Very simply, why I cannot stand Donald Trump

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His policies and his lack of character. Make no mistake, I am not indicting his supporters. I assume they are all adults and can make up their own minds. But Trump himself is a loathesom person.

He could have devised a policy to control the border without breaking families. But he chose to do just that. Thus he has shown me that he has no empathy for the human race. He uses divisive and intentionally hurtful language to describe these unfortunate people. He has shown a lack of basic respect for his neighbor.

Meanwhile, I, for one, have been taught to treat my neighbor as I would be treated.

Trump decided to cut taxes for those who can afford it while providing no benefit to those who could least afford it. That tired old doctrine of trickle down economics has been roundly disproved as truth.

Trump doesn't just disagree with American institutions but demonizes them. This sets folks up to be cynical at best, dismissive at worst for our most valued institutions such as a free press (not the enemy of the people, but certainly the enemy of tyrants and Authoritarians), our justice system and law enforcement.

I cannot be inspired by someone who comports himself as such a brazen bully. I would opt for inspirational politics, not instigational politics.

I'm sorry, but I was raised as an American and maintain my love for this great country. And I cannot be convinced that selling,out my ordained morality to support such a buffoon.
Republicans never considered changing their policies even though their policies are unpopular. They stuck to their positions and lost. Trump came in and said he’d do things differently. Now he is being a classic republican. Giving into the rich, religious, anti gays, racists, gun nuts. His Supreme Court picks are very conservative.

Conservatives elected him and he will serve their causes. If we don’t like it we have to vote. They win because many people who agree with us don’t vote. Republicans have convinced them it doesn’t matter
If the left stoners can't be bothered to vote that's their/YOUR problem asshole!
The LIB MSM literally guaranteed HRC would win in a landslide.
If you've got a problem go talk to the LIB MSM about!
The LIB MSM by attacking Trump 24/7 is once again 100% guaranteeing another Trump win in Nov. and 2020.
Losers always lose. That's why they are called losers!

The reason these particular losers always lose is because they don’t live in the real world. They either manufacture, or have manufactured for them, a alternative reality where what they say, think, and desire is all true.

Reality always disagrees with the left.

Yes, we manufacture. And Manufacturing is vital to any countries economy. Bush is potentially going to fuck manufacturing with these tariffs so you must work in defense or oil

Lets hope this continues The manufacturing sector has been on fire since Trump was elected — March was another strong month for the industry

It won't if tariffs get slapped on everyone and it starts a trade war.
This is where I disgress with Republicans.
The software rejected many potential lenders and the bankers rubber stamped APPROVED.

Of course bankers rubber stamped loans, Freddie and Fannie were accepting anything and everything.
Everybody was accepting everything.
The bankers raked in the dough and got away with “murder“.

The Feds were buying everything, basically giving them the green light.
Is that why JP Morgan sent out 2.5 million foreclosures on mortgages they weren’t managing?
I know too many mortgage brokers to blame it on just the government.

My ex was an underwriter, and mortgage brokers I've known were only concerned about paperwork on the frontend. My experience has been that after 3-6 months of a loan closing it's sold to the Feds.
His policies and his lack of character. Make no mistake, I am not indicting his supporters. I assume they are all adults and can make up their own minds. But Trump himself is a loathesom person.

He could have devised a policy to control the border without breaking families. But he chose to do just that. Thus he has shown me that he has no empathy for the human race. He uses divisive and intentionally hurtful language to describe these unfortunate people. He has shown a lack of basic respect for his neighbor.

Meanwhile, I, for one, have been taught to treat my neighbor as I would be treated.

Trump decided to cut taxes for those who can afford it while providing no benefit to those who could least afford it. That tired old doctrine of trickle down economics has been roundly disproved as truth.

Trump doesn't just disagree with American institutions but demonizes them. This sets folks up to be cynical at best, dismissive at worst for our most valued institutions such as a free press (not the enemy of the people, but certainly the enemy of tyrants and Authoritarians), our justice system and law enforcement.

I cannot be inspired by someone who comports himself as such a brazen bully. I would opt for inspirational politics, not instigational politics.

I'm sorry, but I was raised as an American and maintain my love for this great country. And I cannot be convinced that selling,out my ordained morality to support such a buffoon.
Republicans never considered changing their policies even though their policies are unpopular. They stuck to their positions and lost. Trump came in and said he’d do things differently. Now he is being a classic republican. Giving into the rich, religious, anti gays, racists, gun nuts. His Supreme Court picks are very conservative.

Conservatives elected him and he will serve their causes. If we don’t like it we have to vote. They win because many people who agree with us don’t vote. Republicans have convinced them it doesn’t matter
If the left stoners can't be bothered to vote that's their/YOUR problem asshole!
The LIB MSM literally guaranteed HRC would win in a landslide.
If you've got a problem go talk to the LIB MSM about!
The LIB MSM by attacking Trump 24/7 is once again 100% guaranteeing another Trump win in Nov. and 2020.
Losers always lose. That's why they are called losers!

The reason these particular losers always lose is because they don’t live in the real world. They either manufacture, or have manufactured for them, a alternative reality where what they say, think, and desire is all true.

Reality always disagrees with the left.

Yes, we manufacture. And Manufacturing is vital to any countries economy. Bush is potentially going to fuck manufacturing with these tariffs so you must work in defense or oil

Lets hope this continues The manufacturing sector has been on fire since Trump was elected — March was another strong month for the industry

It won't if tariffs get slapped on everyone and it starts a trade war.
This is where I disgress with Republicans.
The software rejected many potential lenders and the bankers rubber stamped APPROVED.

Of course bankers rubber stamped loans, Freddie and Fannie were accepting anything and everything.
Everybody was accepting everything.
The bankers raked in the dough and got away with “murder“.

The Feds were buying everything, basically giving them the green light.
Is that why JP Morgan sent out 2.5 million foreclosures on mortgages they weren’t managing?
I know too many mortgage brokers to blame it on just the government.

My ex was an underwriter, and mortgage brokers I've known were only concerned about paperwork on the frontend. My experience has been that after 3-6 months of a loan closing it's sold to the Feds.
Or sold to Japanese or Chinese banks.
All in all, the Big Liars got away with the Big Lie.
You were talking about policies dumbass.
What's made up Pred ? The FACT he has 10 or so products made overseas?? He's a fn hypocrite and crook

Just about everything in the OP is made up.

But you are going to want specifics so here:

Breaking up families at the border is Trumps fault.

“Thus he has shown me that he has no empathy for the human race.”

“He uses divisive and intentionally hurtful language to describe these unfortunate people.”

“He has shown a lack of basic respect for his neighbor.”

“Trump decided to cut taxes for those who can afford it while providing no benefit to those who could least afford it.”

“That tired old doctrine of trickle down economics has been roundly disproved as truth.”

“Trump doesn't just disagree with American institutions but demonizes them.”

All of the above is either totally made up by the OP or the DNC and it’s lapdog media. They have all been debunked time and time again.

Lefties like the OP make this stuff up, then get outraged over it and refuse to see truth and reason. The OP is fully under the control of illogical and irrational emotions.
Trump can enforce the law without separating families, yet he chose to do just that as a deterrent. This clearly shows a lack of empathy for the human race. It is a universal truth that parents love their children and people support family. That's not 'made up' and saying it is is a further erosion of truth.

Trump refers to these unfortunate people as an infestation. This is the same rhetoric used throughout history to demean, demonize and cheapen the lives of others. This is not made up. These are Teump's own words. As he currently serves as president, we must take him seriously and literally.

His tax cuts have made a comfortable life for a few even more comfortable. While those who are not so comfortable must pay for the cuts to those who can afford them. Increased deficits and national debt wil ultimately be paid for by the poor and middle class. Trickle down economics is a fraud.

Trump calls the press the "enemy of the people" and law enforcement agencies currently investigating his alleged wrong doings corrupt. His hateful language erodes confidence to the point that some, and I include you in this unfortunate group, to no longer trust anything other than the rants and raves of this megalomaniac at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Let’s see:

In order:





Yup, still totally made up by you. All of your nonsense has been totally debunked already. Yet refuse to learn and insist on being pissed off about it. Not much I can do about that so you have fun with it. I can’t make you learn.
Debunked? Yeah. Right.
AND the moron said ""trade wars are easy to win"" We have a true imbecile in our WH
What's made up Pred ? The FACT he has 10 or so products made overseas?? He's a fn hypocrite and crook

Just about everything in the OP is made up.

But you are going to want specifics so here:

Breaking up families at the border is Trumps fault.

“Thus he has shown me that he has no empathy for the human race.”

“He uses divisive and intentionally hurtful language to describe these unfortunate people.”

“He has shown a lack of basic respect for his neighbor.”

“Trump decided to cut taxes for those who can afford it while providing no benefit to those who could least afford it.”

“That tired old doctrine of trickle down economics has been roundly disproved as truth.”

“Trump doesn't just disagree with American institutions but demonizes them.”

All of the above is either totally made up by the OP or the DNC and it’s lapdog media. They have all been debunked time and time again.

Lefties like the OP make this stuff up, then get outraged over it and refuse to see truth and reason. The OP is fully under the control of illogical and irrational emotions.
Trump can enforce the law without separating families, yet he chose to do just that as a deterrent. This clearly shows a lack of empathy for the human race. It is a universal truth that parents love their children and people support family. That's not 'made up' and saying it is is a further erosion of truth.

Trump refers to these unfortunate people as an infestation. This is the same rhetoric used throughout history to demean, demonize and cheapen the lives of others. This is not made up. These are Teump's own words. As he currently serves as president, we must take him seriously and literally.

His tax cuts have made a comfortable life for a few even more comfortable. While those who are not so comfortable must pay for the cuts to those who can afford them. Increased deficits and national debt wil ultimately be paid for by the poor and middle class. Trickle down economics is a fraud.

Trump calls the press the "enemy of the people" and law enforcement agencies currently investigating his alleged wrong doings corrupt. His hateful language erodes confidence to the point that some, and I include you in this unfortunate group, to no longer trust anything other than the rants and raves of this megalomaniac at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Let’s see:

In order:





Yup, still totally made up by you. All of your nonsense has been totally debunked already. Yet refuse to learn and insist on being pissed off about it. Not much I can do about that so you have fun with it. I can’t make you learn.
Debunked? Yeah. Right.
AND the moron said ""trade wars are easy to win"" We have a true imbecile in our WH
But then also a part of me says we’re the big economy so all trade agreements should favor us or at least be fair to us.

Any bad trade deals favor corporations not American workers.

I’m all for fixing bad trade deals but don’t screw up a perfect economy.

I thought unemployment was near zero. Are tariffs suppose to bring wages up? Well so should low unemployment.

We don’t have illegals flooding in. Wages should be higher than they are
What's made up Pred ? The FACT he has 10 or so products made overseas?? He's a fn hypocrite and crook

Just about everything in the OP is made up.

But you are going to want specifics so here:

Breaking up families at the border is Trumps fault.

“Thus he has shown me that he has no empathy for the human race.”

“He uses divisive and intentionally hurtful language to describe these unfortunate people.”

“He has shown a lack of basic respect for his neighbor.”

“Trump decided to cut taxes for those who can afford it while providing no benefit to those who could least afford it.”

“That tired old doctrine of trickle down economics has been roundly disproved as truth.”

“Trump doesn't just disagree with American institutions but demonizes them.”

All of the above is either totally made up by the OP or the DNC and it’s lapdog media. They have all been debunked time and time again.

Lefties like the OP make this stuff up, then get outraged over it and refuse to see truth and reason. The OP is fully under the control of illogical and irrational emotions.
Trump can enforce the law without separating families, yet he chose to do just that as a deterrent. This clearly shows a lack of empathy for the human race. It is a universal truth that parents love their children and people support family. That's not 'made up' and saying it is is a further erosion of truth.

Trump refers to these unfortunate people as an infestation. This is the same rhetoric used throughout history to demean, demonize and cheapen the lives of others. This is not made up. These are Teump's own words. As he currently serves as president, we must take him seriously and literally.

His tax cuts have made a comfortable life for a few even more comfortable. While those who are not so comfortable must pay for the cuts to those who can afford them. Increased deficits and national debt wil ultimately be paid for by the poor and middle class. Trickle down economics is a fraud.

Trump calls the press the "enemy of the people" and law enforcement agencies currently investigating his alleged wrong doings corrupt. His hateful language erodes confidence to the point that some, and I include you in this unfortunate group, to no longer trust anything other than the rants and raves of this megalomaniac at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Let’s see:

In order:





Yup, still totally made up by you. All of your nonsense has been totally debunked already. Yet refuse to learn and insist on being pissed off about it. Not much I can do about that so you have fun with it. I can’t make you learn.
Debunked? Yeah. Right.
AND the moron said ""trade wars are easy to win"" We have a true imbecile in our WH
Or in 2020 I don’t want to see how the stock market is doing I want to see the middle class is doing better.
Is the truth...I'm yet to meet a trump who is not racist or bigot. This very forum is a good example.

I'm a Trump supporter and I've been married to a Mexican American for 30 years, far from being a racist. The real problem you have is admitting everyone has made a racist statement or used innuendo to that point, including yourself. It's like the interview question "can you tell a lie", you know their liars when they say "oh no I can't", when they should be saying "yes I have told a lie", that's the truth you elude to. If you're stupid enough to sit here an believe it's only one side or the other, it explains why you're a Liberal...
primo I'm not a liberal....second if you voted for Trump knowing his character and you handed him this country to run it with his bullying, bashing, insults, and all the things that we as a civil society try and teach our kids not to do shame on you man. If you voted for him just because he promised to make the economy better and ignored his character than shame on you....Unless of course you find it OK, to associate yourself with an asshole, liar, misogynist, bigot, bully, narcissist, con-man.[/QUOTE

Oh you're a Liberal based on the post you've made on this board. Trump has done exactly what's needed in DC, if we could flush DC down the toilet it wouldn't be soon enough. I voted for him because the alternative was Crooked Clinton.
Like all lefties, you hate him based on things that are made up. Let go of your hate, your anger. That way leads to the dark side.
'Things made up'. I guess I haven't heard Trump be uncivil, lie, angry or petulant. I haven't heard the things I heard, haven't seen the things I've seen.

Is that what you want me to actually believe? That bad is good, vices are virtues, churlishness is kindness?

As Chico Marx once said, "Who ya gonna believe? Me or your own eyes?"

You were talking about policies dumbass.
What's made up Pred ? The FACT he has 10 or so products made overseas?? He's a fn hypocrite and crook

Just about everything in the OP is made up.

But you are going to want specifics so here:

Breaking up families at the border is Trumps fault.

“Thus he has shown me that he has no empathy for the human race.”

“He uses divisive and intentionally hurtful language to describe these unfortunate people.”

“He has shown a lack of basic respect for his neighbor.”

“Trump decided to cut taxes for those who can afford it while providing no benefit to those who could least afford it.”

“That tired old doctrine of trickle down economics has been roundly disproved as truth.”

“Trump doesn't just disagree with American institutions but demonizes them.”

All of the above is either totally made up by the OP or the DNC and it’s lapdog media. They have all been debunked time and time again.

Lefties like the OP make this stuff up, then get outraged over it and refuse to see truth and reason. The OP is fully under the control of illogical and irrational emotions.
Trump can enforce the law without separating families, yet he chose to do just that as a deterrent. This clearly shows a lack of empathy for the human race. It is a universal truth that parents love their children and people support family. That's not 'made up' and saying it is is a further erosion of truth.

Trump refers to these unfortunate people as an infestation. This is the same rhetoric used throughout history to demean, demonize and cheapen the lives of others. This is not made up. These are Teump's own words. As he currently serves as president, we must take him seriously and literally.

His tax cuts have made a comfortable life for a few even more comfortable. While those who are not so comfortable must pay for the cuts to those who can afford them. Increased deficits and national debt wil ultimately be paid for by the poor and middle class. Trickle down economics is a fraud.

Trump calls the press the "enemy of the people" and law enforcement agencies currently investigating his alleged wrong doings corrupt. His hateful language erodes confidence to the point that some, and I include you in this unfortunate group, to no longer trust anything other than the rants and raves of this megalomaniac at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Trump can enforce the law without separating families, yet he chose to do just that as a deterrent.

Well, when you have a court ruling that says you can't hold children more than 20 days and we have a backlog that makes a 20 day adjudication impossible, resulting in releasing the illegal alien "asylum seekers" into the US, you've incentivized them to continue pouring across our border with children.

Deterrents are exactly what we need.
i am neither you are delusional

the left has gone after the 1st ,2nd and the 5th amendment

now you dumb fuckers want to rid the country of ICE

and you wonder why the democrat party is falling apart

It's decided, you're nuts.

by you --LOL

your a quack

Did you mean to write, You're a quack? or, your kind are quacks.

BTW, what's a quack?

spell flaming a sure sign that you lost ya retard

you = quack

still does not change the fact that the left is one attacking the rights of people

they have gone after the 1st ,2nd and the 5th amendments

:You spelled "your" correctly, bozo, but used the wrong word. Pointing that out might be considered captious, but in your case, it's an effort to expose your posts are all emotional and even hysterical, but not well thought out nor proof read before posting.

yeah who cares like i said spell flaming is a sign that losers like you lost

and 2 it still does not change the fact that the left is attacking the rights of the American people

oh btw you are the one who has become unglued with hysterics about grammar

but keep it up shit head since you have nothing of substance to add
It's decided, you're nuts.

by you --LOL

your a quack

Did you mean to write, You're a quack? or, your kind are quacks.

BTW, what's a quack?

spell flaming a sure sign that you lost ya retard

you = quack

still does not change the fact that the left is one attacking the rights of people

they have gone after the 1st ,2nd and the 5th amendments

:You spelled "your" correctly, bozo, but used the wrong word. Pointing that out might be considered captious, but in your case, it's an effort to expose your posts are all emotional and even hysterical, but not well thought out nor proof read before posting.

yeah who cares like i said spell flaming is a sign that losers like you lost

and 2 it still does not change the fact that the left is attacking the rights of the American people

oh btw you are the one who has become unglued with hysterics about grammar

but keep it up shit head since you have nothing of substance to add

Thanks for sharing.
If you read the second paragraph it contained 3 questions, pardon my poor punctuation.

I have no problem with asylum seekers, however they can apply form their home countries. And international law requires them to apply in the first country the come to that offers it, that could be Mexico, or Belize
which is much closer. There's no reason for them to just show up at our border in mass and overload our systems. If they do they can wait their turn. If they cross illegally they can be prosecuted. A kid is NOT A VISA.


A kid is not a VISA.

But a kid is not a political tool either.

Families fleeing violence are not going to leave their kids to face that violence. If they did they would be piss poor parents.

They have right, under our law and international law, to a hearing. You can't deny that. Yet Trump's regime is barring them that. That would be against the law. Would you not agree?

They have no such right to a hearing under US law

Bullshit. Read the Bill of Rights.

They have no rights ....

You are mistaken.
You are mistaken. If I'm mistaken, tell me how.
Is the truth...I'm yet to meet a trump who is not racist or bigot. This very forum is a good example.

I'm a Trump supporter and I've been married to a Mexican American for 30 years, far from being a racist. The real problem you have is admitting everyone has made a racist statement or used innuendo to that point, including yourself. It's like the interview question "can you tell a lie", you know their liars when they say "oh no I can't", when they should be saying "yes I have told a lie", that's the truth you elude to. If you're stupid enough to sit here an believe it's only one side or the other, it explains why you're a Liberal...
primo I'm not a liberal....second if you voted for Trump knowing his character and you handed him this country to run it with his bullying, bashing, insults, and all the things that we as a civil society try and teach our kids not to do shame on you man. If you voted for him just because he promised to make the economy better and ignored his character than shame on you....Unless of course you find it OK, to associate yourself with an asshole, liar, misogynist, bigot, bully, narcissist, con-man.[/QUOTE

Oh you're a Liberal based on the post you've made on this board. Trump has done exactly what's needed in DC, if we could flush DC down the toilet it wouldn't be soon enough. I voted for him because the alternative was Crooked Clinton.
This admin is as crooked as they come.

Trump Has Filled, Not Drained, the Swamp - The Atlantic

How stupid are you?
Is the truth...I'm yet to meet a trump who is not racist or bigot. This very forum is a good example.

I'm a Trump supporter and I've been married to a Mexican American for 30 years, far from being a racist. The real problem you have is admitting everyone has made a racist statement or used innuendo to that point, including yourself. It's like the interview question "can you tell a lie", you know their liars when they say "oh no I can't", when they should be saying "yes I have told a lie", that's the truth you elude to. If you're stupid enough to sit here an believe it's only one side or the other, it explains why you're a Liberal...
primo I'm not a liberal....second if you voted for Trump knowing his character and you handed him this country to run it with his bullying, bashing, insults, and all the things that we as a civil society try and teach our kids not to do shame on you man. If you voted for him just because he promised to make the economy better and ignored his character than shame on you....Unless of course you find it OK, to associate yourself with an asshole, liar, misogynist, bigot, bully, narcissist, con-man.[/QUOTE

Oh you're a Liberal based on the post you've made on this board. Trump has done exactly what's needed in DC, if we could flush DC down the toilet it wouldn't be soon enough. I voted for him because the alternative was Crooked Clinton.
"Yo lil donnie, know this... A black man beat you in every single fucking department; better looking than you, better leader than you, bigger heart than you, better president than you, smarter, kinder, funnier, every fucking thing you can measure. You only win one; disgrace." - Jealous Ron Perlman

'better looking' LMAO!!!
Free press doesn't mean lying press. It doesn't mean a press that makes up fake news because they hate the president. The concept of a free press meant that the press was free to call out the president and gov't in general on their behavior. THEIR ACTUAL behavior.

Trump didn't do anything but enforce the immigration law he was given.

Trump's tax cuts gave so many people money back and put so many people to work we're now at record low unemployment levels. Minorities are benefiting the most.

Yea, he's not the most professional acting president we ever had. But I'd rather an unprofessional that puts people to work than a politician that doesn't.
What we have is a government trained and government brainwashed press.

thats because the media is just a TOOL for the government,nothing more,they dont do any serious investigating,they only report what they WANT you to hear.If you dont report what they want you to report,you are lucky if the ONLY thing you lose is your job and not your life.
Is the truth...I'm yet to meet a trump who is not racist or bigot. This very forum is a good example.

I'm a Trump supporter and I've been married to a Mexican American for 30 years, far from being a racist. The real problem you have is admitting everyone has made a racist statement or used innuendo to that point, including yourself. It's like the interview question "can you tell a lie", you know their liars when they say "oh no I can't", when they should be saying "yes I have told a lie", that's the truth you elude to. If you're stupid enough to sit here an believe it's only one side or the other, it explains why you're a Liberal...
primo I'm not a liberal....second if you voted for Trump knowing his character and you handed him this country to run it with his bullying, bashing, insults, and all the things that we as a civil society try and teach our kids not to do shame on you man. If you voted for him just because he promised to make the economy better and ignored his character than shame on you....Unless of course you find it OK, to associate yourself with an asshole, liar, misogynist, bigot, bully, narcissist, con-man.[/QUOTE

Oh you're a Liberal based on the post you've made on this board. Trump has done exactly what's needed in DC, if we could flush DC down the toilet it wouldn't be soon enough. I voted for him because the alternative was Crooked Clinton.
that is YOU there after your hero the mass murderer Hitlery lost the election.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::itsok:
Michael Cohen working with Mueller and Harvey Weinstein facing life imprisonment has Donald Trump too scared to even tweet today.
Is the truth...I'm yet to meet a trump who is not racist or bigot. This very forum is a good example.

I'm a Trump supporter and I've been married to a Mexican American for 30 years, far from being a racist. The real problem you have is admitting everyone has made a racist statement or used innuendo to that point, including yourself. It's like the interview question "can you tell a lie", you know their liars when they say "oh no I can't", when they should be saying "yes I have told a lie", that's the truth you elude to. If you're stupid enough to sit here an believe it's only one side or the other, it explains why you're a Liberal...
primo I'm not a liberal....second if you voted for Trump knowing his character and you handed him this country to run it with his bullying, bashing, insults, and all the things that we as a civil society try and teach our kids not to do shame on you man. If you voted for him just because he promised to make the economy better and ignored his character than shame on you....Unless of course you find it OK, to associate yourself with an asshole, liar, misogynist, bigot, bully, narcissist, con-man.[/QUOTE

Oh you're a Liberal based on the post you've made on this board. Trump has done exactly what's needed in DC, if we could flush DC down the toilet it wouldn't be soon enough. I voted for him because the alternative was Crooked Clinton.
that is YOU there after your hero the mass murderer Hitlery lost the election.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::itsok:

Michael Cohen working with Mueller and Harvey Weinstein facing life imprisonment has Donald Trump too scared to even tweet today.

Or is Michael Cohen just creating more fake news to distract us? I heard him admit nothing and Mueller hasn't even targetted him. I think the Trump's had Michael Cohen go sit down with George Stephanopolis to mislead the American people. Nothing will come of it and meanwhile Trump is getting his rich mans agenda passed through without a peep from the corporate media who is also in on it.
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