Very simply, why I cannot stand Donald Trump

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You mean you don't know?
Does 2008 ring a bell?
You never the Rolling Stone article?
You're not a very good Liberal.

I beg to differ...
Candycorn is an exceptional liberal. Only Joe Biden is better.

Actually, I'm a pretty bad liberal (I've been told). But not because I can't name some lame assed trivia item from 2008.

It's because:
  • I'm in favor of having to show a state-issued picture ID when you vote; I prefer the form of a nationalized voter registration card that has a photo. As long as it is free of charge, I don't see the downside. If the Democrats and their core voters can't muster enough chutzpah to show an ID and vote, they deserve to lose the election.
  • I'm in favor of the wall. It won't do anything against illegal immigration but will limit the "payload" that someone can smuggle across; I'm talking about large quantities of illegal drugs, CBRNE items, etc. I prefer big projects (if deemed feasible) like making a channel from San Diego to Brownsville that allows trade and irrigation and industry to multiply along it's backbone while providing a natural barrier against smuggling and, yes, some ambulatory illegal immigration
  • I am for raising the age for Social Security. People are living longer than ever. Allow them to work longer and reduce the stress on those paying into the system
  • I am for curtailing the Post Office. It's a product of a bygone era. We still need it but the USPS shouldn't be competing with private industry in the overnight packages to urban addresses. It hurts private enterprise and, oh yeah...they do it much better.
  • I am for returning to Space and limiting our "partnerships" to only the most far reaching explorations. Beyond that, we have the knowledge, capability, and (in my view) necessity to influence that frontier for at least the next 2 generations and likely longer than that. I think we'll look back on that someday and see the opportunity lost
  • I'm for wildly expanding nuke energy. We've had nuke ships for about 70 years now. Very few accidents. I don't recall the last one involving nuke power. As long as you have US Navy style (or preferably US Navy direct) controls in can be as safe as anything else. want Pence's job as Vice President. Once you are in office, you will probably morph into an Obamadroid.

Can you promise us that will not happen if we vote for you?

Well, if 2016 is any indication...I should promise a chicken in every pot, a Ferrari in every garage, a pot dispensary in borough, and a pony in every little girl's backyard. And everything will be "terrific"

So, you are Santa no one has ever used that campaign strategy before...

Worked for Trump.

He had zero plans on how to complete the circle on any of his promises. So we have repealed the ACA with no replacement, have passed tax cuts while adding another trillion to the deficit, haven't collected one penny to pay for the wall from Mexico--the nation he says will pay for it.

It's a winning strategy if you A) sell bullshit and B) have some willing buyers.
I beg to differ...
Candycorn is an exceptional liberal. Only Joe Biden is better.

Actually, I'm a pretty bad liberal (I've been told). But not because I can't name some lame assed trivia item from 2008.

It's because:
  • I'm in favor of having to show a state-issued picture ID when you vote; I prefer the form of a nationalized voter registration card that has a photo. As long as it is free of charge, I don't see the downside. If the Democrats and their core voters can't muster enough chutzpah to show an ID and vote, they deserve to lose the election.
  • I'm in favor of the wall. It won't do anything against illegal immigration but will limit the "payload" that someone can smuggle across; I'm talking about large quantities of illegal drugs, CBRNE items, etc. I prefer big projects (if deemed feasible) like making a channel from San Diego to Brownsville that allows trade and irrigation and industry to multiply along it's backbone while providing a natural barrier against smuggling and, yes, some ambulatory illegal immigration
  • I am for raising the age for Social Security. People are living longer than ever. Allow them to work longer and reduce the stress on those paying into the system
  • I am for curtailing the Post Office. It's a product of a bygone era. We still need it but the USPS shouldn't be competing with private industry in the overnight packages to urban addresses. It hurts private enterprise and, oh yeah...they do it much better.
  • I am for returning to Space and limiting our "partnerships" to only the most far reaching explorations. Beyond that, we have the knowledge, capability, and (in my view) necessity to influence that frontier for at least the next 2 generations and likely longer than that. I think we'll look back on that someday and see the opportunity lost
  • I'm for wildly expanding nuke energy. We've had nuke ships for about 70 years now. Very few accidents. I don't recall the last one involving nuke power. As long as you have US Navy style (or preferably US Navy direct) controls in can be as safe as anything else. want Pence's job as Vice President. Once you are in office, you will probably morph into an Obamadroid.

Can you promise us that will not happen if we vote for you?

Well, if 2016 is any indication...I should promise a chicken in every pot, a Ferrari in every garage, a pot dispensary in borough, and a pony in every little girl's backyard. And everything will be "terrific"

So, you are Santa no one has ever used that campaign strategy before...

Worked for Trump.

He had zero plans on how to complete the circle on any of his promises. So we have repealed the ACA with no replacement, have passed tax cuts while adding another trillion to the deficit, haven't collected one penny to pay for the wall from Mexico--the nation he says will pay for it.

It's a winning strategy if you A) sell bullshit and B) have some willing buyers.

Trump is an amature compared to progressives selling Utopia. He is an elf in the Santa Claus workshop.
Trump. The man with a plan. I am living off investments in the stock market. His economic plans, say tariffs on foreign imports of weasel wax whatever isn't helping bolster my opinion of this man. I dread hearing the stock market reports. Frankly, he is killing us. It's not all sunshine,rainbows and unicorns in Trump land. I personally would like take president Trump by the shoulders and shake him and ask, what the hell are you THINKING?
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That all you got?

Tell me something about Alan Greenspan...
I bet you don't know what he's responsible for.

Married to Andrea Mitchell and former head of the FRB. Was there something in particular you were wanting to know about the guy? Big propoent of investing in Tbills as I recall. ???
You mean you don't know?
Does 2008 ring a bell?
You never the Rolling Stone article?
You're not a very good Liberal.

I guess you're talking about a Rolling Stone article from 10 years ago...and it has something to do with Alan Greenspan who hasn't been head of the Fed for at least 2 terms if memory serves.

I guess I'm not a very good liberal. I'll have to live with that. Either that or I have more important things to do than recall trivia from 10 years ago. I don't have that kind of time. Apparently a vapid loser like yourself can waste brain cells on such matters.....

Please entertain us with what you think you know. It's always humorous.
You know as much about Trump as you do about Alan Greenspan...sound bites to sooth your ideology.
Alan Greenspan and Warren Buffet (2 people I know you admire) were 2 of the 8 men responsible for the 2008 Crash.
Let's see how much respect you have for these 2 polite men now.

Bush was responsible....nobody else. Although the right wing has tried to blame Barney Frank for about 10 years now. Totally unsuccessfully. You should be used to being a loser; it's the one thing you're good at.
Bush was responsible....nobody else.

Is the truth...I'm yet to meet a trump who is not racist or bigot. This very forum is a good example.

I'm a Trump supporter and I've been married to a Mexican American for 30 years, far from being a racist. The real problem you have is admitting everyone has made a racist statement or used innuendo to that point, including yourself. It's like the interview question "can you tell a lie", you know their liars when they say "oh no I can't", when they should be saying "yes I have told a lie", that's the truth you elude to. If you're stupid enough to sit here an believe it's only one side or the other, it explains why you're a Liberal...
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Actually, I'm a pretty bad liberal (I've been told). But not because I can't name some lame assed trivia item from 2008.

It's because:
  • I'm in favor of having to show a state-issued picture ID when you vote; I prefer the form of a nationalized voter registration card that has a photo. As long as it is free of charge, I don't see the downside. If the Democrats and their core voters can't muster enough chutzpah to show an ID and vote, they deserve to lose the election.
  • I'm in favor of the wall. It won't do anything against illegal immigration but will limit the "payload" that someone can smuggle across; I'm talking about large quantities of illegal drugs, CBRNE items, etc. I prefer big projects (if deemed feasible) like making a channel from San Diego to Brownsville that allows trade and irrigation and industry to multiply along it's backbone while providing a natural barrier against smuggling and, yes, some ambulatory illegal immigration
  • I am for raising the age for Social Security. People are living longer than ever. Allow them to work longer and reduce the stress on those paying into the system
  • I am for curtailing the Post Office. It's a product of a bygone era. We still need it but the USPS shouldn't be competing with private industry in the overnight packages to urban addresses. It hurts private enterprise and, oh yeah...they do it much better.
  • I am for returning to Space and limiting our "partnerships" to only the most far reaching explorations. Beyond that, we have the knowledge, capability, and (in my view) necessity to influence that frontier for at least the next 2 generations and likely longer than that. I think we'll look back on that someday and see the opportunity lost
  • I'm for wildly expanding nuke energy. We've had nuke ships for about 70 years now. Very few accidents. I don't recall the last one involving nuke power. As long as you have US Navy style (or preferably US Navy direct) controls in can be as safe as anything else. want Pence's job as Vice President. Once you are in office, you will probably morph into an Obamadroid.

Can you promise us that will not happen if we vote for you?

Well, if 2016 is any indication...I should promise a chicken in every pot, a Ferrari in every garage, a pot dispensary in borough, and a pony in every little girl's backyard. And everything will be "terrific"

So, you are Santa no one has ever used that campaign strategy before...

Worked for Trump.

He had zero plans on how to complete the circle on any of his promises. So we have repealed the ACA with no replacement, have passed tax cuts while adding another trillion to the deficit, haven't collected one penny to pay for the wall from Mexico--the nation he says will pay for it.

It's a winning strategy if you A) sell bullshit and B) have some willing buyers.

Trump is an amature compared to progressives selling Utopia. He is an elf in the Santa Claus workshop.
Married to Andrea Mitchell and former head of the FRB. Was there something in particular you were wanting to know about the guy? Big propoent of investing in Tbills as I recall. ???
You mean you don't know?
Does 2008 ring a bell?
You never the Rolling Stone article?
You're not a very good Liberal.

I guess you're talking about a Rolling Stone article from 10 years ago...and it has something to do with Alan Greenspan who hasn't been head of the Fed for at least 2 terms if memory serves.

I guess I'm not a very good liberal. I'll have to live with that. Either that or I have more important things to do than recall trivia from 10 years ago. I don't have that kind of time. Apparently a vapid loser like yourself can waste brain cells on such matters.....

Please entertain us with what you think you know. It's always humorous.
You know as much about Trump as you do about Alan Greenspan...sound bites to sooth your ideology.
Alan Greenspan and Warren Buffet (2 people I know you admire) were 2 of the 8 men responsible for the 2008 Crash.
Let's see how much respect you have for these 2 polite men now.

Bush was responsible....nobody else. Although the right wing has tried to blame Barney Frank for about 10 years now. Totally unsuccessfully. You should be used to being a loser; it's the one thing you're good at.
Bush was responsible....nobody else.


He was President for 7-8 years before.
Is the truth...I'm yet to meet a trump who is not racist or bigot. This very forum is a good example.

I'm a Trump supporter and I've been married to a Mexican American for 30 years, far from being a racist. The real problem you have is admitting everyone has made a racist statement or used innuendo to that point, including yourself. It's like the interview question "can you tell a lie", you know their liars when they say "oh no I can't", when they should be saying "yes I have told a lie", that's the truth you elude to. If you're stupid enough to sit here a believe it's only one side or the other, it explains why you're a Liberal...
Would that make your wife part of the infestation that Trump talks about?
In my experience mexicans have been the hardest workers i've ever seen. Although you gotta speak spanish to hire them, which i dont.
You mean you don't know?
Does 2008 ring a bell?
You never the Rolling Stone article?
You're not a very good Liberal.

I guess you're talking about a Rolling Stone article from 10 years ago...and it has something to do with Alan Greenspan who hasn't been head of the Fed for at least 2 terms if memory serves.

I guess I'm not a very good liberal. I'll have to live with that. Either that or I have more important things to do than recall trivia from 10 years ago. I don't have that kind of time. Apparently a vapid loser like yourself can waste brain cells on such matters.....

Please entertain us with what you think you know. It's always humorous.
You know as much about Trump as you do about Alan Greenspan...sound bites to sooth your ideology.
Alan Greenspan and Warren Buffet (2 people I know you admire) were 2 of the 8 men responsible for the 2008 Crash.
Let's see how much respect you have for these 2 polite men now.

Bush was responsible....nobody else. Although the right wing has tried to blame Barney Frank for about 10 years now. Totally unsuccessfully. You should be used to being a loser; it's the one thing you're good at.
Bush was responsible....nobody else.


He was President for 7-8 years before.

Would that make your wife part of the infestation that Trump talks about?

To answer your question, no, that's not who he is referencing. My wife is a 5th generation Mexican American who wasn't taught Spanish because in the 60's and 70's is wasn't acceptable, for about the last 30 to 40 years, it's become more and more acceptable. The individuals Trump is referring to are the millions of illegals that enter our country. They have entered our country daily through our Southern Border that we have no real control of. The Cartels control our Southern Boarders and now Liberals want to claim we're mistreating thousands of kids? Did it ever cross your mind there parents were responsible for this? What's even more amazing is with the uncontrolled influx that all the think tanks believe they know the number that truly live here is really a joke, no one really knows.

In my experience mexicans have been the hardest workers i've ever seen.

The illegals are certainly hard works for the most part and they're certainly doing menial jobs at a lower cost. The Powers That Be have no real interest in solving this problem because they're cheap labor. I am sure the argument can be made that we pay for it through other forms, Health Care, Schools, Food Stamps, Social Programs, etc... They do make a make a contribution to our society, I don't think anyone can argue that. I believe our laws need to be enforced, our immigration laws need to be updated to deal with the growing problem undocumented citizens create. If you truly believe we control our Southern Boarder you're clueless and that is something that is very important to me.

Although you gotta speak spanish to hire them, which i dont.

That's not true at all, just another misconception...
I guess you're talking about a Rolling Stone article from 10 years ago...and it has something to do with Alan Greenspan who hasn't been head of the Fed for at least 2 terms if memory serves.

I guess I'm not a very good liberal. I'll have to live with that. Either that or I have more important things to do than recall trivia from 10 years ago. I don't have that kind of time. Apparently a vapid loser like yourself can waste brain cells on such matters.....

Please entertain us with what you think you know. It's always humorous.
You know as much about Trump as you do about Alan Greenspan...sound bites to sooth your ideology.
Alan Greenspan and Warren Buffet (2 people I know you admire) were 2 of the 8 men responsible for the 2008 Crash.
Let's see how much respect you have for these 2 polite men now.

Bush was responsible....nobody else. Although the right wing has tried to blame Barney Frank for about 10 years now. Totally unsuccessfully. You should be used to being a loser; it's the one thing you're good at.
Bush was responsible....nobody else.


He was President for 7-8 years before.

The pure hypocrisy in all this is Liberals will defend abortion to their death, but try to act like they're concerned for illegal immigrant children who's parents placed them in harms way? Asylum is rarely granted to these individuals under their circumstances, it's just become another tool in their bag for the illegals and our Liberals...
Will the OP come clean and admit he supported Clinton or Obama? If he did then he's uninformed or a hypocrite.
I voted for Sec. Clinton and for President,Obama.

Most Americans did. Are you saying the majority of Americans are uninformed or hypocrites because we opted out of the Trump tactics of bullying and bragging?

I see. So, families were separated on Obama's watch and that's OK. Are you uniformed and/or a hypocrite?

Families were separated because the kids walked from Guatemala to the U.S. Without their parents.

That's a lie Nosmo. Come clean dumbass and admit:
A. You're dishonest
B. You're uninformed
C. You're a hypocrite
D. You're short on material
E. All of the above

Echoing Trump (Obama did it too) is foolish and the attack on N. K. is unwarranted. Trump created this mess at the border (among other messes of his creation) and Trump flipped when the MSM put a flashlight on his evil policy.

He's now doing exactly what Obama did, catch and release. His policy was not only evil, it was fiscally irresponsible, and as reported 2,000 kids are still separated from their parents in the chaos created by Trump alone.

How anyone continues to support Trump and defend him is inexplicable.

I'm not echoing shit, I'm calling you liberals what you are, intellectually dishonest. Immigrant families split on Obama's watch, nothing to it. Immigrant families split on Trump's watch, he and his supporters are NAZIs.

All Trump did was follow the law, and he'll continue doing so. Not a fucking thing evil about it, blame the parents.
Trump followers are like those who glorify the likes of Pablo Escobar, el Chapo and Al Capone...same reasoning:
They dont care if he a crook.
They won't care about his bullying and insults.
They dont care about him dodging the draft.
They dont care about him harassing women.
They dont care about any moral values.
They claim that they voted for policies and the economy is doing we were in recession and now we are not because of him.

TRUMP simply appeals to his base, that we already knew all along were dumb, have prejudice against other minorities and are insecure and worried that they gonna lose their status quo as a privileged race.

TRUMP simply appeals to his base, that we already knew all along were dumb, have prejudice against other minorities and are insecure and worried that they gonna lose their status quo as a privileged race.

That's just retarded and racist ..
Is the truth...I'm yet to meet a trump who is not racist or bigot. This very forum is a good example.

No you're the one posting like a racist now, you really think this is about race? What the fuck do we care...
Honestly it I said most Trump supporters are racists and bigots.
Trump followers are like those who glorify the likes of Pablo Escobar, el Chapo and Al Capone...same reasoning:
They dont care if he a crook.
They won't care about his bullying and insults.
They dont care about him dodging the draft.
They dont care about him harassing women.
They dont care about any moral values.
They claim that they voted for policies and the economy is doing we were in recession and now we are not because of him.

TRUMP simply appeals to his base, that we already knew all along were dumb, have prejudice against other minorities and are insecure and worried that they gonna lose their status quo as a privileged race.

TRUMP simply appeals to his base, that we already knew all along were dumb, have prejudice against other minorities and are insecure and worried that they gonna lose their status quo as a privileged race.

That's just retarded and racist ..

Much like saying Obama was elected because he was black and no other reason.
His race played a big role in electing him, I admit that. But to me Obama is a human being who happened to be bi-racial....people see him as black, although he grow up around whites and brought up by them.
Trump followers are like those who glorify the likes of Pablo Escobar, el Chapo and Al Capone...same reasoning:
They dont care if he a crook.
They won't care about his bullying and insults.
They dont care about him dodging the draft.
They dont care about him harassing women.
They dont care about any moral values.
They claim that they voted for policies and the economy is doing we were in recession and now we are not because of him.

TRUMP simply appeals to his base, that we already knew all along were dumb, have prejudice against other minorities and are insecure and worried that they gonna lose their status quo as a privileged race.

Oh so one can be an asshole, bully, narcissist, and lead an entire country? Then Pablo Escobar and El chapo should've being appointed presidents of their countries as well.
Is the truth...I'm yet to meet a trump who is not racist or bigot. This very forum is a good example.

I'm a Trump supporter and I've been married to a Mexican American for 30 years, far from being a racist. The real problem you have is admitting everyone has made a racist statement or used innuendo to that point, including yourself. It's like the interview question "can you tell a lie", you know their liars when they say "oh no I can't", when they should be saying "yes I have told a lie", that's the truth you elude to. If you're stupid enough to sit here an believe it's only one side or the other, it explains why you're a Liberal...
primo I'm not a liberal....second if you voted for Trump knowing his character and you handed him this country to run it with his bullying, bashing, insults, and all the things that we as a civil society try and teach our kids not to do shame on you man. If you voted for him just because he promised to make the economy better and ignored his character than shame on you....Unless of course you find it OK, to associate yourself with an asshole, liar, misogynist, bigot, bully, narcissist, con-man.
His policies and his lack of character. Make no mistake, I am not indicting his supporters. I assume they are all adults and can make up their own minds. But Trump himself is a loathesom person.

He could have devised a policy to control the border without breaking families. But he chose to do just that. Thus he has shown me that he has no empathy for the human race. He uses divisive and intentionally hurtful language to describe these unfortunate people. He has shown a lack of basic respect for his neighbor.

Meanwhile, I, for one, have been taught to treat my neighbor as I would be treated.

Trump decided to cut taxes for those who can afford it while providing no benefit to those who could least afford it. That tired old doctrine of trickle down economics has been roundly disproved as truth.

Trump doesn't just disagree with American institutions but demonizes them. This sets folks up to be cynical at best, dismissive at worst for our most valued institutions such as a free press (not the enemy of the people, but certainly the enemy of tyrants and Authoritarians), our justice system and law enforcement.

I cannot be inspired by someone who comports himself as such a brazen bully. I would opt for inspirational politics, not instigational politics.

I'm sorry, but I was raised as an American and maintain my love for this great country. And I cannot be convinced that selling,out my ordained morality to support such a buffoon.

Like all lefties, you hate him based on things that are made up. Let go of your hate, your anger. That way leads to the dark side.
Made up ? you haven't been listening to the uncouth SOB

You were talking about policies, not words.
His policies and his lack of character. Make no mistake, I am not indicting his supporters. I assume they are all adults and can make up their own minds. But Trump himself is a loathesom person.

He could have devised a policy to control the border without breaking families. But he chose to do just that. Thus he has shown me that he has no empathy for the human race. He uses divisive and intentionally hurtful language to describe these unfortunate people. He has shown a lack of basic respect for his neighbor.

Meanwhile, I, for one, have been taught to treat my neighbor as I would be treated.

Trump decided to cut taxes for those who can afford it while providing no benefit to those who could least afford it. That tired old doctrine of trickle down economics has been roundly disproved as truth.

Trump doesn't just disagree with American institutions but demonizes them. This sets folks up to be cynical at best, dismissive at worst for our most valued institutions such as a free press (not the enemy of the people, but certainly the enemy of tyrants and Authoritarians), our justice system and law enforcement.

I cannot be inspired by someone who comports himself as such a brazen bully. I would opt for inspirational politics, not instigational politics.

I'm sorry, but I was raised as an American and maintain my love for this great country. And I cannot be convinced that selling,out my ordained morality to support such a buffoon.

Like all lefties, you hate him based on things that are made up. Let go of your hate, your anger. That way leads to the dark side.
'Things made up'. I guess I haven't heard Trump be uncivil, lie, angry or petulant. I haven't heard the things I heard, haven't seen the things I've seen.

Is that what you want me to actually believe? That bad is good, vices are virtues, churlishness is kindness?

As Chico Marx once said, "Who ya gonna believe? Me or your own eyes?"

You were talking about policies dumbass.
His policies and his lack of character. Make no mistake, I am not indicting his supporters. I assume they are all adults and can make up their own minds. But Trump himself is a loathesom person.

He could have devised a policy to control the border without breaking families. But he chose to do just that. Thus he has shown me that he has no empathy for the human race. He uses divisive and intentionally hurtful language to describe these unfortunate people. He has shown a lack of basic respect for his neighbor.

Meanwhile, I, for one, have been taught to treat my neighbor as I would be treated.

Trump decided to cut taxes for those who can afford it while providing no benefit to those who could least afford it. That tired old doctrine of trickle down economics has been roundly disproved as truth.

Trump doesn't just disagree with American institutions but demonizes them. This sets folks up to be cynical at best, dismissive at worst for our most valued institutions such as a free press (not the enemy of the people, but certainly the enemy of tyrants and Authoritarians), our justice system and law enforcement.

I cannot be inspired by someone who comports himself as such a brazen bully. I would opt for inspirational politics, not instigational politics.

I'm sorry, but I was raised as an American and maintain my love for this great country. And I cannot be convinced that selling,out my ordained morality to support such a buffoon.

1. Don’t wanna be seperated from your kids? Don’t break the lay. You do know that 80% of those kids came across alone ya? Theirs parents are scum.

2. I do and have seen the tax cut at my job. This is why I won’t cote for any democrat who wants to take it. I bet most Americans who work and don’t collect food stamps agree.

3. Free press? Lol!

4. Sounds like a Bill Mahr or John Stewart line.

5. Glad your gal lost her second presidential election. I hear she may run again. Go vote for her.
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