Vax update - Charles gets cancer

Hmm.. will we get King William sooner than I thought?.. I thought maybe about 10-15 years away.. at this rate it could be just a few months!
The next generation of royals.. they don't give a shit. Harry, doesn't care.. he's just being led astray by naughty Megan. You can't rely on him for anything. I foresee a constitutional crisis looming on the horizon.. a british storm's coming, etc...
Hmm.. will we get King William sooner than I thought?.. I thought maybe about 10-15 years away.. at this rate it could be just a few months!
The next generation of royals.. they don't give a shit. Harry, doesn't care.. he's just being led astray by naughty Megan. You can't rely on him for anything. I foresee a constitutional crisis looming on the horizon.. a british storm's coming, etc...
With one in two apparently now getting some sort of Cancer, I think the general problem is a million times more important than general concern about a single person, whomever they are ( obvious exceptions being St Donald and John Lennon , who smart people know is still alive ) .
Of course, individuals deserve every bit of care from family and friends etc , but kindness is being stretched when offered to Charles -- a Green satanic Reptilian , and Harry , a dim witted bastard in the literal sense .
Hmm.. will we get King William sooner than I thought?.. I thought maybe about 10-15 years away.. at this rate it could be just a few months!
The next generation of royals.. they don't give a shit. Harry, doesn't care.. he's just being led astray by naughty Megan. You can't rely on him for anything. I foresee a constitutional crisis looming on the horizon.. a british storm's coming, etc...
Cancer is much more survivable than a generation ago.
Most diagnosis are treatable, You can usually survive ten years after diagnosis at least if it hasn’t progressed
Hmm.. will we get King William sooner than I thought?.. I thought maybe about 10-15 years away.. at this rate it could be just a few months!
The next generation of royals.. they don't give a shit. Harry, doesn't care.. he's just being led astray by naughty Megan. You can't rely on him for anything. I foresee a constitutional crisis looming on the horizon.. a british storm's coming, etc...

The Monarchy is good for tourism. So William V will be followed by George VII, long after we are all gone.

I don't blame Harry for bailing, though. He's done his bit of being the spare heir, and now he wants to have a happy life with his movie star wife. Good on him.

The Monarchy is good for tourism. So William V will be followed by George VII, long after we are all gone.

I don't blame Harry for bailing, though. He's done his bit of being the spare heir, and now he wants to have a happy life with his movie star wife. Good on him.
Harry always seemed the most normal of the bunch.
The one you would like to sit down and have a couple of beers with.

William is boring as hell. No Charisma
Harry always seemed the most normal of the bunch.
The one you would like to sit down and have a couple of beers with.

William is boring as hell. No Charisma

Well you don’t have to be concerned, do you? It doesn’t affect you, you having broken off with that line centuries ago,

The Monarchy is good for tourism. So William V will be followed by George VII, long after we are all gone.

I don't blame Harry for bailing, though. He's done his bit of being the spare heir, and now he wants to have a happy life with his movie star wife. Good on him.

He seems happy to me. True, he has to deal with all the press who wonder why he just wants to have a private life, but hey, that's on them.

He was happy before. Loved English life, serving in the British military, and so on.

Doesn’t look happy here:


Or here:


Looks happy here:



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Yes, because you can tell someone's mental state by a random photograph, no, really!!!

I think that first picture was taken at his grandmother's funeral. I didn't expect him to be all smiles there.

lol. Keep trying,

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