Vast swaths of America are shrinking - Almost all of them voted Trump

They know it and will now distract to ANYTHING, anything, to take attention away from this. But it only took a few months' distance and one disaster like Afghanistan for the honeymoon to be truly over. Now the average American, distanced from Trump, will look at Biden and see a sad old man out of his league. He will look at the gas pump, at sky-high prices at the grocery store, at the border. At the disastrous covid response and on and on and on.....

Leftists know this and have nothing remaining but "SQUIRREL!"
It took a Democrat to do what Trump promised to do but never fulfilled for the Trump supporters to now give a shit about people in the Middle East.
Coho salmon is junk salmon.

I wouldn't feed it to my dog.

Don't you all have better salmon runs in your state?

No way Dana! Coho are Silvers. I bought a nice fillet at the fish market recently and the price think the price was only 2 bucks less than Chinook. It was sweet, flakey, boneless and tasty.

I like Chinook (Kings) maybe slightly better, but these bright Silvers are prettier, milder and run a closed second.

You may be thinking of Pinks, Dogs, Ketos and Chums. Those get canned and smoked is about it. And Copper River Salmon? Always delicious and very expensive, but not it's own species. Could be King (Chinook) Sockeye OR Silver (Coho).

*Mine wasn't quite this big. This one appears to be around a 15-16 pounder. Mine was about 12 and very delicious. Gave a few pounds to neighbors and have 4-5 more to eat or freeze.

Yup, farmers, ranchers, rural shop keepers, and people with barely a high school education voted for Trump.

And it shows on this forum.

I noticed that Trump's followers did not disagree.
And lowlife broke pieces of worthless dogshit voted Mexicrat.
How do you suppose those farmers, ranchers, rural shop keepers and people with barely a high school education out-earn your Elitist filth?
Dana7360 LordBrownTrout - Oregon Fun facts for the fishermen. Depoe Bay is where McMurphy commandeered the boat and took the nuts fishing in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Considered the world's smallest harbor, it also has one of the world's narrowest entrances. Ya line it up and ya GUN it - Good luck in rough seas at low tide!


The book was written by Ken Kesey. In the mid-90s my family rented Ken's beach house a few of times near Florence. He spent his final days in Eugene. Not sure if his daughter still owns it, but she was the one we worked with both times. Just a NEAT 3 bed 2 bath house on a picturesque cliff with private staircase down to semi-private beach and some of the most amazing tide pools I've ever seen. The house itself was LOADED with Kesey/ Merry Prankster memorabilia. :)

Immaterial; old data. This is BEFORE all the cities closed their schools for Covid, apparently indefinitely, and also decided Defund the Police was a wonderful policy that would magically eradicate crime.

People are fleeing cities now. So this map might has well have been five years ago.
Lol - The study and the map are NEW LoonySue. Wishing your butt-hunches to be true won't make them so. ;)
No, he suggested he (and the idiot governor in Florida) were guilty of Neanderthal THINKING.
In both their cases - that may be an overly generous assessment.

A distinction without a difference. The point is the Super Spreader In Chief has opposed opening the country.

Please try to follow a conversation for once in your pathetic life.
A distinction without a difference. The point is the Super Spreader In Chief has opposed opening the country.

Please try to follow a conversation for once in your pathetic life.

Wanna know a BETTER distinction without a difference? Injecting Clorox and injecting disinfectants. :lol:
Can you ever not lie?

Biden called TX Gov a Neanderthal for opening the state.
The Amazing Biden reopened based on Science and meeting infection and hospitalization goals.

Abbott ignored the science and opened based on profits alone. That is why Texas and Florida are leading the nation in new infections and their hospitals are overflowing

The very definition of Neanderthal
Maybe you could include a link next time eh?

A link to what?
And ya may wanna study up on black college grad rates which are now at record levels.

It’s great that more or graduating college but it doesn’t change the fact that most are not college educated.

First let me say that this is not a criticism of uneducated blacks (I never went to college myself), it’s a criticism of those who use it as a way to denigrate conservatives when a large portion of their own community is uneducated.

Also, and most importantly, education does not define moral character. I’ve seen atrocious behavior from some of the most hidebound liberals and Democrats and some are right here on this board.
One important thing people like you overlook in your trite and ignorant arguments about Trump supporters
One important thing you overlooked is that what I said about Trump supporters in post 4 is that the statement was fact, and you did not dispute it.

You just didn't like the reality of it.
I suppose why America becomes more liberal as time passes is because of that shift from rural to urban. Seems only common sense that as people live in places of higher density their cooperation with each other is of greater necessity.
The Amazing Biden reopened based on Science and meeting infection and hospitalization goals.

Abbott ignored the science and opened based on profits alone. That is why Texas and Florida are leading the nation in new infections and their hospitals are overflowing

The very definition of Neanderthal
Based on science the country should never have been closed in the first place.
And here I thought everyone was leaving the cities for Green Acres? :)

Ninety percent of counties that lost population in the last decade backed the ex-president.

Donald Trump and the Republican Party he shaped represent the fading face of the United States, winning over an older, more rural, and overwhelmingly caucasian bloc of voters that reflected the country’s past more than its more urban and diverse future.​
The latest data from the 2020 Census, which the government released on Thursday to kick off the congressional redistricting process, illustrate that fact in incredibly stark terms. It shows that the white population fell for the first time in history during the last decade, and that Americans continued to cluster in growing cities and suburbs, whether in Texas, Georgia, Virginia, or New York.​
Perhaps most strikingly, while metro areas grew, vast stretches of the country continued to bleed population. About 53 percent of all U.S. counties shrank between 2010 and 2020. You can see them in the sea of burnt orange on the graph below, rural regions and small towns that often have few residents to begin with. In total, they were home to about 50.5 million people in a nation of more than 331 million.​

Slate ......

LMAO @ the Stupid Shit you Leftist are so Gullible to believe.
Only if you believe TRUMPscience which is based on profits not lives
Profits support the lives of Americans, dumbkoff. There is no science that points to shut downs doing anything but cause more misery.
Profits support the lives of Americans, dumbkoff. There is no science that points to shut downs doing anything but cause more misery.

Trading lives for $$$$

How Trump made every decision

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