Veep Debate Thread

Wowsa, even the qu33rs on MSNBC admit Gov. Pence won the debate.

Some in the MSM are calling Kaine, Caffeinated Kaine. :p

This debate was a great chance to get to know Kaine and Pence.

Otherwise it was rather insignificant overall.
The honest here will declare that Gov Pense won this debate
Pence actually performed quite poorly technically.
I agree. He wins only because Kaine sabotaged himself.
What is your definition of "win" ??

Do you even have one ??
A win in a debate is how the viewers feel about voting for each person after the debate. Pence is going to score higher on that count.
So you are grading by emotional appeals.
I don't know why you haven't noticed yet, but the rube herd moves on feelings, not facts.
If you think Hillary won the presidential debate then you can't think Kaine won this one... Unless of course you're a Hillary cheerleader. Trump and Kaine both made asses of themselves while Hillary and pence were more composed and presidential.
Mike Huckabee: “Tim Kaine was bland and canned. Mike Pence was ready and relaxed. It’s the difference between a glass of vinegar and a glass of sweet tea. Tim Kaine looked uncomfortable, and when the debate ended, he went to Waffle House because Mike Pence. ATE. HIS. LUNCH.”
"Tim Kaine was bland and canned"....and yet the Drumpfettes here called him loud and rude.

Mike Huckabee: “Tim Kaine was bland and canned. Mike Pence was ready and relaxed. It’s the difference between a glass of vinegar and a glass of sweet tea. Tim Kaine looked uncomfortable, and when the debate ended, he went to Waffle House because Mike Pence. ATE. HIS. LUNCH.”

because huckabee was going to be honest.

Well, Huckabee seems to have drastically disagreed with most of the Drumpf worshippers on this thread.
Kaine is an obnoxious brat who didn't get his way when he was a kid, so his parents sent him away (they called it a mission), so maybe he could learn some manners and came back a bully and loud mouth. God help us if he ever got the chance to control the red button.
The honest here will declare that Gov Pense won this debate
Pence actually performed quite poorly technically.
I agree. He wins only because Kaine sabotaged himself.

you know that pence interrupted an awful lot, too.
Most of his interruptions were him interrupting Kaine's interruptions. The moderator finally had to tell Kaine, "Senator, let him have his two minutes."
Mike Huckabee: “Tim Kaine was bland and canned. Mike Pence was ready and relaxed. It’s the difference between a glass of vinegar and a glass of sweet tea. Tim Kaine looked uncomfortable, and when the debate ended, he went to Waffle House because Mike Pence. ATE. HIS. LUNCH.”

Huckabee is not known for good judgement.

Tim Kaine repeatedly outplayed Pence.

K: "My opponent can't defend what I say about Trump"

P: "don't out words in my mouth - I can!"

K:"Ok defend him not releasing tax returns and saying that UA and Korea should be able to get nukes"

P: " know...lets talk about something else!"
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Kaine is an obnoxious brat who didn't get his way when he was a kid, so his parents sent him away (they called it a mission), so maybe he could learn some manners and came back a bully and loud mouth. God help us if he ever got the chance to control the red button.
Now there's some well put out Irony right there. :clap: :clap:
The honest here will declare that Gov Pense won this debate
Pence actually performed quite poorly technically.
I agree. He wins only because Kaine sabotaged himself.

you know that pence interrupted an awful lot, too.
Most of his interruptions were him interrupting Kaine's interruptions. The moderator finally had to tell Kaine, "Senator, let him have his two minutes."

she had to do the same with pence who also broke one of the first rules of debate by sitting there shaking his head when kaine answered.

just saying.
The honest here will declare that Gov Pense won this debate
Pence actually performed quite poorly technically.
I agree. He wins only because Kaine sabotaged himself.

you know that pence interrupted an awful lot, too.
Most of his interruptions were him interrupting Kaine's interruptions. The moderator finally had to tell Kaine, "Senator, let him have his two minutes."

she had to do the same with pence who also broke one of the first rules of debate by sitting there shaking his head when kaine answered.

just saying.
Well, my first post in this topic I said this was nothing but a bitchslap contest and that none of the four candidates have an ounce of class.
I think it's funny watching the cheerleaders here. It's like watching browns fans and their 1-13 team having at it with 2-12 jaguars over who's going to win. The difference is that there's no other teams in this game and America loses out big no matter who wins. Congrats if your 2nd worst-ever candidate wins over the worst-ever candidate.
Oh shit, Kaine with the TKO on Trump's comment that women should be punished for abortions...ouch!!!

Out of context BS.

No, it wasn't.

Sure it was, Trump was asked if abortions were outlawed would you punish women, his response was you'd have to. Meaning if they broke the law, punishment would be in order. So yeah, it was out of context bullshit.
The honest here will declare that Gov Pense won this debate
Pence actually performed quite poorly technically.
I agree. He wins only because Kaine sabotaged himself.

you know that pence interrupted an awful lot, too.
Most of his interruptions were him interrupting Kaine's interruptions. The moderator finally had to tell Kaine, "Senator, let him have his two minutes."

she had to do the same with pence who also broke one of the first rules of debate by sitting there shaking his head when kaine answered.

just saying.
Pence was allowed to do that due to his White privilege, something Kaine is not entitled to for wanting to brown America!

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