Veteran who lost leg in Iraq takes on David Hogg in rant all of America needs to see


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Veteran Who Lost a Leg in Iraq Takes on David Hogg in Rant All of America Needs to See
Note: This article contains coarse language that may offend or disturb some readers.

On Friday, Derek Weida, a 29-year-old amputee veteran, posted a rant on Parkland survivor David Hogg to his Facebook page that is going viral.

Weida began his post by explaining that school shootings are horrible but that he has to watch what he says.

He writes:


Until Hogg goes through this, and like many other veteran the anti american gun grabbers need a reality wake up call, send them over there, put them in the military , stick them in Chicago, Detroit, send them to another Country soon the biggest mouth dumb asses will soon see how important it is to KEEP our 2nd amendment!! If they take the 2nd amendment rejects, the first amend. is next and we're already half way there.
You said he lost his leg. You didn't say he was retarded too.
Just saw this....the best response so far to the budding hitler youth....can't wait for hogg to call for a boycott of this vet.......

Here's The Wounded Warrior's Response To David Hogg That Is Going Viral

Acknowledging that he “signed up to be shot at” as opposed to Parkland students, Waida had a few words to say about gun control.

“It’s not a gun problem, not a people problem, it’s a culture thing,” wrote Waida. “America loves guns. Accept that just like I had to accept that America loves God. Don’t ever be so quick to tell a whoooole lot of people how to live.”

Weida stated that while nobody “wants shootings of any kind,” in a way he’s “with” the anti-gun students. But he added, “It’s not even about the gun. It’s about the freedom and the right… And you can’t win an argument against that, nor should you (In most cases).”

“Yes, let’s find ways to deter those .001% of people as best we can but they’re gonna accomplish their task regardless… Most likely. I guess I just want to say don’t be so quick to talk. Don’t be so quick to think YOU are somehow the ONE person who has things figured out. You want to make a change? Cool!! But… Try to be less of a **** about it.”
Well now, here we go again. Kids are kind of traumatized by seeing their classmates shot to pieces by some fucker that is like 2aguy, and should never have been allowed to have any kind of gun, let alone a weapon of war.
Well now, here we go again. Kids are kind of traumatized by seeing their classmates shot to pieces by some fucker that is like 2aguy, and should never have been allowed to have any kind of gun, let alone a weapon of war.

Hey, dumb fuck.......that shooter isn't anything like me or any other law abiding gun shit stain....... it is assholes like you that make it possible for mass shootings in schools....... you have turned them into democrat gun free zones where those children are not protected.... that is on you....dumb ass.
Asshole, it was not a gun free zone. There was an armed security guard who was afraid to go up against the fellow with the AR. 58 dead in Vegas, 500 wounded. 21 dead in Texas, many wounded. 17 dead in Florida, many wounded. But we need more AR's out on the street. Fuck you, you murdering bastard, you and the rest of the gun nuts are accessories to murder. Without you and that terrorist organization, the NRA, we would have some reasonable gun laws concerning war weapons and citizens.
Asshole, it was not a gun free zone. There was an armed security guard who was afraid to go up against the fellow with the AR. 58 dead in Vegas, 500 wounded. 21 dead in Texas, many wounded. 17 dead in Florida, many wounded. But we need more AR's out on the street. Fuck you, you murdering bastard, you and the rest of the gun nuts are accessories to murder. Without you and that terrorist organization, the NRA, we would have some reasonable gun laws concerning war weapons and citizens.

There was one guard for 2,000 students, and staff and multiple dumb ass.....that is as gun free as it gets.....

He had no idea what the guy was using because he never saw the guy...dumb fuck.

The shooter in Vegas used 2 rifles, fired over 1,000 rounds into a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people, and only managed to kill 58 people.....

The muslim terrorist in Nice, France used a rental truck and in 5 minutes murdered 86 people......dumb ass.

The Texas church shooter was stopped by an NRA instructor who used his own AR-15 civilian rifle ......and he saved, at minimum 26 lives by forcing the shooter to run away, long before the police arrived with their AR-15 civilian rifles.

Dumb ass.....there are over 8,000,000 AR-15 civilian rifles......I know you cant count past 10 on your fingers and toes....but 8,000,000 is more than the 3 shooters you mention....

The problem....dumb that the local, state and federal cops failed to deal with the Florida shooter when they were told....over and over and over again that he was going to shoot up a school.....and because of asswipes like you, you created a democrat gun free zone......and obama and his Promise Program kept the shooter from having a criminal record which would have prevented him from getting his 3 guns legally....that is on you asswipes...

The NRA didn't kill anyone.......that is on you morons who create democrat gun free zones, and then you keep letting violent criminals out of jail...gun criminals...the ones doing the actual guys let them out, not the NRA...

You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports the FIX NICS act....the democrats oppose it.

California democrats passed a bill to let violent criminals out of prison early, the NRA fought against it...

The NRA trains local, state and federal law enforcement...the democrats constantly attack law enforcement and prevent them from arresting violent gun criminals.

You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports armed security and armed staff in the schools, the democrats oppose it.

The NRA teaches fun safety to millions of children...the democrats fight teaching gun safety to kids.

The NRA supports keeping violent gun offenders in prison, the democrats let violent gun offenders out of jail and pass laws letting them out early.

The NRA doesn't support the PROMISE PROGRAM, of obama, which allowed the shooter to get the gun...the democrats created and support the Promise program...which allowed the shooter to get his gun...

Since those are the facts, the truth and the reality.....

Of the two groups...the democrats are the ones supporting violent murder, not the NRA...
Asshole, it was not a gun free zone. There was an armed security guard who was afraid to go up against the fellow with the AR. 58 dead in Vegas, 500 wounded. 21 dead in Texas, many wounded. 17 dead in Florida, many wounded. But we need more AR's out on the street. Fuck you, you murdering bastard, you and the rest of the gun nuts are accessories to murder. Without you and that terrorist organization, the NRA, we would have some reasonable gun laws concerning war weapons and citizens.
A lie................Big school and the guard was preparing for school dismissal and unlocking doors which were his duties........

You are quick to call him a coward when he was on the other side of the school when it went down............

And your liberal slip is want to punish the innocent for the acts of a CRAZY.............

In a country of well over 300 million people there will be crazies..............and these crazies will kill people from time to time......................It is REALITY..............

But you would punish those who are law abiding citizens.................perhaps if your neighbor commits rape we should come to your house and castrate you for his crime.............makes about as much sense.
Asshole, it was not a gun free zone. There was an armed security guard who was afraid to go up against the fellow with the AR. 58 dead in Vegas, 500 wounded. 21 dead in Texas, many wounded. 17 dead in Florida, many wounded. But we need more AR's out on the street. Fuck you, you murdering bastard, you and the rest of the gun nuts are accessories to murder. Without you and that terrorist organization, the NRA, we would have some reasonable gun laws concerning war weapons and citizens.
A lie................Big school and the guard was preparing for school dismissal and unlocking doors which were his duties........

You are quick to call him a coward when he was on the other side of the school when it went down............

And your liberal slip is want to punish the innocent for the acts of a CRAZY.............

In a country of well over 300 million people there will be crazies..............and these crazies will kill people from time to time......................It is REALITY..............

But you would punish those who are law abiding citizens.................perhaps if your neighbor commits rape we should come to your house and castrate you for his crime.............makes about as much sense.

There are over 3,000 people at that school and looks to be over 10 buildings....1 armed resource officer.....

Yes.......this campus was a democrat gun free zone....

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland | Facts about the site of mass shooting

Asshole, it was not a gun free zone. There was an armed security guard who was afraid to go up against the fellow with the AR. 58 dead in Vegas, 500 wounded. 21 dead in Texas, many wounded. 17 dead in Florida, many wounded. But we need more AR's out on the street. Fuck you, you murdering bastard, you and the rest of the gun nuts are accessories to murder. Without you and that terrorist organization, the NRA, we would have some reasonable gun laws concerning war weapons and citizens.
A lie................Big school and the guard was preparing for school dismissal and unlocking doors which were his duties........

You are quick to call him a coward when he was on the other side of the school when it went down............

And your liberal slip is want to punish the innocent for the acts of a CRAZY.............

In a country of well over 300 million people there will be crazies..............and these crazies will kill people from time to time......................It is REALITY..............

But you would punish those who are law abiding citizens.................perhaps if your neighbor commits rape we should come to your house and castrate you for his crime.............makes about as much sense.

There are over 3,000 people at that school and looks to be over 10 buildings....1 armed resource officer.....

Yes.......this campus was a democrat gun free zone....

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland | Facts about the site of mass shooting

View attachment 185771
I heard the Security Guard had ESPN

NOT ESP..........
Veteran Who Lost a Leg in Iraq Takes on David Hogg in Rant All of America Needs to See
Note: This article contains coarse language that may offend or disturb some readers.

On Friday, Derek Weida, a 29-year-old amputee veteran, posted a rant on Parkland survivor David Hogg to his Facebook page that is going viral.

Weida began his post by explaining that school shootings are horrible but that he has to watch what he says.

He writes:


Until Hogg goes through this, and like many other veteran the anti american gun grabbers need a reality wake up call, send them over there, put them in the military , stick them in Chicago, Detroit, send them to another Country soon the biggest mouth dumb asses will soon see how important it is to KEEP our 2nd amendment!! If they take the 2nd amendment rejects, the first amend. is next and we're already half way there.
The first amendment makes the second amendment unnecessary. We have never needed a second amendment

Even David Hogg knows that
Weida stated that while nobody “wants shootings of any kind,” in a way he’s “with” the anti-gun students. But he added, “It’s not even about the gun. It’s about the freedom and the right… And you can’t win an argument against that, nor should you (In most cases).”
Absolutely. No one should allow the freedom to be shot in a school massacre to be taken from them.

There are over 3,000 people at that school and looks to be over 10 buildings....1 armed resource officer.....

Yes.......this campus was a democrat gun free zone....
The funny thing is that schools of any size in other developed countries have no armed guards at all. What a puzzle.
Hey, dumb fuck.......that shooter isn't anything like me or any other law abiding gun shit stain.......
Exactly like you. He bought his weapon legally and had been convicted of no crime.
There are over 3,000 people at that school and looks to be over 10 buildings....1 armed resource officer.....

Yes.......this campus was a democrat gun free zone....
The funny thing is that schools of any size in other developed countries have no armed guards at all. What a puzzle.

They have criminals with guns....they just haven't had their nuts decide to target them.....imagine if the muslim terrorists in France....not with AR-15 civilian rifles, but with the fully automatic military rifles they used to attack Charlie Hebdo and Paris, attacked a gun free school......and there police don't have guns.......
Hey, dumb fuck.......that shooter isn't anything like me or any other law abiding gun shit stain.......
Exactly like you. He bought his weapon legally and had been convicted of no crime.

Yes......just like any other left wing shit stain you compare law abiding people to are a dumb ass...
There are over 3,000 people at that school and looks to be over 10 buildings....1 armed resource officer.....

Yes.......this campus was a democrat gun free zone....
The funny thing is that schools of any size in other developed countries have no armed guards at all. What a puzzle.

And the two shooters in Britain who were stopped by dumb luck...which gun control laws stopped them? And which British gun control law stopped the gunman who entered the nursery from killing those kids?

British teen sentenced to life for planned school attack

Despite some of the tightest gun control on the planet, a British man was able to acquire a handgun, extended mags and explosives as part of a plot to attack his former school.

Liam Lyburd, 19, of Newcastle upon Tyne, was sentenced to life imprisonment this week on eight charges of possessing weapons with intent to endanger life.

As noted by the BBC, Lyburd gathered a cache that included a Glock 19, three 33-round magazines, 94 hollow-point bullets, CS gas, five pipe bombs and two other improvised explosive devices despite the country’s long history of civilian arms control.

According to court documents, Lyburd planned to use the weapons in an attack on Newcastle College, from which he had been expelled two years prior for poor attendance. He was arrested last November after two Northumbria Police constables visited him at his home on a tip from an individual who encountered threats and disturbing pictures posted by Lyburd online.

Despite a defense that portrayed the reclusive man as living in a fantasy world, Lyburd was found guilty in July.

The internet-savvy teen obtained the Glock and other items through Evolution Marketplace, a successor to the Silk Road, a long-time “dark web” site in which users could buy and sell everything from illegal narcotics to munitions using Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

In court, Lyburd testified that buying the Glock was so easy it was “like buying a bar of chocolate.”

He obtained funds for his purchases through a complex extortion scheme in which he used online malware to infect computers, which he in turn held for ransom from their owners.

====Teenage boy 'took shotgun to school after being bullied for being fat'

15-year-old boy arrested for taking shotgun and ammunition into school did it because he was being bullied for being too fat, fellow pupils said.


'Gunman' walks into Liverpool nursery school as children were playing inside

Police have sealed off a children's nursery in Liverpool amid reports a gunman walked into the building while youngsters were inside.

Officers were called to Childs Play Nursery in Wavertree, Merseyside, at around 8am this morning.

The man, who is believed to have been carrying what looked like a firearm, walked into the nursery and approached another man.

He then left with a second man on the back of a motorbike.
Veteran Who Lost a Leg in Iraq Takes on David Hogg in Rant All of America Needs to See
Note: This article contains coarse language that may offend or disturb some readers.

On Friday, Derek Weida, a 29-year-old amputee veteran, posted a rant on Parkland survivor David Hogg to his Facebook page that is going viral.

Weida began his post by explaining that school shootings are horrible but that he has to watch what he says.

He writes:


Until Hogg goes through this, and like many other veteran the anti american gun grabbers need a reality wake up call, send them over there, put them in the military , stick them in Chicago, Detroit, send them to another Country soon the biggest mouth dumb asses will soon see how important it is to KEEP our 2nd amendment!! If they take the 2nd amendment rejects, the first amend. is next and we're already half way there.
The first amendment makes the second amendment unnecessary. We have never needed a second amendment

Even David Hogg knows that

Wow...the stupid is strong with you....a piece of paper doesn't stop government thugs from murdering journalists......just ask all the Mexican journalists killed by the Mexican police and military who work with the drug cartels......their Freedom of Speech didn't stop bullets.

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