Veep Debate Thread

Given that I'm starting this thread 15 minutes into the debate, I'm guessing nobody cares.

Two observations thus far

  1. These guys are less civil to each other than Trump and Clinton were to each other
  2. Kaine needs to STFU and stop interrupting Pence.

Pence either lied or dodged the whole debate.
I also thought about who made the better VP choice. This is a reflection on decision making and character judgment. Trump seems to have made the far superior choice.
Given that I'm starting this thread 15 minutes into the debate, I'm guessing nobody cares.

Two observations thus far

  1. These guys are less civil to each other than Trump and Clinton were to each other
  2. Kaine needs to STFU and stop interrupting Pence.

Pence either lied or dodged the whole debate.
what were the lies?
In addition to seeing who conducted themselves the best in debate (Pence), I also thought about who was the scariest prospect as president. That clearly is Kaine.

Yes pence calmly lied and dodged the whole debate. But he still lied and dodged.
Given that I'm starting this thread 15 minutes into the debate, I'm guessing nobody cares.

Two observations thus far

  1. These guys are less civil to each other than Trump and Clinton were to each other
  2. Kaine needs to STFU and stop interrupting Pence.

Pence either lied or dodged the whole debate.
what were the lies?

Just about everything he said. Have you not seen the fact check on this one? There is a great video out there with Kaines statement, pence lie, then the clip of trump confirming what Kaine said. An example is pence denying trump said Japan and South Korea should have nuclear weapons. Trump has stated that. Pence completely dodged defending that stupidity.
Just about everything he said. Have you not seen the fact check on this one? There is a great video out there with Kaines statement, pence lie, then the clip of trump confirming what Kaine said. An example is pence denying trump said Japan and South Korea should have nuclear weapons. Trump has stated that. Pence completely dodged defending that stupidity.

Pence made many good points, you just had to hear him with the Kaine voice overs.
Just about everything he said. Have you not seen the fact check on this one? There is a great video out there with Kaines statement, pence lie, then the clip of trump confirming what Kaine said. An example is pence denying trump said Japan and South Korea should have nuclear weapons. Trump has stated that. Pence completely dodged defending that stupidity.

Pence made many good points, you just had to hear him with the Kaine voice overs.

I didn't hear any. Felt bad for the guy having to defend all of trumps stupidity.

FARMVILLE, Va. ― Donald Trump’s running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R), spent much of the first and only vice presidential debate Tuesday night doing his damnedest to get Americans to forget all of the offensive things Trump has said.

When Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.), Hillary Clinton’s running mate, accused Trump of praising Russian president Vladimir Putin as a “great leader,” Pence denied it and called Putin a “small and bullying leader.” But Trump has repeatedly praised Putin.

When Kaine said that Trump recently claimed Putin was not going into Ukraine, Pence denied it. But Trump did say, “He’s not going into Ukraine, OK, just so you understand. He’s not going to go into Ukraine, all right? You can mark it down. You can put it down. You can take it anywhere you want.” Putin took the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine in 2014.

Pence himself also recently said, “I think it’s inarguable that Vladimir Putin has been a stronger leader in his country than Barack Obama has been in this country.”
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Just about everything he said. Have you not seen the fact check on this one? There is a great video out there with Kaines statement, pence lie, then the clip of trump confirming what Kaine said. An example is pence denying trump said Japan and South Korea should have nuclear weapons. Trump has stated that. Pence completely dodged defending that stupidity.

Pence made many good points, you just had to hear him with the Kaine voice overs.

I didn't hear any. Felt bad for the guy having to defend all of trumps stupidity.

Kaine was pretty busy sticking his foot in his mouth over North Korea, Iran, Russia and Syria. All are policy failures of Obama and Clinton.
Just about everything he said. Have you not seen the fact check on this one? There is a great video out there with Kaines statement, pence lie, then the clip of trump confirming what Kaine said. An example is pence denying trump said Japan and South Korea should have nuclear weapons. Trump has stated that. Pence completely dodged defending that stupidity.

Pence made many good points, you just had to hear him with the Kaine voice overs.

I didn't hear any. Felt bad for the guy having to defend all of trumps stupidity.

Kaine was pretty busy sticking his foot in his mouth over North Korea, Iran, Russia and Syria. All are policy failures of Obama and Clinton.

I see no reason to believe trump would do better. While one side of his mouth claims he would have kept troops in Iraq, the other side says we can't be the policemen of the world. He says we shouldn't be in Germany and Japan unless they pay us. But he would have stayed in Iraq where they didn't want us? He contradicts himself.
Adam has the absolute right to have his asshole reamed by Steve. I don't give a shit about what they do. To each his own.
You've fallen into the liberal trap..

When THEY talk about "bigotry" and "marriage equality." They're talking about REDEFINING MARRIAGE.

Marriage has a real definition it has NEVER included Ada & Steve.

The issue is about the STATE redefining and imposing a NEW DEFINITION on The People.

You have fallen into the religious "conservative" trap.

I do not want liberals telling me that my right to bear arms is a "privilege" subject to bureaucratic discretion.

And homosexuals do not want the government telling them that the government has the authority to define marriage.

cause the definition of marriage was already defined centuries ago.

It was WRONGLY defined centuries ago.

I see no reason to believe trump would do better. While one side of his mouth claims he would have kept troops in Iraq, the other side says we can't be the policemen of the world. He says we shouldn't be in Germany and Japan unless they pay us. But he would have stayed in Iraq where they didn't want us? He contradicts himself.

I am most likely voting Johnson. At this point, as long as I can't see Russia from my house it is a good thing.
I see no reason to believe trump would do better. While one side of his mouth claims he would have kept troops in Iraq, the other side says we can't be the policemen of the world. He says we shouldn't be in Germany and Japan unless they pay us. But he would have stayed in Iraq where they didn't want us? He contradicts himself.

I am most likely voting Johnson. At this point, as long as I can't see Russia from my house it is a good thing.

Johnson is a good option to send the message to the parties we want better candidates. Don't think he would do well if actually in the debates. He benefits from nobody running ads against him. I like Weld more. I'm voting Hillary because trump is that bad.
Kaine ‘the interrupter’ hit for debate demeanor

"In a presidential race where Hillary Clinton has sought to disqualify Donald Trump over his “temperament,” running mate Tim Kaine is facing mounting fallout over his own demeanor at Tuesday night’s first-and-only VP debate – where the Virginia senator frequently interrupted not only Mike Pence but the moderator."

The only way he had any hope of 'winning' and / or defending Hillary was to ensure no one else got to talk. :p

Kaine ‘The Interrupter’ Hit For Debate Demeanor

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