Vaxxed & 2X Boosted Sen. Durbin is COVID Positive For 3rd Time in a Year

Why does this bother you so much? Why are your kind fixated on calling people sheeple that follow medical advice? What the fuck is wrong with you?
You think you can destroy the lives of 300 million Americans and just walk away?
It's amazing. Your kind pretends to be doctors, lawyers, immunologists, political science professors, and researchers. There is a reason your kind is called the "know nothings".
Says shitforbrains who thinks the clot shot prevents infection and spreading the ChiCom flu.
I listen to experts. You listen to quacks and rando people on twitter. Good luck. You're going to need it.
Masks don’t/do/don’t work!
Get the clot shot you’ll never catch the ChiCom flu!
Get the clot shot, you’ll never spread the ChiCom flu!
The ChiCom flu is not manmade!
Masks don’t/do/don’t work!
Get the clot shot you’ll never catch the ChiCom flu!
Get the clot shot, you’ll never spread the ChiCom flu!
The ChiCom flu is not manmade!
You dumb sack of shit no immunization works 100%.
Stay with your own kind.

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