Veep Debate Thread

This debate was a great chance to get to know Kaine and Pence.

Otherwise it was rather insignificant overall.

Ya think? Consider this, 20% of VPs become the president when the president dies or resigns. A total of 9 VPs have become president under those circumstances. Had I been leaning toward the hildabitch, Kaine would have changed my mind.
Pence makes me want to puke.

You shouldn't bring up topics you know NOTHING about. You're lying about the teachings of Christ -- EVERY point.
Indiana is a backwards place. Both pence and Kaine are big time crony corporatists....sellouts to big business. Downright scary how the dollar sign controls them.
That debate was a joke
The moderator was terrible
They wouldn't shut up. especially Kaine
Kaine lied his fucking ass off. Pence said a few zingers but my gawd. Trump is going to raise taxes on the middle class? LOL
Did anyone notice when they were talking about refugees, Kaine basically said the FBI was wrong, they can be vetted. Very NEXT subject, the emails came up. Kaine said "but the FBI said" LOL what an idiot.
Pence won the debate by far, IMO. However, that is NOTHING to brag about
Weird how Trump and Kaine were alike in their performances while Hillary and pence were alike. Wtf is going on?
Not true at all. Hillary lacked substance. Pence was professional.

Trump and Kaine were completely different too.
I wonder if the Hillary campaign looked and saw how much attention Trump gets for being a loud insensitive ass hole and said "ok Tim, here's your talking points, go try to be Donald Trump."
Keyword being TRY. He failed miserably
Pence should have nailed Kaine on Hillarys lies way more aggressively.

Kane trying to say that Trump doesn't support the troops because he followed federal tax laws was stupid and disgusting. Whoever decided to conflate that bullshit needs to be removed from debate prep.

I hope Hillary says the very same thing in the next debate. Over 40% of Americans do not pay taxes, I guess all of them hate the troops and teachers.

Trying to make Trump evil because he followed the federal tax laws is colossally fucking stupid. The problem is that so many people are so stupid, they'll buy it. That what Hillary is banking on...the stupidity of the electorate.
Pence set himself up well to be the GOP candidate of 2020.

Trouble is, he accomplished that by throwing Trump under the bus. He didn't even pretend he could defend Trump.

So, I'd say the winners of the debate were Pence and Clinton. Polls back that up. And the election is Clinton vs. Trump, not Kaine vs. Pence.
Pence set himself up well to be the GOP candidate of 2020.

Trouble is, he accomplished that by throwing Trump under the bus. He didn't even pretend he could defend Trump.

So, I'd say the winners of the debate were Pence and Clinton. Polls back that up. And the election is Clinton vs. Trump, not Kaine vs. Pence.


no he didnt

he didnt take the bait

without the bait the left loses bigtime

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