Vice president debate. who do you think will win that one

My bet will be one RYAN.. Biden is a joke .. And he is one heart beat of being president. Scary shit and you guys were worried about Palin .. She would have made a better VP then BIDEN any day !!

If it is judged by who is the rudest overtalking lying bully then it does the public no service to see it.

If it is moderated with as little regard for the rules and truth as the last one I wouldn't care if there was another such display. The election proccess is sinking lower and lower with every cycle. What's next? Mud wrestling? I have no interest in entertaining the simple minded.
I hope Biden says "Bin Laden is dead and GM is alive".

That will give Ryan a chance to say, Bin Laden is dead, Chris Stevens is dead and Al Quaeda is alive".


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My bet will be one RYAN.. Biden is a joke .. And he is one heart beat of being president. Scary shit and you guys were worried about Palin .. She would have made a better VP then BIDEN any day !!

If it is judged by who is the rudest overtalking lying bully then it does the public no service to see it.

If it is moderated with as little regard for the rules and truth as the last one I wouldn't care if there was another such display. The election proccess is sinking lower and lower with every cycle. What's next? Mud wrestling? I have no interest in entertaining the simple minded.

I'm thinking the VP slot should be filled ala Burr/Hamilton. Since Joe is the sitting Vice President, he gets to play the part of Aaron Burr.
Vice president debate. who do you think will win that one?

Not Joe "the middle class had been buried for the past four years" Biden.

Not Joe "they're gonna put ya'll back in chains" Biden.

Not Joe "three letter word J-O-B-S" Biden.

Not Joe "you cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking" Biden.
I really don't know. They are both bright, and Joe, even more than Paul, can put his foot in his mouth, so I suspect Joe will screw up, but I could be wrong, and Paul could go Dr. Strangelove on us.
Win for Ryan no matter how good or bad Ryan does. Even if everything were perfect, and if The President and VP were doing everything correctly, Biden would /epic fail the debate. Makes me wonder how Mr. Biden got to where he is today. Biden has this habit of saying really dumb things. I wonder if Mr. Obama has ever considered finding a way to get rid of him.
We will see what Ryan can do.

He needs to tie foreign affairs to jobs....which can be done by pointing out how much money we send to countries that kill our ambassadors.

But, Biden has nothing to lose.....cause we expect him to get killed.

Whore Cutter and Co. only need him to survive to tell their shaking lemmings...he did O.K.
you see, with Reid's lies about Romney, others lies about Romney, calling him a felon, etc., I really think the left has cooked their own goose. The only ones falling for it are the ones that would vote for Obama anyway.
Biden says stupid things. However he has the ability to connect to the average American, and typically comes across as a likeable next door neighbor kind of guy.
I have to agree a little bit with this post. Aside from saying dumb things (unless they are Freudian Slips), he does seem like the type that would walk up and shake your hand, no matter who you are.
Biden says stupid things. However he has the ability to connect to the average American, and typically comes across as a likeable next door neighbor kind of guy.
I have to agree a little bit with this post. Aside from saying dumb things (unless they are Freudian Slips), he does seem like the type that would walk up and shake your hand, no matter who you are.
Sorry, double posting here, but I made myself think a little bit, started to hurt. I said Freudian Slip, his last slip was actually true about the middle class being stuck in the muck for the last 4 years.
I think Ryan will win, but surprisingly enough, Biden is a pretty good debater.
Will Biden even show up?
Oh he will, I believe Biden is the kind that (in his mind) can't wait to put the smack down on this this young buck from Wisconsin!

I agree. Biden will come out on stage like his hair is on fire. Now that Mittens has established that the rules, there are NO RULES, to a percieved win. It is who can act the craziest. Old Joe will treat lyin Ryan like a red headed step child. He will talk and walk all over him..tell the moderator to "Shut the fuck up and mind his own damn business". This will be fun to watch.

Ryan hasn't had to deal with big time retail politics. When he does wander in over his head he always says some REALLY stupid shit.

Biden isn't the smartest guy on the planet but he won't get pushed around. He's a tough Irish guy and it will gleam emerald green in the debate.
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