Venezuela False Flag: Who Burned The Aid Truck?

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
The twelve term former Congressman from Texas and champion of the Constitution and father of the Tea Party, Dr. Ron Paul, discusses current events in Venezuela with Daniel McAdams. Also good commentary in the comments section.

They'll also be analyzing some video and photography that was taken live on the ground.

From the link...

The weekend stand-off between the US aid trucks on the Colombian side of the border and the Venezuelan government did not go quite as planned by the US. The aid did not get through, the military did not defect, and US-selected "president" Guaido was nowhere to be seen. But the aid trucks did catch fire in Colombia and Washington is blaming Maduro. Do they have any evidence? Or is this a false flag?

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The Venezuelan Foreign Minister is claiming that "CIA operatives" torched the truck. In communist countries, everything that ever goes wrong is always blamed on mysterious "CIA operatives."


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