Vegans Storm Spanish Rabbit Farm, Hilarity Ensues

Shooting at them is a little too much, but the rest of it was pretty funny.

And what the fuck is a "anti-speciesist and transfeminist group?" Don't these people have real lives?
Shooting at them is a little too much, but the rest of it was pretty funny.

And what the fuck is a "anti-speciesist and transfeminist group?" Don't these people have real lives?
When I read "anti-speciesist and transfeminist group" I started looking to see if this was in satire. Apparently not but I'm still not convinced.
Violence is never the answer. Once the threat is over, let them go. However, the Vegans should have never tried to steal private property. What do they think gives them that right? Moral superiority? Like all far left progressives, the ends justify the means. Maybe they will THINK next time and realize they can't break the law because of their viewpoints.
60 vegans try to ‘rescue’ 16 rabbits. What happens next surprised the snowflakes, but the rest of us are simply nodding in understanding.

Vegans Storm Spanish Rabbit Farm, Surprised When Farmers Fight Back
I used to be a vegetarian when I was young. From 12 years old , until I was around 22 yrsold. But still at times, that I'll go strictly vegetarian for a month, because I'm so used to eating vegetarian's meals. But being a vegetarian, that it takes some knowledge about what foods to eat that will still give you the same amount of proteins and nutrients that your body needs. Most Vegans or vegetarians are very emotional because of the chemical imbalance from the lack of certain nutrients. And so you will alway see them doing dumb stuff all of the time. Eating a strictly vegetarian dish, that the nutrients flushes out quickly. And so they will be lacking a lot of Vitamins like vitamin B's, that will cause them to be very depress at all times. Be able to only focus on one subject. Like if a lot of things going on? That they will be only focusing on that puppy in the window. Compulsiveness. So if the whole world is attacking Pres.Trump for no reason. That the only thing that people who are low on vitamin B's, will be only worried about is that puppy. But if you give them an organic beef burger and fries or a vitamin B shot. That they will wake up from their sleep immediately.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder due to B12 Deficiency: Justification Required

Top 12 Foods That Are High in Vitamin B12

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Oh boy, where to begin.

1. From what I’ve seen, vegan activists typically only do these types of rescues at places where there is extreme abuse going on. Not on some nice “happy farm.” (as if that even exists) And in many of those cases, laws are already being broken by the farmer, so one of the purposes of these rescues is to expose the abuse, to bring attention to what goes on behind closed doors, to the public.

2. In the first incident mentioned in this article, the farmer was clearly in the wrong. According to the reports I read on this incident when it first happened, the farmer was extremely aggressive and when the police came and asked the group to leave, they left peacefully. What happened was the farmer chased them down OUTSIDE of his property, on the highway, for an hour, and ended up shooting at one of the girls, the glass exploded and she could’ve been killed... AFTER they already left and were far from his property!

That’s a little different than shooting someone who is on your property and won’t leave, isn’t it?

I’m sure some of you will say that you don’t believe that, that there are always two sides of the story. Well one thing is for sure… If what the activists said about how it went down is true, then the farmer was clearly in the wrong, and not only that, he sounds like a psychopath.

3. Whether you agree with what they did or not, they are going by the principle that when there is injustice, bad laws need to be broken. Do you agree with that principle or not? Yes, it’s controversial, and no, I’m not saying that I agree with everything they do… But I do understand the concept of civil disobedience. Was Rosa Parks wrong for not giving up her seat to a white person? I mean, throughout history things don’t really change until bad laws are challenged.

4. Veganism is not a left-wing thing. It’s not left or right. It’s an ethical position. Don’t make it into a left right thing because that is not what this is about.
Well, that escalated fast.
Amazing what occurs when thieves are caught.
The best part is that this idiot seemed shocked at the farmers reaction.
That only goes to show how brain challenged they truly are. What made them think that their business wouldn't be messed with after they started nosing around into someone else's business?

God bless you and the property owner(s) always!!!

When Vegans Attack... :laughing0301:

The whole video has already been posted on Youtube..

Well, that escalated fast.
Amazing what occurs when thieves are caught.
The best part is that this idiot seemed shocked at the farmers reaction.
That only goes to show how brain challenged they truly are. What made them think that their business wouldn't be messed with after they started nosing around into someone else's business?

God bless you and the property owner(s) always!!!


A question for you. If a "farm" was keeping dogs in small, dark filthy cages, abusing them and then slaughtering them to sell their meat or their fur, would you still think that the good guy was the "farmer" and the bad guys were those who rescued some of the dogs?

Here's what "farmers" do in Asian countries:


Well, that escalated fast.
Amazing what occurs when thieves are caught.
The best part is that this idiot seemed shocked at the farmers reaction.
That only goes to show how brain challenged they truly are. What made them think that their business wouldn't be messed with after they started nosing around into someone else's business?

God bless you and the property owner(s) always!!!


A question for you. If a "farm" was keeping dogs in small, dark filthy cages, abusing them and then slaughtering them to sell their meat or their fur, would you still think that the good guy was the "farmer" and the bad guys were those who rescued some of the dogs?

Here's what "farmers" do in Asian countries:



Dogs protect the house and can be taught tricks.

Not so much for rabbits.
60 vegans try to ‘rescue’ 16 rabbits. What happens next surprised the snowflakes, but the rest of us are simply nodding in understanding.

Vegans Storm Spanish Rabbit Farm, Surprised When Farmers Fight Back
Well that is special that they think they have the right to enter someones land and take their property. They are just lucky it was the the USA they may have had a lot more damage to the car and a new outlook on life. Nuts Jobs who did not have a gun....Unexpected to them.
Well, that escalated fast.
Amazing what occurs when thieves are caught.
The best part is that this idiot seemed shocked at the farmers reaction.
That only goes to show how brain challenged they truly are. What made them think that their business wouldn't be messed with after they started nosing around into someone else's business?

God bless you and the property owner(s) always!!!


A question for you. If a "farm" was keeping dogs in small, dark filthy cages, abusing them and then slaughtering them to sell their meat or their fur, would you still think that the good guy was the "farmer" and the bad guys were those who rescued some of the dogs?

Here's what "farmers" do in Asian countries:



Dogs protect the house and can be taught tricks.

Not so much for rabbits.

So the only value in an animal is what purpose they serve for OUR selfish needs? You're entitled to your opinion, but I'll have to disagree with you on that.

Besides, most animals are a lot smarter than people realize. In fact, pigs are ranked smarter than dogs and in certain studies they do better than a 3 year old child. They also have unique personalities, like dogs, but they are among the worst treated animals of all. The bottom line is that society has conditioned people to believe dogs and cats should be loved and cherished and other animals are just "food"... ok to be treated like objects. The reality is that ALL animals deserve love, dignity and respect.

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