Vegas Shooter was a Muzzie

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I don't doubt that ISIS claimed responsibility, but I do doubt that it's true. How many people in their 60's becomes radicalized and go on shooting sprees?
I am so tired of this. I am tired of our American people being slaughtered like this. We need to expand concealed carry.

Problem is when it is a false flag , they will use it to once again TAKE THE GUNS.

Obama will come out on it, Clinton will come out on it maybe not on public speaking but they're trying to take the guns.
The UN will try and step in Watch and pay attention to articles saying " THE UN" .
Read above where his 'friend' was 'going around the Casino telling people' they were going to die....


Maybe I missed something. Can someone add more to the story of her 'warning PEOPLE'?
WAITA MINIT--------the jerk with the machine gun was
OLD like me..........sheeeeesh------my rep is shattered
Was it an automatic weapon? Semi autos can be fired so quickly they can sound like machine gun fire to the uninformed.

Sixty four is NOT old-just late middle aged.

Mike (age 69)

It was definitely a full-auto weapon or bump-fire stock.

Warning: This is the real deal and it's stomach turning.

Converted months ago. Islamic state takes credit.

Do you get off fabricating the truth?
How did he do that? Its all over the internet.
So is all kinds of shit, most of it without a grain of truth in it.
ISIS DID take responsibility. I cant seem to understand the doubt.
They very well had nothing to do with it. But they DID take credit for it.

Yea, I see that now on and mirror ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Maybe he was a sleeper and they hypnotized him years ago and put the thought in his head that on Sunday, Oct 1, 2017 he would kill.

Now you just look stupid. Congrats.
This incident has false flag written all over it. More likely the shooter was a govt agent and now the press will tell us we need more gun control.
I am so tired of this. I am tired of our American people being slaughtered like this. We need to expand concealed carry.

Problem is when it is a false flag , they will use it to once again TAKE THE GUNS.

Obama will come out on it, Clinton will come out on it maybe not on public speaking but they're trying to take the guns.
The UN will try and step in Watch and pay attention to articles saying " THE UN" .
I dont get the logic. What makes you think that frightened people are going to be more likely to give up their guns?
How could he get so many weapons up to a hotel room without hotel security or housekeeping noticing? There had to be accomplices.
"Las Vegas, we are grieving with you—the victims, those who lost loved ones, the responders, & all affected by this cold-blooded massacre.

Our grief isn't enough. We can and must put politics aside, stand up to the NRA, and work together to try to stop this from happening again.

The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots. Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get." - Crooked Hillary
Converted months ago. Islamic state takes credit.

Do you get off fabricating the truth?
How did he do that? Its all over the internet.

Not the internet I have read this morning, no menton about muslim. In fact what I've read is no religious or party affiliations. But all you guys go right ahead. Probably the same ones that were at the big meeting in the Cumberland national park over the weekend.
Yea, his brother said that. But ISIS DID take responsibility for it. Its everywhere. Being reported by the MSM, not just small outlets.
Whether that is truth is a different story. But dont call pupps a liar. Because THAT would be a lie.

Even the authorities said Isis doesn't typically take responsibility so soon after an event. He sure doesnt fit the muslim profile.
isn't this guys wife or girlfriend or female roommate from Dubai , isn't Dubai a muslim majority country , just a question because i don't know .
Converted months ago. Islamic state takes credit.

ISIS Claims Responsibility For Mass Shooting/Suspect Converted Months Before!


Oh the leftist democrat nut jobs love it their heroes have done their job.

Watch all the a.h. deny it.
Goddamn, there certainly are a bunch of stupid motherfuckers on this board. The guy was no more muslim than Trump, he had no party or religious affiliations. Just an angry old white man that probably spent too much time on boards like this one and went off.
Who we missing?
I am so tired of this. I am tired of our American people being slaughtered like this. We need to expand concealed carry.

'Concealed Carry' would not have helped in this situation. You have a sniper' firing an automatic weapon from a hotel window across the street.

The ONLY things that could have possibly prevented this from happening (off the top of my head) are 1) Casinos having metal detectors at their entrances, 2) Casinos having all luggage dropped off, scanned, and delivered to your room, 3) think glass in every room that can not be opened, 4) his 'friend' warning authorities in advance.

I am sure there are more - Concealer Carry is not one of them.
Converted months ago. Islamic state takes credit.

Do you get off fabricating the truth?
How did he do that? Its all over the internet.

Not the internet I have read this morning, no menton about muslim. In fact what I've read is no religious or party affiliations. But all you guys go right ahead. Probably the same ones that were at the big meeting in the Cumberland national park over the weekend.
Yea, his brother said that. But ISIS DID take responsibility for it. Its everywhere. Being reported by the MSM, not just small outlets.
Whether that is truth is a different story. But dont call pupps a liar. Because THAT would be a lie.

Even the authorities said Isis doesn't typically take responsibility so soon after an event. He sure doesnt fit the muslim profile.
My point was, that ISIS took responsibility for it. Thats it.
I don't doubt that ISIS claimed responsibility, but I do doubt that it's true. How many people in their 60's becomes radicalized and go on shooting sprees?
It depends. Being in their 60s does not mean the individual is immune to leftism and already predisposed to think that America is an evil country that should never have existed. Take someone like that, tell them the country festival are conservative Trump supporters and you have a maniac.

Who shot Steve Scalise and why?
This should bring us together; I know I have more in common with an American Republican that anyone of any political belief in another country. Likewise, I respect all faiths in America. Why not try to unite, instead of divide?
Your ideology is nothing, that many want to come together with...
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