Video shows white cops performing roadside cavity search of black man

In a professional setting probably over 1000 and you, walking asshole???

I'm sorry, I did not know that you were smarter than anything posted on the internet or seen in real life by someone with their own eyes.

I guess being an asshole and working with assholes, on searches of assholes and has quite an effect on you. That explains your shitty attitude.
The shitty attitude comes from assorted assholes that are trying to justify the blatant disregard for citizen's Fourth Amendment Rights...are you trying to do that???

No. I am just questioning the evidence as presented, which does not justify the gross assumptions that people are making.
List one of these "assumptions"???

How about all of the accusations that were made by the attorneys, of which the videotape does not support?
I said be specific, name one accusation.
I'm sorry, I did not know that you were smarter than anything posted on the internet or seen in real life by someone with their own eyes.

I guess being an asshole and working with assholes, on searches of assholes and has quite an effect on you. That explains your shitty attitude.
The shitty attitude comes from assorted assholes that are trying to justify the blatant disregard for citizen's Fourth Amendment Rights...are you trying to do that???

No. I am just questioning the evidence as presented, which does not justify the gross assumptions that people are making.
List one of these "assumptions"???

How about all of the accusations that were made by the attorneys, of which the videotape does not support?
I said be specific, name one accusation.

They said the cops said "I'll get you for this one boy". When review of the video shows one of the passenger's actually says this to the cop.

They said there was a cavity search. Video does not show this.

There. You have 2 now
Any traffic Cop who would insert his/her unprotected fingers in the ass of a suspected drug dealer for a cheap narcotics arrest needs his/her head examined and any defense attorney who makes such allegations should be laughed outa town.

It wasnt unprotected so, like maybe find out the story first before commenting
The shitty attitude comes from assorted assholes that are trying to justify the blatant disregard for citizen's Fourth Amendment Rights...are you trying to do that???

No. I am just questioning the evidence as presented, which does not justify the gross assumptions that people are making.
List one of these "assumptions"???

How about all of the accusations that were made by the attorneys, of which the videotape does not support?
I said be specific, name one accusation.

They said the cops said "I'll get you for this one boy". When review of the video shows one of the passenger's actually says this to the cop.

They said there was a cavity search. Video does not show this.

There. You have 2 now
So..not only do you maintain that any action taken by a cop is legal, because he's a maintain that unless it happens on camera, it hasn't happened? You are the problem.
No. I am just questioning the evidence as presented, which does not justify the gross assumptions that people are making.
List one of these "assumptions"???

How about all of the accusations that were made by the attorneys, of which the videotape does not support?
I said be specific, name one accusation.

They said the cops said "I'll get you for this one boy". When review of the video shows one of the passenger's actually says this to the cop.

They said there was a cavity search. Video does not show this.

There. You have 2 now
So..not only do you maintain that any action taken by a cop is legal, because he's a maintain that unless it happens on camera, it hasn't happened? You are the problem.

If a cop says a guy went for his gun...and it's not on lefties never believe it.

But a career criminal says something happened...not on camera....and all of a sudden you all believe it.

Just say it. You lefties believe whatever testimony will be bad for the cops.
The cops were talking about Hemorrhoids. Where are hemorrhoids located? And if the cop was no where near the location of hemorrhoids then is that a common topic to discuss amongst cops?
The cops were talking about Hemorrhoids. Where are hemorrhoids located? And if the cop was no where near the location of hemorrhoids then is that a common topic to discuss amongst cops?
Why do you constantly have to keep making him look so stupid????
List one of these "assumptions"???

How about all of the accusations that were made by the attorneys, of which the videotape does not support?
I said be specific, name one accusation.

They said the cops said "I'll get you for this one boy". When review of the video shows one of the passenger's actually says this to the cop.

They said there was a cavity search. Video does not show this.

There. You have 2 now
So..not only do you maintain that any action taken by a cop is legal, because he's a maintain that unless it happens on camera, it hasn't happened? You are the problem.

If a cop says a guy went for his gun...and it's not on lefties never believe it.

But a career criminal says something happened...not on camera....and all of a sudden you all believe it.

Just say it. You lefties believe whatever testimony will be bad for the cops.
I'm not a lefty. And I don't trust or believe every utterance out of a cop's mouth. In fact, I'm more likely to disbelieve every utterance out of a cop's mouth. I'm sick of the militarized police, the shift in culture from "protect and serve" to "harass and collect", and the fact that they operate by an entirely different set of rules than anybody else (except politicians and judges).
Well...first off....the cops are morons for going near his ass. Gross. I never gave a fuck enough about dope to touch a filthy human like that. If it was a GUN that's different and would've been easier to detect.
Second.....the legality.

He "asked" for ID and guy gave it. Consent.
Paper tag. You can stop to verify ownership. thieves would just keep a blank paper tag and write a valid date on it. CAN'T get a ticket for a paper tag that's valid...but cops CAN stop you to verify that it's valid. You only need "reasonable suspicion" not "probable cause" to stop a car.

But back to the beginning.....fucking gross. Those idiot cops are simply too motivated. They won't be cops for very long.
Thank you.

The remaining question is where did these goons gather the impression they could just do something like that with impunity? That is a very important question because it seeks to expose the second demonic motivation in this insanely brutal act -- the first demon being the utterly demonic War On Drugs.

Police pull over and rape 2 cooperative innocents; they're just too motivated! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I can't believe it!

What rape? They searched a suspect and obviously an unusual object was found. I for one never would have gone that far because it's fucking gross.

Taken as a whole....considering the guys past is as a drug dealer...I bet most people would've thought he was hiding drugs.

Still....the story makes me want to vomit.
I doubt we'll be seeing this one on COPS.
It is legal or jails couldn't do it.
A lot of things are legal in a prison setting which are not otherwise legal -- such as cavity searching without substantial cause. You would not do well trying to convince a civil jury your mere suspicion that an otherwise innocent subject might be concealing drugs in his/her rectum justifies your arbitrarily performing an act of sodomy under duress.

Aww....ClosedCaption shocked that something he thought couldn't happen....happens. Criminals have hidden guns and knives in their assholes plenty of times. Cops have died sometimes from it too. Sorry if that busted your bubble. A simple Google search before you comment would save you lots of embarrassment.
This reasoning seeks to alter Procedure to require cops to probe the rectums of everyone they arrest for any offense.
Well...first off....the cops are morons for going near his ass. Gross. I never gave a fuck enough about dope to touch a filthy human like that. If it was a GUN that's different and would've been easier to detect.

Now Bux is saying the cops didnt go anywhere near his ass

Hey does this have to be explained??? It's Iike being under bed covers...or on top of them.

Cops routinely search outside the clothing to feel what's under it. Even the groin and ass area where animals like you hide your weapons and dope. NO DOUBT they did that. That's a fact.

But a CAVITY SEARCH is under the clothing...and penitrates the cavity.

Do I think they did that roadside?? Well...they said they didn't. Thug said they did. It was off camera.

I believe the guys who don't have extensive rap sheets. You believe the criminals. So be it.
So you are saying the cop felt a "hard object" in the area of the subject's rectum -- and let it go at that? Didn't go any further?

Wouldn't you say that is comparable to feeling an object in a pocket during a pat-down and letting it go at that rather than going into the pocket?
Well...first off....the cops are morons for going near his ass. Gross. I never gave a fuck enough about dope to touch a filthy human like that. If it was a GUN that's different and would've been easier to detect.

Now Bux is saying the cops didnt go anywhere near his ass

Hey does this have to be explained??? It's Iike being under bed covers...or on top of them.

Cops routinely search outside the clothing to feel what's under it. Even the groin and ass area where animals like you hide your weapons and dope. NO DOUBT they did that. That's a fact.

But a CAVITY SEARCH is under the clothing...and penitrates the cavity.

Do I think they did that roadside?? Well...they said they didn't. Thug said they did. It was off camera.

I believe the guys who don't have extensive rap sheets. You believe the criminals. So be it.
So you are saying the cop felt a "hard object" in the area of the subject's rectum -- and let it go at that? Didn't go any further?

Wouldn't you say that is comparable to feeling an object in a pocket during a pat-down and letting it go at that rather than going into the pocket?

Did you watch the video? Apparently not!
Well...first off....the cops are morons for going near his ass. Gross. I never gave a fuck enough about dope to touch a filthy human like that. If it was a GUN that's different and would've been easier to detect.

Now Bux is saying the cops didnt go anywhere near his ass

Hey does this have to be explained??? It's Iike being under bed covers...or on top of them.

Cops routinely search outside the clothing to feel what's under it. Even the groin and ass area where animals like you hide your weapons and dope. NO DOUBT they did that. That's a fact.

But a CAVITY SEARCH is under the clothing...and penitrates the cavity.

Do I think they did that roadside?? Well...they said they didn't. Thug said they did. It was off camera.

I believe the guys who don't have extensive rap sheets. You believe the criminals. So be it.
So you are saying the cop felt a "hard object" in the area of the subject's rectum -- and let it go at that? Didn't go any further?

Wouldn't you say that is comparable to feeling an object in a pocket during a pat-down and letting it go at that rather than going into the pocket? you know what a pat down is?
Well...first off....the cops are morons for going near his ass. Gross. I never gave a fuck enough about dope to touch a filthy human like that. If it was a GUN that's different and would've been easier to detect.

Now Bux is saying the cops didnt go anywhere near his ass

Hey does this have to be explained??? It's Iike being under bed covers...or on top of them.

Cops routinely search outside the clothing to feel what's under it. Even the groin and ass area where animals like you hide your weapons and dope. NO DOUBT they did that. That's a fact.

But a CAVITY SEARCH is under the clothing...and penitrates the cavity.

Do I think they did that roadside?? Well...they said they didn't. Thug said they did. It was off camera.

I believe the guys who don't have extensive rap sheets. You believe the criminals. So be it.
So you are saying the cop felt a "hard object" in the area of the subject's rectum -- and let it go at that? Didn't go any further?

Wouldn't you say that is comparable to feeling an object in a pocket during a pat-down and letting it go at that rather than going into the pocket? you know what a pat down is?

What was the reasonable suspicion in the OP's link?

Just say it. You lefties believe whatever testimony will be bad for the cops.
This emerging circumstance does not apply only to leftists, who admittedly are inclined to dislike authority (as did the rebellious American Colonials). The fact is an increasing number of contemporary Americans who ordinarily adhere to right-wing principles are beginning to view the police with a critical eye. The reason for this is the relatively recent progression of publicized police misconduct typically involving unnecessary and excessive force.

Most ordinary Americans want to respect and support their police. But the increasing flow of reported misconduct incidents, most of which are the result of increasingly available surveillance implements (dashboard cameras, camera phones, etc.), has substantially altered a formerly held impression in the public mind that the police were knights in shining armor who could do no wrong. This impression has been seriously eroded because of the stupidly unconstrained performance of a relatively small but conspicuous percentage of sadistic, often undisciplined racist goons, such as the players in the topic drama,

Compounding the emerging negative impression is the ("Thin Blue Line") tendency of virtually all cops to express support of and to justify or excuse even the most egregious examples of misconduct.

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