, more rural, and overwhelmingly caucasian bloc of voters that reflected the country’s past more than its more urban and diverse future.​
The latest data from the 2020 Census, which the government released on Thursday to kick off the congressional redistricting process, illustrate that fact in incredibly stark terms. It shows that the white population fell for the first time in history during the last decade, and that Americans continued to cluster in growing cities and suburbs, whether in Texas, Georgia, Virginia, or New York.​
Perhaps most strikingly, while metro areas grew, vast stretches of the country continued to bleed population. About 53 percent of all U.S. counties shrank between 2010 and 2020. You can see them in the sea of burnt orange on the graph below, rural regions and small towns that often have few residents to begin with. In total, they were home to about 50.5 million people in a nation of more than 331 million.​

So, are you saying that Republicans are moving to the cities, which will start turning purple instead of staying blue, while the rural areas remain red? That doesn't sound like good news to your side.

Again, no they did not

Suburban voting patterns also made a difference in the Sun Belt, especially in large southern states where suburbanization has been rampant. The focus here is on two such states: Georgia, where Biden is ahead and a recount has been announced; and Texas, which Trump won, but where urban and suburban voting patterns closed the longtime Republican-Democratic gap.​

I didnt see any mention of dems taking Texas suburbs.
In fact I read just the opposite.

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