Vermont Has Now Gone Completely Nuts: He/She Gubernatorial Candidate

Absolutely yes, and JFK would easily get nominated by the Dems.

The GOP base is just too far right for America.
...You mean like the decency of separating children from parents...
Nope. That was both inhumane and politically stupid.

...the decency of robbing the poor to enrich the wealthy thru tax cuts...
Nope. The GOP is full of $hit up to its ears in this regard, as is The Creature in the Oval Office.

...the decency of lies but no action on rebuilding infrastructure and affordable healthcare...
Nope. The GOP is full of $hit up to its ears in this regard, as is The Creature in the Oval Office.

...the righteousness of division and scapegoating like a raving despot?...
Nope. The Creature in the Oval Office is a demagogue and has no clue about how to halt and reverse Illegal Immigration.

...Since morals like decency and righteousness is based mostly upon religion, you and I obviously went to different churches.
Nope... 3,000 years of Judeo-Christian teaching on the immorality and sinfulness of sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) dominates.

Unfortunately for you, none of those other things you mentioned can be reasonably construed as substantively linked... nice try at deflection... not.
Degenerate people who are into bdsm get by with being degenerate in a degenerate society, nothing new.

Black kid who possibly had a bad experience with a police officer is all the sudden the face of the modern Jim Crow....

I have heard many adult black males who blatantly say that they would shoot these black kids if they were police officers(not necessarily this kid, but definitely kids like those teenagers who were manhandled by the police a few years ago). Handcuffing a kid might not be a good idea if they didn't actually break the law in the current polarized climate, but similar methods of teaching kids about respect for police officers have been used in the past.

And then you prove my point. A white guy rapes a 14 year old and you blow it off as bad sex.

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I don't blow it off.

Society does.

Society is so sick now that it thinks that choking is a kink. I see it as attempted murder or suicide, nevermind rape.

Society does for certain people, for which their skin color matters a great deal, which has been my point all along.

50 Shades of Grey is a Law and Order episode if Christian Grey is a black guy living in an apartment instead of a love story since he is right white guy
Vermont is more like “50 shades of gay.”

Why the fuck would you care if someone is gay or not?
If the Democrats nominate a guy that dresses as a girl...but could play defense for the would kinda fucking freak me out. Call out the men with white suits and nets to bag em and get them into the mental ward.
Make transgenderism the major point of contentio, and the GOP may well lose.

Argue that her financial goals are to cost prohibitive.
Make it the major point and they will win. How can you put a person in a leadership position to make critical decisions about the state when they can’t even decide what gender they are? This person is confused.

She did decide. She had the surgery and is living as a woman. She knows what she wants and who she is.

A person who does that isn't confused.
There IS a general election.

We know the Demonrat Party has gone over the deep end. We'll see of the People have lost their collective minds.
Well, we already know that Inner-City $hithole denizens will continue to vote for The Party of Unfunded Free Stuff...
What happened to the state of lumberjacks and deer hunters? Fucking New Yorkers ruining New England states just like Californians have done to Washington, Oregon, and Colorado.
Transgender candidate makes history with win in Vermont governor primary
Where in gubernatorial powers is a penis or vagina required? What difference does it make to you?
People with obvious mental illnesses should not be given power over a state government.
Are you a trained psychiatrist? Do you have a degree? What makes you and your trailer park instincts qualified to render a diagnosis?
He knows his gender.
So does Christine.
What happened to the state of lumberjacks and deer hunters? Fucking New Yorkers ruining New England states just like Californians have done to Washington, Oregon, and Colorado.
Transgender candidate makes history with win in Vermont governor primary
It’s Vermont fer cryin’ out loud, as relevant as a Southwest Utah county commissioner. Sit back and be mildly amused.
But they still get 2 U.S. Senator’s and we know Sanders is a kook.
What could be funnier? Sanders, Leahy, and a HeSheIt
I get a kick out of Alt Right Trumpers thinking they understand anything about JFK in comparison to other American leaders.

Such Trumpers are the blind leading the blind.
You make stupid statements and ignore his own words.

Other than being a serial adulterer IN THE WHITE HOUSE, he had NOTHING in common with today's Demonrats. NOTHING.

The truth is, BOTH parties have moved Left. The Democrats are in sync with the Communist Party platform. There is NO significant difference.
Absolutely yes, and JFK would easily get nominated by the Dems.

The GOP base is just too far right for America.
In actual reality Trump would be too far left for Reagan's Republican party. The only position that Trump is to the right of Reagan on is immigration, and that is only because immigration is a much much bigger issue today.

While Jim Webb is significantly to the left of JFK and he is considered far too conservative for the Democrats.
The candidate for governor in Vermont is running on a platform of anti Christians. Let's see how the man does before we laugh too hard.
In actual reality Trump would be too far left for Reagan's Republican party. The only position that Trump is to the right of Reagan on is immigration, and that is only because immigration is a much much bigger issue today.

While Jim Webb is significantly to the left of JFK and he is considered far too conservative for the Democrats
Because the Democrats have moved so far left, every moderate person seems "far right" to them. They have no anchor. They are adrift, morally.
You do realize that black men are literally walking around with white women on leashes in public and nobody says a damn thing, right?
black men walking white girls on leashes - Bing video

Everybody just assumes that it is all just an erotic cosplay display where these people go back to their every day lives as a productive citizen, but in reality it is most likely just as illegal and insidious as the terror camp that was found in New Mexico.

I could not care less what consenting adults choose to do. I think that prostitution, polygamy and marijuana should all be legal. There is no evidence that the women are being forced to do anything, and absent that evidence I say "live and let live".
You just proved that your previous posts were full of crap.

Which post were that? Nothing I have said has changed
You were whining about black men not being able to participate in degenerate culture norms like bdsm and whining about a kid briefly having cuffs being put on him to get him to respect police authority.

No, I was not whining about any such thing, I was highlighting that white people and black people are still being treated differential by our legal system.

Why do you keep equating rape to consensual sex?

I was pointing out you do not see black men getting off with no jail time for rape like white men do. I was pointing out that you do not see white kids being handcuffed for dribbling a basketball.
White kids get handcuffed for mouthing off to the police all the time. You just don't hear about it because the parents aren't that upset and because the cuffs came off immediately.

You have no idea what is and isn't consensual. White guilt is pervasive enough to create Stockholm Syndrome.
In actual reality Trump would be too far left for Reagan's Republican party. The only position that Trump is to the right of Reagan on is immigration, and that is only because immigration is a much much bigger issue today.

While Jim Webb is significantly to the left of JFK and he is considered far too conservative for the Democrats
Because the Democrats have moved so far left, every moderate person seems "far right" to them. They have no anchor. They are adrift, morally.
There is literally no way for the Democrats to go further left either.

Soon mass suicides will be considered "progressive", and then normal people can have the reins of power again.
Make transgenderism the major point of contentio, and the GOP may well lose.

Argue that her financial goals are to cost prohibitive.
Make it the major point and they will win. How can you put a person in a leadership position to make critical decisions about the state when they can’t even decide what gender they are? This person is confused.

She did decide. She had the surgery and is living as a woman. She knows what she wants and who she is.

A person who does that isn't confused.
She is really fucked-up if she had her tallywacker lobbed off and still looks like a dude. She is totally confused. You are what God made you.
I get a kick out of Alt Right Trumpers thinking they understand anything about JFK in comparison to other American leaders.

Such Trumpers are the blind leading the blind.
Lee Harvey Oswald’s political beliefs were the same as Bernie and Ocasio. JFK would be sickened by the LGBT agenda and socialist beliefs.
Make transgenderism the major point of contentio, and the GOP may well lose.

Argue that her financial goals are to cost prohibitive.
Make it the major point and they will win. How can you put a person in a leadership position to make critical decisions about the state when they can’t even decide what gender they are? This person is confused.

She did decide. She had the surgery and is living as a woman. She knows what she wants and who she is.

A person who does that isn't confused.
She is really fucked-up if she had her tallywacker lobbed off and still looks like a dude. She is totally confused. You are what God made you.


NOT a woman and never will be.
What happened to the state of lumberjacks and deer hunters? Fucking New Yorkers ruining New England states just like Californians have done to Washington, Oregon, and Colorado.
Transgender candidate makes history with win in Vermont governor primary
Where in gubernatorial powers is a penis or vagina required? What difference does it make to you?
People with obvious mental illnesses should not be given power over a state government.
Are you a trained psychiatrist? Do you have a degree? What makes you and your trailer park instincts qualified to render a diagnosis?
He knows his gender.
So does Christine.
Apparently not. You are how you are born. Period.

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