Very simply, why I cannot stand Donald Trump

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All Michael Cohen said this morning is that he puts his family and country above Mr. Trump. The same guy he said a few weeks ago he would take bullet for. What does Michael Cohen, Trumps lawyer and business partner, have for us? NOTHING!
A kid is not a VISA.

But a kid is not a political tool either.

Families fleeing violence are not going to leave their kids to face that violence. If they did they would be piss poor parents.

They have right, under our law and international law, to a hearing. You can't deny that. Yet Trump's regime is barring them that. That would be against the law. Would you not agree?

They have no such right to a hearing under US law

Bullshit. Read the Bill of Rights.

They have no rights ....

You are mistaken.

I do like you , I appreciate all you do as a teacher and the way you help kids in sports and helping them grow

But your wrong.. ....

Thank you, but the Supreme Court has ruled on this question already. Even non-citizens have the right to due process.
They have no such right to a hearing under US law

Bullshit. Read the Bill of Rights.

They have no rights ....

You are mistaken.

I do like you , I appreciate all you do as a teacher and the way you help kids in sports and helping them grow

But your wrong.. ....

Thank you, but the Supreme Court has ruled on this question already. Even non-citizens have the right to due process.
That was the old Supreme Court. The new one might see things differently. Sandra Day warned Alito and Roberts to follow and respect Stari Decisis but they do not respect it.

Oh, and due process doesn't have to take more than 30 days retard. We could set up a system where we give them their due process in 3 days. You got a problem with that?
I'm sorry, but I was raised as an American and maintain my love for this great country. And I cannot be convinced that selling,out my ordained morality to support such a buffoon.

If you're an American as you claim, did you support Obama? The first Socialist / Progressive POTUS...

Your ordained morality? Are you a priest? What faith?
Actually he was not the first progressive president, and progressive is not synonymous with socialist which Obama most certainly is not.

Who started the Progressive Movement?
The progressive movement was an attempt at political reform. Reformers of this movement included Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and William Howard Taft. The progressive movement was an attempt at political reform. Reformers of this movement included Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and William Howard Taft.
Who made up the progressive movement -…
See all results for this question
What were the goals of the Progressive Movement?
A: The goals of the Progressive Movement were to try to and solve problems within the American society that had evolved during the industrial growth that happened in the latter part of the 19th century, including fighting for the rights of the lower classes.
What were the goals of the Progressive Movement ...…
.... due process doesn't have to take more than 30 days .... We could set up a system where we give them their due process in 3 days. .........

For a backlog of tens of thousands of cases, stupid?

We don't need tens of thousands of more cheap labor flooding our markets. If you keep taking everyone who wants to come in, what was with all the talk about kicking illegals out? Do you not get the point of kicking them out? Because now all of the sudden you seem very open to letting them all in. We all know you don't believe this planet is overpopulated so perhaps you think we have plenty of room for whoever and however many want to come in. Well then you are at odds with your fellow Republicans. At least they get supply and demand. You don't because you've never worked for a private organization. You've been a government cheese union worker working for public schools.

So don't tell us we don't know. We know YOU don't know. One things for sure no public school is going to hire an illegal immigrant to be a teacher. So maybe you don't care because this issue will never affect you. Is that it?
I'm sorry, but I was raised as an American and maintain my love for this great country. And I cannot be convinced that selling,out my ordained morality to support such a buffoon.

If you're an American as you claim, did you support Obama? The first Socialist / Progressive POTUS...

Your ordained morality? Are you a priest? What faith?
Actually he was not the first progressive president, and progressive is not synonymous with socialist which Obama most certainly is not.

Who started the Progressive Movement?
The progressive movement was an attempt at political reform. Reformers of this movement included Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and William Howard Taft. The progressive movement was an attempt at political reform. Reformers of this movement included Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and William Howard Taft.
Who made up the progressive movement -…
See all results for this question
What were the goals of the Progressive Movement?
A: The goals of the Progressive Movement were to try to and solve problems within the American society that had evolved during the industrial growth that happened in the latter part of the 19th century, including fighting for the rights of the lower classes.
What were the goals of the Progressive Movement ...…

Spot on post. Now we can expect members of the ministry of truth, and the echo chamber, to rewrite history.
I'm sorry, but I was raised as an American and maintain my love for this great country. And I cannot be convinced that selling,out my ordained morality to support such a buffoon.

If you're an American as you claim, did you support Obama? The first Socialist / Progressive POTUS...

Your ordained morality? Are you a priest? What faith?
Actually he was not the first progressive president, and progressive is not synonymous with socialist which Obama most certainly is not.

Who started the Progressive Movement?
The progressive movement was an attempt at political reform. Reformers of this movement included Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and William Howard Taft. The progressive movement was an attempt at political reform. Reformers of this movement included Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and William Howard Taft.
Who made up the progressive movement -…
See all results for this question
What were the goals of the Progressive Movement?
A: The goals of the Progressive Movement were to try to and solve problems within the American society that had evolved during the industrial growth that happened in the latter part of the 19th century, including fighting for the rights of the lower classes.
What were the goals of the Progressive Movement ...…

Spot on post. Now we can expect members of the ministry of truth, and the echo chamber, to rewrite history.

So what about our current problem? The middle class is getting poorer and the rich getting richer. Trump said he'd solve this problem but then that tax break he passed widened the gap. This is our current problem. The middle class is disappearing and we handed over the white house to a con artist billionaire because he hosted a reality show. Despite the fact he grabs women's pussies and has been to court more times than Judge Judy.
His race played a big role in electing him, I admit that. But to me Obama is a human being who happened to be bi-racial....people see him as black, although he grow up around whites and brought up by them.

Not according to failed former President Barack Hussein Obama.

Quotes from the writings of Barack Obama-Truth! & Fiction!

"I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.”
This is an accurate quote from the introduction to Dreams from My Father. The book chronicles Obama's experience as the son of an African father and an American mother.

"There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white."
This is a quote from Dreams from My Father. It is in a section in which Obama describes a job interview with a man in Chicago. Race had been a part of their discussion and the full quote is, "There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white---he'd said himself that was a problem."

It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names."
This one is also from Dreams from My Father. It is from a section when Obama was a college student and wrestling with his identity including as an African-American. The quote describes his observation of what was required among his fellow students.

"I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa, that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, Dubois and Mandela."
This is from Dreams from my Father. The more complete quote is, ""Yes, I’d seen weakness in other men— Gramps and his disappointments, Lolo and his compromise. But these men had become object lessons for me, men I might love but never emulate, white men and brown men whose fates didn’t speak to my own. It was into my father’s image, the black man, son of Africa, that I’d packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela."
America at its best is big, beautiful, and diverse. it's not small, it's not petty, and it's not exclusive, like Mar-A-Lago
I was also talking about his lack of character and civil comportment

Frankly, I don't care diddly about his character or civil comportment of President Donald Trump. He has turned out to be a great president, one of the greatest in modern history.

We had eight years of a wimp who prided himself on his character, civil comportment and especially proud to tell the world that he led from behind. So we had eight years of failure and malaise. We know how that turned out, total failure with an economy in a malaise for eight years.
America at its best is big, beautiful, and diverse. it's not small, it's not petty, and it's not exclusive, like Mar-A-Lago

Donald Trump bought Mar-a-Lago in 1985 and was sued by the city of Palm Beach. Actually, he was sued twice. Specifically, why was he sued?
This is where I disgress with Republicans.
The software rejected many potential lenders and the bankers rubber stamped APPROVED.

The bankers, as you know, were following the mandates and regulations issued to them by Fannie and Freddie. Fannie and Freddie were following the mandates and regulations issued to them by the committees of Barney Frank and Chris Dodd.
My ex was an underwriter, and mortgage brokers I've known were only concerned about paperwork on the frontend. My experience has been that after 3-6 months of a loan closing it's sold to the Feds.

Loans were sold to Fannie or Freddie and the papers recorded the same day as the Deed, note, and mortgage.
My ex was an underwriter, and mortgage brokers I've known were only concerned about paperwork on the frontend. My experience has been that after 3-6 months of a loan closing it's sold to the Feds.

Loans were sold to Fannie or Freddie and the papers recorded the same day as the Deed, note, and mortgage.

That quick? Loans I had fell into the 3-6 month range, there may have been a backlog.
The Feds were buying everything, basically giving them the green light.

As you know, they were ordered to do so by Fannie and Freddie.

Sorry, that's what I meant, Fannie and Freddie were buying everything. If not mistaken Freddie and Fannie are government programs, hence my usage of Feds.

I was not disputing your use of the word Feds for Fannie and Freddie. I was clarifying that the banks were ordered to make more sub-prime loans by Fannie and Freddie.

Fannie and Freddie were ordered to increase the percentage of sub-prime loans in their portfolio by Congress, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd.
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