Vaxxed & 2X Boosted Sen. Durbin is COVID Positive For 3rd Time in a Year

Aren’t you beating a dead horse? Who cares about the recent strains? They’re weaker and the only good thing Trump did, protected us(the smart ones) from the deadlier strains.

I had the original strain in 2020. It was like a mild case of the flu and only lasted three days.
Some people jump out of airplanes without a chute and live to tell about it too.
So what’s your point?
If a million people jumped out of airplanes without a chute and all but 5 lived to tell about it, I'd consider it a relatively safe thing to do.
You mean the 'retards' on Fox News that you listened to for medical advice?
Do you feel stupid getting the clot shot and wearing masks now? Or are you a good little useful lemming who follows orders like a good sheeple does?
Do you feel stupid getting the clot shot and wearing masks now? Or are you a good little useful lemming who follows orders like a good sheeple does?
Do I feel stupid taking the advice of the best medical professionals? No, I would feel stupid if I took the advice of a non-medical professional, even if they were eventually proven right.
I can only make decisions on the data I have, not the data that does not exist.

The fact that young, perfectly healthy-appearing people are suddenly dying every day, should be setting off some serious alarms in your head right now. Even more so, the fact that this phenomenon didn't start until after the vaccine rollout, should be screaming in your ears.

If I were in your shoes, I'd be pretty concerned about why these things are happening. Of course, you probably have scarier things to worry about, right? Like "climate change" and shit, right?
You're believing the lies they fed you. The immunity generated from an infection was found to be “at least as high, if not higher” than that provided by two doses of an mRNA vaccine. You actually fucked your immune system with those shots and boosters, Mr. Jabby. Not to mention, the other long-term effects they're going to have on your body.

Past Covid infection as protective as vaccination against severe illness and death, study finds
I know of people who never got to benefit from that immunity since they died of Covid pre-vax.
The fact that young, perfectly healthy-appearing people are suddenly dying every day, should be setting off some serious alarms in your head right now. Even more so, the fact that this phenomenon didn't start until after the vaccine rollout, should be screaming in your ears.
Young, perfectly healthy-appearing people suddenly die every day, they always have. What makes you think it was the Covid vax? Where do you get your data?

If I were in your shoes, I'd be pretty concerned about why these things are happening. Of course, you probably have scarier things to worry about, right? Like "climate change" and shit, right?
Right, although those young folk are the ones who will suffer, I'll be long gone but my grandchildren won't be.
Do I feel stupid taking the advice of the best medical professionals? No, I would feel stupid if I took the advice of a non-medical professional, even if they were eventually proven right.
And pathetic!

You still think masks work and the clot shot keeps you from catching and spreading the virus!

What a useful idiot you are!
So is it your belief the faux vax which doesn’t stop infection or prevent transmission harmed no one?
Not true, it has harmed 5 out of every million people who got vaxxed according to the data I've seen. There is risk in getting the vax, there is risk in not getting the shot.

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