Vegas Shooter was a Muzzie

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How could he get so many weapons up to a hotel room without hotel security or housekeeping noticing? There had to be accomplices.

That would be the easy part.
He checked in on Thur. Plenty of time to make multiple trips to the room from a vehicle.

The real question is how long ago did he book the room and make sure he got a room on a high floor on that side of the hotel?
Vegas shooter was a single-person "weapon of mass destruction," Clark County District Attorney Steve Wolfson says.
At this point anything is possible. I think the death count has now risen to 58.
Find his partner, maybe just a coincidence...but very convenient to be out of the county at this time.
How could he get so many weapons up to a hotel room without hotel security or housekeeping noticing? There had to be accomplices.
If you can fit them in a suitcase it would be easy. Lots of rifles breakdown.

It would take quite a few suitcases. He was there for 4 days, housekeeping would probably have noticed something.
3 or 4 suitcases would suffice. Maybe even 1 if he devoted it just the rifles. Housekeeping wouldnt have noticed anything unless they opened the suitcase.
Do you get off fabricating the truth?
How did he do that? Its all over the internet.

Not the internet I have read this morning, no menton about muslim. In fact what I've read is no religious or party affiliations. But all you guys go right ahead. Probably the same ones that were at the big meeting in the Cumberland national park over the weekend.
Yea, his brother said that. But ISIS DID take responsibility for it. Its everywhere. Being reported by the MSM, not just small outlets.
Whether that is truth is a different story. But dont call pupps a liar. Because THAT would be a lie.

Even the authorities said Isis doesn't typically take responsibility so soon after an event. He sure doesnt fit the muslim profile.
My point was, that ISIS took responsibility for it. Thats it.

chillaxe lol!!! I figured that,
You can scream gun control when the shooter used a gun that was already illegal. Criminals will break any and every law you throw at them.

Bad folks are going to do bad things, regardless of laws. Automatic weapons are already illegal. He didn’t buy it at a store.
So ISIS claims responsibility, says he converted recently. According to the Mandalay floor plans, it appears 2 different rooms/suites may have been used, adjacent to each other. The woman they were looking for, found now out of the country, had photos from Dubai on her Facebook, she is Filipino, and he had previously lived in Melbourne, Fl, which is close to where the Pulse nightclub killer was radicalized. Just repeating facts from the media.


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Converted months ago. Islamic state takes credit.
You ignorant lying bastard!

I love when someone tosses the ignorant word around, while displaying total ignorance.

Isis claims responsibility for Vegas massacre -- and releases one CHILLING fact

ISIS claims this attack claiming the shooter was a recent covert (he had a young Muslim gf).

The attack resembles previous threats against Vegas ISIS made.

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Paddock just might have wanted to kill conservatives and thought a country western event was just the place to find them.

The propaganda from the left telling people to kill "Trumptards" is far greater than the voice isis has in this country.
The brother also told NBC News that Stephen Paddock was retired and was “just a guy” who frequented the hotels, gambled and attended shows. He had “no religious affiliation” and “no political affiliation, he added. “Not an avid gun guy at all,” the brother told “CBS This Morning.”

Lets face it folks, when white people get pissed, instead of seeking help, they grab guns and have a field day harming people......
I am so tired of this. I am tired of our American people being slaughtered like this. We need to expand concealed carry.
Why yes, of course. And make sure every mental case in the nation has an arsenal. God, you people are out of your ever lovin' minds. What good would a handgun have done in this case? Really, really stupid comment.
The brother also told NBC News that Stephen Paddock was retired and was “just a guy” who frequented the hotels, gambled and attended shows. He had “no religious affiliation” and “no political affiliation, he added. “Not an avid gun guy at all,” the brother told “CBS This Morning.”

Lets face it folks, when white people get pissed, instead of seeking help, they grab guns and have a field day harming people......
Yeah they thinking of every excuse in the book except the real one. Dude was a white guy. How much you want to bet if they cant push the ISIS connection he will wind up being labeled as "crazy"?
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