Vast swaths of America are shrinking - Almost all of them voted Trump

My stats prove you wrong Brownie.

Hey, I went fishin yesterday & got a sweet legal 12lb Silver (Coho) out of Depoe Bay.

Got 2 more natives that had to be released. No clipped adipose fin - no keep :(

I'd love to catch a coho. Thats awesome, dr!!
How about all those black people, who have the lowest education levels in the country. How did they vote?

I already pointed that out but the only response I’ve gotten so far is a thumb-down disagree emoji from DrLove.

But of course he/she failed to say exactly what he/she disagreed with.
I already pointed that out but the only response I’ve gotten so far is a thumb-down disagree emoji from DrLove.

But of course he/she failed to say exactly what he/she disagreed with.
Maybe you could include a link next time eh?

And ya may wanna study up on black college grad rates which are now at record levels.
The Census tells the truth. White folks will be a minority by the next one.

True - That 57% Caucasian number was a much bigger drop than anticipated.
But don't tell BrokeLoser - Might give him a sad! :(

You better hope whites start fucking like rabbits on Viagra and cocaine....have you been to ANY predominantly dark community, city, state, nation or continent…ALL are dangerous, dirty, disgusting super shitholes…that’s no coincidence.
Remember, it’s not the soil that made America the greatest country the world has ever known in a short 150 years…IT WAS WHITEY WHO DID. I’d suggest you beg your white neighbor to make babies tonight.
So we shall now base our Big Lies on anecdotal evidence and yard signs? Kewell!

No, let's base it on actual facts. Republican voters make more on average than Democratic voters and that is including the exorbitant salaries of union employees picking up trash in large, over-priced urban areas. Democrats are more educated on average(no doubt including those majoring in ancient Japanese folk art), but clearly, that "education" doesn't equate to financial success. You have one guess as to why that may be.

Income has five categories, with the lowest indicating an income $25,000 a year or under, and the highest indicating an income of $100,000 a year or over. Our data show that Republicans have higher incomes than Democrats on average. Nearly 29 percent of Democrats have incomes under $25,000, compared to 13 percent of Republicans. In addition, 26 percent of Republicans have incomes above $100,000, compared to just under 20 percent of Democrats.

The Demographic Profiles of Democrats and Republicans – DASIL
My Neighbor is a Nobel Prize winner and my other Neighbor is a Rocket Scientist. They have huge brains and voted for Biden.
Shows that smart people vote for Biden.

Trump voters are knuckle draggers who marry their sisters

Sure, but like I keep saying, Republicans make more money. Weird coincidence for a bunch of "knuckle draggers"?
Another amazingly excellent source Gomer! :lol:

The Californians for Population Stabilization has been categorized as an Anti-Immigration Hate Group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. [4]
SPLC? HAHAhahah! STFU, or better yet, keep spewing your idiocy.
Trump could only have dreamed of 50.1 approval eh? :D
As far as those right track/ wrong track numbers, I'd have said wrong track also.
Because as long as minority RW assholes control our state legislatures, seek to take over the results of elections they don't like based on bigly lies, stop people they hate from voting and are allowed to jimmy rig districts ... we'll be on the wrong track.
Excuses, excuses. Can’t POSSIBLY have anything to do with YOUR side’s disastrous handling of the economy, the border, the super spreader events held by lefties, re-enacting the evacuation of Saigon in Kabul, continued violence by lefties, the list goes on.
Almost a million jobs added last month, record stock market and 6.5 GDP is no sputter
Xiden added no jobs. People were returning to jobs that had been stopped by you idiots and your shutdowns. Record stock markets? By your side’s rules, that gets a thank you for President Trump. Any more garbage to spew?
And here I thought everyone was leaving the cities for Green Acres? :)

Ninety percent of counties that lost population in the last decade backed the ex-president.

Donald Trump and the Republican Party he shaped represent the fading face of the United States, winning over an older, more rural, and overwhelmingly caucasian bloc of voters that reflected the country’s past more than its more urban and diverse future.​
The latest data from the 2020 Census, which the government released on Thursday to kick off the congressional redistricting process, illustrate that fact in incredibly stark terms. It shows that the white population fell for the first time in history during the last decade, and that Americans continued to cluster in growing cities and suburbs, whether in Texas, Georgia, Virginia, or New York.​
Perhaps most strikingly, while metro areas grew, vast stretches of the country continued to bleed population. About 53 percent of all U.S. counties shrank between 2010 and 2020. You can see them in the sea of burnt orange on the graph below, rural regions and small towns that often have few residents to begin with. In total, they were home to about 50.5 million people in a nation of more than 331 million.​


Immaterial; old data. This is BEFORE all the cities closed their schools for Covid, apparently indefinitely, and also decided Defund the Police was a wonderful policy that would magically eradicate crime.

People are fleeing cities now. So this map might has well have been five years ago.
Excuses, excuses. Can’t POSSIBLY have anything to do with YOUR side’s disastrous handling of the economy, the border, the super spreader events held by lefties, re-enacting the evacuation of Saigon in Kabul, continued violence by lefties, the list goes on.

They know it and will now distract to ANYTHING, anything, to take attention away from this. But it only took a few months' distance and one disaster like Afghanistan for the honeymoon to be truly over. Now the average American, distanced from Trump, will look at Biden and see a sad old man out of his league. He will look at the gas pump, at sky-high prices at the grocery store, at the border. At the disastrous covid response and on and on and on.....

Leftists know this and have nothing remaining but "SQUIRREL!"
Nice deflection. The Democratic Party is the party of the uneducated.

All a Trump voter has to do to confirm admittance to a mental hospital is explain how 2020 election was stolen, Hillary ran a child sex trafficking ring out of a pizza parlor and Obama was born in Kenya
Xiden added no jobs. People were returning to jobs that had been stopped by you idiots and your shutdowns. Record stock markets? By your side’s rules, that gets a thank you for President Trump. Any more garbage to spew?

Yes, the Amazing Biden reopened the country
I won't feel bad if I'm not around for the society this next effed up generation is wishing for. And the sad part is that they too will end up hating what they're creating, ignoramuses that they are.
I'm white. I know my history. And Red Necks scramble !
There are ignorant people. Red Necks though have not been affected that much in their insulated areas of living. Strong authoritarian government needs more centralized power to control the people. So the pressure comes from the outside. Progs are destroying themselves. Without the strong foundation built by all of those nasty white folks over the decades and centuries, you would not be doing what you do. And when they are minimized, we will descend to tribes again. We already are. We are at the point where anything government forced or controlled has massive costs and stymies capitalists ways of advancement. One small example...We are building the next moon suits and it has cost over 400 million dollars already. And will cost another 600 million to complete just two of them. Over One Billion Dollars for Two Moon suits. Near 60 years after we were developing the first ones we used on the moon. We must placate equity. We use pure Quotas, diversity, and political correctness that has helped to make costs rise at least a few times more for everything we do with government except to give out direct cash payments as the government middle man only takes a small percentage of that.
My stats prove you wrong Brownie.

Hey, I went fishin yesterday & got a sweet legal 12lb Silver (Coho) out of Depoe Bay.

Got 2 more natives that had to be released. No clipped adipose fin - no keep :(

Coho salmon is junk salmon.

I wouldn't feed it to my dog.

Don't you all have better salmon runs in your state?

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