Vet a possible GOP presidential candidate: Rand Paul

Rand seems like a boy .. not presidential, and that permanent wave ugh.

Serious people discuss policy views and experience. And then there are posts like yours.

Paul will never get the nomination for the same reason his father never won a primary. People can agree with about 80% of what he says. The other 20% is so repulsive there is no way anyone could vote for him.
Is he socially conservative? Is he fiscally conservative? How does his resume look? What do you like/dislike about him? Would you vote for him?

He's the only one who has been mentioned that I could vote for. Having seen what Republicans did to his dad I don't think he has a real chance though.
He's way beyond his dad. He's classy and respected. He has a bright future in politics.

Don't you think his foreign policy alone will keep him from getting the nomination?
He's the only one who has been mentioned that I could vote for. Having seen what Republicans did to his dad I don't think he has a real chance though.
He's way beyond his dad. He's classy and respected. He has a bright future in politics.

Don't you think his foreign policy alone will keep him from getting the nomination?

It may hurt him, although he's likely correct. He's more flexible than his Dad though, so his chance is better.
He's not ready for prime-time. I listen up and pay attention every time he makes a public statement and I'm not impressed with his judgment. He is playing to his presumed base too much - I assume because he's afraid that he has no further appeal - and that makes him sound weak to me.

I would vote for him if he was the candidate in '16, but it would be with very little hope that he would be elected; he will have already shot himself in the foot by that time.
I think it'd be a hilarious campaign season if he was the GOP nominee, and I might even consider voting for him, although it'd mostly be for his humor value.

But there's really no chance of that happening, unless he sells out completely.

Actually it has a good chance of happening for 2 reasons..

The Libertarian and Tea Party wing of the party want it.

And the Mainstream Republicans could use it as a chance to purge both wings.

Rand Paul would be an embarrassing loss.
No chance, but Paul has some integrity. If he was the GOP nominee, I would strongly consider voting for him

He's got zero integrity.

He's run away from his racism, his plan to shut down the government and has blatantly plagiarized wiki.

Other than that? I have high hopes for his candidacy!

No chance, but Paul has some integrity. If he was the GOP nominee, I would strongly consider voting for him

He's got zero integrity.

He's run away from his racism, his plan to shut down the government and has blatantly plagiarized wiki.

Other than that? I have high hopes for his candidacy!


lol, alright, I'll concede on the running from racism and the plagiarism, but Paul didn't mastermind the government shutdown. He did march in step at the time, but he later criticized the strategy.

He has some skeletons in his closet, but these are personal failings, not abuses of power or egregious legislating, and isn't that worth noticing? His lawsuit over the NSA spying program (glad SOMEONE in office takes that seriously), his filibuster over the drone program, and his stance that Republicans should drop Voter ID, make him one of the few politicians I feel is in office for the right reasons.
He's not ready for prime-time. I listen up and pay attention every time he makes a public statement and I'm not impressed with his judgment. He is playing to his presumed base too much - I assume because he's afraid that he has no further appeal - and that makes him sound weak to me.

I would vote for him if he was the candidate in '16, but it would be with very little hope that he would be elected; he will have already shot himself in the foot by that time.

Then you're not paying very close attention at all, because the problem with Rand is the exact opposite of playing to his base. Rand simply tries to please everybody. Oh, he doesn't want an "isolationist" foreign policy, but he doesn't want a neoconservative foreign policy either. He wants something in the middle. Ok, what does that look like? Rand won't give any specifics. This is how he is on a lot of issues. Then there are issues like Guantanamo Bay where the libertarian, his supposed based, position is quite clear, and yet he takes the opposite position outright because he thinks it'll play better in a Republican primary.

No, Rand is a political opportunist, not some pure libertarian ideologue that so many want to make him out to be.
No chance, but Paul has some integrity. If he was the GOP nominee, I would strongly consider voting for him

He's got zero integrity.

He's run away from his racism, his plan to shut down the government and has blatantly plagiarized wiki.

Other than that? I have high hopes for his candidacy!


lol, alright, I'll concede on the running from racism and the plagiarism, but Paul didn't mastermind the government shutdown. He did march in step at the time, but he later criticized the strategy.

He has some skeletons in his closet, but these are personal failings, not abuses of power or egregious legislating, and isn't that worth noticing? His lawsuit over the NSA spying program (glad SOMEONE in office takes that seriously), his filibuster over the drone program, and his stance that Republicans should drop Voter ID, make him one of the few politicians I feel is in office for the right reasons.

I think if you check these boards, you'll find I agree with all those efforts.

Aside from what I listed Rand Paul has several other problems:

1. He lack charisma. While that is not a killer? It's a major set back.
2. He gets flustered easily and cannot deal with viewpoints different from his own.
3. He's got an awful temper and takes things very personally.

By the way, all those things can be overcome. It's just that I don't thing Rand Paul has the inclination.

I've seen some growth in terms of his political skills, but he has a very long way to go.
He's got zero integrity.

He's run away from his racism, his plan to shut down the government and has blatantly plagiarized wiki.

Other than that? I have high hopes for his candidacy!


lol, alright, I'll concede on the running from racism and the plagiarism, but Paul didn't mastermind the government shutdown. He did march in step at the time, but he later criticized the strategy.

He has some skeletons in his closet, but these are personal failings, not abuses of power or egregious legislating, and isn't that worth noticing? His lawsuit over the NSA spying program (glad SOMEONE in office takes that seriously), his filibuster over the drone program, and his stance that Republicans should drop Voter ID, make him one of the few politicians I feel is in office for the right reasons.

I think if you check these boards, you'll find I agree with all those efforts.

Aside from what I listed Rand Paul has several other problems:

1. He lack charisma. While that is not a killer? It's a major set back.
2. He gets flustered easily and cannot deal with viewpoints different from his own.
3. He's got an awful temper and takes things very personally.

By the way, all those things can be overcome. It's just that I don't thing Rand Paul has the inclination.

I've seen some growth in terms of his political skills, but he has a very long way to go.

1. Yeah
2. Yeah
3. Totally.

He's straight-up not electable as president right now. But even after he's grown some and cleaned up his act a bit, I'd bet his convictions would be the same. Which is why he's still the only GOP candidate I would vote for
Rand Paul is tough when it comes to our liberties...


Armed drones over America BAD!

Rand Paul is also tough on crime...


Killing liquor store holdup man with armed drones GOOD!
Rand Paul is tough when it comes to our liberties...


Armed drones over America BAD!

Rand Paul is also tough on crime...


Killing liquor store holdup man with armed drones GOOD!

What are you referring to here?
His economic policies run contrary to Keynes, Friedman, Greenspan, the Bernank, Marx, Stalin, Mao and Reagan. You gotta give him credit for that. He can't be pigeonholed outside a loonybin or the knownothing party.
He has some skeletons in his closet, but these are personal failings, not abuses of power or egregious legislating, and isn't that worth noticing? His lawsuit over the NSA spying program (glad SOMEONE in office takes that seriously), his filibuster over the drone program, and his stance that Republicans should drop Voter ID, make him one of the few politicians I feel is in office for the right reasons.

Rand Paul collected money from rubes for his showboat NSA lawsuit. He did this only after the ACLU and Judicial Watch have been fighting the exact same case FOR YEARS in the courts already. They have done all the hard work, and he is coasting in their wake to make some quick cash and get some name recognition out there. He is the ultimate demagogue.

As for the drones, see my previous post in this topic.

Rand Paul is a mere shadow of his father. He is slicker and more media savvy, but he is a total poser.
Rand Paul is tough when it comes to our liberties...


Armed drones over America BAD!

Rand Paul is also tough on crime...


Killing liquor store holdup man with armed drones GOOD!

What are you referring to here?

Rand Paul: "If someone comes out of a liquor store with a weapon and $50 in cash, I don't care if a drone kills him or a policeman kills him."
He has some skeletons in his closet, but these are personal failings, not abuses of power or egregious legislating, and isn't that worth noticing? His lawsuit over the NSA spying program (glad SOMEONE in office takes that seriously), his filibuster over the drone program, and his stance that Republicans should drop Voter ID, make him one of the few politicians I feel is in office for the right reasons.

Rand Paul collected money from rubes for his showboat NSA lawsuit. He did this only after the ACLU and Judicial Watch have been fighting the exact same case FOR YEARS in the courts already. They have done all the hard work, and he is coasting in their wake to make some quick cash and get some name recognition out there. He is the ultimate demagogue.

As for the drones, see my previous post in this topic.

Rand Paul is a mere shadow of his father. He is slicker and more media savvy, but he is a total poser.

And that may make him the perfect GOP candidate.
He has some skeletons in his closet, but these are personal failings, not abuses of power or egregious legislating, and isn't that worth noticing? His lawsuit over the NSA spying program (glad SOMEONE in office takes that seriously), his filibuster over the drone program, and his stance that Republicans should drop Voter ID, make him one of the few politicians I feel is in office for the right reasons.

Rand Paul collected money from rubes for his showboat NSA lawsuit. He did this only after the ACLU and Judicial Watch have been fighting the exact same case FOR YEARS in the courts already. They have done all the hard work, and he is coasting in their wake to make some quick cash and get some name recognition out there. He is the ultimate demagogue.

As for the drones, see my previous post in this topic.

Rand Paul is a mere shadow of his father. He is slicker and more media savvy, but he is a total poser.

And that may make him the perfect GOP candidate.


Worked for Mitt. And he actually started out with a resume of enacting universal HC that seems to work, turning a quasi-govt entity around and making it a success, and making millions off of failing companies by outsourcing.
Rand Paul is tough when it comes to our liberties...


Armed drones over America BAD!

Rand Paul is also tough on crime...


Killing liquor store holdup man with armed drones GOOD!

What are you referring to here?

Rand Paul: "If someone comes out of a liquor store with a weapon and $50 in cash, I don't care if a drone kills him or a policeman kills him."

Yes, I don't know if that's the exact quote, and I don't believe his point was that he supports drones in American airspace, but I see your point. The claims are, at the very least, contradictory.

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