Victory.........and it will be always.

Should we IGNORE the Fear Mongering of the Media and Polticians.

  • Total voters
Ignoring the words of others is when you realize you might be ignoring a lone voice in that crowd that is telling you that you are heading for a cliff...

Read multiple sources and use your damn brain to figure out which is the truth and which is a lie!


China Government did everything to hide the Pandemic that started in their country!


Trump did very little to prevent the spread!


The World was caught off guard!


China Government did everything to prevent the spread of the virus.


China did everything to hamper the WHO investigation into the virus so it could prep the World.


The CDC is the failure of why we have the Virus here!

In the end many Chinese Government apologists will lie and distort facts by claiming China is not at fault for the Pandemic but when reports are coming out that China allowed possible infected people to travel, well the reality is China caused all this and why?

The apologists for the Chinese Communist Party even try and browbeat anyone who connects the virus to China. Truth is the first victim of the left always. From James Watson's exile to the first Chinese doctor forced to apologize for noticing the China Virus they always have been waging a war on science and open inquiry. What we see today is a direct measure of their success.

And while you watch the bubble headed millennial cnn reporters whine "but he called it China Virus" you wont see them make any attack on the people bearing the most responsibility...their communist masters in China.

That is what is blowing my mind is how many people are excusing China Government for their failure and coverup but slamming Trump for not throwing us into a military state of lockdown...

It is like they want to use this as the key issue to defeat Trump and for me this is not correct at all!
Your first post in this thread................You going Postal........HOW DARE YOU MINIMIZE THIS..

I never minimized anything.........can this thing kill you .........yup..........does it help to panic.........NOPE.

So stop with the dang panicing...........listen to the advice........WASH YOUR DAMNED HANDS....and stop the spread................Don't encourage hording.......

And we WILL GET THROUGH THIS..........Stop waiting and looking to YELL ........WE HAVE ANOTHER 50 KIA'S in the War against this virus......................That is PATHETIC..................

My first post in this thread was a joke poking at you I never said a word about minimizing anything.

I have not yelled a thing about this virus, my only post on it was to explain why they are trying to flatten the curve and point out that our healthcare system is no more prepared to handle a massive influx of patients than Italy was.

Here it is if you would like to read it...

COVID-19: Facts vs. Panic
You are a TDS loser who needs to be ignored............You spread HATE......You spread FEAR....

And we simply need to discard your words where they belong..........down the toilet and flushed.....

Our country has faced this before........and even as people died here the Media calmly tried to stop panic......even as over 100,000 people died.............a million world wide.

We can fight the dang War against a dang virus without being BAT SHIT CRAZY.....which TDS and the Media have become.

If you don't like what I have to say.........then the feeling is mutual...sound nice

And yet you cannot point to a single post where I do such a thing.

You talk about the need for calm and then are the most "hair on fire" person on this forum.

you are damn fun to is like watching the 3 stooges all rolled up into on person
Your problem is that you can't resist being a troll, no matter how serious the topic. You knew what his point was but you just had to fuck with him anyway. You think you're being funny and cute but instead you come across as childish. He's right, you need to grow up.
Ignoring the words of others is when you realize you might be ignoring a lone voice in that crowd that is telling you that you are heading for a cliff...

Read multiple sources and use your damn brain to figure out which is the truth and which is a lie!


China Government did everything to hide the Pandemic that started in their country!


Trump did very little to prevent the spread!


The World was caught off guard!


China Government did everything to prevent the spread of the virus.


China did everything to hamper the WHO investigation into the virus so it could prep the World.


The CDC is the failure of why we have the Virus here!

In the end many Chinese Government apologists will lie and distort facts by claiming China is not at fault for the Pandemic but when reports are coming out that China allowed possible infected people to travel, well the reality is China caused all this and why?

The apologists for the Chinese Communist Party even try and browbeat anyone who connects the virus to China. Truth is the first victim of the left always. From James Watson's exile to the first Chinese doctor forced to apologize for noticing the China Virus they always have been waging a war on science and open inquiry. What we see today is a direct measure of their success.

And while you watch the bubble headed millennial cnn reporters whine "but he called it China Virus" you wont see them make any attack on the people bearing the most responsibility...their communist masters in China.

That is what is blowing my mind is how many people are excusing China Government for their failure and coverup but slamming Trump for not throwing us into a military state of lockdown...

It is like they want to use this as the key issue to defeat Trump and for me this is not correct at all!

Do not let it blow your mind. Accept it as part of the reality we face. Its what they are. Communists have a long history of manufacturing crisis, mislabeling blame, and taking advantage of chaotic times. The people you see on the news and in the DNC feel much more affinity with Communist China than they do with Americans. They have been aligned with them for three years as they tried to defeat Trump to both their benefit.

This is the best vindication Trump could have on both borders and dependence on China. We went around the media and the oligarchy to elect Trump once and we will simply do it again. And it doesnt matter how many "Billionaire says" articles they run.
This panic is not justified.....

Oddly, those supposedly "selfish" kids in Florida are actually doing the right thing for their health. They're out getting sunshine Vitamin D!!

We humans are exposed to viruses throughout the year but they remain dormant when sunshine vitamin D blood levels are within a normal range. Viral disease erupts when vitamin D blood levels decline. Which is why wintertime infectious disease travels faster than people travel. So do yourself a favor and go out and get some sun. If you can't get at least 20-30 minutes a day, then supplement with Vitamin D.

This is incredibly irresponsible advice.

It is a good idea to get some outdoor exercise, but it is critical to maintain social distance. A "healthy" kid can be a carrier who infects their parents or grandparents or someone with a suppressed immune system.

Actually no it's not. He didn't say anything about going out with others.

The point was to get outside, get some sun, exercise and fresh air. Those things actually help your immune system to fight off potential hazards.

I think most of the people on this board need to get out & blow the stink off ya

I'm posted up on the back porch everyday.
I hate being inside and avoid it as much as possible.
This panic is not justified.....

Oddly, those supposedly "selfish" kids in Florida are actually doing the right thing for their health. They're out getting sunshine Vitamin D!!

We humans are exposed to viruses throughout the year but they remain dormant when sunshine vitamin D blood levels are within a normal range. Viral disease erupts when vitamin D blood levels decline. Which is why wintertime infectious disease travels faster than people travel. So do yourself a favor and go out and get some sun. If you can't get at least 20-30 minutes a day, then supplement with Vitamin D.

This is incredibly irresponsible advice.

It is a good idea to get some outdoor exercise, but it is critical to maintain social distance. A "healthy" kid can be a carrier who infects their parents or grandparents or someone with a suppressed immune system.

Actually no it's not. He didn't say anything about going out with others.

The point was to get outside, get some sun, exercise and fresh air. Those things actually help your immune system to fight off potential hazards.

I think most of the people on this board need to get out & blow the stink off ya

I'm posted up on the back porch everyday.
I hate being inside and avoid it as much as possible.

Me too, as long as weather allows.

Since it's been freezing overnight, it's dang cold out there in the mornings, but thankfully the days are full of those beautiful blue skies, we're known for....and I got's me things to do. ta-ta till break time
This panic is not justified.....

Oddly, those supposedly "selfish" kids in Florida are actually doing the right thing for their health. They're out getting sunshine Vitamin D!!

We humans are exposed to viruses throughout the year but they remain dormant when sunshine vitamin D blood levels are within a normal range. Viral disease erupts when vitamin D blood levels decline. Which is why wintertime infectious disease travels faster than people travel. So do yourself a favor and go out and get some sun. If you can't get at least 20-30 minutes a day, then supplement with Vitamin D.

This is incredibly irresponsible advice.

It is a good idea to get some outdoor exercise, but it is critical to maintain social distance. A "healthy" kid can be a carrier who infects their parents or grandparents or someone with a suppressed immune system.

Actually no it's not. He didn't say anything about going out with others.

The point was to get outside, get some sun, exercise and fresh air. Those things actually help your immune system to fight off potential hazards.

I think most of the people on this board need to get out & blow the stink off ya
Exactly. There is a undeniable correlation between vitamin D depletion and viral outbreaks.
This panic is not justified.....

Oddly, those supposedly "selfish" kids in Florida are actually doing the right thing for their health. They're out getting sunshine Vitamin D!!

We humans are exposed to viruses throughout the year but they remain dormant when sunshine vitamin D blood levels are within a normal range. Viral disease erupts when vitamin D blood levels decline. Which is why wintertime infectious disease travels faster than people travel. So do yourself a favor and go out and get some sun. If you can't get at least 20-30 minutes a day, then supplement with Vitamin D.

This is incredibly irresponsible advice.

It is a good idea to get some outdoor exercise, but it is critical to maintain social distance. A "healthy" kid can be a carrier who infects their parents or grandparents or someone with a suppressed immune system.

Actually no it's not. He didn't say anything about going out with others.

The point was to get outside, get some sun, exercise and fresh air. Those things actually help your immune system to fight off potential hazards.

I think most of the people on this board need to get out & blow the stink off ya
Exactly. There is a undeniable correlation between vitamin D depletion and viral outbreaks.

They expect a quick die off of the virus when temps go up come summer.
My first post in this thread was a joke poking at you I never said a word about minimizing anything.

I have not yelled a thing about this virus, my only post on it was to explain why they are trying to flatten the curve and point out that our healthcare system is no more prepared to handle a massive influx of patients than Italy was.

Here it is if you would like to read it...

COVID-19: Facts vs. Panic
You are a TDS loser who needs to be ignored............You spread HATE......You spread FEAR....

And we simply need to discard your words where they belong..........down the toilet and flushed.....

Our country has faced this before........and even as people died here the Media calmly tried to stop panic......even as over 100,000 people died.............a million world wide.

We can fight the dang War against a dang virus without being BAT SHIT CRAZY.....which TDS and the Media have become.

If you don't like what I have to say.........then the feeling is mutual...sound nice

And yet you cannot point to a single post where I do such a thing.

You talk about the need for calm and then are the most "hair on fire" person on this forum.

you are damn fun to is like watching the 3 stooges all rolled up into on person
You are a TDS Idiot....................every thing on these boards..........says YOU HATE TRUMP

Every discussion..........ANY TOPIC......You HATE TRUMP......and you are Fear Mongering this pandemic.............Grow the hell up Jar Head.....

My opinion stands................You are part of the problem........and it's time WE JUST IGNORE YOUR SORRY TDS ASS......

And your Media.......and your presidential candidate that is so dang stupid that he can't even go into public and say H1N1 right...............

Your side is pushing FEAR..........HATE........and PANIC on the American people........You are discarded.

And yet you cannot point to a single post where I do such a thing.

You talk about the need for calm and then are the most "hair on fire" person on this forum.

you are damn fun to is like watching the 3 stooges all rolled up into on person
I like the 3 stooges...........funny as hell back in the day.

You can't see it because you are already gone.......poof........TDS has made you and your ilk........INSANE.

Your side with this TDS has helped feed fear.........crash the economy.....and HORDE TP.....

Insanity on Steroids.

As I've the past our country behaved and discussed normally.....not anymore......Social Media has turned into TDS headquarters......

You are the PROBLEM

I am the problem yet you cannot point to a single post I have made doing the things you accuse me of and then you rant and rave like a fucking mad man telling the rest of the world to be clam.



This panic is not justified.....

Oddly, those supposedly "selfish" kids in Florida are actually doing the right thing for their health. They're out getting sunshine Vitamin D!!

We humans are exposed to viruses throughout the year but they remain dormant when sunshine vitamin D blood levels are within a normal range. Viral disease erupts when vitamin D blood levels decline. Which is why wintertime infectious disease travels faster than people travel. So do yourself a favor and go out and get some sun. If you can't get at least 20-30 minutes a day, then supplement with Vitamin D.

This is incredibly irresponsible advice.

It is a good idea to get some outdoor exercise, but it is critical to maintain social distance. A "healthy" kid can be a carrier who infects their parents or grandparents or someone with a suppressed immune system.

Actually no it's not. He didn't say anything about going out with others.

The point was to get outside, get some sun, exercise and fresh air. Those things actually help your immune system to fight off potential hazards.

I think most of the people on this board need to get out & blow the stink off ya
Exactly. There is a undeniable correlation between vitamin D depletion and viral outbreaks.

that....and a few other factors included......also effects mental function :21:
You are a TDS loser who needs to be ignored............You spread HATE......You spread FEAR....

And we simply need to discard your words where they belong..........down the toilet and flushed.....

Our country has faced this before........and even as people died here the Media calmly tried to stop panic......even as over 100,000 people died.............a million world wide.

We can fight the dang War against a dang virus without being BAT SHIT CRAZY.....which TDS and the Media have become.

If you don't like what I have to say.........then the feeling is mutual...sound nice

And yet you cannot point to a single post where I do such a thing.

You talk about the need for calm and then are the most "hair on fire" person on this forum.

you are damn fun to is like watching the 3 stooges all rolled up into on person
You are a TDS Idiot....................every thing on these boards..........says YOU HATE TRUMP

Every discussion..........ANY TOPIC......You HATE TRUMP......and you are Fear Mongering this pandemic.............Grow the hell up Jar Head.....

My opinion stands................You are part of the problem........and it's time WE JUST IGNORE YOUR SORRY TDS ASS......

And your Media.......and your presidential candidate that is so dang stupid that he can't even go into public and say H1N1 right...............

Your side is pushing FEAR..........HATE........and PANIC on the American people........You are discarded.

And yet you cannot point to a single post where I do such a thing.

You talk about the need for calm and then are the most "hair on fire" person on this forum.

you are damn fun to is like watching the 3 stooges all rolled up into on person
I like the 3 stooges...........funny as hell back in the day.

You can't see it because you are already gone.......poof........TDS has made you and your ilk........INSANE.

Your side with this TDS has helped feed fear.........crash the economy.....and HORDE TP.....

Insanity on Steroids.

As I've the past our country behaved and discussed normally.....not anymore......Social Media has turned into TDS headquarters......

You are the PROBLEM

I am the problem yet you cannot point to a single post I have made doing the things you accuse me of and then you rant and rave like a fucking mad man telling the rest of the world to be clam.



The first sign of recovery for TDS is recognizing the condition itself......It seems there is little hope for your recovery now......sorry.
And yet you cannot point to a single post where I do such a thing.

You talk about the need for calm and then are the most "hair on fire" person on this forum.

you are damn fun to is like watching the 3 stooges all rolled up into on person
You are a TDS Idiot....................every thing on these boards..........says YOU HATE TRUMP

Every discussion..........ANY TOPIC......You HATE TRUMP......and you are Fear Mongering this pandemic.............Grow the hell up Jar Head.....

My opinion stands................You are part of the problem........and it's time WE JUST IGNORE YOUR SORRY TDS ASS......

And your Media.......and your presidential candidate that is so dang stupid that he can't even go into public and say H1N1 right...............

Your side is pushing FEAR..........HATE........and PANIC on the American people........You are discarded.

And yet you cannot point to a single post where I do such a thing.

You talk about the need for calm and then are the most "hair on fire" person on this forum.

you are damn fun to is like watching the 3 stooges all rolled up into on person
I like the 3 stooges...........funny as hell back in the day.

You can't see it because you are already gone.......poof........TDS has made you and your ilk........INSANE.

Your side with this TDS has helped feed fear.........crash the economy.....and HORDE TP.....

Insanity on Steroids.

As I've the past our country behaved and discussed normally.....not anymore......Social Media has turned into TDS headquarters......

You are the PROBLEM

I am the problem yet you cannot point to a single post I have made doing the things you accuse me of and then you rant and rave like a fucking mad man telling the rest of the world to be clam.



The first sign of recovery for TDS is recognizing the condition itself......It seems there is little hope for your recovery now......sorry.

You keep talking shit but cannot back up a single word of embarrassing for you...but fun as hell for me
Victory...........Over this Virus will be Won by the United States and the World...........The current MEDIA HYPE IS TO CREATE FEAR...................We do not LIVE IN FEAR........We fight an Invisible enemy.........and WE WILL WIN......

There will be casualties..........Same as the Asian Flu......Hong Kong Flu.....viruses that killed over 100,000 Americans and over a Million worldwide Each.............But because we DIDN'T HAVE SOCIAL MEDIA...........The Panic didn't set in and cause INSANITY all over the planet.............

Reject this Insanity from the your part to stay safe...........and REJECT FEAR MONGERING FROM the Politicians and their MOUTH PIECE MEDIA.........

As in the past.............WE WILL DEFEAT THIS VIRUS........

FYI.......A Vaccine is already being tested in Seattle and another in Texas.......Israel the same.......STOP THIS NONSENSE GOING ON NOW.............Stay away from crowds......and END THIS .MESS.
1) C-19 is far more contagious than the flu.

2) C-19 is far more lethal than the flu.

3) There is no vaccine, and there won't be for at least a year. Probably a year and a half.

4) We have no idea how far and wide C-19 has spread, since very, very little testing has been done and can't be done.

That is why we have to take far greater precautions against C-19 than with the flu.

You are parroting talking points that were obsolete two months ago.
Media fed factless fool who only weeks ago was a Trump expert, but now he's a virus expert. Smh.
Victory...........Over this Virus will be Won by the United States and the World...........The current MEDIA HYPE IS TO CREATE FEAR...................We do not LIVE IN FEAR........We fight an Invisible enemy.........and WE WILL WIN......

There will be casualties..........Same as the Asian Flu......Hong Kong Flu.....viruses that killed over 100,000 Americans and over a Million worldwide Each.............But because we DIDN'T HAVE SOCIAL MEDIA...........The Panic didn't set in and cause INSANITY all over the planet.............

Reject this Insanity from the your part to stay safe...........and REJECT FEAR MONGERING FROM the Politicians and their MOUTH PIECE MEDIA.........

As in the past.............WE WILL DEFEAT THIS VIRUS........

FYI.......A Vaccine is already being tested in Seattle and another in Texas.......Israel the same.......STOP THIS NONSENSE GOING ON NOW.............Stay away from crowds......and END THIS .MESS.
1) C-19 is far more contagious than the flu.

2) C-19 is far more lethal than the flu.

3) There is no vaccine, and there won't be for at least a year. Probably a year and a half.

4) We have no idea how far and wide C-19 has spread, since very, very little testing has been done and can't be done.

That is why we have to take far greater precautions against C-19 than with the flu.

You are parroting talking points that were obsolete two months ago.
Media fed factless fool who only weeks ago was a Trump expert, but now he's a virus expert. Smh.
You realize you are on the record now denying reality, right?

Since you are old, I hope to God you are not ignoring these facts and putting yourself in mortal danger!

Seriously, Mike. You need to take this very seriously. Take care of yourself.
Victory...........Over this Virus will be Won by the United States and the World...........The current MEDIA HYPE IS TO CREATE FEAR...................We do not LIVE IN FEAR........We fight an Invisible enemy.........and WE WILL WIN......

There will be casualties..........Same as the Asian Flu......Hong Kong Flu.....viruses that killed over 100,000 Americans and over a Million worldwide Each.............But because we DIDN'T HAVE SOCIAL MEDIA...........The Panic didn't set in and cause INSANITY all over the planet.............

Reject this Insanity from the your part to stay safe...........and REJECT FEAR MONGERING FROM the Politicians and their MOUTH PIECE MEDIA.........

As in the past.............WE WILL DEFEAT THIS VIRUS........

FYI.......A Vaccine is already being tested in Seattle and another in Texas.......Israel the same.......STOP THIS NONSENSE GOING ON NOW.............Stay away from crowds......and END THIS .MESS.

Yes, you should ignore the media and the politicians and you should get together in groups of at least 1000 and hug and kiss each other all day long.

Let us know how it works out for you.
So you missed the part where he said "Stay away from crowds......and END THIS MESS?"
Victory...........Over this Virus will be Won by the United States and the World...........The current MEDIA HYPE IS TO CREATE FEAR...................We do not LIVE IN FEAR........We fight an Invisible enemy.........and WE WILL WIN......

There will be casualties..........Same as the Asian Flu......Hong Kong Flu.....viruses that killed over 100,000 Americans and over a Million worldwide Each.............But because we DIDN'T HAVE SOCIAL MEDIA...........The Panic didn't set in and cause INSANITY all over the planet.............

Reject this Insanity from the your part to stay safe...........and REJECT FEAR MONGERING FROM the Politicians and their MOUTH PIECE MEDIA.........

As in the past.............WE WILL DEFEAT THIS VIRUS........

FYI.......A Vaccine is already being tested in Seattle and another in Texas.......Israel the same.......STOP THIS NONSENSE GOING ON NOW.............Stay away from crowds......and END THIS .MESS.

Yes, you should ignore the media and the politicians and you should get together in groups of at least 1000 and hug and kiss each other all day long.

Let us know how it works out for you.
So you missed the part where he said "Stay away from crowds......and END THIS MESS?"

It was a joke...
This is all to ENSLAVE us in the NWO--------


  • upload_2020-3-19_10-51-37.jpeg
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Victory...........Over this Virus will be Won by the United States and the World...........The current MEDIA HYPE IS TO CREATE FEAR...................We do not LIVE IN FEAR........We fight an Invisible enemy.........and WE WILL WIN......

There will be casualties..........Same as the Asian Flu......Hong Kong Flu.....viruses that killed over 100,000 Americans and over a Million worldwide Each.............But because we DIDN'T HAVE SOCIAL MEDIA...........The Panic didn't set in and cause INSANITY all over the planet.............

Reject this Insanity from the your part to stay safe...........and REJECT FEAR MONGERING FROM the Politicians and their MOUTH PIECE MEDIA.........

As in the past.............WE WILL DEFEAT THIS VIRUS........

FYI.......A Vaccine is already being tested in Seattle and another in Texas.......Israel the same.......STOP THIS NONSENSE GOING ON NOW.............Stay away from crowds......and END THIS .MESS.

Yes, you should ignore the media and the politicians and you should get together in groups of at least 1000 and hug and kiss each other all day long.

Let us know how it works out for you.
So you missed the part where he said "Stay away from crowds......and END THIS MESS?"

It was a joke...
View attachment 313415
I remember when you got your panties in a Wad over the Trump said go to work........I showed you it was a LIE.........and you agreed then went on a TDS tangent on how TRUMP SHOULD STFU and not have a HUNCH...........

I said did he..........that the 3.4% rate was too high........because too many were not being recorded........You blew a HEAD GASKET.............HOW DARE YOU.................

Hey bro...........WE WERE RIGHT AND YOU WERE WRONG...........Imagine that MR. HYSTERICAL TDS drone.....

The coronavirus looks less deadly than first reported, but it's definitely not 'just a flu'
One estimate of the IFR for COVID-19 puts this figure at 1%, and some new data suggests this is credible.

As testing becomes more rigorous, the discrepancy between the two measures (CFR and IFR) gets smaller. This may be happening in South Korea, where exhaustive testing has detected many mild infections and pushed the estimated death rate down to 0.65%.

Similarly, the stricken cruise ship Diamond Princess is illuminating because the rigorous quarantine meant nearly all COVID-19 cases (even asymptomatic ones) were identified. There were 7 deaths among more than 600 infections, giving an IFR of about 1.2%. This is higher than in South Korea, but perhaps expectedly so, given that one-third of the ship’s passengers were aged over 70.

Why are COVID-19 death rates so hard to calculate? Experts weigh in
She goes on to suggest that the figure of 3.4% is likely an exaggeration, mainly due to the challenges of calculating mortality rates outlined above.

“The quoted mortality rate of 3.4% is taken from confirmed deaths over total reported cases. This is likely an overestimate, as a number of countries, such as the United States (112 confirmed, 10 deaths) and Iran (2,336 cases, 77 deaths), have had limited testing. Hence, few of the mild cases have been picked up, and [the total number of cases] we are observing is the tip of the iceberg.”

In fact, the overestimation could be 10 times higher than the reality, notes Mark Woolhouse, a professor of infectious disease epidemiology at the University of Edinburgh, U.K.

f a significant number of mild cases have been missed or not reported, then this [3.4%] estimate is too high.”

“Though there is disagreement about this, some studies have suggested that it is approximately 10 times too high. This would bring the death rate in line with some strains of influenza.”

– Prof. Mark Woolhouse

Victory...........Over this Virus will be Won by the United States and the World...........The current MEDIA HYPE IS TO CREATE FEAR...................We do not LIVE IN FEAR........We fight an Invisible enemy.........and WE WILL WIN......

There will be casualties..........Same as the Asian Flu......Hong Kong Flu.....viruses that killed over 100,000 Americans and over a Million worldwide Each.............But because we DIDN'T HAVE SOCIAL MEDIA...........The Panic didn't set in and cause INSANITY all over the planet.............

Reject this Insanity from the your part to stay safe...........and REJECT FEAR MONGERING FROM the Politicians and their MOUTH PIECE MEDIA.........

As in the past.............WE WILL DEFEAT THIS VIRUS........

FYI.......A Vaccine is already being tested in Seattle and another in Texas.......Israel the same.......STOP THIS NONSENSE GOING ON NOW.............Stay away from crowds......and END THIS .MESS.
1) C-19 is far more contagious than the flu.

2) C-19 is far more lethal than the flu.

3) There is no vaccine, and there won't be for at least a year. Probably a year and a half.

4) We have no idea how far and wide C-19 has spread, since very, very little testing has been done and can't be done.

That is why we have to take far greater precautions against C-19 than with the flu.

You are parroting talking points that were obsolete two months ago.
Media fed factless fool who only weeks ago was a Trump expert, but now he's a virus expert. Smh.
You realize you are on the record now denying reality, right?

Since you are old, I hope to God you are not ignoring these facts and putting yourself in mortal danger!

Seriously, Mike. You need to take this very seriously. Take care of yourself.

This is another War.........LOL.

The War against the Lies.........the manipulations.........The MSM ran the article that Trump said GO TO WORK SICK..............Never happened..........did they come back and APOLOGIZE for being LYING SACKS.......................

Nope.........because they are LIARS.........and they have Hyped this virus and SHOULD BE IGNORED..........

Gator gone golfing went Bat shit crazy because Trump said he had a Hunch that the WHO number was too high.........TRUMP WAS RIGHT.................and as the evidence comes out..........the WHO NUMBER was WAY TOO HIGH.

I said it will be about 1% in the end based on South Korea.....and was continually attacked here by these MORONS who have TDS.

I call them and their media........LIARS.

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