Video emerges of Trump talking about gutting the pandemic team in 2018

Trump already has a pandemic team. He acted quickly and adapted to the situation.

That's true.

Here's his spokesman.


His Scientific Advisory Team


His cleanup team.


His economic advisor.


Trump is all over this.
Is it not possible to blame the people who sold out the country (which equates to people you vote for) AND all those other guys?


First and foremost, free trade with China is a GOOD thing. Countries that trade aren't likely to go to war. It's bad for business. We buy stuff from China, China buys stuff from us.

Not sure how old you are, I'm old enough to remember the days before Nixon went to China, and we were all terrified of the Chinese... more than we were of the Russians, in fact.

Second, if the Chinese have managed to overtake some industries, it's because their workers work harder than ours. The thing is, unlike the Germans and Japanese, there aren't Chinese Brands that have overtaken American brands. Instead, American brands made a decision that it would be cheaper to make things in China than in Mexico or Brazil or India..

Third- and here's the important thing- Most manufacturing jobs weren't lost to outsourcing, they were lost to automation and process improvement! Across the world, less and less people are employed in manufacturing. Use to be that a car factory made all the components to the car on huge sprawling plants. Today, they just assemble components made all over the world.

So instead of pining for Dad's old Union Factory Job that is never, ever coming back, we need to get our people ready for the jobs that WILL exist going forward.

Now, since I already know this conversation is way over your head, please feel free to babble about how this is part of Satan's plan.
Is it not possible to blame the people who sold out the country (which equates to people you vote for) AND all those other guys?


First and foremost, free trade with China is a GOOD thing. Countries that trade aren't likely to go to war. It's bad for business. We buy stuff from China, China buys stuff from us.

Not sure how old you are, I'm old enough to remember the days before Nixon went to China, and we were all terrified of the Chinese... more than we were of the Russians, in fact.

Second, if the Chinese have managed to overtake some industries, it's because their workers work harder than ours. The thing is, unlike the Germans and Japanese, there aren't Chinese Brands that have overtaken American brands. Instead, American brands made a decision that it would be cheaper to make things in China than in Mexico or Brazil or India..

Third- and here's the important thing- Most manufacturing jobs weren't lost to outsourcing, they were lost to automation and process improvement! Across the world, less and less people are employed in manufacturing. Use to be that a car factory made all the components to the car on huge sprawling plants. Today, they just assemble components made all over the world.

So instead of pining for Dad's old Union Factory Job that is never, ever coming back, we need to get our people ready for the jobs that WILL exist going forward.

Now, since I already know this conversation is way over your head, please feel free to babble about how this is part of Satan's plan.

We trade... until China threatens to cut medicine exports midst a global pandemic. Genius plan...

Let's open that border during a pandemic. A other genius plan...

These are the plan's Joe's master has in store for us...
This is despite saying days ago his dumbass didn’t know anything about this team disbanding. Man is he pathetic.

Video emerges showing Trump talking about cutting pandemic team in 2018, despite saying last week 'I didn't know about it'
Didn't need them. Why keep them on government payroll to use once a decade. All that is needed is an emergency response team to be activated when needed. Dumbass.
I wouldn’t call anyone a dumbass with a post as inane as yours.
Is it not possible to blame the people who sold out the country (which equates to people you vote for) AND all those other guys?


First and foremost, free trade with China is a GOOD thing. Countries that trade aren't likely to go to war. It's bad for business. We buy stuff from China, China buys stuff from us.

Not sure how old you are, I'm old enough to remember the days before Nixon went to China, and we were all terrified of the Chinese... more than we were of the Russians, in fact.

Second, if the Chinese have managed to overtake some industries, it's because their workers work harder than ours. The thing is, unlike the Germans and Japanese, there aren't Chinese Brands that have overtaken American brands. Instead, American brands made a decision that it would be cheaper to make things in China than in Mexico or Brazil or India..

Third- and here's the important thing- Most manufacturing jobs weren't lost to outsourcing, they were lost to automation and process improvement! Across the world, less and less people are employed in manufacturing. Use to be that a car factory made all the components to the car on huge sprawling plants. Today, they just assemble components made all over the world.

So instead of pining for Dad's old Union Factory Job that is never, ever coming back, we need to get our people ready for the jobs that WILL exist going forward.

Now, since I already know this conversation is way over your head, please feel free to babble about how this is part of Satan's plan.

We trade... until China threatens to cut medicine exports midst a global pandemic. Genius plan...

Let's open that border during a pandemic. A other genius plan...

These are the plan's Joe's master has in store for us...
Biden is not for open borders. Stop lying.
Is it not possible to blame the people who sold out the country (which equates to people you vote for) AND all those other guys?


First and foremost, free trade with China is a GOOD thing. Countries that trade aren't likely to go to war. It's bad for business. We buy stuff from China, China buys stuff from us.

Not sure how old you are, I'm old enough to remember the days before Nixon went to China, and we were all terrified of the Chinese... more than we were of the Russians, in fact.

Second, if the Chinese have managed to overtake some industries, it's because their workers work harder than ours. The thing is, unlike the Germans and Japanese, there aren't Chinese Brands that have overtaken American brands. Instead, American brands made a decision that it would be cheaper to make things in China than in Mexico or Brazil or India..

Third- and here's the important thing- Most manufacturing jobs weren't lost to outsourcing, they were lost to automation and process improvement! Across the world, less and less people are employed in manufacturing. Use to be that a car factory made all the components to the car on huge sprawling plants. Today, they just assemble components made all over the world.

So instead of pining for Dad's old Union Factory Job that is never, ever coming back, we need to get our people ready for the jobs that WILL exist going forward.

Now, since I already know this conversation is way over your head, please feel free to babble about how this is part of Satan's plan.

We trade... until China threatens to cut medicine exports midst a global pandemic. Genius plan...

Let's open that border during a pandemic. A other genius plan...

These are the plan's Joe's master has in store for us...
Biden is not for open borders. Stop lying.

Yes he is. Calls Trump xenophobe for stopping the importation of the death virus from China.

According to Biden, America is the land of invaders. He isn't just for open borders, he wants to invade his own country, because he and his supporters HATE it.
We trade... until China threatens to cut medicine exports midst a global pandemic. Genius plan...

Let's open that border during a pandemic. A other genius plan...

These are the plan's Joe's master has in store for us...

Again, your side was the one who put big corporations ahead of people.

Corporations are people, too, my friend" - Mitt Romney.
Trump lies. Helies all the time. Of course he knew he fired the pandemic response team. His MO is to lie when caught. To continue to lie even after he is caught.
This is despite saying days ago his dumbass didn’t know anything about this team disbanding. Man is he pathetic.

Video emerges showing Trump talking about cutting pandemic team in 2018, despite saying last week 'I didn't know about it'

Did you actually watch the video? He's say nothing about gutting the CDC. He says he doesn't want money going to people who aren't doing anything (what a novel fucking concept!) and he goes on to say he can get anyone back immediately if needed with doctors on standby. EPIC FAIL
Meanwhile, in real life, the Clintons, the Hussein, and the Bidens all get paid off by China in return for allowing China to fuck America over in trade deals.


You don't blame all those people who bought Chinese products or the rich white assholes who moved the factories over there to start with?
No, I don’t blame them. People buy what they need and want, rarely do we ever get products on the shelves that give us a choice between “made in China” and “made in the USA”.
And I don’t blame the companies because most do it out of necessity to stay competitive. I know morons like you just view companies as evil corporations out to screw the little guy, but the truth is they just do what’s necessary to stay in business.

Change the laws and TAX corporations that move jobs and manufacturing overseas, especially to China. Change laws to reward companies that keep or move manufacturing and jobs here in the states.

Is it really that hard for you to figure out? Yes, your stupid iPhone will be more expensive. But at least this country would be making the tech and goods it needs.
Fine, his mistake but still when will you hold China Government failure to report to the WHO about the threat of this Virus when the outbreak started and then refused help from the U.S. when it was clear the Virus was spreading fast?

Why do you keep on ignoring this while focusing on Trump failure?

Had China Government been honest and told the WHO in December then maybe this outbreak would not have happened and had it still happened then you had a clear case to blast Trump!

I know why you will never hold China Government accountable because you believe their for of Government is better than ours and if you admit to their failure then you will admit you have been wrong all these years about your love for Communism...
No, I don’t blame them. People buy what they need and want, rarely do we ever get products on the shelves that give us a choice between “made in China” and “made in the USA”.
And I don’t blame the companies because most do it out of necessity to stay competitive. I know morons like you just view companies as evil corporations out to screw the little guy, but the truth is they just do what’s necessary to stay in business.

No, they do it to screw the little guy. Never is the discussion, "Hey, Bob, we need to cut our seven figure salaries to be more competitive.... And maybe stop grabbing the Secretary's ass and paying out big settlements. Nope, we need to be more competitive by shipping off the good paying jobs to China, and then our products will be bought by... um... someone."

Had China Government been honest and told the WHO in December then maybe this outbreak would not have happened and had it still happened then you had a clear case to blast Trump!

Nope, what the Chinese did or didn't do is irrelevent. We spend hundreds of BILLIONS on intelligence gathering, we should have known what was going on before Xi did.

I know why you will never hold China Government accountable because you believe their for of Government is better than ours and if you admit to their failure then you will admit you have been wrong all these years about your love for Communism...

again, don't live in China, don't care.

This is about TRUMP'S FUCKUPS.
This is despite saying days ago his dumbass didn’t know anything about this team disbanding. Man is he pathetic. mean he told another lie. Must be a day ending in "y."

The most dangerous thing about this isn't just so many Trumpleton's being's that he lies so often we have lost our capacity for outrage over it.

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