Vegas Shooter was a Muzzie

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This should bring us together; I know I have more in common with an American Republican that anyone of any political belief in another country. Likewise, I respect all faiths in America. Why not try to unite, instead of divide?
WAITA MINIT--------the jerk with the machine gun was
OLD like me..........sheeeeesh------my rep is shattered
Was it an automatic weapon? Semi autos can be fired so quickly they can sound like machine gun fire to the uninformed.

Sixty four is NOT old-just late middle aged.

Mike (age 69)
I read somewhere that he used an AK47 which doesnt seem very likely considering how far away he was.
He used some kind of auto firing weapon from the sound of the shots. Either that or he had an extremely fast trigger pull.
I am so tired of this. I am tired of our American people being slaughtered like this. We need to expand concealed carry.
JUST IN: Sonny Melton, from Tennessee, identified as one of the victims

They are looking for his girlfriend. She was going around the casino telling people they were going to die.
Old, white, with an arsenal. Apparently well off. Sounds like it could be someone on this board. And will we ever know why he murdered so many last night? But the answer is to get more guns out there on the street. Yessirreeeeeeeeeee Bob, more guns out on the street.
How did the Muslims Convert die? Was it because good guys with a gun shot the bad guy with a gun? Just checking?
He shot himself.
WAITA MINIT--------the jerk with the machine gun was
OLD like me..........sheeeeesh------my rep is shattered
Was it an automatic weapon? Semi autos can be fired so quickly they can sound like machine gun fire to the uninformed.

Sixty four is NOT old-just late middle aged.

Mike (age 69)
I read somewhere that he used an AK47 which doesnt seem very likely considering how far away he was.
He used some kind of auto firing weapon from the sound of the shots. Either that or he had an extremely fast trigger pull.

After hearing this, I agree.

Las Vegas shooting: Rapid-fire shots, then 'Stay down!' - CNN Video
They are looking for his girlfriend. She was going around the casino telling people they were going to die.

She has been cleared. IMO, the initial profile is he's a lone nutcase. I suppose he could be an Islamic terrorist. Time will tell. Either way, America is in decay. Same with much of Europe.
'TipsyCat' said: "It's only a small step for the America hating leftists to take to join the America hating muslims. It's a natural extension."

No attack, insult, etc...but I disagreeand here's why:

People can be 'radicalized' over just about ANY agenda or idea.

People can become 'radicalized' through indoctrination over long periods of time through elevated steps / processes. (Some call it 'conditioning')
- Whether it is Palestinians showing their children cartoons / puppets of .Mickey Mouse teaching them Jews / Israelis are less than human and it is their job to kill them later in life or a teacher in 'whatevertown' USA / at Berkeley teaching the US is racist, is an evil nation based on its past and the Founding Fathers are racist and the Constitution is an outdated product of slave's all 'conditioning', 'indoctrination', 'radicalization'.

(Over time Americans have been slowly 'conditioned; to accept more cursing, more nudity, more violence - our culture, our daily way of life has ever so slowly been manipulated - like a frog in a pot, slowly raising the temperature - to the point where we have extremely violent graphic video games / movies

Radicalization consists of degrees.
- Having an attitude - seeing whites / blacks as 'the enemy' and being divided. unfriendly
- Marching, rioting, looting, destroying property
- Domestic Terrorism
- Islamic Extremist-type terrorism
.... more extreme as you slide along / up 'the scale'.

All that being said, IMO converting from a POLITICAL extremist, who wants to see their own political agenda instituted 9without opposition) is quite different / quite a huge step to 'Islamic Extremism', where the world-wide goal is the conversion of everyone to Islam, where those who oppose are either enslaved or killed.

Many Americans have not come to grips with the FACT that this is what Islamic Extremism's goal truly is. Instead many, frighteningly like many of our politicians - policy and decision-makers, believe they are all tolerant, can be appeased. I am not even sure if many of the Americans who convert to Islam understand that.
--- Remember the story of the several FEMALE US citizens who went to the Middle East to become Islamic Extremist FIGHTERS? They were accepted at first because they were an awesome propaganda tool. WOMEN, under Islamic Extremism, in reality are NOT accepted as equals, not allowed to fight side-by-side with the men. They are PROPERTY. (Not sure what happened to those female Americans, if they died fighting or were introduced to the TRUE role of women in Islamic Extremism once their propaganda usefulness ran its course.)

I think there is a difference between the 'Bill Ayers' and the 'Anwar al-Awlaki's. They have much different agendas / goals.
WAITA MINIT--------the jerk with the machine gun was
OLD like me..........sheeeeesh------my rep is shattered
Was it an automatic weapon? Semi autos can be fired so quickly they can sound like machine gun fire to the uninformed.

Sixty four is NOT old-just late middle aged.

Mike (age 69)
I read somewhere that he used an AK47 which doesnt seem very likely considering how far away he was.
He used some kind of auto firing weapon from the sound of the shots. Either that or he had an extremely fast trigger pull.

After hearing this, I agree.

Las Vegas shooting: Rapid-fire shots, then 'Stay down!' - CNN Video
Thats a dam shame. They just laying there like sheep.
Go stick it up your ample ass. You piss ant conspiracy theorists need to get a real life. All of you are unstable enough to be a possible random shooter.

I am sure her boss A Jones wants to get a boost for his website ,disrespecting those who died or injured.


Who is he disrespecting?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The families of those who died and injured by spreading unconfirmed possible fake news and his paid groupies spread it around..
Old, white, with an arsenal. Apparently well off. Sounds like it could be someone on this board. And will we ever know why he murdered so many last night? But the answer is to get more guns out there on the street. Yessirreeeeeeeeeee Bob, more guns out on the street.
How did the Muslims Convert die? Was it because good guys with a gun shot the bad guy with a gun? Just checking?
He shot himself.
He shot himself.
Yeah sure he did skippy
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!

Las Vegas shooter: Casino gunman reports
Las Vegas shooting: Gunman killed by police after opening fire on music festival
'islamic state' connection being reported on net work news , FOX . Course as already mentioned , no matter if true or not , why not take credit .
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