Victims' Families Want To Air New 9/11 Truth Ad

We see nothing that says the internal building fell? this is what your video says.

But if you look at the videos, the penthouse disappears into the interior of the building. And if you look close enough you can see daylight through the top row of windows. Because there is nothing behind them.

You ignore anything that doesn't fit into your world.

But that's OK, you've got the right to be wrong.

if Ollie cant see the flaws in the simulation or refuses to acknowledged them then ,we are clearly dealing with pure denial

I see where he mentions about the sunlight showing through the building when the east penthouse falls into the building. What he does not understand is that the resisting structure was removed on the lower floors, column 79-80 etc.

What I think NIST is describing is where the weakening and destruction of the columns failed where any cutter charges would have been placed and used to bring about the buildings collapse. The problem is that they blame fire and thermal expansion (a new form of building collapse) and that has been shown to be wrong. as fire could not simultaneously remove tons of resisting structure all at once to cause free fall acceleration.
Fire is too unpredictable and too uneven for it to have caused such an even collapse.
BTW, the real collapse continued all the way to the ground but the simulation stopped abruptly after three seconds.

* What happened during the collapse, AFTER the simulation ENDS, is the heart of the controversy- the 2.25 second interval of free fall acceleration. No honest simulation of a fire collapse will reproduce free fall. Why not? Because WEAKENED, bending steel retains SOME strength.
* David Chandler and even Dr. Sunder of NIST made the same point. 2.25 seconds means many floors of vertical support suddenly gone. Not weakened GONE. Not weakened gradually by fire, GONE SUDDENLY.

* Dr. Sunder of NIST has explained why fire distortions CANNOT explain free fall. He admits the building would have resistance!
* He explained that free fall means NO support, not weakened support. Dr. Sunder's explanation of why free fall is impossible was given at the time when NIST still denied free fall actually happened!

* Dr. Sunder is not the only one to have verified free fall. See David Chandler. It is really not controversial any more. The INTERPRETATION is controversial.
* The fact that NIST did a dishonest simulation of a bomb instead of cutter charges is evidence of a guilty intent to cover up rather than impartially evaluate evidence. The thermite theory is that the critical supports were quietly weakened by heating to the point of failure, then the cutter charges set off to mix in with the sound of the falling building.

* Read page 48 final release of the NIST report last paragraph. It states that eight floors fell for 2.25 seconds at gravitational acceleration. How did that happen? It doesn't explain that, because for that to happen NOTHING has to be underneath it!

* Dr. Sunder squirmed and stammered when confronted by David Chandler. Dr. Sunder cannot undermine his employer, nor can he lie. Thus his discomfort.

* The simulation didn't show free fall, nevertheless the whole lateral progression of the exterior failure is utter bullshit, why would the exterior wait for complete core collapse and then all of the sudden collapse? Doesn't make sense at all!
It is hard to take anyone seriously that supports the NIST investigation..this is why I respect DR Q despite the fact that he believes there are more likely explanations than controlled demolition..he fully recognizes that fact finding was intentionally deterred and blocked in the initial investigation,the investigative procedure did not follow protocol,what the correct remedy for that fact is ,he also realizes that without that re-investigation everything including his own opinion is theory
Dr. Quintiere, one of the world’s leading fire science researchers and safety engineers, also encouraged his audience of fellow researchers and engineers to scientifically re-examine the WTC collapses. “I hope to convince you to perhaps become 'Conspiracy Theorists', but in a proper way"

" I think it’s the legal structure that cloaks the Commerce Department and therefore NIST. And so, instead of lawyers as if they were acting on a civil case trying to get depositions and information subpoenaed, those lawyers did the opposite and blocked everything.”

“In my opinion, the WTC investigation by NIST falls short of expectations by not definitively finding cause, by not sufficiently linking recommendations of specificity to cause, by not fully invoking all of their authority to seek facts in the investigation, and by the guidance of government lawyers to deter rather than develop fact finding ".

“If you go to World Trade Center One, nine minutes before its collapse, there was a line of smoke that puffed out. This is one of the basis of the ‘conspiracy theories’ that says the smoke puffing out all around the building is due to somebody setting off an explosive charge. Well, I think, more likely, it’s one of the floors falling down.”
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We see nothing that says the internal building fell? this is what your video says.

But if you look at the videos, the penthouse disappears into the interior of the building. And if you look close enough you can see daylight through the top row of windows. Because there is nothing behind them.

You ignore anything that doesn't fit into your world.

But that's OK, you've got the right to be wrong.

if Ollie cant see the flaws in the simulation or refuses to acknowledged them then ,we are clearly dealing with pure denial

Where are your explosives? There is not a hint of a piece of evidence for them. There's your denial.
We see nothing that says the internal building fell? this is what your video says.

But if you look at the videos, the penthouse disappears into the interior of the building. And if you look close enough you can see daylight through the top row of windows. Because there is nothing behind them.

You ignore anything that doesn't fit into your world.

But that's OK, you've got the right to be wrong.

if Ollie cant see the flaws in the simulation or refuses to acknowledged them then ,we are clearly dealing with pure denial

Where are your explosives? There is not a hint of a piece of evidence for them. There's your denial.

I do not know, as we have determined a proper investigation was never done...where is your forensic proof of the cause of structural failure or the temperatures predicted as necessary for failure ??
..where is your forensic proof of the cause of structural failure or the temperatures predicted as necessary for failure ??

Where are your explosives? There is not a hint of a piece of evidence for them. There's your denial.
Oh really?

Good questions. Now we are following the steps to discover what the hell assisted these buildings in collapsing. After further review and with the help of science, and the laws of physics it is apparent that these massive buildings were assisted in collapsing by SOMETHING.
But what?
Well, the majority of the steel in the rubble would have shown what, but it was quickly hauled away and sold without ever having been properly looked at. That was the very first thing done to cover up and hinder any investigation.
But there were a few pieces that clearly showed abnormalities, and it is documented.

Although virtually all of the structural steel from the Twin Towers and Building 7 was removed and destroyed, preventing forensic analysis, FEMA's volunteer investigators did manage to perform "limited metallurgical examination" of some of the steel before it was recycled. Their observations, including numerous micrographs, are recorded in Appendix C of the WTC Building Performance Study. Prior to the release of FEMA's report, a fire protection engineer and two science professors published a brief report in JOM disclosing some of this evidence ...

Evidence of a severe high temperature corrosion attack on the steel, including oxidation and sulfidation with subsequent intergranular melting, was readily visible in the near-surface microstructure. A liquid eutectic mixture containing primarily iron, oxygen, and sulfur formed during this hot corrosion attack on the steel.
The thinning of the steel occurred by high temperature corrosion due to a combination of oxidation and sulfidation.
The unusual thinning of the member is most likely due to an attack of the steel by grain boundary penetration of sulfur forming sulfides that contain both iron and copper.
liquid eutectic mixture containing primarily iron, oxygen, and sulfur formed during this hot corrosion attack on the steel.
The severe corrosion and subsequent erosion of Samples 1 and 2 are a very unusual event. No clear explanation for the source of the sulfur has been identified.

Sulfur is used in explosives-
In it it states...

Rapid deterioration of the steel was a result of heating with oxidation in combination with intergranular melting due to the presence of sulfur. The formation of the eutectic mixture of iron oxide and iron sulfide lowers the temperature at which liquid can form in this steel.
( this would make spaghetti steel, no?) :lol:

This strongly suggests that the temperatures in this region of the steel beam approached ~1,000ºC, forming the eutectic liquid by a process similar to making a “blacksmith’s weld” in a hand forge.

Severe corrosion, intergranular melting, and abundance of sulfur are consistent with the theory of thermite arson, and the use of explosives.

Now when you combine that evidence, with the other facts about the collapses, and eye witnesses who heard explosions at various times, that leads to conclude these buildings collapses were assisted by something that caused a chemical reaction, OTHER then FIRE.

NISTs excuse for ruling out 'explosives" is bogus as there are other ways to assist the collpases without ear shattering, rock concert level decibels!

Explosive materials may be categorized by the speed at which they expand. Materials that detonate (explode faster than the speed of sound) are said to be high explosives and materials that deflagrate are said to be low explosives. Explosives may also be categorized by their sensitivity. Sensitive materials that can be initiated by a relatively small amount of heat or pressure are primary explosives and materials that are relatively insensitive are secondary explosives.

The answers, are there for anyone who takes the time to look a little deeper then the rest.

The "Deep Mystery" of Melted Steel

There is no indication that any of the fires in the World Trade Center buildings were hot enough to melt the steel framework. Jonathan Barnett, professor of fire protection engineering, has repeatedly reminded the public that steel--which has a melting point of 2,800 degrees Fahrenheit--may weaken and bend, but does not melt during an ordinary office fire. Yet metallurgical studies on WTC steel brought back to WPI reveal that a novel phenomenon--called a eutectic reaction--occurred at the surface, causing intergranular melting capable of turning a solid steel girder into Swiss cheese.

Materials science professors Ronald R. Biederman and Richard D. Sisson Jr. confirmed the presence of eutectic formations by examining steel samples under optical and scanning electron microscopes. A preliminary report was published in JOM, the journal of the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society. A more detailed analysis comprises Appendix C of the FEMA report. The New York Times called these findings "perhaps the deepest mystery uncovered in the investigation." The significance of the work on a sample from Building 7 and a structural column from one of the twin towers becomes apparent only when one sees these heavy chunks of damaged metal.

A one-inch column has been reduced to half-inch thickness. Its edges--which are curled like a paper scroll--have been thinned to almost razor sharpness. Gaping holes--some larger than a silver dollar--let light shine through a formerly solid steel flange. This Swiss cheese appearance shocked all of the fire-wise professors, who expected to see distortion and bending--but not holes.

A eutectic compound is a mixture of two or more substances that melts at the lowest temperature of any mixture of its components. Blacksmiths took advantage of this property by welding over fires of sulfur-rich charcoal, which lowers the melting point of iron. In the World Trade Center fire, the presence of oxygen, sulfur and heat caused iron oxide and iron sulfide to form at the surface of structural steel members. This liquid slag corroded through intergranular channels into the body of the metal, causing severe erosion and a loss of structural integrity.

The important questions," says Biederman, "are how much sulfur do you need, and where did it come from? The answer could be as simple--and this is scary- as acid rain." :cuckoo:

Acid rain :lol: So perhaps all the buildings ever designed are susceptible to free fall collapse because of acid rain?? :lol: :cuckoo::eusa_liar:

Give me a break! Look the facts of the collapses remain..and something other then fires helped in making them fall.

WPI - Transformations: The "Deep Mystery" of Melted Steel

9-11 Research: Forensic Metallurgy

An Initial Microstructural Analysis of A36 Steel from WTC Building 7
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Wow, what to believe?

You do realize that once again you have provided opinion.

Your link

An Initial Microstructural Analysis of A36 Steel from WTC Building 7

And another article from the same web site.

Why Did the World Trade Center Collapse? Science, Engineering, and Speculation

Personally I would like to see a picture of this Steel beam that looked like Swiss cheese. One would think that something that apparent and with holes as big as silver dollars would be worth a picture that people could identify.... You would also think that it would have been focused on in an investigation......
Wow, what to believe?

You do realize that once again you have provided opinion.

Your link

An Initial Microstructural Analysis of A36 Steel from WTC Building 7

And another article from the same web site.

Why Did the World Trade Center Collapse? Science, Engineering, and Speculation
So now all of this is just opinion? What do you think you have been posting and saying in defense of NIST and the OCT in general?? NOT opinion? :lol: Try to get over you're denial..these are FACTS! Scientific, and proven facts about the steel! That clearly point to something assisting these huge collapses.

Personally I would like to see a picture of this Steel beam that looked like Swiss cheese.
Here is a link with the pictures accompanied with explanations.

It is possible and likely, however, that even if grain boundary melting did not occur, substantial penetration by a solid state diffusion mechanism would have occurred as evidenced by the high concentration of sulfides in the grain interiors near the oxide layer. Temperatures in this region of the steel were likely to be in the range of 700–800 °C (1,290–1,470 °F).

This could explain the high temps in the rubble, and the molten metal claims.

Appendix C: Limited Metallurgical Examination

One would think that something that apparent and with holes as big as silver dollars would be worth a picture that people could identify.... You would also think that it would have been focused on in an investigation......
I totally agree, hence the demand for a new investigation. The deeper you dig, the more is found and understood about the claims the researchers are making, and how the science lends credence and proof this isn't just some bunch of crazies with an agenda to " instigate treason" or take over the government, as some wackos on here have said numerous times :lol: :cuckoo:

FEMA's WTC Building Performance Study
Mirror of the PDFs Comprising FEMA's 2002 Report

In May of 2002, the Federal Emergency Management Agency published its World Trade Center Building Performance Study -- the product of an investigation by volunteers from the American Society of Civil Engineers. FEMA has since reorganized its website, making it difficult to locate the original documents. Although the entire report is still available at FEMA's website here,
FEMA: World Trade Center Building Performance Study

we provide this mirror as a permanent archive for the documents.

9-11 Research: FEMA's WTC Building Performance Study
Fema report says that there is no clear explanation for the presence of the sulfur they found in 2 flanges (I wonder how many flanges were in the three buildings.)

Now I ask you, how much sulfur is found gypsum board, and how much gypsum board was in these buildings?

You found another error by Fema.
if Ollie cant see the flaws in the simulation or refuses to acknowledged them then ,we are clearly dealing with pure denial

Where are your explosives? There is not a hint of a piece of evidence for them. There's your denial.

I do not know, as we have determined a proper investigation was never done...where is your forensic proof of the cause of structural failure or the temperatures predicted as necessary for failure ??
This is tough for me but I'm going to say it. I agree with Eots. I have no problem doing another investigation. Why? Because there are unanswered questions but I don't think the results will be what Eots thinks it will be. IMHO
Where are your explosives? There is not a hint of a piece of evidence for them. There's your denial.

I do not know, as we have determined a proper investigation was never done...where is your forensic proof of the cause of structural failure or the temperatures predicted as necessary for failure ??
This is tough for me but I'm going to say it. I agree with Eots. I have no problem doing another investigation. Why? Because there are unanswered questions but I don't think the results will be what Eots thinks it will be. IMHO

The problem is that unless the government is to blame any further investigations will not be believed by these people. They want the government to be the bad guy, and unless it is they won't believe it. Sure there are some questions which will probably never be answered. But there were no pre planted explosives. There were no controlled demolitions. And unless a new investigation shows that there were, they won't accept it. So how many investigations do we do, and who is to do them?
I do not know, as we have determined a proper investigation was never done...where is your forensic proof of the cause of structural failure or the temperatures predicted as necessary for failure ??
This is tough for me but I'm going to say it. I agree with Eots. I have no problem doing another investigation. Why? Because there are unanswered questions but I don't think the results will be what Eots thinks it will be. IMHO

The problem is that unless the government is to blame any further investigations will not be believed by these people.

these people ??... you mean the ones that have diligently shown the many flaws of the NIST investigation ?...what do you base this assumption on ?

They want the government to be the bad guy, and unless it is they won't believe it.

if fact finding was deterred and the investigation blocked the government is already the bad guy

Sure there are some questions which will probably never be answered. But there were no pre planted explosives. There were no controlled demolitions.

why can questions not be answered ? do you know explosives were not utilized in some way ?

And unless a new investigation shows that there were, they won't accept it. So how many investigations do we do, and who is to do them

an independent group of engineers and scientist with full authority and subpoena power, approved by the family steering committee with full disclosure and media scrutiny
This is tough for me but I'm going to say it. I agree with Eots. I have no problem doing another investigation. Why? Because there are unanswered questions but I don't think the results will be what Eots thinks it will be. IMHO

these people ??... you mean the ones that have diligently shown the many flaws of the NIST investigation ?...what do you base this assumption on ?

if fact finding was deterred and the investigation blocked the government is already the bad guy

why can questions not be answered ? do you know explosives were not utilized in some way ?

And unless a new investigation shows that there were, they won't accept it. So how many investigations do we do, and who is to do them

an independent group of engineers and scientist with full authority and subpoena power, approved by the family steering committee with full disclosure and media scrutiny

Approved by a group that already has decided that the government lied? I would think not.
This is tough for me but I'm going to say it. I agree with Eots. I have no problem doing another investigation. Why? Because there are unanswered questions but I don't think the results will be what Eots thinks it will be. IMHO

these people ??... you mean the ones that have diligently shown the many flaws of the NIST investigation ?...what do you base this assumption on ?

if fact finding was deterred and the investigation blocked the government is already the bad guy

why can questions not be answered ? do you know explosives were not utilized in some way ?

And unless a new investigation shows that there were, they won't accept it. So how many investigations do we do, and who is to do them

an independent group of engineers and scientist with full authority and subpoena power, approved by the family steering committee with full disclosure and media scrutiny
Nope. Their agenda is just as biased as the government. Bad call, Eots.
This is tough for me but I'm going to say it. I agree with Eots. I have no problem doing another investigation. Why? Because there are unanswered questions but I don't think the results will be what Eots thinks it will be. IMHO
One thing I am sure a new investigation would reveal, is that the previous one was deserving of the criticism it received.

The problem is that unless the government is to blame any further investigations will not be believed by these people. They want the government to be the bad guy, and unless it is they won't believe it.

I have learned that to say "the government" is painting the blame with too broad a brush in some cases. I hold onto the belief that there are but a few who serve/ed in positions within the government, that are probably responsible.
The ones who had authority over the rest and had the power to give orders that their underlings followed without questioning because they trusted them.
And do you know who "these people" are that you refer to?
"These people" are those that are sick and tired of watching this nation be destroyed, by enemies from within it.
That's who "these people" are!
We are the ones who are no longer willing to say"oh well, that's just the way it goes" and be treated like 2nd class imbeciles.
We want our country back from the powerful criminals that have used their influence to buy politicians with bribes, or use blackmail and threats to influence policy for themselves.
We are also sick of them controlling the media as their soapbox to use as their main weapon to spread their propaganda, distortions, omissions, and outright lies to influence public opinions.

Sure there are some questions which will probably never be answered. But there were no pre planted explosives. There were no controlled demolitions. And unless a new investigation shows that there were, they won't accept it. So how many investigations do we do, and who is to do them?
We need to demand answers, not assume we don't deserve them. That is the reason criminals in positions of power within the government and its agencies think they can get away with it.
They know that the public are mostly idiots that don't know anything, or even care to learn anything about their nation, its policies, its finances and the media, or who is really in control of any of these things, and how it directly affects them and their families.

They just know that we are so divided amongst ourselves that we'll never really do anything to protest and make demands that will amount to a hill of beans!
Hell, all they have to do is point a finger at somebody and call them a "conspiracy theorist" and most run away. A little ridicule goes a long way for them.
They don't even worry that we'll ever figure out what a "conspiracy theory" even is cause the majority of us are too stupid and lazy to look up what it really is and why this term is used, or that almost everything we were ever taught or were told is connected to a "conspiracy theory" in one way or another.... the whole damned world is made up of shitloads of "conspiracy theories".
The 9-11 story they have told us is one of the biggest and craziest conspiracy theory of all time!

Take a look at this video....It's fucking sickening to think that this is how Americans are portrayed nowadays!

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Americans are NOT stupid - WITH SUBTITLES‬‏[/ame]

WTF!?? Is this a joke, or are people really this ignorant in America?
If this video is legit,
It's no wonder this country is being financially raped, and "they" can count on the American public swallowing anything they are told...over and over again. :cuckoo:

You can't say conclusively that there were no explosives, especially since there is evidence of the possibility of them, and they have not been ruled out.
They just say there isn't or it would be "impossible" without having to worry about actually proving or explaining anything in detail to us, they know we wont stop to think about just how important decisions about explosives and proper investigative techniques are.
Because they know they have tricked us into believing they are such honest and benevolent souls...:cuckoo:

These decisions are the difference between life and death, decisions between economic ruin and prosperity, decisions between tyranny and liberty...and many other things that these types of decisions lead to!
These are the reasons for calling for an independent investigation, with amnesty offered to certain people in certain cases, with whistle blower protections in place if need be..There was so much riding on the decisions that were made pertaining to 9-11, and still do.

A new investigation needs to at least answer all the questions that to date remain unanswered, to the best of their abilities, using all available resources, including science, physics, people videos...everything and anything, and really explain in detail how the buildings collapsed by fire, and how 9-11 really went down, and not leave out ANY important details.
And if they can not explain how planes and fires alone did it, then the emphasis turns to examining what else did.
If another means of facilitating the WTC collapses is proven to exists, then we go to the who (or who else), how (or how else) and the reasons why. (motive/s)

I believe the independent research has shown that planes and fire alone did not destroy those buildings, and I am not alone.
That leaves the door open to other possibilities, like it or not, it's way past time to demand honesty and accountability from the government that is supposed to serve the people, not make the people afraid to ask anything or be afraid of it.
It's supposed to be OUR government, for US..Not just for THEM!
to do as they wish!

That's not how America is supposed to be, that's not what everyone goes around saying about America is it? That we are just subjects, or serfs?
Land of the free and home of the brave and all that,.. is that not what is said??
Well guess what?
We really aren't that free, and we really aren't all that brave if we allow our own government, and the shit they are doing to us to continue, are we?
Sometimes I think the people in other country's like Greece, Iceland and the "Arab Spring" nations, have more guts then we do here.

It's tyranny plain and simple, being implemented 4 years at a time it seems, and it wont be stopped, or be curtailed, and will only get worse, until we get pissed off, grow some balls and speak out, while also in the process, point out to our civil servants from the top all the way down to the police, the Bill Of Rights, and the Constitution and the laws of this land, and how it was designed to function.
Appeal to our brothers and sisters who are supposed to protect the citizens in the police and the military.
As was done in Egypt.
Take no actions, or follow no orders, that go against our Bill of Rights and Constitution.

For years now, our own civil servants seem to think the American public is the enemy, especially when we protest against their actions, and or policies.
Elected officials seem to think that once we elect them, it gives them carte blanche to bypass the laws that were set in place to protect us, (the ones they swore to abide by), while ruling over us like tyrants, and or being loyal to other states, entities and peoples, other then Americans and America!

Our national sovereignty is being taken away or sold.
We actually need to protect ourselves from the very ones we install to protect us!!?
Think about that for a minute!

Have you looked around and noticed the shape this nation is in, and its people lately?
Do you really think we are being told the reality of situations detrimental to our well being? I don't think so.

It is the way it is because of some of what I just mentioned, but there are other reasons, but it mostly comes down to us allowing it to happen.

America and Americans don't come first in the minds of the shit politicians we are stupid enough to bicker and fight over and then elect! (we even know about voting fraud in our own elections and do nothing about that, yet we try to insure fair elections elsewhere?) :cuckoo:

We just sit on our asses, or play their game with loaded dice, and hope for the best intentions of the 2 evils, selected for us all the time, while we slowly lose our liberties, our homes, our jobs and lives of our mostly young people to wars based on lies, national policy, theft, and BS that they just know all too well we'll faithfully swallow hook line and sinker, because we always have.
Because we're just that stupid, uninformed and afraid..

Because we all have the attitude of "oh well, we'll probably never know anything anyways"?

To hell with that!
We have the manpower and the resources to change the course of destruction that we and our country is on, if we really want to.
But we wont because..all they have to do is continue to promise us change, and we'll fall for it like always, then we'll get stabbed in the back all over again, and say shit like "oh well that's just the way it is"...while we hang our flags out and eat our 4th of July GMO meals and shoot off fireworks in celebration of our "Freedoms" :doubt:
these people ??... you mean the ones that have diligently shown the many flaws of the NIST investigation ?...what do you base this assumption on ?

if fact finding was deterred and the investigation blocked the government is already the bad guy

why can questions not be answered ? do you know explosives were not utilized in some way ?

an independent group of engineers and scientist with full authority and subpoena power, approved by the family steering committee with full disclosure and media scrutiny

Approved by a group that already has decided that the government lied? I would think not.

what do you know about the family steering committee
these people ??... you mean the ones that have diligently shown the many flaws of the NIST investigation ?...what do you base this assumption on ?

if fact finding was deterred and the investigation blocked the government is already the bad guy

why can questions not be answered ? do you know explosives were not utilized in some way ?

an independent group of engineers and scientist with full authority and subpoena power, approved by the family steering committee with full disclosure and media scrutiny
Nope. Their agenda is just as biased as the government. Bad call, Eots.

what do you know about their agenda ? the family steering committee proved itself in the 9/11 commission's report as being intelligent , efficient level headed people, with a strong desire for truth furthermore they are some of the best educated people on 9/11 you will ever find
funny how debwunkers like to speak for the families and evoke their names to play on emotions claiming 9/11 truth is respectful toward them, yet they do not respect them enough to oversee a re-investigation.....I suppose you find Kissinger to be a better choice to oversee any re-investigation

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I would think the best people for a re-investigation would be people we haven't heard of. Scientists, engineers, physicists, metallurgists, etc.., that have not shown an interest in the case. They are likely to have the least bias. If you want a new investigation, you also want a new set of eyes on everything. Although it would be practically impossible to find people that know NOTHING about the case. I would go as far as suggesting that nobody participates in a new investigation that "volunteers" to do so. All participates are "selected". Of course, there has to be committee to select the participates. The committee needs would need to be balanced and least bias as possible. Also, the committee would have no participation in the investigation what so ever once the investigation team was selected.

With that said, I still believe a new investigation won't change anything. If the result of that investigation was to in anyway support the "official story" we have now, those that are convinced that the "official story" is all lies won't change their minds. The claims that the government affected the investigation would start immediately. Of course, SOME people that believe there was a conspiracy would change their minds. But not the ones that are out on the fringe. They KNOW there were bombs in those buildings planted by the government.
I would think the best people for a re-investigation would be people we haven't heard of. Scientists, engineers, physicists, metallurgists, etc.., that have not shown an interest in the case. They are likely to have the least bias. If you want a new investigation, you also want a new set of eyes on everything. Although it would be practically impossible to find people that know NOTHING about the case. I would go as far as suggesting that nobody participates in a new investigation that "volunteers" to do so. All participates are "selected". Of course, there has to be committee to select the participates. The committee needs would need to be balanced and least bias as possible. Also, the committee would have no participation in the investigation what so ever once the investigation team was selected.

With that said, I still believe a new investigation won't change anything. If the result of that investigation was to in anyway support the "official story" we have now, those that are convinced that the "official story" is all lies won't change their minds. The claims that the government affected the investigation would start immediately. Of course, SOME people that believe there was a conspiracy would change their minds. But not the ones that are out on the fringe. They KNOW there were bombs in those buildings planted by the government.

Draft Bill to Reinvestigate Collapse of World Trade Center: 2010

...This proposed bill would address those significant shortcomings by establishing an independent investigatory committee of renown national and international scientific and technical experts. It also would end the widespread and global suspicion that the official explanation was based on deliberate omission or misinformation. This Act would provide the most comprehensive, credible, and evidence-based investigation of the major theories provided in this bill relative to the seven WTC buildings. It also would make recommendations for legislative action——if necessary.

....The importance of this bill resides in the fact that the events surrounding the WTC destruction have been the engine driving nearly a decade of two endless wars and occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan costing trillions of dollars and the blood and property of millions——including more than 6,000 dead Americans and the nearly 3,000 who died at the World Trade Center. It has aroused hatred of our country around the globe, even from one-time allies, and spawned a new generation of terrorists abroad.

...If the WTC destruction——including the 47-story WTC 7, that was never hit by aircraft——has been the capstone of such tragic consequences, and if 62% of those polled in 2007 by Scripps-Howard still do not believe the Bush Administration’s explanation——two airliners hijacked by Arabs struck WTC 1 and 2——this proposed bill offers Congress a scientific and technological avenue by which to finally settle this issue.

Draft Bill to Reinvestigate Collapse of World Trade Center: 2010 « WTC RESEARCH ALLIANCE
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