Vegetarians Less Healthy and Crazier than Meat Eating Drinkers...

"A new study from the Medical University of Graz in Austria finds that vegetarians are more physically active, drink less alcohol and smoke less tobacco than those who consume meat in their diets. Vegetarians also have a higher socioeconomic status and a lower body mass index. But the vegetarian diet — characterized by a low consumption of saturated fats and cholesterol that includes increased intake of fruits, vegetables and whole-grain products — carries elevated risks of cancer, allergies and mental health disorders.

Vegetarians were twice as likely to have allergies, a 50 percent increase in heart attacks and a 50 percent increase in incidences of cancer."

I didn't need a Study to tell me what I've Observed. :thup:


Study: Vegetarians Less Healthy, Lower Quality Of Life Than Meat-Eaters « CBS Atlanta

It's Settled Science... Deny it and you are a Flat Earther. :Thup:

Here's another Fact about Vegetarians... They are Overwhelmingly Liberal.

I'll give you a moment to compose yourself.



are they liberal? might be. though the article doesn't say that and it's irrelevant to the topic except as a troll.

other than that, it was an interesting article.

thanks for trying to troll with it. :rolleyes:
  • Thanks
Reactions: mal
Study: Vegetarians Less Healthy, Lower Quality Of Life Than Meat-Eaters « CBS Atlanta

It's Settled Science... Deny it and you are a Flat Earther. :Thup:

Here's another Fact about Vegetarians... They are Overwhelmingly Liberal.

I'll give you a moment to compose yourself.



are they liberal? might be. though the article doesn't say that and it's irrelevant to the topic except as a troll.

other than that, it was an interesting article.

thanks for trying to troll with it. :rolleyes:

Overwhelmingly the Vegetarians I know are FAR Left Liberal and even the ones I know who would deny it are really just Pro-Pot Liberaltarians.

You know it's True... If you Feel that Truth is Trolling, so be it. :thup:


Study: Vegetarians Less Healthy, Lower Quality Of Life Than Meat-Eaters « CBS Atlanta

It's Settled Science... Deny it and you are a Flat Earther. :Thup:

Here's another Fact about Vegetarians... They are Overwhelmingly Liberal.

I'll give you a moment to compose yourself.



The findings in that study do jibe with my own personal experiences.

As some kind of non-conservative, many many of my acquaintances are vegan or vegetarians.

Now most of those are also women which I suspect means they areon average less healthy anyway, but YES, their health does not seem as good as mine.

And I am older then them, I smoked for 45 years (they almost never smoke), I never exercise and I eat lots and lots and lots of meat, eggs, butter, and so forth.

All this is, of course, anecdotal evidence, but after decades of rubbing elbows with HEALTH FACISTS I note that they are seldom healthy people.
Study: Vegetarians Less Healthy, Lower Quality Of Life Than Meat-Eaters « CBS Atlanta

It's Settled Science... Deny it and you are a Flat Earther. :Thup:

Here's another Fact about Vegetarians... They are Overwhelmingly Liberal.

I'll give you a moment to compose yourself.



I agree with you ... for once. I have always said this - tofu is not the same as red meat and here's the kicker: If they ever go back to feeding animals grass INSTEAD of corn, meat will help you to gain muscle lose fat and help prevent heart attacks. Vegetarians are lacking in Hemi-iron, which you cannot get from anything EXCEPT for meat.

Mal, arguing with vegetarians is a lost cause - "meat is murder ... blah, blah, blah" ... .
Here's another Fact about Vegetarians... They are Overwhelmingly Liberal.
My experience has been that people who spend time attempting to relate characteristics of people to those of the opposing political ideology are intellectually shallow.

Just anecdotal, I know...
Study: Vegetarians Less Healthy, Lower Quality Of Life Than Meat-Eaters « CBS Atlanta

It's Settled Science... Deny it and you are a Flat Earther. :Thup:

Here's another Fact about Vegetarians... They are Overwhelmingly Liberal.

I'll give you a moment to compose yourself.



are they liberal? might be. though the article doesn't say that and it's irrelevant to the topic except as a troll.

other than that, it was an interesting article.

thanks for trying to troll with it. :rolleyes:

Overwhelmingly the Vegetarians I know are FAR Left Liberal and even the ones I know who would deny it are really just Pro-Pot Liberaltarians.

You know it's True... If you Feel that Truth is Trolling, so be it. :thup:



It serves to illustrate that Libs often fall for "science" that is not really science at all.
Here's another Fact about Vegetarians... They are Overwhelmingly Liberal.
My experience has been that people who spend time attempting to relate characteristics of people to those of the opposing political ideology are intellectually shallow.

Just anecdotal, I know...

Whatever, dude - you disagree? I do not know of ANY vegetarians who are staunch conservatives.

All vegans I have ever met were quite liberal and proud of it. What's the problem?
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Study: Vegetarians Less Healthy, Lower Quality Of Life Than Meat-Eaters « CBS Atlanta

It's Settled Science... Deny it and you are a Flat Earther. :Thup:

Here's another Fact about Vegetarians... They are Overwhelmingly Liberal.

I'll give you a moment to compose yourself.



The findings in that study do jibe with my own personal experiences.

As some kind of non-conservative, many many of my acquaintances are vegan or vegetarians.

Now most of those are also women which I suspect means they areon average less healthy anyway, but YES, their health does not seem as good as mine.

And I am older then them, I smoked for 45 years (they almost never smoke), I never exercise and I eat lots and lots and lots of meat, eggs, butter, and so forth.

All this is, of course, anecdotal evidence, but after decades of rubbing elbows with HEALTH FACISTS I note that they are seldom healthy people.

vegetarians do eat butter, cheese, milk and eggs. vegans do not...
Here's another Fact about Vegetarians... They are Overwhelmingly Liberal.
My experience has been that people who spend time attempting to relate characteristics of people to those of the opposing political ideology are intellectually shallow.

Just anecdotal, I know...

Whatever, dude - you disagree? I do not know of ANY vegetarians who are staunch conservatives.

All vegans I have ever met were quite liberal and proud of it. What's the problem?

you should live in Gentry, Arkansas. The home of 7th Day Adventists, all conservative and all vegetarians.
Study: Vegetarians Less Healthy, Lower Quality Of Life Than Meat-Eaters « CBS Atlanta

It's Settled Science... Deny it and you are a Flat Earther. :Thup:

Here's another Fact about Vegetarians... They are Overwhelmingly Liberal.

I'll give you a moment to compose yourself.



are they liberal? might be. though the article doesn't say that and it's irrelevant to the topic except as a troll.

other than that, it was an interesting article.

thanks for trying to troll with it. :rolleyes:

I don't agree that this is a troll statement; I have observed this too.

I will say that if someone chooses to be a vegan, that's fine - I don't have a problem with it and I certainly don't hate liberals, but I agree that most vegetarians are liberal.
  • Thanks
Reactions: mal
Study: Vegetarians Less Healthy, Lower Quality Of Life Than Meat-Eaters « CBS Atlanta

It's Settled Science... Deny it and you are a Flat Earther. :Thup:

Here's another Fact about Vegetarians... They are Overwhelmingly Liberal.

I'll give you a moment to compose yourself.



are they liberal? might be. though the article doesn't say that and it's irrelevant to the topic except as a troll.

other than that, it was an interesting article.

thanks for trying to troll with it. :rolleyes:

I don't agree that this is a troll statement; I have observed this too.

I will say that if someone chooses to be a vegan, that's fine - I don't have a problem with it and I certainly don't hate liberals, but I agree that most vegetarians are liberal.

That is just an opinion without facts to back up an assumption....
My experience has been that people who spend time attempting to relate characteristics of people to those of the opposing political ideology are intellectually shallow.

Just anecdotal, I know...

Whatever, dude - you disagree? I do not know of ANY vegetarians who are staunch conservatives.

All vegans I have ever met were quite liberal and proud of it. What's the problem?

you should live in Gentry, Arkansas. The home of 7th Day Adventists, all conservative and all vegetarians.

Thanks, I hadn't really known any, I am certain that many are. Can we get some stats on this? I'm driving and typing at stop lights.
Study: Vegetarians Less Healthy, Lower Quality Of Life Than Meat-Eaters « CBS Atlanta

It's Settled Science... Deny it and you are a Flat Earther. :Thup:

Here's another Fact about Vegetarians... They are Overwhelmingly Liberal.

I'll give you a moment to compose yourself.



I agree with you ... for once. I have always said this - tofu is not the same as red meat and here's the kicker: If they ever go back to feeding animals grass INSTEAD of corn, meat will help you to gain muscle lose fat and help prevent heart attacks. Vegetarians are lacking in Hemi-iron, which you cannot get from anything EXCEPT for meat.

Mal, arguing with vegetarians is a lost cause - "meat is murder ... blah, blah, blah" ... .

An old friend of mine went Vegi because of his Woman (Just like Pulp Fiction)... Last year he had to go in for treatments because of a lack of something in his system from not eating meat that was making him sick.

I asked him if he was going to stop the nonsense and of course he didn't.


Whatever, dude - you disagree? I do not know of ANY vegetarians who are staunch conservatives.

All vegans I have ever met were quite liberal and proud of it. What's the problem?

you should live in Gentry, Arkansas. The home of 7th Day Adventists, all conservative and all vegetarians.

Thanks, I hadn't really known any, I am certain that many are. Can we get some stats on this? I'm driving and typing at stop lights.

It is the tenets of their belief and what they practice...

Seventh-day Adventist Diet

Seventh-day Adventists eat a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet, one that allows milk and eggs, but not animal flesh. This is because they believe that whatever they eat and drink should “honor and glorify God and preserve the health of the body, mind, and spirit.”

Seventh-day Adventists have followed this diet for more than 130 years. The health recommendations were formed based on a combination of the biblical principles of the Levitical laws, the emphasis on self-control promoted by Seventh-day Adventists, and the emerging health and hygiene principles of the 19th century.

Research findings
A multitude of clinical studies have used Seventh-day Adventists as the study population. These studies have proven that most Seventh-day Adventists are healthier than other populations. In general, Seventh-day Adventists have a 50% lower risk of developing heart disease, certain types of cancers, strokes, and diabetes.

Food nutrition health and wellness news
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