Video: White Trump supporter rips peaceful Latino protester's sign in half

The peaceful protester held a respectful sign when a pretty white girl who supports Trump ripped it in half. Watch video here:

In my opinion, we should respect other people's opinions without resorting to this type of behavior.

I agree with you but that bitch may have been the white equivalent of this had she put her hooves on my shit...
I used to think that the Right, at least, pretended to stand for the Constitution. That thought disappeared soon after I came to this board. Oh, they will rant and rave if anyone disrespects the flag, but they don't give a rat's ass about the Constitution, except their consistent advocacy of violating it.
Hey can anyone find out the swine behind that STUPID fucking getting racists fired garbage? Would love to harass the shit out of them. That is WHY I NEVER use my real name on FB or Twitter or ANYTHING ELSE. Not my personal name,my job,wife's name NOTHING
You gave a blow up doll a name???.lol.
It would be nice if the lefty protesters would just rip up signs, rather than shutting down streets, businesses and burning down businesses.
I used to think that the Right, at least, pretended to stand for the Constitution. That thought disappeared soon after I came to this board. Oh, they will rant and rave if anyone disrespects the flag, but they don't give a rat's ass about the Constitution, except their consistent advocacy of violating it.

It's amazing that as a person of the left you can say that with a straight face.
You guys invented the violent protesting in the streets.
Anytime something controversial happens in America, you can be sure there will be leftists in the streets destroying property.
She must be a rapist.

The irony is, by doing so she hands the sign holder actual physical evidence of the jackboot mentality that wants to shut people up. And that message will last all day.
She is being identified as Shelby Mueller, who attends Mercy College. She has allegedly deleted all her social media accounts since the incident occurred.
Racists Getting Fired
What is the point of identifying her an inviting the idiots from our side of this debate to harass her? She was 20. She was at a tailgate and seemed drunk. Opening her up to the kind of harassment she will assuredly receive serves no purpose. It is the kind of mentality that Trump represents.
She must be a rapist.

The irony is, by doing so she hands the sign holder actual physical evidence of the jackboot mentality that wants to shut people up. And that message will last all day.
She is being identified as Shelby Mueller, who attends Mercy College. She has allegedly deleted all her social media accounts since the incident occurred.
Racists Getting Fired
What is the point of identifying her an inviting the idiots from our side of this debate to harass her? She was 20. She was at a tailgate and seemed drunk. Opening her up to the kind of harassment she will assuredly receive serves no purpose. It is the kind of mentality that Trump represents.
Actually it serves a very important purpose which you would probably admit if she were of a different persuasion...
She must be a rapist.

The irony is, by doing so she hands the sign holder actual physical evidence of the jackboot mentality that wants to shut people up. And that message will last all day.
She is being identified as Shelby Mueller, who attends Mercy College. She has allegedly deleted all her social media accounts since the incident occurred.
Racists Getting Fired
What is the point of identifying her an inviting the idiots from our side of this debate to harass her? She was 20. She was at a tailgate and seemed drunk. Opening her up to the kind of harassment she will assuredly receive serves no purpose. It is the kind of mentality that Trump represents.
Actually it serves a very important purpose which you would probably admit if she were of a different persuasion...
And what different persuasion would that be? I am likely more liberal than you. I just see no point in trying to ruin this child's life over a poor decision.
She must be a rapist.

The irony is, by doing so she hands the sign holder actual physical evidence of the jackboot mentality that wants to shut people up. And that message will last all day.
She is being identified as Shelby Mueller, who attends Mercy College. She has allegedly deleted all her social media accounts since the incident occurred.
Racists Getting Fired
I can't wait till we have a website of all the traitors and race mixers and other assorted garbage like you that have been dealt with..Getting people fired for tearing up your 5$ sign is PATHETIC.

To that young woman CONGRATS! GOOD JOB! Find a nice white man and have lots of white babies! Stand strong and proud!
I am so happy to see that you are a RWr.
Awwwwwww......they're lucky no one's shooting at them.

quiet, loon

You encourage the destruction of our country and i'm the loon?
That makes you certifiable.

you rightwingnuthacks think everyone who isn't a rightwingnuthack is out to "destroy our country". Me? i think illiterate dolts like you are the problem.... certainly not the solution.

Living in a liberal bubble.......
Awwwwwww......they're lucky no one's shooting at them.

quiet, loon

You encourage the destruction of our country and i'm the loon?
That makes you certifiable.

you rightwingnuthacks think everyone who isn't a rightwingnuthack is out to "destroy our country". Me? i think illiterate dolts like you are the problem.... certainly not the solution.

Living in a liberal bubble.......

project much?
In my opinion, we should respect other people's opinions without resorting to this type of behavior.

Uh, then why are we ignoring Jorge Ramos? He clearly didn't respect Trump's opinion, because he had no qualms about interrupting a news conference to engage in activism, not journalism. When you condemn him, you can talk about "respecting other people's opinions."
Well we can always take shots at them as they come across the border. Wouldn't take long for the word to get out that if you try to cross the border illegally you will be shot at.

Sounds like a plan to me.

A plan that's been thought up before.
Know whose plan it was?


David Duke
David Duke, a true American patriot
Awwwwwww......they're lucky no one's shooting at them.

quiet, loon

You encourage the destruction of our country and i'm the loon?
That makes you certifiable.

you rightwingnuthacks think everyone who isn't a rightwingnuthack is out to "destroy our country". Me? i think illiterate dolts like you are the problem.... certainly not the solution.

Living in a liberal bubble.......

project much?

Yeah......project ile vomit after an overdose of liberal bullshit.
That's the kind of thing where some big bad beaner has every right to knock you right on your ass...

Yeah I thought the latina was going to put a foot in her ass.
The white girl has a hashtag and all now. #shelbymueller

To boot, as with all of you, you think one supporter represents them all. That's cute. Are stereotypes all you have? What does her being "white" have to do with it? Shouldn't we be focusing on her behavior and not her race?

Yeah, liberals never cease to amaze me with the ways they can insert racial arguments into irrelevant topics.

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