Victims' Families Want To Air New 9/11 Truth Ad

you do understand what the word "independent" means?: (1) : not subject to control by others : self-governing (2) : not affiliated with a larger controlling unit (1) : not requiring or relying on something else : not contingent <an independent conclusion> (2) : not looking to others for one's opinions or for guidance in conduct (3) : not bound by or committed to a political party or group.

in this case that would mean both parties would have to be investigated (the gov & the twoofers)
Well according to your insightful posting of the definition of independent, it certainly does not describe the original "investigation" does it?
The new investigation should mostly exclude from authority, the bastages who steered it to their political advantages.

What political goals or agendas do you think a legitimate truth movement has up their sleeve in your opinion?
Do you still think they are trying to instill dissent or treason?
Do you still think they are "trying to take over the government?" ALA agent Parrot911?? :lol: :eusa_shhh:

FWIW, I subscribe to a version that would, in the end, return the government to its rightful owners, the people of the nation, and away from the treasonous scum that has infiltrated it.
Nice dodge! you must be a devotee of the if you can't dazzle um with brilliance baffle um with bullshit school.
btw, the twoof movement is not legit, no amount of rhetoric will make it so!

What? don't see how your definition of "independent" applies to both sides??
Apparently the OCT that IS BS has baffled you really well :lol:
The legitimate Truth Movement is actually more then just exposing the lies of the 9-11 OCT, it is also to bring awareness of what is happening to the nation, and the various forms of negative change that have slowly creeped upon us.
Check into it, you might be surprised to learn something.
Well according to your insightful posting of the definition of independent, it certainly does not describe the original "investigation" does it?
The new investigation should mostly exclude from authority, the bastages who steered it to their political advantages.

What political goals or agendas do you think a legitimate truth movement has up their sleeve in your opinion?
Do you still think they are trying to instill dissent or treason?
Do you still think they are "trying to take over the government?" ALA agent Parrot911?? :lol: :eusa_shhh:

FWIW, I subscribe to a version that would, in the end, return the government to its rightful owners, the people of the nation, and away from the treasonous scum that has infiltrated it.
Nice dodge! you must be a devotee of the if you can't dazzle um with brilliance baffle um with bullshit school.
btw, the twoof movement is not legit, no amount of rhetoric will make it so!

What? don't see how your definition of "independent" applies to both sides??
Apparently the OCT that IS BS has baffled you really well :lol:
The legitimate Truth Movement is actually more then just exposing the lies of the 9-11 OCT, it is also to bring awareness of what is happening to the nation, and the various forms of negative change that have slowly creeped upon us.
Check into it, you might be surprised to learn something.
lmao! another case of selective reading here's the quote:" both parties would have to be investigated (the gov & the twoofers)":eusa_whistle:
Nice dodge! you must be a devotee of the if you can't dazzle um with brilliance baffle um with bullshit school.
btw, the twoof movement is not legit, no amount of rhetoric will make it so!

What? don't see how your definition of "independent" applies to both sides??
Apparently the OCT that IS BS has baffled you really well :lol:
The legitimate Truth Movement is actually more then just exposing the lies of the 9-11 OCT, it is also to bring awareness of what is happening to the nation, and the various forms of negative change that have slowly creeped upon us.
Check into it, you might be surprised to learn something.
lmao! another case of selective reading here's the quote:" both parties would have to be investigated (the gov & the twoofers)":eusa_whistle:

And? :doubt:
What? don't see how your definition of "independent" applies to both sides??
Apparently the OCT that IS BS has baffled you really well :lol:
The legitimate Truth Movement is actually more then just exposing the lies of the 9-11 OCT, it is also to bring awareness of what is happening to the nation, and the various forms of negative change that have slowly creeped upon us.
Check into it, you might be surprised to learn something.
lmao! another case of selective reading here's the quote:" both parties would have to be investigated (the gov & the twoofers)":eusa_whistle:

And? :doubt:
That should be obvious.
BTW All twoof sites and publications have about as much legitimacy as that famous seventh day Adventist rag ..THE WATCHTOWER!
TO BE Legitimate a movement, act , or thing must be based on fact, not belief !:eusa_liar:
lmao! another case of selective reading here's the quote:" both parties would have to be investigated (the gov & the twoofers)":eusa_whistle:

And? :doubt:
That should be obvious.
BTW All twoof sites and publications have about as much legitimacy as that famous seventh day Adventist rag ..THE WATCHTOWER!
TO BE Legitimate a movement, act , or thing must be based on fact, not belief !:eusa_liar:

the watchtower is Jehovahs wittiness, not seven day Adventist they are the ones that go to church on need to stop reading those debwunker sites
Hi Mr. Jones:

Spread the word and research what the real issues are with the NIST investigation and the problems the families of the victims of 9-11 and many others have with the explanation that was told to the country.
The entire US Federal, State and Local Govts are corrupt to the core and nobody cares. We have an illegal alien in the White House for God sakes who like Bush and Clinton and Bush let illegal aliens run around everywhere doing whatever they please. The fake 911Movement is running in place and nobody is ever brought to 911Justice and that is never going to change in this pathetic and corrupt nation of liars, murderers and thieves. America is simply not America anymore and the sheeple need to get accustomed to living in a third-world country where police state brutality is commonplace and the average subject can barely afford to pay for food.

[ame=]Christopher Sees Chaos Coming Too[/ame]

The time to get 9/11 right has already gone and the entire system is ready to collapse under the weight of DEBT and lawlessness.

This why America is going down a shithole.
That should be obvious.
BTW All twoof sites and publications have about as much legitimacy as that famous seventh day Adventist rag ..THE WATCHTOWER!
TO BE Legitimate a movement, act , or thing must be based on fact, not belief !:eusa_liar:

the watchtower is Jehovahs wittiness, not seven day Adventist they are the ones that go to church on need to stop reading those debwunker sites
MY MISTAKE...In fact it makes no difference, they are both offshoots of the MORMON cult!
you mean sites like 911blooger. not to mention: pile it high and deep .com.
That should be obvious.
BTW All twoof sites and publications have about as much legitimacy as that famous seventh day Adventist rag ..THE WATCHTOWER!
TO BE Legitimate a movement, act , or thing must be based on fact, not belief !:eusa_liar:

the watchtower is Jehovahs wittiness, not seven day Adventist they are the ones that go to church on need to stop reading those debwunker sites

:clap2::lol: No shit! Plus I would add that the legitimate movement , act or thing he refers to, IS based on well documented FACT..That the NIST and OCT IS BULLSHIT, and many discrepancies, distortions,
and in some cases out right lies, have been long ago discovered and pointed out.
Geez, you'd think people who comment on this topic would at least know the basics about it already..
That should be obvious.
BTW All twoof sites and publications have about as much legitimacy as that famous seventh day Adventist rag ..THE WATCHTOWER!
TO BE Legitimate a movement, act , or thing must be based on fact, not belief !:eusa_liar:

the watchtower is Jehovahs wittiness, not seven day Adventist they are the ones that go to church on need to stop reading those debwunker sites
MY MISTAKE...In fact it makes no difference, they are both offshoots of the MORMON cult!
you mean sites like 911blooger. not to mention: pile it high and deep .com.

No one is immune from mistakes I guess, but tell us..what do you mean "pile it high and deep"? Perhaps if you could be more definitive about certain particulars you don't agree with we could advance the discussion away from religious rag comparisons.
That should be obvious.
BTW All twoof sites and publications have about as much legitimacy as that famous seventh day Adventist rag ..THE WATCHTOWER!
TO BE Legitimate a movement, act , or thing must be based on fact, not belief !:eusa_liar:

the watchtower is Jehovahs wittiness, not seven day Adventist they are the ones that go to church on need to stop reading those debwunker sites

:clap2::lol: No shit! Plus I would add that the legitimate movement , act or thing he refers to, IS based on well documented FACT..That the NIST and OCT IS BULLSHIT, and many discrepancies, distortions,
and in some cases out right lies, have been long ago discovered and pointed out.
Geez, you'd think people who comment on this topic would at least know the basics about it already..
There you go again attempting to replace fact with fantasy...please show any corroborating evidence THAT IS NOT TWOOFER BASED as that is bias and not based in reality !
the watchtower is Jehovahs wittiness, not seven day Adventist they are the ones that go to church on need to stop reading those debwunker sites
MY MISTAKE...In fact it makes no difference, they are both offshoots of the MORMON cult!
you mean sites like 911blooger. not to mention: pile it high and deep .com.

No one is immune from mistakes I guess, but tell us..what do you mean "pile it high and deep"? Perhaps if you could be more definitive about certain particulars you don't agree with we could advance the discussion away from religious rag comparisons.
Maybe I should have typed PILOT IT HIGH AND DEEP FOR TWOOF .COM
WHO'S US WHITE MAN!? Do you have two heads?
1. No proof of thermite, super thermite or any other accelerant or explosive was FOUND at any of the 911sites.
if your answer is: it was taken away before or during the rescue operations.
you must show proof that that action occurred.
2.The Pentagon fake plane parts!
if you think they were planted then you must prove it with evidence not fairy tales .
Also you must prove how and when these faux parts were placed.
if you believe they were, were they planed in advance or just after the crash?
if they were planted in advance ,how did the "planters" hide the parts or was everyone in the pentagon in on it?
how do you account for American Airlines Flight 77 crew and passengers being dead and their body parts found inside and out side the pentagon?
3. the myth of wtc7....
1. No proof of thermite, super thermite or any other accelerant or explosive was FOUND at any of the 911sites.
if your answer is: it was taken away before or during the rescue operations.
you must show proof that that action occurred.
2.The Pentagon fake plane parts!
if you think they were planted then you must prove it with evidence not fairy tales .
Also you must prove how and when these faux parts were placed.
if you believe they were, were they planed in advance or just after the crash?
if they were planted in advance ,how did the "planters" hide the parts or was everyone in the pentagon in on it?
how do you account for American Airlines Flight 77 crew and passengers being dead and their body parts found inside and out side the pentagon?
3. the myth of wtc7....

1. While scientists have found traces of thermite residue in the powder and there is no more hard evidence than that. it should be investigated further. More importantly, wtc 1 + 2 under went an enormous amount of pulverization. At the speed of the "collapse", coupled with the amount of pulverization, it is evident that an exterior force of some type was at play. If the "official" account were accurate, why did we not have the upper floor "block" of the building sitting on top of the rubble pile?

2. Proving that someone covered something up when you are forced to prove it to the people that covered it up in the first place, leaves you at a significant disadvantage. We know this already or this whole caper would have been blown wide open already. :cuckoo:

3.What part of wtc7 is a myth? The part where free fall occured even though it is a building, of which, the envelope of the building has steel beams?
Hence, free fall occured, yet there is resistance from the building envelope. How can one get this outcome without additional help?
1. No proof of thermite, super thermite or any other accelerant or explosive was FOUND at any of the 911sites.
if your answer is: it was taken away before or during the rescue operations.
you must show proof that that action occurred.
2.The Pentagon fake plane parts!
if you think they were planted then you must prove it with evidence not fairy tales .
Also you must prove how and when these faux parts were placed.
if you believe they were, were they planed in advance or just after the crash?
if they were planted in advance ,how did the "planters" hide the parts or was everyone in the pentagon in on it?
how do you account for American Airlines Flight 77 crew and passengers being dead and their body parts found inside and out side the pentagon?
3. the myth of wtc7....

1. While scientists have found traces of thermite residue in the powder and there is no more hard evidence than that. it should be investigated further. More importantly, wtc 1 + 2 under went an enormous amount of pulverization. At the speed of the "collapse", coupled with the amount of pulverization, it is evident that an exterior force of some type was at play. If the "official" account were accurate, why did we not have the upper floor "block" of the building sitting on top of the rubble pile?

2. Proving that someone covered something up when you are forced to prove it to the people that covered it up in the first place, leaves you at a significant disadvantage. We know this already or this whole caper would have been blown wide open already. :cuckoo:

3.What part of wtc7 is a myth? The part where free fall occurred even though it is a building, of which, the envelope of the building has steel beams?
Hence, free fall occurred, yet there is resistance from the building envelope. How can one get this outcome without additional help?
wtc7 :free fall:
why is it all of you ct r's make massive assumptions?: "Proving that someone covered something up when you are forced to prove it to the people that covered it up in the first place, leaves you at a significant disadvantage. We know this already or this whole caper would have been blown wide open already. :cuckoo:"
you've yet to, if ever prove that allegation..
as to the so called thermite, in the only test that was allegedly made ,the sample was supposedly destroyed and cannot be taken as evidence.
why?because the "experiment cannot be repeated.
might want to check out the scientific method
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1. No proof of thermite, super thermite or any other accelerant or explosive was FOUND at any of the 911sites.
if your answer is: it was taken away before or during the rescue operations.
you must show proof that that action occurred.
2.The Pentagon fake plane parts!
if you think they were planted then you must prove it with evidence not fairy tales .
Also you must prove how and when these faux parts were placed.
if you believe they were, were they planed in advance or just after the crash?
if they were planted in advance ,how did the "planters" hide the parts or was everyone in the pentagon in on it?
how do you account for American Airlines Flight 77 crew and passengers being dead and their body parts found inside and out side the pentagon?
3. the myth of wtc7....

1. While scientists have found traces of thermite residue in the powder and there is no more hard evidence than that. it should be investigated further. More importantly, wtc 1 + 2 under went an enormous amount of pulverization. At the speed of the "collapse", coupled with the amount of pulverization, it is evident that an exterior force of some type was at play. If the "official" account were accurate, why did we not have the upper floor "block" of the building sitting on top of the rubble pile?

2. Proving that someone covered something up when you are forced to prove it to the people that covered it up in the first place, leaves you at a significant disadvantage. We know this already or this whole caper would have been blown wide open already. :cuckoo:

3.What part of wtc7 is a myth? The part where free fall occurred even though it is a building, of which, the envelope of the building has steel beams?
Hence, free fall occurred, yet there is resistance from the building envelope. How can one get this outcome without additional help?
wtc7 :free fall:
why is it all of you ct r's make massive assumptions?: "Proving that someone covered something up when you are forced to prove it to the people that covered it up in the first place, leaves you at a significant disadvantage. We know this already or this whole caper would have been blown wide open already. :cuckoo:"
you've yet to, if ever prove that allegation..
as to the so called thermite, in the only test that was allegedly made ,the sample was supposedly destroyed and cannot be taken as evidence.
why?because the "experiment cannot be repeated.
might want to check out the scientific method


So could you please explain your understanding of the collapse of wtc 7
from the NIST report
1. While scientists have found traces of thermite residue in the powder and there is no more hard evidence than that. it should be investigated further. More importantly, wtc 1 + 2 under went an enormous amount of pulverization. At the speed of the "collapse", coupled with the amount of pulverization, it is evident that an exterior force of some type was at play. If the "official" account were accurate, why did we not have the upper floor "block" of the building sitting on top of the rubble pile?

2. Proving that someone covered something up when you are forced to prove it to the people that covered it up in the first place, leaves you at a significant disadvantage. We know this already or this whole caper would have been blown wide open already. :cuckoo:

3.What part of wtc7 is a myth? The part where free fall occurred even though it is a building, of which, the envelope of the building has steel beams?
Hence, free fall occurred, yet there is resistance from the building envelope. How can one get this outcome without additional help?
wtc7 :free fall:
why is it all of you ct r's make massive assumptions?: "Proving that someone covered something up when you are forced to prove it to the people that covered it up in the first place, leaves you at a significant disadvantage. We know this already or this whole caper would have been blown wide open already. :cuckoo:"
you've yet to, if ever prove that allegation..
as to the so called thermite, in the only test that was allegedly made ,the sample was supposedly destroyed and cannot be taken as evidence.
why?because the "experiment cannot be repeated.
might want to check out the scientific method


So could you please explain your understanding of the collapse of wtc 7
from the NIST report
no need to, it's very simple :wtc7 is severly damaged by rubble,the foundation is damaged fire starts, burns for 8 hours as there is no water to fight the fire,the beam or beams holding up the cathedral ceiling of the 1st floor weaken do to 8 hours of heating The EMPTY BUILDING COLLAPSES...NO DEATH OR INJURIES as the structure was evacuated hours earlier....think that about covers it .unless you can prove thermite or some other accelerant caused it?

btw that report is not from nist ,if you had read it ,you would have known that!
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