Very simply, why I cannot stand Donald Trump

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Most of the asylum seekers are from Central America, not Mexico.
That is so ignorant Nosmo King that it makes the average person’s brain ache.

First of all, a person “seeking asylum” does not sneak into another country 4,000 miles away. They report to the embassy of the nation they want asylum in that is in their own nation.

Second, by law, anyone “seeking asylum” must seek it from the nation of the first border they hit outside of their own nation. They cannot trek through that nation for thousands of miles until they hit a nation of their choosing.

You truly are the ultimate low IQ voter. The Dumbocrats Party couldn’t survive without their mindless legion of uneducated minions.
Breaking up families at the border is Trump's fault." Really? It's Trump's fault that those people brought their children THROUGH a nation that granted them amnesty to come to OUR border and then refuse to enter at a port of entry and instead enter illegally? Or, are you saying that the children should have been jailed in an adult jail? That is inhuman!

“He uses divisive and intentionally hurtful language to describe these unfortunate people.”. The MS-13 gang members he referred to are not 'unfortunate'. They are criminals who exploit and murder people for their own profit.

“Trump decided to cut taxes for those who can afford it while providing no benefit to those who could least afford it.” I'm sorry people know so little about the law, but the President does not make tax law. That is the job of Congress. And, the rationale is that people who pay taxes got a tax cut. People who did not pay taxes did not get a tax cut.

“Trump doesn't just disagree with American institutions but demonizes them.” I have no idea which institutions are being referred to there, but if the institution demonizes Trump, why shouldn't he also demonize them?

I certainly didn't vote for Trump and don't intend vote for him in the next election. However, if the Democrats put forth another loser like the Corporate Whore, who knows what'll happen. I hope they give Bernie a real chance, but only time will tell.
Yes, breaking up families is Teump's fault. There are ways of enforcing the law that do not include breaking up families and yet, Trump chose to do just that. Whatever sources you get your information from has planted that myopic notion in your head. I'm surprised you could not realize that breaking up families was the intention all along. Sessions told you that was going to be the effect of Trump's zero tolerance policy. Didn't you see him say that?

Are all immigrants MS-13 gang members? That's what you are lead to think by Trump's language.

People pay taxes, no matter what Trump, Romney or Eushmwould have you believe. Taxes are still filed. Taxes are still withheld from pa checks.

Do you really believe that the free press is the enemy of the people? Do you realize that journalism is the only profession mentioned in the constitution and that mention is intended to protect thempress. When leaders rail against the press in terms such as enemy of the people, it's time we questioned those leaders and their dedication to the constitution.
Illegal aliens do not belong in this country, they can fucking rot in Mexico for all I care
Most of the asylum seekers are from Central America, not Mexico.
So many hours have gone by and I still don't give a shit about your opinion.
So you're not into debate. Why did you join an internet message board?
What debate?
You hate the fact that Trump exists.
Illegal aliens do not belong in this country, they can fucking rot in Mexico for all I care
Most of the asylum seekers are from Central America, not Mexico.
So many hours have gone by and I still don't give a shit about your opinion.
So you're not into debate. Why did you join an internet message board?
What debate?
You hate the fact that Trump exists.
That I do agree with. I'm waiting for Mueller or some latter day Lee Harvey to step up and do the right thing.

Pathetic! Frankly, you should be banned for hoping Trump gets assassinated. I didn't support manure like that with Obama, I never called for the Corporate Whore to be injured, even when it came out how she'd cheated Bernie and I don't think you should be allowed to post after such a disgusting post.
What's made up Pred ? The FACT he has 10 or so products made overseas?? He's a fn hypocrite and crook

Just about everything in the OP is made up.

But you are going to want specifics so here:

Breaking up families at the border is Trumps fault.

“Thus he has shown me that he has no empathy for the human race.”

“He uses divisive and intentionally hurtful language to describe these unfortunate people.”

“He has shown a lack of basic respect for his neighbor.”

“Trump decided to cut taxes for those who can afford it while providing no benefit to those who could least afford it.”

“That tired old doctrine of trickle down economics has been roundly disproved as truth.”

“Trump doesn't just disagree with American institutions but demonizes them.”

All of the above is either totally made up by the OP or the DNC and it’s lapdog media. They have all been debunked time and time again.

Lefties like the OP make this stuff up, then get outraged over it and refuse to see truth and reason. The OP is fully under the control of illogical and irrational emotions.

Breaking up families at the border is Trump's fault." Really? It's Trump's fault that those people brought their children THROUGH a nation that granted them amnesty to come to OUR border and then refuse to enter at a port of entry and instead enter illegally? Or, are you saying that the children should have been jailed in an adult jail? That is inhuman!

“He uses divisive and intentionally hurtful language to describe these unfortunate people.”. The MS-13 gang members he referred to are not 'unfortunate'. They are criminals who exploit and murder people for their own profit.

“Trump decided to cut taxes for those who can afford it while providing no benefit to those who could least afford it.” I'm sorry people know so little about the law, but the President does not make tax law. That is the job of Congress. And, the rationale is that people who pay taxes got a tax cut. People who did not pay taxes did not get a tax cut.

“Trump doesn't just disagree with American institutions but demonizes them.” I have no idea which institutions are being referred to there, but if the institution demonizes Trump, why shouldn't he also demonize them?

I certainly didn't vote for Trump and don't intend vote for him in the next election. However, if the Democrats put forth another loser like the Corporate Whore, who knows what'll happen. I hope they give Bernie a real chance, but only time will tell.
Yes, breaking up families is Teump's fault. There are ways of enforcing the law that do not include breaking up families and yet, Trump chose to do just that. Whatever sources you get your information from has planted that myopic notion in your head. I'm surprised you could not realize that breaking up families was the intention all along. Sessions told you that was going to be the effect of Trump's zero tolerance policy. Didn't you see him say that?

Are all immigrants MS-13 gang members? That's what you are lead to think by Trump's language.

People pay taxes, no matter what Trump, Romney or Eushmwould have you believe. Taxes are still filed. Taxes are still withheld from pa checks.

Do you really believe that the free press is the enemy of the people? Do you realize that journalism is the only profession mentioned in the constitution and that mention is intended to protect thempress. When leaders rail against the press in terms such as enemy of the people, it's time we questioned those leaders and their dedication to the constitution.
Illegal aliens do not belong in this country, they can fucking rot in Mexico for all I care
Most of the asylum seekers are from Central America, not Mexico.
That’s why I say they should be stopped at the border so they can fucking rot in Mexico
Most of the asylum seekers are from Central America, not Mexico.
So many hours have gone by and I still don't give a shit about your opinion.
So you're not into debate. Why did you join an internet message board?
What debate?
You hate the fact that Trump exists.
That I do agree with. I'm waiting for Mueller or some latter day Lee Harvey to step up and do the right thing.

Pathetic! Frankly, you should be banned for hoping Trump gets assassinated. I didn't support manure like that with Obama, I never called for the Corporate Whore to be injured, even when it came out how she'd cheated Bernie and I don't think you should be allowed to post after such a disgusting post.
Only show the same outrage to the Trumpians!
So many hours have gone by and I still don't give a shit about your opinion.
So you're not into debate. Why did you join an internet message board?
What debate?
You hate the fact that Trump exists.
That I do agree with. I'm waiting for Mueller or some latter day Lee Harvey to step up and do the right thing.

Pathetic! Frankly, you should be banned for hoping Trump gets assassinated. I didn't support manure like that with Obama, I never called for the Corporate Whore to be injured, even when it came out how she'd cheated Bernie and I don't think you should be allowed to post after such a disgusting post.
Only show the same outrage to the Trumpians!

Calling for the assassination of ANYONE deserves as special type of outrage.
So many hours have gone by and I still don't give a shit about your opinion.
So you're not into debate. Why did you join an internet message board?
What debate?
You hate the fact that Trump exists.
That I do agree with. I'm waiting for Mueller or some latter day Lee Harvey to step up and do the right thing.

Pathetic! Frankly, you should be banned for hoping Trump gets assassinated. I didn't support manure like that with Obama, I never called for the Corporate Whore to be injured, even when it came out how she'd cheated Bernie and I don't think you should be allowed to post after such a disgusting post.
Only show the same outrage to the Trumpians!
Most of the asylum seekers are from Central America, not Mexico.
So many hours have gone by and I still don't give a shit about your opinion.
So you're not into debate. Why did you join an internet message board?
What debate?
You hate the fact that Trump exists.
That I do agree with. I'm waiting for Mueller or some latter day Lee Harvey to step up and do the right thing.

Pathetic! Frankly, you should be banned for hoping Trump gets assassinated. I didn't support manure like that with Obama, I never called for the Corporate Whore to be injured, even when it came out how she'd cheated Bernie and I don't think you should be allowed to post after such a disgusting post.
Asshole Nosmo starts a Thread based on a rant and refers to it as debate.
What an asshole!
Asshole Nosmo starts a Thread based on a rant and refers to it as debate. What an asshole!
I don’t even mind if someone goes on a rant (I respect the passion) as long as the rant is rooted in reality. But when you start a thread and everything you state in your opening post is 100% false - you’ve wasted everyone’s time.
No sign of the original topic. Thread has run it's course. Plenty of other threads to discuss immigration. Check the Immigration Forum for instance..
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